In Swift, how does one assign Data to array of UInt32? - arrays

I have Swift code which reads a binary file representing a sequence of UInt32 values like this:
let fileData = binaryFile.readData(ofLength: 44)
guard fileData.count > 0 else { break }
let headerData = fileData.withUnsafeBytes {
Array(UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt32>(start: $0, count: 11))
let polyCount = headerData[1].bigEndian
let polyFlags = headerData[2].bigEndian
I'd not used the program containing this code for a while, but when returning to it recently, it still works as expected, but now gives a deprecation warning:
"withUnsafeBytes is deprecated: use withUnsafeBytes<R>(_: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R instead"
I've searched for quite a long time for an un-deprecated way to do this without success. There are many examples across the web (including in stackoverflow) but almost all of them written before this deprecation into effect. Frankly, I've fried my brain hunting and trying suggestions! I am prepared to accept that I'm missing something totally obvious ("If it's getting complicated, you're doing it wrong."), but I work in an environment where I have no colleagues to ask .. except here.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.

RamsayCons's own solution is nice, but what about the performance? I think, it could be better if we reduce all unnecessary operation.
extension Data {
func toArray<T>(type: T.Type) -> [T] where T: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
Array(unsafeUninitializedCapacity: self.count/MemoryLayout<T>.stride) { (buffer, i) in
i = copyBytes(to: buffer) / MemoryLayout<T>.stride
measured performance gain depends, but number of execution per second is at least doubled. Bigger the data, bigger advantage!

self.dataArray = data.withUnsafeBytes{ Array($0.bindMemory(to: UInt32.self))}

Well, letting some time pass restored brain function! I found an answer (in stackoverflow, of course):
round trip Swift number types to/from Data
some way into that question/answer is:
extension Data {
func toArray<T>(type: T.Type) -> [T] where T: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
var array = Array<T>(repeating: 0, count: self.count/MemoryLayout<T>.stride)
_ = array.withUnsafeMutableBytes { copyBytes(to: $0) }
return array
The trick is that Arrays are not necessarily stored in contiguous memory so simply copying enough bytes in order to the destination doesn't do it. I hope this helps the next person hunting with a fried brain!!


SwiftUI Large Array (over 30K elements) taking forever to iterate over

I'm so confused as to what's going on but basically, this is my code. Maybe I just am stupid or do not enough above swift or something but I feel like this should take less than a second, but it takes a very long time to iterate through (i added the CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent) because I wanted to see how long each assignment took and they take around 0.0008949041366577148 seconds each, but over the span of 30K that adds up obviously. This is just test code but what I'm really trying to do is implement Agglomerative Clustering using a single linkage in Swift, at first I thought that my algorithm was written poorly but then I just tried to iterate over an array like this and it still took a long time. Does anyone know what's up?
I'm also aware that printing out statements in the console takes time but even after removing these statements the onAppear closure still took a while to finish.
Also sorry this is my first time ever posting on Stack Overflow so if please let me know if I should write my posts a certain way in the future.
#State private var mat: [Double?] = Array(repeating: nil, count: 30000)
var body: some View {
.onAppear() {
for i in 0..<matrix.count {
let start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
mat[i] = 0
let diff = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - start
print("HAC_SINGLELINK.init TIME: \(diff), ROW \(i) of \(matrix.count)")
I believe the time is caused by the number of modifications you do to your #State variable, which cause a lot of overhead.
With your initial code, on my machine, it took ~16 seconds. With my modified code, which does all of the modifications on a temporary non-state variable and then assigns to #State once, it takes 0.004 seconds:
.onAppear() {
let start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
var temp = matrix
for i in 0..<temp.count {
temp[i] = 0
let diff = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - start
matrix = temp
print("HAC_SINGLELINK.init TIME: \(diff) \(matrix.count)")

Splitting string into array string.components(separtedBy: ",") consumes more time

