arithmetic right shift shifts in 0s when MSB is 1 - c

As an exercise I have to write the following function:
multiply x by 2, saturating to Tmin / Tmax if overflow, using only bit-wise and bit-shift operations.
Now this is my code:
// xor MSB and 2nd MSB. if diferent, we have an overflow and SHOULD get 0xFFFFFFFF. otherwise we get 0.
int overflowmask = ((x & 0x80000000) ^ ((x & 0x40000000)<<1)) >>31;
// ^ this arithmetic bit shift seems to be wrong
// this gets you Tmin if x < 0 or Tmax if x >= 0
int overflowreplace = ((x>>31)^0x7FFFFFFF);
// if overflow, return x*2, otherwise overflowreplace
return ((x<<1) & ~overflowmask)|(overflowreplace & overflowmask);
now when overflowmask should be 0xFFFFFFFF, it is 1 instead, which means that the arithmetic bit shift >>31 shifted in 0s instead of 1s (MSB got XORed to 1, then shifted to the bottom).
x is signed and the MSB is 1, so according to C99 an arithmetic right shift should fill in 1s. What am I missing?
EDIT: I just guessed that this code isn't correct. To detect an overflow it suffices for the 2nd MSB to be 1.
However, I still wonder why the bit shift filled in 0s.
Example: x = 0xA0000000
x & 0x80000000 = 0x80000000
x & 0x40000000 = 0
XOR => 0x80000000
>>31 => 0x00000001
int msb = x & 0x80000000;
int msb2 = (x & 0x40000000) <<1;
int overflowmask = (msb2 | (msb^msb2)) >>31;
int overflowreplace = (x >>31) ^ 0x7FFFFFFF;
return ((x<<1) & ~overflowmask) | (overflowreplace & overflowmask);

Even on twos-complement machines, the behaviour of right-shift (>>) on negative operands is implementation-defined.
A safer approach is to work with unsigned types and explicitly OR-in the MSB.
While you're at it, you probably also want to use fixed-width types (e.g. uint32_t) rather than failing on platforms that don't meet your expectations.

0x80000000 is treated as an unsigned number which causes everything to be converted to unsigned, You can do this:
// xor MSB and 2nd MSB. if diferent, we have an overflow and SHOULD get 0xFFFFFFFF. otherwise we get 0.
int overflowmask = ((x & (0x40000000 << 1)) ^ ((x & 0x40000000)<<1)) >>31;
// this gets you Tmin if x < 0 or Tmax if x >= 0
int overflowreplace = ((x>>31)^0x7FFFFFFF);
// if overflow, return x*2, otherwise overflowreplace
return ((x<<1) & ~overflowmask)|(overflowreplace & overflowmask);
OR write the constants in negative decimals
OR I would store all the constants in const int variables to have them guaranteed signed.

Never use bit-wise operands on signed types. In case of right shift on signed integers, it is up to the compiler if you get an arithmetic or a logical shift.
That's only one of your problems though. When you use a hex integer constant 0x80000000, it is actually of type unsigned int as explained here. This accidentally turns your whole expression (x & 0x80000000) ^ ... into unsigned type because of the integer promotion rule known as "the usual arithmetic conversions". Whereas the 0x40000000 expression is signed int and works as (the specific compiler) expected.
All variables involved must be of type uint32_t.
All hex constants involved must be u suffixed.
To get something arithmetic shift portably, you would have to do
(x >> n) | (0xFFFFFFFFu << (32-n)) or some similar hack.


