Link a makefile for using SDL librarie - c

I'm learning using the SDL librarie, with a french site.
This is the tuto :
"There may be some of you who have gotten into the habit of compiling by hand under Linux using a Makefile (file controlling compilation).
If this is your case, I invite you to download a Makefile which you can use to compile SDL projects.
The only thing a little special is the addition of the SDL library for the linker (LDFLAGS). You will have to download the Linux version of the SDL and install it in your compiler folder"
I've found my gcc folder in /usr/bin/gcc , but when I want to move the makefile to this folder, the error is :
mv: cannot move 'makefile_sdl' to '../usr/bin/makefile_sdl': Permission denied
There it is my make file, maybe something's wrong or missing (i'm a beginner ahah)
CPP=gcc #compiler command
CFLAGS=-O3 #Option d'optimisation du programme
LDFLAGS=-lSDL -lSDL_mixer #Linker
EXEC=nomProgramme #Nom du programme à modifier
all: ${EXEC}
${EXEC}: ${EXEC}.o
${CPP} $(CFLAGS) -o ${EXEC} ${EXEC}.o ${LDFLAGS}
${EXEC}.o: ${EXEC}.c
${CPP} $(CFLAGS) -o ${EXEC}.o -c ${EXEC}.c

You don't need to (and shouldn't) move the makefile to /usr/bin.
You can put it anywhere, but things will be easier if it's in the same directory as your source code (nomProgramme.c).

You need to name your Makefile Makefile. Case sensitive, make sure to check for spelling errors, etc. You also need to be in the same directory as Makefile when you run make.
You should also just run make without any specified targets. It will automatically build the all target, which will build your program into an executable called nomProgramme.
You'll also need to install libsdl-mixer1.2-dev (sudo apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.2-dev and change EXEC=main back to EXEC=nomProgramme.
Here's a link to the GNU make documentation. It gives a quick overview and then a very detailed explanation of everything you can do with GNU make:

to answer the OPs question:
the directory /usr/bin is not writable via user (like yourself).
However, executing a command line that is prefixed with sudo (giving you 'root' privileges) will enable you to write on that directory.
However, /usr/bin is intended for executable files and Makefile_sdl is NOT an executable file
Suggest saving that file 'somewhere' Then when you want to use that makefile, to copy it to the directory where your current project is located (I.E. the directory in which you want to run make
However, Makefile_sdl is not one of the standard file names recognized by make so must run make via:
make -f Makefile_sdl


Can not find linux/modversions.h

I am trying to install the driver for a serial device, and when I run the installation executable I get this error:
cc -DLINUX -c -DMODVERSIONS -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -m64 -mcmodel=kernel -I/usr/src/linux-3.8.0-27-generic/include -I/usr/src/linux-2.4/include -I/usr/src/linux/include -D__SMP__ npreal2.c
npreal2.c:40:31: **fatal error: linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory**
compilation terminated.
I don't find any solutions to this after searching the forums. I noticed that there is a modversions.h in the /usr/src/linux-3.8.0-27-generic/include/config , but not in the linux folder.
Please help!
Try passing -I /usr/src/linux-3.8.0-27-generic/include/config as an argument to make?
Check if the header is a part of a certain package and update the package.
You can compile modversions on your system by navigating to the linux directory (usually usr/src/linux). Inside the linux source directory, there should be a file called Rules.make. Inside this make file are build commands for making modversions.h. You can make it by running:
make update-modverfile
Now, while this will make the modversions.h library, if you compile it with a newer compiler than the libraries that this file relies on, many times you will get an error when trying to run a program that uses this header. This then turns into a nightmare.
Another method, I tried it successfully with Xubuntu 13.10:
Open /etc/default/grub
Add this Line and save it.
(no, sudo update-grub,ok)
open a terminal window, enjoy.
locate modversions.h
(Please don't forget modversion'S')

How to compile makefile using MinGW?