I have text file which contains 18000 lines which have cities names. Each line has city name, state, latitude, longitude etc. Below is the function which does that, if i don't implement string.components(separtedBy: ", ") loading function is pretty fast but with it implemented it takes time which makes my UI freeze. What is the right way of doing it? Is string.components(separtedBy: ", ") that costly?
I profiled the app, this line is taking string.components(separtedBy: ", ") 1.45s out of 2.09s in whole function.
func readCitiesFromCountry(country: String) -> [String] {
var cityArray: [String] = []
var flag = true
var returnedCitiesList: [String] = []
if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: country, ofType: "txt") {
guard let streamReader = StreamReader(path: path) else {fatalError()}
defer {
while flag {
if let nextLine = streamReader.nextLine() {
cityArray = nextLine.components(separatedBy: ",") // this is the line taking a lot of time, without this function runs pretty fast
if (country == "USA") {
returnedCitiesList.append("\(cityArray[0]) , \(cityArray[1]) , \(cityArray[2])")
} else {
returnedCitiesList.append("\(cityArray[0]) , \(cityArray[1])")
} else {
flag = false
} else {
return returnedCitiesList
StreamReader used in the code can be found here. It helps to read file line by line
Read a file/URL line-by-line in Swift
This question is not about how to split the string into array Split a String into an array in Swift? , rather why splitting is taking more time in the given function.
NSString.components(separatedBy:) returns a [String], which requires that all of the pieces' content be copied, from the original string, and pasted into new-ly allocated stringss. This slows things down.
You could address the symptoms (UI freezing) by putting this work on a background thread, but that just sweeps the problem under the wrong (the inefficient copying is still there), and complicates things (async code is never fun).
Instead, you should consider using String.split(separator:maxSplits:omittingEmptySubsequences:), which returns [Substring]. Each Substring is just a view into the original string's memory, which stores the relevant range so that you only see that portion of the String which is modeled by the Substring. The only memory allocation happening here is for the array.
Hopefully that should be enough to speed your code up to acceptable levels. If not, you should combine both solutions, and use split off-thread.

Index out of Range - Swift

var truthArray = [Bool]()
func isStrictlyIncreasing(sameSequence: [Int]) {
var truthArray = [Bool]()
for i in 0 ... sameSequence.count-1{
if sameSequence[i]<sameSequence[i+1] {
else {
func almostIncreasingSequence(sequence: [Int]) -> Bool {
for i in 0 ... sequence.count-1 {
var sameSequence = sequence
let number = sequence[i]
sameSequence.remove(at: i)
isStrictlyIncreasing(sameSequence: sameSequence)
sameSequence.insert(number, at: i)
if truthArray.contains(true) {
return true
else {
return false
In this certain code challenge on CodeFights, you are asked to determine if removing one of the numbers in an array can be removed to leave a strictly increasing sequence.
The things I have tried to clear this error are switching the index beginning at 1 and readjusting the code that way, reducing and increasing the index bounds by 1, and this is probably my third time rewriting this code. But since my knowledge is strictly limited, I can't get very creative with my solution.
The problem I have right now is an index out of range. I know exactly what this means, except I don't know which line of code is causing the problem and why. I would very much appreciate hints more than a direct solution, as I am a beginner and this is a good learning experience.
Any and all help is appreciated! If I can add to this question with more details don't hesitate to tell me! :)
in if sameSequence[i]<sameSequence[i+1] you will get out of range always
If sameSequence size is 10, the for will be invoked from i=0 to i=9 (10 times). The last iteration will try to access sameSequence[10] and you will have an out of bounds exception.
You can fix it by changing the loop to for i in 0..<sameSequence.count-1 { } but consider that this could have an impact on your algorithm and your problem solution

