How do I free this structure in C? - c

I have this project for college where I have to create a library that processes the options of an executable from the terminal.
I created this struct options_s :
typedef struct option_s option_t;
struct option_s {
char* keyword;
enum {
} spec;
union {
void (*opt_void)();
void (*opt_int)(int);
void (*opt_str)(const char*);
void (*opt_float)(float);
} fct;
option_t* next;
Each option type variable will hold a function that takes as a parameter an int, a float, a string or nothing. The keyword is the identifier of an option in the terminal and is for example "-o" and precedes the value that will be passed to the function.
This is how i initialize an option that takes and int as parameter :
option_t* c_null(option_t* l, const char* kw){
l = (option_t*) malloc (sizeof(option_t));
l->keyword = (char*) malloc (strlen(kw) + 1);
strcpy(l->keyword, kw);
l->next = NULL;
return l;
option_t* common(option_t* l, const char* kw){
while(l->next != NULL) l = l->next;
l->next = (option_t*) malloc (sizeof(option_t));
l->next->keyword = (char*) malloc (strlen(kw) + 1);
strcpy(l->next->keyword, kw);
l->next->next = NULL;
return l->next;
option_t* opt_int(option_t* l, const char* kw, void (*f)(int)){
if(l == NULL){
l = c_null(l, kw);
l->spec = OptInt;
l->fct.opt_int = f;
return l;
option_t* o = common(l, kw);
o->spec = OptInt;
o->fct.opt_int = f;
return l;
I am having problems with freeing the options. I wrote this function for that :
void opt_delete(option_t* l){
if(l->next != NULL) opt_delete(l->next);
This doesn't seem to work. Even after running an option that takes in a string through this function, doing opt->fct.opt_str("foo"); will still print "foo".
What might be the problem in my code?

The free() function doesn't clean the memory, it only deallocates the memory from the process and let the space deallocated free to be reallocated by another malloc().
This means that if you try to access to a piece of memory deallocated, you can find the last value you have written in. However this is only lucky case, because the access to an area of memory deallocated or not allocated, is an Undefined Behaviour.
This Question can help you: How do malloc() and free() work?


Abort trap 6 malloc

I am trying to make an implementation of an n-ary tree in C. When running it I get the following error:
sibling(1143,0x7fff7e925000) malloc: *** error for object 0x7f946b4032c8: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap: 6
I am unsure what is causing the error. As it says it seems that I am writing to an object that was freed. But in my code I do not free any of the memory allocated. I am new to c to this confused me very much. I tried debugging with gdb and it says the error is caused by the printTree(); call in main where I am recursively trying to print the tree. Hope you can help me understand the issue :-).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
char *name;
unsigned int utility;
unsigned int probability;
} Child;
typedef struct {
unsigned int level;
unsigned int player;
unsigned int nChildren;
Child *children;
} Data;
typedef struct sNaryNode{
Data *data;
struct sNaryNode *kid;
struct sNaryNode *sibling;
} NaryNode;
NaryNode* createNode(Data data){
NaryNode *newNaryNode = malloc(sizeof (NaryNode*));
newNaryNode->sibling = NULL;
newNaryNode->kid = NULL;
newNaryNode->data = &data;
return newNaryNode;
NaryNode* addSibling(NaryNode* n, Data data){
if(n == NULL) return NULL;
n = n->sibling;
return (n->sibling = createNode(data));
NaryNode* addChild(NaryNode* n, Data data){
if(n == NULL) return NULL;
else if(n->kid)
return addSibling(n->kid, data);
return (n->kid = createNode(data));
void printTree(NaryNode* n) {
if(n == NULL) return;
if(n->sibling) {
printf("%u %u %u %u %u %s", n->data->level, n->data->player, n->data->nChildren, n->data->children[0].probability, n->data->children[0].utility, n->data->children[0].name);
else if(n->kid) {
printf("%u %u %u %u %u %s", n->data->level, n->data->player, n->data->nChildren, n->data->children[0].probability, n->data->children[0].utility, n->data->children[0].name);
else {
printf("The tree was printed\n");
int main(void) {
NaryNode *root = calloc(1, sizeof(NaryNode));
Data data;
data.level = 1;
data.player = 1;
data.nChildren = 2;
data.children = calloc(data.nChildren, sizeof data.nChildren);
data.children[0].probability = 50;
data.children[0].utility = 1;
data.children[0].name = "Kom med det første tilbud (anchor)";
data.children[1].probability = 50;
data.children[1].utility = 1;
data.children[1].name = "Afvent modspilleren kommer med første tilbud";
*root = *createNode(data);
int i = 0;
for(i=0; i<root->data->nChildren; i++) {
addChild(root, data);
There are various errors in your code.
Allocating an incorrectly sized memory block :
data.children = calloc(data.nChildren, sizeof data.nChildren);
data.children is an array of Child structures, yet you're allocating structures whose size is equal to sizeof(unsigned int), due to data.nChildren being an unsigned int.
Taking the address of a temporary variable and storing it for later usage :
NaryNode* createNode(Data data){
newNaryNode->data = &data;
data in createNode only exists for as long as the function is running : in this case, you're taking the address of the local variable data and storing it in the structure that you're returning for later usage. This is a very bad idea, since this pointer will refer to an object that doesn't exist anymore after the function returns.
Keep in mind that you don't need to pass a copy of the Data object into createNode in your current code, since there is really only one Data object in the whole program. Thus, you can change the prototype of createNode to createNode(Data* data), and pass the address of the Data structure that you create in main. Doing anything more involved than that, though, would require deep-copying the structure, I think.
Incorrectly managing the objects' lifetime.
NaryNode *root = calloc(1, sizeof(NaryNode));
*root = *createNode(data);
createNode returns an NaryNode*. However, you never actually assign it to an NaryNode* so that you can free it later. Instead, the pointer to the object that the function returns is known only during the *root = *createNode(data) invocation, and irrevocably lost later on. You do, however, retain the contents of the object due to dereferencing it and copying it into root : the object itself, however, as returned from createNode, is lost and not recoverable, unless pointers to it still exist in the tree.
Here is another problem. This line does not allocate space for a NaryNode, but only for a pointer to a NaryNode:
NaryNode *newNaryNode = malloc(sizeof (NaryNode*));