In C, how to set first eight bits of any sized int in a generic way

How do I set the first (least significant) eight bits of any integer type to all zeroes? Essentially do a bitwise AND of any integer type with 0x00.
What I need is a generic solution that works on any integer size, but not have to create a mask setting all the higher bits to 1.
In other words:
0xffff & 0x00 = 0xff00
0xaabbccddeeffffff & 0x00 = 0xaabbccddeeffff00
With bit shifts:
any_unsigned_integer = any_unsigned_integer >> 8 << 8;
The simplest solution works for all integer types on architectures with 2's complement representation for negative numbers:
val = val & ~0xff;
The reason is ~0xff evaluates to -256 with type int. Let's consider all possible types for val:
if the type of val is smaller than int, val is promoted to int, the mask operation works as expected and the result is converted back to the type of val.
if the type of val is signed, -256 is converted to type of val preserving its value, hence replicating the sign bit, and the mask is performed properly.
If the type of val is unsigned, converting -256 to this type produces the value TYPE_MAX + 1 - 256 that has all bits set except the 8 low bits, again the proper mask for the operation.
Another simple solution, that works for all representations of negative values is this:
val = val ^ (val & 0xff);
It requires storing the value into a variable to avoid multiple evaluation, whereas the first proposal can be applied to any expression with potential side-effects:
return my_function(a, b, c) & ~0xff;
The C not operator ~ will invert all the bits of a given value so, in order to get a mask that will clear only the lower eight bits:
int val = 123456789;
int other_val = val & ~0xff; // AND with binary 1111 ... 1111 0000 0000
val &= ~0xff; // alternative to change original variable.
If you have a wider (or thinner) type, the 0xff should be of the correct type, for example:
long val = 123456789L;
long other_val = val & ~(long)0xff;
val &= ~(long)0xff; // alternative to change original variable.
One way to do it without a creating a mask for the higher bits is to use a combination of the & and ^ operators: x = x ^ (x & 0xFF); (or, using compound assignment: x ^= x & 0xFF;).
Universal solution no mask, any number of bits
#define RESETB(val, nbits) ((val) ^ ((val) & ((1ULL << (nbits)) - 1)))
or even better
#define RESETB(val, nbits) ((val) ^ ((val) & ((nbits) ? ((nbits) >= sizeof(val) * CHAR_BIT ? ((1ULL << (sizeof(val) * CHAR_BIT)) - 1) : ((1ULL << (nbits)) - 1)) : 0)))

Constant time string equality test return value

Looking for a constant time string equality test I found that most of them use bit trickery on the return value. For example this piece of code:
int ctiszero(const void* x, size_t n)
volatile unsigned char r = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
r |= ((unsigned char*)x)[i];
return 1 & ((r - 1) >> 8);
What is the purpose of return 1 & ((r - 1) >> 8);? Why not a simple return !r;?
As mentioned in one of my comments, this functions checks if an array of arbitrary bytes is zero or not. If all bytes are zero then 1 will be returned, otherwise 0 will be returned.
If there is at least one non-zero byte, then r will be non-zero as well. Subtract 1 and you get a value that is zero or positive (since r is unsigned). Shift all bits off of r and the result is zero, which is then masked with 1 resulting in zero, which is returned.
If all the bytes are zero, then the value of r will be zero as well. But here comes the "magic": In the expression r - 1 the value of r undergoes what is called usual arithmetic conversion, which leads to the value of r to become promoted to an int. The value is still zero, but now it's a signed integer. Subtract 1 and you will have -1, which with the usual two's complement notation is equal to 0xffffffff. Shift it so it becomes 0x00ffffff and mask with 1 results in 1. Which is returned.
With constant time code, typically code that may branch (and incur run-time time differences), like return !r; is avoided.
Note that a well optimized compiler may emit the exact same code for return 1 & ((r - 1) >> 8); as return !r;. This exercise is therefore, at best, code to coax the compiler input emitting constant time code.
What about uncommon platforms?
return 1 & ((r - 1) >> 8); is well explained by #Some programmer dude good answer when int is 8-bit 2's complement - something that is very common.
With 8-bit unsigned char, and r > 0, r-1 is non-negative and 1 & ((r - 1) >> 8) returns 0 even if int is 2's complement, 1's complement or sign-magnitude, 16-bit, 32-bit etc.
When r == 0, r-1 is -1. It is implementation define behavior what 1 & ((r - 1) >> 8) returns. It returns 1 with int as 2's complement or 1's complement, but 0 with sign-magnitude.
// fails with sign-magnitude (rare)
// fails when byte width > 8 (uncommon)
return 1 & ((r - 1) >> 8);
Small changes can fix to work as desired in more cases1. Also see #Eric Postpischil
By insuring r - 1 is done using unsigned math, int encoding is irrelevant.
// v--- add u v--- shift by byte width
return 1 & ((r - 1u) >> CHAR_BIT);
1 Somewhat rare: When unsigned char size is the same as unsigned, OP's code and this fix fail. If wider math integer was available, code could use that: e.g.: return 1 & ((r - 1LLU) >> CHAR_BIT);
That's shorthand for r > 128 or zero. Which is to say, it's a non-ASCII character. If r's high bit is set subtracting 1 from it will leave the high bit set unless the high bit is the only bit set. Thus greater than 128 (0x80) and if r is zero, underflow will set the high bit.
The result of the for loop then is that if any bytes have the high bit set, or if all of the bytes are zero, 1 will be returned. But if all the non-zero bytes do not have the high bit set 0 will be returned.
Oddly, for a string of all 0x80 and 0x00 bytes 0 will still be returned. Not sure if that's a "feature" or not!