String.withCString when the String is nil

The problem that'll be described relates to my previous question:
string.withCString and UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: cstring) wrapped into a function which was my first approach to handle nil Strings (by putting withCString into a function)
and to a question which Mecki asked:
Why can't I pass an optional Swift String to C function that allows NULL pointers?
Imagine there is a c-function like:
unsigned long randomSign(char *pin, char *tag_signature, char *tag_data, char *xyz);
I know that the function works correctly if I wrap 4 string.withCString closures around the corresponding swift function:
// pin, tag_signature, tag_data and xyz are optional Strings so they may be nil which is a problem for my result.
// corresponding swift function:
// randomSign(pin: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!, tag_signature: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!, tag_data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!, xyz: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!)
let result = pin.withCString { s1 in return
tag_signature.withCString {s2 in return
tag_data.withCString {s3 in return
xyz.withCString { s4 in return
randomSign(UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: s1), UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: s2), UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: s3), UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: s4))
And so Martin R replied to an easier example, that it is not needed to wrap the closures around randomSign(arguments) and UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ...) because it can also take the strings and converts it.
But when I drop the closures and use it as Martin R described, it worked at the first launch on the simulator directly after starting the mac, but on consecutive calls of the randomSign-Function the return would tell me that for example the tag_signature or the pin would be invalid (but it actually is valid and I don't know why?!).
This leads me to the problem that I need the withCString closures (at the moment) but I have to handle nil-Strings, which would result the app to crash when it shall return the result because it couldn't evaluate the randomSign-Function.
So I tried to fit the approach below (also suggested by #Martin R) to Swift 3, but I did not workout to adapt it.
//Swift-2 written by Martin R
protocol CStringConvertible {
func withCString<Result>(#noescape f: UnsafePointer<Int8> throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
extension String: CStringConvertible { }
extension Optional where Wrapped: CStringConvertible {
func withOptionalCString<Result>(#noescape f: UnsafePointer<Int8> -> Result) -> Result {
if let string = self {
return string.withCString(f)
} else {
return f(nil)
//Swift 3: ???
If anyone can tell me, why my function only works out when I use withCString but not when I dismiss it, I would be very grateful
and also if anyone knows how to solve the issue, i.e. correctly translating the swift-2 code to working swift-3 code.
The problem with
let result = randomSign(UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: pin),
UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: tag_signature),
UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: tag_data),
UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: xyz))
is that the temporary UTF-8 representation created from the Swift
strings is valid only during each call of UnsafeMutablePointer(),
but not necessarily still valid during the call of randomSign().
(So my final suggestion in
was actually not correct, I have updated that part).
A possible Swift 3 version of the wrapper in is
extension Optional where Wrapped == String {
func withOptionalCString<Result>(_ f: (UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?) -> Result) -> Result {
if let string = self {
return string.withCString { f(UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: $0)) }
} else {
return f(nil)
This handles both the optionality and casts the C string pointer
to a mutable pointer (as required by randomSign()). This can be
called as
let result = pin.withOptionalCString { s1 in
tag_signature.withOptionalCString { s2 in
tag_data.withOptionalCString { s3 in
xyz.withOptionalCString { s4 in
randomSign(s1, s2, s3, s4)
Remark: In theory, the problem can be avoided if the signature of randomSign() is changed to take const char * parameters:
unsigned long randomSign(const char *pin, const char *tag_signature, const char *tag_data, const char *xyz);
which one could then simply call as
let result = randomSign(pin, tag_signature, tag_data, xyz)
with optional or non-optional Swift strings.
However, this does currently not work, as reported in
SR-2814 Swift does not correctly pass in multiple optional strings to C function.

How do I move String values from an array to a tuple without copying?

I have a fixed size array of Strings: [String; 2]. I want to turn it into a (String, String). Can I do this without copying the values?
The piece of code that I'm working on in particular is the following:
let (basis, names_0, names_1) = if let Some(names) = self.arg_name {
(ComparisonBasis::Name, names[0], names[1])
} else {
(ComparisonBasis::File, self.arg_file[0], self.arg_file[1])
self.arg_name: Option<[String; 2]>
self.arg_file: Vec<String>
Right now I'm getting errors
cannot move out of type `[std::string::String; 2]`, a non-copy fixed-size array [E0508]
cannot move out of indexed content [E0507]
for the two arms of the if
You've omitted a fair amount of context, so I'm taking a guess at a few aspects. I'm also hewing a little closer to the question you asked, rather than the vaguer one implied by your snippets.
struct NeverSpecified {
arg_names: Option<[String; 2]>,
arg_file: Vec<String>,
impl NeverSpecified {
fn some_method_i_guess(mut self) -> (String, String) {
if let Some(mut names) = self.arg_names {
use std::mem::replace;
let name_0 = replace(&mut names[0], String::new());
let name_1 = replace(&mut names[1], String::new());
(name_0, name_1)
} else {
let mut names = self.arg_file.drain(0..2);
let name_0 ="expected 2 names, got 0");
let name_1 ="expected 2 names, got 1");
(name_0, name_1)
I use std::mem::replace to switch the contents of the array, whilst leaving it in a valid state. This is necessary because Rust won't allow you to have a "partially valid" array. There are no copies or allocations involved in this path.
In the other path, we have to pull elements out of the vector by hand. Again, you can't just move values out of a container via indexing (this is actually a limitation of indexing overall). Instead, I use Vec::drain to essentially chop the first two elements out of the vector, then extract them from the resulting iterator. To be clear: this path doesn't involve any copies or allocations, either.
As an aside, those expect methods shouldn't ever be triggered (since drain does bounds checking), but better paranoid than sorry; if you want to replace them with unwrap() calls instead, that should be fine..
Since Rust 1.36, you can use slice patterns to bind to all the values of the array at once:
struct NeverSpecified {
arg_names: Option<[String; 2]>,
arg_file: Vec<String>,
impl NeverSpecified {
fn some_method_i_guess(mut self) -> (String, String) {
if let Some([name_0, name_1]) = self.arg_names.take() {
(name_0, name_1)
} else {
let mut names = self.arg_file.drain(0..2);
let name_0 ="expected 2 names, got 0");
let name_1 ="expected 2 names, got 1");
(name_0, name_1)
See also:
Method for safely moving all elements out of a generic array into a tuple with minimal overhead
