Route Order With Multiple Dynamic Params - reactjs

My problem is that i cant figure out the best way to handle multiple dynamic params in a deep link without having to have it fully rely on the order of the Routes in the JSX
I'll start by outline the flow of my app.
List of Television Series -> user clicks series -> List of Episodes in Series -> user clicks episode -> Show stats about episode
after this flow, i want my path to be /series/:series_id/episode/:episode_id.
Currently i have this working by setting up my router basically like so:
<Route exact path="/series" component={SeriesLibrary} />
<Route path="/series/:series_id" component={EpisodeLibrary} />
but that is relying on the multi-dynamic path (the one with the series_id and episode_id) coming before the one that just has the series_id!
This is because even when the path is series/4356/episode/4567 it would match the series/4356 before ever rendering the Episode component.
Is there a better way for me to address the issue of multiple dynamic deep linked params in react router?
I feel like this cannot be best practice, relying strictly on the order of JSX elements for your app to work?

You can pass exact prop to to EpisodeLibrary:
<Route exact path="/series" component={SeriesLibrary} />
<Route exact path="/series/:series_id" component={EpisodeLibrary} />


React router V3 route does not match if I put one extra letter uppercase

So, I am using react router V3, and surprisingly one detail as little as one uppercase letter makes one route to not match. So this does worl:
<Route path=":paymentId" component={AccountBalance} />
While this doesn't produce any navigation
<Route path=":paymentID" component={AccountBalance} />
The difference is paymentID vs paymentId.
Reading react router v3 docs, there is nothing suggesting that this should happen
The route path must be lowercase, for example, you can use,
<Route path=":payment_id" ... />
for example, in javascript,
let helloWorld;
let HelloWorld;
are not equal, becouse theese variables were not written equal.

Nested React Router path to n level

I have a component called <TaskView> that renders some info about a specific task. My tasks are nested so that I would be able to navigate like so /task1/task1-1/task1-1-1... and so on for N (indefinitely).
How should I write a path that would resolve this url ?
To write a path for level 1 nested I would do: <Route path="/task/:p1" component={taskView} />, for level 2 I would do <Route path="/task/:p1/:p2" component={taskView} /> I don't know how deep the task structure would be, so how would I write a path for an undefined number of parameters ?
ReactRouter has a notion of non exact matches. It will attempt to find the best match so you don't need to define all these subroutes to mount the same components.
React : difference between <Route exact path="/" /> and <Route path="/" />
So actually you should be able to do
<Route path="/task/:p1" component={taskView} />
just fine.

How do I avoid rendering a component when another component in a similar path has already rendered when using URL params in React Router v4?

I'm trying to create RESTful routes for my application, but I'm having problems when it comes to routes with URL params.
Here are the routes that I want to have:
These is what my router looks like:
<Route exact path="/accounts" component={AccountsList} />
<Route exact path="/accounts/new" component={AccountCreate} />
<Route exact path="/accounts/edit" component={AccountUpdate} />
<Route exact path="/accounts/:id" component={AccountDetail} />
/accounts works fine, but when I go to /accounts/new or /accounts/edit, it also renders AccountDetail which is supposed to be located at /accounts/:id.
For the record, that I get that this is the correct behavior since /accounts/:id technically matches /accounts/new and /accounts/edit.
My question is if there's a way to make :id match with a specific pattern only (numbers only).
Try the < Switch> component of reactRouter.
Renders the first child < Route> or < Redirect> that matches the
I think it's exactly what you are looking for.

Match multiple path with react router v4

Given I have 2 path rendering the same component, how do I avoid to repeat route configs like this :
<Route path="/path1" component={MyComp} />
<Route path="/path2" component={MyComp} />
Best solution I found so far (but seems a bit strange) :
<Route path="/:path(path1|path2)" component={MyComp} />
<Route path={["/common-one", "/common-two"]} component={Common} />
For version 5 above
Great answer. This also helps in the following scenario:
<Route path="/path/path1" component={MyComp} />
<Route path="/path/:subpath(path2|path3)" component={MyAnotherComp} />
Without (path2|path3) both components MyComp and MyAnotherComp are mounted if the path is /path/path2.
PS. Would have added as a comment, but not eligible :).
If you need to allow multiple match (different parameters) but also without parameter - e.g. match URLs:
You can do this with optional parameter (note question mark after the bracket)
<Route path="/questions/:tab(posted|answered)?" component={...} />

How to use sub routes in react-router that match on query string or hash?

More examples are definitely needed in the docs for this but basically I am after something like this for example:
<Route path="/" component={CoreLayout}>
<IndexRoute component={IndexLayout} />
<Route path="foo/bar" component={MyComponent}>
<Route path="#baz=laa" component={SubComponent} />
I've tried importing history attribute and all sorts and cannot get it to match. Our issue is that we are building a new mobile site, keep the same paths as the desktop site, however we have some routes which are new on mobile and we want to add those using the hash.
If anybody has any ideas, would be much appreciated. Thanks
