I would be grateful for your help on the below.
I have two tables as per the image below, one on the left and one on the right.
Each row in the left table has "Genre" & "Age Years". Under the years 2020 to 2024 I want to pull in the % from the right had side table. There are two values it has to be equal to, the correct genre and be within the correct Age Years range.
Therefore if it was TV and Age Years was 3 it would return 10% but if it was TV and 4 years old it would return 3%
I have tried Vlookup and Index Match with little success.
If I understand correctly and in columns from 2020 to 2024 should have the same value for each genre and age, then it is enough to combine the HLOOKUP and MATCH functions in the array formula:
Array formula after editing is confirmed by pressing ctrl + shift + enter
so I used this array formula with INDEX MATCH:
Here is the thing, I was trying to display the price of the "entries" sheet on the "sales" sheet, the problem comes up when there are different prices for one "Code" or product over time. I tried to solve it with an Index Match formula (above) that matches the price of the code (product) with the month and the year but it doesn't assign the price or any value on the months between the updates of the price. see picture
example: for month 6 it should assign the price of month 5 because there is not any update or change. and the same for month 9 it should be the same e of the month 8 for that product. How can I do that?
Looks to me like it's throwing those errors because it won't be able to find these months. In all cases these months are missing, at least with your data, you could tell the formula to pick the maximum row from the data that is below or equal to your search month using MAX()
Furthermore, matching multiple criteria through concatenating cells and columns can get tricky once numeric values/dates are involves and could throw back wrong/unexpected results. Try something along these lines instead:
So the whole thing would look like:
Entered through CtrlShiftEnter
#JVDV answer was helpful, but it didn't work for me because it gives me a higher value instead of the latest price for the last month known not the next one.
Anyway looking at your formula, I finally came up with this:
The first part is my original formula but now when it throws an error applies the second INDEX which finds the price of the month before the month with no price in the data. Of course, it's isn't perfect either because I have to "update" the price at least every two months.
I tried another way with a <= sign but it didn't work either.
Imagine rows A2:A11 = name of customer, Columns B1:AE1 = days of the month.
To make it easy:
Daily, we tally if customers purchase (quantity) and separate them with a + to get the total of that day purchase. (example: on 2nd day of the month (C2:C5)
Abe =44+54+10
John =22+10+40
Sara =40
Also we need to count total “sales cases” of the whole day (in the above example it is 3+3+1+2)= 9 to show in the last row of the day. (B12 in this example)
The logic is something like
But I’m getting NA.
reminder: when there are no "+" signs & the value is more than zero, it should count as 1.
There is a trick to do this, which might end up a bit convoluted to achieve the end result you want
First, define a new name in Name Manager (in the Formula menu bar)
Name: FormulaText
Now if you have a formula in cell B3 of =10+20+30 enter =FormulaText in cell C3 and you will get the text version of the formula
You can now count + symbols in that formula using =LEN(C3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(C3,"+",""))
In your specific circumstances, I would offset all of this to the right of your spreadsheet, say by 35 columns, in which case you will need to change the definition of FormulaText accordingly.
A fair bit of set-up work, but the result should work automagically.
UPDATED screenshot after attempting #Dude_Scott's suggestion:
Desired output of data is in the blue table.
Our data includes users who have registered between 1989-2016.
All have registered at least once.
Some register every year and some skip years.
Our question is for each year, find how many years previous users registered.
We want results to be 0yr, 1yr, 2yr, 3yr, etc., for each year.
Arrays are working correctly.
I've organized the data structure in Excel this way:
1) UserID All Years
For year 1989, result is 0, since it was the first year of data collection.
For year 1990, this formula returns the expected count:
Beginning with year 1991 is where I am tripped up: I can't find for multiple years.
This formula is not working:
Where do I argue "COUNTIF 0 yr, 1 yr, 2 yr", etc. Thanks in advance. --f66
Since your using COUNTIF, I'm assuming you can use SUMPRODUCT also. In the below screen shot I am using this formula
=SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A$11=$D3)*($B$2:$B$11<=F$2))&" yr"
Without a sample of the workbook its a little difficult to determine what the output of your data should look like, but give it a go.
Side note, I would suggest updating the User ID and Years into a table format and giving it a named range, so you don't iterate though tens of thousands of lines with the array formula.
I may be reading this all wrong, but this seems to be a straightforward use case for a pivot table!
Select your data range
Set USERID as your row headings
Set YEARS as your column headings
Set count of USERID as your values
I do not use excel anymore, but below is a link to output for doing this with test data on google sheets.
I have the following ssrs matrix that I am building :
Sales(Rows) SalesData (Data)
My data looks something like this :
Jan Feb March
Sales 10 3 9
What I would like to do now is to find the difference between each of the rows to show
something like :
Jan Feb March
Sales 10 3 9
#change -7 6
In an ssrs table its a simple expression .
I do not know how I need to do it in a matrix since the Months Columns are generated dynamically
Please direct me..
Just wanted to add this to clarify :
This is how my matrix looks
Sales(Rows) SalesData (Data)
If you right click on the row group and put 'Add Total'
Then click on the area that they up the Total for you.
In the value section add an expression like: Fields!YourOtherFieldToCalculate.Value - Fields!YourFieldToCalculate.Value
If you are dealing with the same values you could add this
ReportItems!SomeTextBox.Value - ReportItems!SomeOtherTextBox.Value
(though I think you would have to add it into the footer)
With your new clarification I would go with Sam's use of Previous: though I would have used but his checks for nulls which is a good thing!
=Fields!Column.Value - Previous(Fields!Column.Value)
I'm building a report of case results with a parent-child grouping on the row group and single column grouping:
Parent Row Group: Location
Child Row Group: Result
Column Group: Month
Running across the report are months in the year, and running down the report are the location and the different result breakdowns for the location in the given month. Looks something like this:
Jan Feb Total
% # % # % #
Main Office
Pass ? 5 ? 6 55% 11
Fail ? 5 ? 4 45% 9
Total 10 10 20
Other Office
Pass ? 3 ? 2 25% 5
Fail ? 7 ? 8 75% 15
Total 10 10 20
I have everything working except for the percentage breakdowns as indicated by the question marks above. I can't seem to get that total (the 10 for each month/location set above) reflected into my expression caclulation. Any ideas on how to setup my groups and variables to properly render these percentages?
Here's my attempts so far:
Count(Fields!Result.Value, "dsResults") = 40
Count(Fields!Result.Value, "LocationRowGroup") = 20
Count(Fields!Result.Value, "ResultRowGroup") = 11 - (for the Main Office/January/Pass cell, which is the total for the whole year for that result)
Count(Fields!Result.Value, "MonthColumnGroup") = 20
SSRS gets the count correct on the total line right, so there must be a way to reproduce that scope within the data cells?
I sometimes work around annoying SSRS scope issues by pre-calculating my totals, subtotals and percentages. Take a look at this response (to a different post) for an example. I know it is unsatisfying, but it works: pre-calc values suggestion