I'm new to this. Just wanted to ask how to compile a makefile. I am using MinGW compiler in C language. Do I have to save all my files in MinGW\bin? because right now my files are in a different directory.
Appreciate the help.
Excerpt from
What's the difference between make and mingw32-make?
The "native" (i.e.: MSVCRT dependent) port of make is lacking in some functionality and has modified functionality due to the lack of POSIX on Win32. There also exists a version of make in the MSYS distribution that is dependent on the MSYS runtime. This port operates more as make was intended to operate and gives less headaches during execution. Based on this, the MinGW developers/maintainers/packagers decided it would be best to rename the native version so that both the "native" version and the MSYS version could be present at the same time without file name collision.
So,look into C:\MinGW\bin directory and first make sure what make executable, have you installed.(make.exe or mingw32-make.exe)
Before using MinGW, you should add C:\MinGW\bin; to the PATH environment variable using the instructions mentioned at
Then cd to your directory, where you have the makefile and Try using mingw32-make.exe or simply make.exe on executables in C:\MinGW\bin).
If you want a GUI based solution, install DevCPP IDE and then re-make.
You have to actively choose to install MSYS to get the make.exe. So you should always have at least (the native) mingw32-make.exe if MinGW was installed properly. And if you installed MSYS you will have make.exe (in the MSYS subfolder probably).
Note that many projects require first creating a makefile (e.g. using a configure script or automake .am file) and it is this step that requires MSYS or cygwin. Makes you wonder why they bothered to distribute the native make at all.
Once you have the makefile, it is unclear if the native executable requires a different path separator than the MSYS make (forward slashes vs backward slashes). Any autogenerated makefile is likely to have unix-style paths, assuming the native make can handle those, the compiled output should be the same.
I have MinGW and also mingw32-make.exe in my bin in the C:\MinGW\bin . same other I add bin path to my windows path. After that I change it's name to make.exe . Now I can Just write command "make" in my Makefile direction and execute my Makefile same as Linux.
First check if mingw32-make is installed on your system.
Use mingw32-make.exe command in windows terminal or cmd to check,
else install the package mingw32-make-bin.
then go to bin directory default ( C:\MinGW\bin) create new file make.bat
#echo off
"%~dp0mingw32-make.exe" %*
add the above content and save it
set the env variable in powershell
then compile the file
make hello
where hello.c is the name of source code
Please learn about automake and autoconf. is processed by automake to generate a Makefile that is processed by make in order to build your sources.
I found a very good example here:
It is a simple Hello.c (you can use c++ with g++ instead of gcc) using the MinGW on windows.
The Makefile looking like:
EXECUTABLE = src/Main.cpp
CC = "C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe"
LDFLAGS = -lgdi32
src = $(wildcard *.cpp)
obj = $(src:.cpp=.o)
all: myprog
myprog: $(obj)
.PHONY: clean
del $(obj) $(EXECUTABLE)

Eclipse can't run my Makefile

I'm writing a C project in Eclipse and while trying to run it I get the following error message:
(Cannot run program "make": Launching failed)
My Makefile is:
all : GenericHashTable.o TableErrorHandle.o
gcc -Wall GenericHashTable.o TableErrorHandle.o -o all
GenericHashTable.o : GenericHashTable.c GenericHashTable.h TableErrorHandle.h
gcc -Wall -c GenericHashTable.c -o GenericHashTable.o
TableErrorHandle.o : TableErrorHandle.c TableErrorHandle.h
gcc -Wall -c TableErrorHandle.c -o TableErrorHandle.o
clean :
rm all *.
Is the formatting broken in your makefile or in your question? Commands on the line below the target & dependencies. Does this makefile work from the command line?
Assuming the makefile is correct check the obvious things such as ensuring Eclipse can see your toolchain. Perhaps it can't even find the make command or you haven't set it from preferences.
Also the CDT offers a managed makefile and a standard (manual) makefile. The managed means Eclipse will create the makefile for you. The standard makefile is a makefile you are responsible for writing. Perhaps if your project is simple you should use the managed makefile to save yourself the hassle of writing one.
You can try the internal builder from eclipse:
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build
There (in the top level of C/C++ Build) you find Builder Settings->Builder Type which you set to Internal Builder. This way CDT does not require an external make command.
Either use the internal builder as "Turbo J" already suggested or make shure 'make' is in your PATH.
You can set the PATH for the build process in the Project-Properties in 'C/C++ Build -> Environment' - click "Select..", choose PATH and then change it by adding the correct path for the 'make' command.
This way you can also set the PATH of your compiler - that may be necessary if you use the Internal Builder.

