I am trying to figure out the formula / coding for to list out all the uniques and first appearance / instance similar to how the "Remove Duplicates" add on is able to do it but I want it to be automated.
The Countifs formula on 'Data4' page is able to find the word "test" 4 times with different capitalization (which is what I want it to do) and then the page '4 Warnings' takes that data and I want that page to be able to filter out the the 3 other variations of the word "test" and spit it out into another column. If I am able to achieve this then I can eliminate duplicates of the same name but with different capitalization on the page 'Issued Warnings' under the D column.
Here is a link to a test google sheet:
I would appreciate some help, please.
I have a google sheet with many tabs with data going horizontally.
I would like to create a formula that imports and transposes the data into a vertical list.
However, I want to be able to type in (or drop-down list) to select the tab which the transpose formula to look at. I cannot get anything to work. I have tried this
To add to that if it could use a lookup (vlookup or hlookup) to find the correct row to transpose then that would be great also.
I have set up a test sheet below. Please help. Many Thanks Tim https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Menn6Z1mLl8wYOrcdQFnfs7Lp0dbC9UJe1S3AQRcOS0/edit#gid=0
You should not use IMPORTRANGE to work with data that exists anywhere in the same spreadsheet. IMPORTRANGE is for use retrieving data from a separate spreadsheet.
Instead, delete your current Sheet1!A2 formula and replace it with this:
I also added a new sheet ("Erik Help") with an advanced formula that accomplishes your lookup using whatever is types in B1. If whatever is typed in B1 exists in Column A of the selected sheet, the results of that row will be retrieved. If no match is found, IFERROR will return "No Match Found."
That formula, in 'Erik Help'!A2:
=ArrayFormula(IFERROR(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(INDIRECT(A1&"!B"&VLOOKUP("*"&B1&"*",{INDIRECT(A1&"!A:A"),ROW(INDIRECT(A1&"!A:A"))},2,FALSE)&":"&VLOOKUP("*"&B1&"*",{INDIRECT(A1&"!A:A"),ROW(INDIRECT(A1&"!A:A"))},2,FALSE))),"Select * WHERE Col1 Is Not Null"),"No Match Found"))
My spreadsheet is collecting data from a form
On another tab I'm showing the responses that match "Lesson day" with "Today's date" (in the example, all the lessons are showed).
As you can see, the "e-mail" field is filled out only once.
Is there a way to automatically fill the "e-mail" field in the second tab? Maybe matching the "Student Code" with the "e-mail" fields in the first tab?
I've tried the MATCH() function but it returns only the position. I feel like I need to combine MATCH() with other functions but I have no idea about where to start
EDIT: Having the email adresses on another column would work too.
SOmething like: if the "Student Code" in the 2 tabs matches, show the email adress for that "Student code"
=ARRAYFORMULA(IFNA(VLOOKUP(D4:D, FILTER({form!E2:E, form!G2:G}, form!G2:G<>""), 2, 0)))
change form to match the sheet name of your form sheet
As suggested, I created an auxiliary table (just called Sheet7) and getting closer to the desired result
In A column I used
In column B I used
=INDEX(Lessons!A:M, MATCH(A2,Lessons!E:E,0),7)
Then, on my second spreadsheet, I could get all the e-mail adress using the following formula
=INDEX(Sheet7!A:B, MATCH(D4,Sheet7!A:A,0),2)
I've tried to use ArrayFormula on the auxiliary table
ARRAYFORMULA(if(A2:A="",,INDEX(Lessons!A:M, MATCH(A2:A,Lessons!E:E,0),7)))
But it doesn't work. It shows only the email adress matched from the cell A2, ignoring A3, A4,...
A different approach:
Make an extra column in your form responses sheet called "Student E-mail".(In this example it is column "I")
In row 2 of that column, write the following formula:
Use that column for the emails in your other tab (hide the original email column)
Using array formula, you don't have to manually drag & drop. And it keeps going as new rows are added.
Usually MATCH is combined with INDEX
You should build an auxiliary table with one column for names and another for ee-mails.
To build the auxiliary table from the collected data you could use something like this
The above is better than using a formula for each column as this prevent having mismatching data.
INDEX / MATCH usually doesn't return the "expected" results in an ARRAYFORMULA. Instead use VLOOKUP.
Please bear in mind that every time that you edit a value the formula will be recalculated. If you have a lot of formulas (like when doing a fill down to copy a formula to all the cells in a column) or having an ARRAYFORMULA with open ended references i.e. G2:G this could affect your spreadsheet performance.
If you go for using an ARRAYFORMULA, use ARRAY_CONSTRAIN to limit the number of rows returned by your formula.
How to map values between columns in worksheets
I have two questions.
1) I would like to reduce the number of observations in "location" from 5 to 1 for every country and get the corresponding values for the years in just one row. How do I do this?
Screenshot of dataset
2) I would like to merge this dataset with another one, where "location" is not defined by country code, but country name. How can I merge them?
collapse (min) YR*, by(location)
There is no straightforward way to do this. You need to make sure that both datasets contain a variable with the same values to merge on, so either 3-letter country codes or country names. You can try to find a dataset that contains both and merge it with one of your datasets. Another option is the user-written kountry which is made for these kinds of things. If you type search kountry in Stata, the first result will be package dm0038_1. If you click on it there will be a link to click on to install it.
I am completely stumped with an array formula that will not work. I have researched and tried many different things and continue to get the #N/A error. I am hoping someone here can help me understand.
I have a database of employee skills in a table named "Skills" with three columns. Employee ID, Type and Skill Picture of table
On another tab I am trying to run an Index Match array to filter employees that have certain skills. I would like to be able to use 1 or more criteria. For example employees that have the skill "Infor" and "syspro" The criteria is in cell A2 and C2
I am attempting to use the following formulas to do this and they are not working. And I am pressing ctrl+shift+enter
=INDEX(Skills[Employee ID],MATCH(1,($A$2=Skills[Skill]),0),1)
=INDEX(Skills[Employee ID],MATCH(1,($A$2=Skills[Skill])*($C$2=Skills[Skill]),0),1)
I would still recommend using a filter, but if it must be a formula, this should work for you. Change the A$3:A3 to the cell above where the formula will be posted (so this formula assumes it is going in cell A4 of the second sheet) and copy down:
=IFERROR(INDEX(Skills[Employee ID],MATCH(1,INDEX((COUNTIF(A$3:A3,Skills[Employee ID])=0)*(COUNTIFS(Skills[Employee ID],Skills[Employee ID],Skills[Skill],$A$2)+COUNTIFS(Skills[Employee ID],Skills[Employee ID],Skills[Skill],$C$2)=2),),0)),"")
I want to conditionally grab lines from a database-style spreadsheet in Google Spreadsheets (a list with a name, location, description, price) after checking the value with a vlookup - I've used this a while ago and expected it to CONTINUE an array across for the other columns next to the one 'looked up', but it seems my memory fails me here and it just retrieves the 'searched out' value.
=vlookup("Yes",'All 2014-15'!A2:G,2)
This formula basically finds the first value of the desired rows and should create a 'Selected items from 2014-15' list, but I can't work out how to expand it to produce a list of all the rows I want. Is there a simple way to retrieve this, I've tried playing with arrayformula but no success.
I can change the index simply to get the other values across, but if this could be filled out through an array too that would be preferable...?
Can you try this...
=FILTER('All 2014-15'!A2:G,'All 2014-15'!A2:A="Yes")
As suggested by Immx, added apostrophes to sheet name and the second range changed to A2:G to A2:A assuming the yes/no data is in A column.