Concatenate two unsigned chars to be one uint16_t

I'm trying to right something that will take two unsigned chars and grab the 4 lower bits of one and concatenate that on to the front of the other 8 bits.
x = 01234567
y = 23458901
doBitWise = 890101234567
Is an example of what I'm looking for.
unsigned char x = someNumber;
unsigned char y = someNumber;
uint16_t result = (x & (1 << 4) - 1) | (y);
But that gives me a warning saying the result is going to be bigger than a uint16_t? Am I missing something?
The warning is because there is arithmetic conversions happening in the expression uint16_t result = (x & (1 << 4) - 1) | (y);. Here (1<<4)-1 will have type int, and x is of type unsigned char, according to the rules of conversion, the result will be of type int, which does not fit into a uint16_t on your platform.
Reference, c11 std on Usual arithmetic conversions:
Otherwise, if the type of the operand with signed integer type can represent
all of the values of the type of the operand with unsigned integer type, then
the operand with unsigned integer type is converted to the type of the
operand with signed integer type.
To get the 4 lower bit of x, use x & 0xF. Also cast it to uint16_t before applying the shift operation,
uint16_t result = (uint16_t)(((x & 0xF) << 8) | y);
This will put the lower 4 bit of x ahead of y. The expression you used will or lower 4 bits of x with y, it does not do what you want.
Thats what Im wanting to do, just take the last 4 bits of y and put it with all of x. Making a 12 bit result
x = 01234567
y = 23458901
doBitWise = 890101234567
In that case, you should left shift the y by 8, and mask the front 4 bits:
uint16_t result = (((unsigned short)y << 8) & 0xF00) | x; //result will be casted to uint16_t
Note: be careful of the operator precedence. + comes before <<, thus parentheses is needed
Note 2: to prevent undefined behavior when int is 16-bit and to ensure that the result of y << 8 will be having at least 16-bit, explicit casting to unsigned short is added (since y is originally unsigned char). Besides, the inserting of x is using bitwise OR operator |.
As others have said the problem here is that before doing arithmetic, narrow integer types are converted to int, a signed type. But the solution to that should be much simpler, just force unsigned arithmetic:
uint16_t result = (x & (1U << 4) - 1U) | (y);
Here, the literals are unsigned, so is then the result of the <<, &, - and then | operators. This is because these operators, if presented with int and unsigned always do a conversion of the int part to unsigned.
For the final conversion from unsigned to uint16_t, this always well defined by modulo arithmetic and no sane compiler should complain about this.

How to find the nth bit of an integer in C

I've got an assignment where I need to convert from an 8 bit sign magnitude number to two's complement and then add those two numbers. I've got a relatively good idea as to how to do this, however I can't work out how to find the eighth bit of an integer such that I can tell what sign the number has.
The overall idea is that should the sign bit be 0 just return the number as it is already in two's complement if it is a one though then I want to set it to 0 before inverting all bits with the ~ operator and then add 1.
Thanks in advance
You can check if the high bit is set by creating a mask that has just that bit set and using a logical AND to see if the result is non-zero.
Once you know the high bit is set, you can convert to twos complement by flipping all bits and adding one.
uint8_t x = (some value)
if (x & (1 << 7)) {
printf("sign bit set\n");
x = (uint8_t)((~(x & (0x7F))) & 0xFF) + 1;
printf("converted value: %02X\n", x);
Then you can add this number to any other normally.
Assuming that your computer/compiler uses two's complement (almost certainly the case) and assuming that you want the result to be in two's complement.
Use an uint8_t to hold the sign and magnitude number.
To check if a bit is set, use the bitwise AND operator &, together with a bit mask corresponding to the msb. To get a bit mask corresponding to bit n, left shift the value 1 n times. In C code:
#define SIGN (1 << 7)
uint8_t sm = ...;
if(sm & SIGN) // if non-zero, then the SIGN bit is set
else // it was zero, the SIGN bit is not set
To do the actual conversion, there are several ways. I simply would mask out and copy the relevant parts of the number, again with bitwise AND:
#define MAGNITUDE 0x7F
int8_t magnitude = sm & MAGNITUDE; // variable magnitude is two's compl.
EDIT complete solution (since someone already posted one):
#define SIGN (1 << 7)
#define MAGNITUDE 0x7F
uint8_t sm = ...;
int8_t twos_compl = sm & MAGNITUDE;
if(sm & SIGN) // if non-zero, then the SIGN bit is set
twos_compl = -twos_compl;
int8_t x = ...; // some other number in two's complement
int16_t result = twos_compl + x;
As a side note, be very careful when mixing the ~ operator with small integer types, because it performs an implicit integer promotion. For example uint8_t x = 1 and then ~my_uint8 gives you 0xFFFFFFFE (32 bit system) and not 0xFE as you might expect.
For the above task, there is no need to use ~ at all.