First C programm - need help with eclipse

I have install the C/C++ CDT Version of Eclipse. After making a HelloWorld.c file and get the code in there I get an error of "Launch failed. Binary not found".
I found in google that my Eclipse miss the compiler and I install MinGW on my computer and add the path to env variables (tested it with "gcc -v" in cmd and succeded).
1) I can build now, but have no idea how to make a MAKEFILE. - I Read 10 tutorials but don't understand it - ideas?
2) I can build, but not run, I get "Launch failed. Binary not found" - ideas?
Found the error: I never maked a ".c" file -.- after renaming it - works fine.
Revised answer: If you want to avoid writing a real makefile, you can write something like this:
gcc *.c -o runme.exe
You need to specify the binary which gcc outputs (gcc [..] -o <this one>) in the run settings (in the previous example, it should point to runme.exe). Go to Run->Run Configurations, and under C/C++ Application browse and look for runme.exe.
I would, however, strongly advise you to seriously learn about makefile. The beauty of makefiles is that you can use very little features at first and use more and more as you go on (as you saw, writing a "dummy" file was very quick). At first I suggest you write something a bit more "clever" than what I gave you above. Here's a nice tutorial and an example:
all: hello
hello: main.o factorial.o hello.o
g++ main.o factorial.o hello.o -o hello
main.o: main.cpp
g++ -c main.cpp
factorial.o: factorial.cpp
g++ -c factorial.cpp
hello.o: hello.cpp
g++ -c hello.cpp
rm -rf *o hello
all is what compiles at default. What comes before the : are rule names and after it are the dependencies. i.e, to compile all you need to compile hello (though only if it's been updated), and so forth. the line below the rule is the command to compile. I hope this helps. Please read the tutorial, Makefiles are important.
Add the directory that gcc resides in (C:\MinGW\bin or whatever) to your PATH environment variable and restart Eclipse (important!). This is the process in XP: That should sort it out.
1 I suggest you to take a look at this:
It's a basic gmake tutorial and should be enough to get you started. But right now, for single file project, I suggest you to just skip creating Makefiles and doing in the command prompt:
gcc -o helloworld.exe helloworld.c
And running your executable in the prompt. You can worry about Makefiles later in your learning curve.
2 How did you setup your project?
Make sure you've got a binary parser selected when you bring up properties for the project. At least in my install, none were checked by default. I needed to check Mach-O 64 parser; you'll need to pick one based on what you're doing. I picked this up from
I didn't have a binary parser selected, and that seems to mean that CDT can't find anything that it recognizes as a binary. It meant in my case that I just got the "Launch failed. Binary not found" message, even though I specified the exact binary, including a fully-qualified path, in the run/debug configurations.
This has nothing to do with builds, just running/debugging. If you're having a problem building, this probably is irrelevant.

Makefile in Windows

I have a folder named 'X'. In X I have two subfolders: src and include.
The src folder contains a C file main.c, and the include folder contains a file main.h.
I want to write a makefile to build these files(from folder X) in windows command prompt.
I have tried a lot but with no effect.
First of all I need the make file format in Linux for this, and once I have that i will do that in Windows.
Can anybody help me in doing this?
Try the following links, in there you'll find the format, and basically all that you need to build your Makefile:
Once you've made your Makefile, you can use MinGW's mingw32-make - A Windows native build of GNU make.
Open the folder (X) in file explorer.
Right click anywhere > new > text document.
Right click on the file > rename > remove .txt extension.
Open up the makefile with your favorite text editor.
You can use NMake, which is the windows alternative do Linux make. It is a command-line tool included with Visual Studio.
Although the syntax is very similar, you will find some differences. So the makefile that works on Linux may not work directly with NMake in windows.
In Linux, these lines for example:
gcc -c main.cpp -o main.o
gcc -o app main.o -lstdc++
In Windows, probably should be changed to:
cl.exe /c main.cpp /Fomain.o
link.exe /OUT:app.EXE main.o
So the makefile require edition to work with NMAKE in windows.
To use the makefile "as is", you should try a tool to mimic Linux commands in Windows, like Cygwin.