How to represent negation using bitwise operators, C

Suppose you have 2 numbers:
int x = 1;
int y = 2;
Using bitwise operators, how can i represent x-y?
When comparing the bits of two numbers A and B there are three posibilities. The following assumes unsigned numbers.
A == B : All of the bits are the same
A > B: The most significant bit that differs between the two numbers is set in A and not in B
A < B: The most significant bit that differs between the two numbers is set in B and not in A
Code might look like the following
int getDifType(uint32_t A, uint32_t B)
uint32_t bitMask = 0x8000000;
// From MSB to LSB
for (bitMask = 0x80000000; 0 != bitMask; bitMask >>= 1)
if (A & bitMask != B & bitMask)
return (A & bitMask) - (B & bitMask);
// No difference found
return 0;
You need to read about two's complement arithmetic. Addition, subtraction, negation, sign testing, and everything else are all done by the hardware using bitwise operations, so you can definitely do it in your C program. The wikipedia link above should teach you everything you need to know to solve your problem.
Your first step will be to implement addition using only bitwise operators. After that, everything should be easy. Start small- what do you have to do to implement 00 + 00, 01 + 01, etc? Go from there.
You need to start checking from the most significant end to find if a number is greater or not. This logic will work only for non-negative integers.
int x,y;
//get x & y
unsigned int mask=1; // make the mask 000..0001
mask=mask<<(8*sizeoF(int)-1); // make the mask 1000..000
if(x & mask > y & mask)
{printf("x greater");break;}
else if(y & mask > x & mask)
{printf("y greater");break;}
mask=mask>>1; // shift 1 in mask to the right
Compare the bits from left to right, looking for the leftmost bits that differ. Assuming a machine that is two's complement, the topmost bit determines the sign and will have a flipped comparison sense versus the other bits. This should work on any two's complement machine:
int compare(int x, int y) {
unsigned int mask = ~0U - (~0U >> 1); // select left-most bit
if (x & mask && ~y & mask)
return -1; // x < 0 and y >= 0, therefore y > x
else if (~x & mask && y & mask)
return 1; // x >= 0 and y < 0, therefore x > y
for (; mask; mask >>= 1) {
if (x & mask && ~y & mask)
return 1;
else if (~x & mask && y & mask)
return -1;
return 0;
[Note that this technically isn't portable. C makes no guarantees that signed arithmetic will be two's complement. But you'll be hard pressed to find a C implementation on a modern machine that behaves differently.]
To see why this works, consider first comparing two unsigned numbers, 13d = 1101b and 11d = 1011b. (I'm assuming a 4-bit wordsize for brevity.) The leftmost differing bit is the second from the left, which the former has set, while the other does not. The former number is therefore the larger. It should be fairly clear that this principle holds for all unsigned numbers.
Now, consider two's complement numbers. You negate a number by complementing the bits and adding one. Thus, -1d = 1111b, -2d = 1110b, -3d = 1101b, -4d = 1100b, etc. You can see that two negative numbers can be compared as though they were unsigned. Likewise, two non-negative numbers can also be compared as though unsigned. Only when the signs differ do we have to consider them -- but if they differ, the comparison is trivial!