error: "pointer being freed was not allocated" in c

this error is always fired, when i'm try to free my allocated struct the second time, which it shouldn't, because the struct is set to NULL after i'm freeing it.
here's my struct with no real pointer inside it:
typedef struct{
int frame;
double timestamp;
int identifier;
int state;
int unknown1;
int unknown2;
mtVector normalized;
float size;
int unknown3;
float angle;
float majorAxis;
float minorAxis;
mtVector unknown4;
int unknown5[2];
float unknown6;
the barebone main function:
int main(){
Touch *myTouch = NULL;
int inputCounter = 0;
//whenever a touch is recognized:
myTouch = (Touch*)realloc(myTouch,sizeof(Touch)*(inputCounter++));
// everything works fine until:
void freeTouch(Touch *f){
if(f != NULL){
f = NULL;
anybody got an idea?
f is a local variable. free(f) will affect the allocated memory, but f = NULL has no impact on myTouch in freeTouch(myTouch);.
void freeTouch(Touch **f){
if(*f != NULL){
*f = NULL;
instead and use freeTouch(&myTouch).
You have two problems there. The first is that it's not a good idea to explicitly cast the return value from malloc or realloc. Doing so can cause problems if you forget to include the prototype/header for it.
Secondly, freeing f within the function frees the local copy. Until C gains references, there are two possibilities. First pass a pointer to the pointer and use that:
void freeTouch (Touch **pF){
if (*pF != NULL){
free (*pF);
*pF = NULL;
freeTouch (&myTouch);
or pass back NULL so you can assign:
void *freeTouch (Touch *f){
free (f);
return NULL;
myTouch = freeTouch (myTouch);
You'll notice that the second one doesn't care whether you pass in NULL - it's perfectly acceptable to try an free the NULL pointer since it's effectively a no-op (other than the function call itself).
First of all, never use
x = realloc(x, size);
because if x is allocated before and realloc fails, you make it NULL while the memory is still there and therefore you create garbage.
void freeTouch(Touch *f);
gets a pointer by value and therefore cannot change the pointer itself. So your f = NULL; is not effective. You need to change your code to:
int main(){
Touch *myTouch = NULL, temp;
int inputCounter = 0;
//whenever a touch is recognized:
temp = realloc(myTouch,sizeof(*temp) * (inputCounter++));
if (temp == NULL)
/* handle error */
myTouch = temp;
// everything works fine until:
void freeTouch(Touch **f){
if(f != NULL && *f != NULL){
*f = NULL;
Sidenote: It's a good idea to use realloc (and likewise malloc) like this:
x = realloc(count * sizeof(*x));
There is no need to cast the output or realloc. Also, sizeof(*x) allows you to not repeat the type of x every time.

C Pointer and Memory Allocation: Realloc Arrays and Pointer Passing

For those experienced with C, this will be a simple memory allocation/referencing problem:
Here are my data structures:
struct configsection {
char *name;
unsigned int numopts;
configoption *options;
typedef struct configsection configsection;
struct configfile {
unsigned int numsections;
configsection *sections;
typedef struct configfile configfile;
Here are my routines for initializing a configsection or configfile, and for adding a configsection to a configfile:
// Initialize a configfile structure (0 sections)
void init_file(configfile *cf) {
cf = malloc(sizeof(configfile));
cf->numsections = 0;
// Initialize a configsection structure with a name (and 0 options)
void init_sec(configsection *sec, char *name) {
sec = malloc(sizeof(configsection));
sec->numopts = 0;
sec->name = name;
printf("%s\n", sec->name);
// Add a section to a configfile
void add_sec(configfile *cf, configsection *sec) {
// Increase the size indicator by 1
cf->numsections = cf->numsections + 1;
// Reallocate the array to accommodate one more item
cf->sections = realloc(cf->sections, sizeof(configsection)*cf->numsections);
// Insert the new item
cf->sections[cf->numsections] = *sec;
I believe my problem originates in my init_sec() function. Here is an example:
int main(void) {
// Initialize test configfile
configfile *cf;
// Initialize test configsections
configsection *testcs1;
init_sec(testcs1, "Test Section 1");
// Try printing the value that should have just been stored
printf("test name = %s\n", testcs1->name);
Although the printf() in init_sec() successfully prints the name I just stored in the configsection, attempting the same thing in the printf() of main() produces a segmentation fault. Further, addsec() produces a segmentation fault.
This routine should be
void init_file(configfile **cf) {
*cf = malloc(sizeof(configfile));
(*cf)->numsections = 0;
(*cf)->sections = NULL; // You forgot to initialise this.
i.e. called by init_file(&myconfigfilepointer); so the malloc return value gets passed back.
Need to do the same trick for init_sec
This function is incorrect - here is a corrected version
void add_sec(configfile *cf, configsection *sec) {
// Increase the size indicator by 1
// Reallocate the array to accommodate one more item
cf->sections = realloc(cf->sections, sizeof(configsection)*(1 + cf->numsections));
// Insert the new item
cf->sections[cf->numsections] = *sec; // Since arrays start at 0
cf->numsections = cf->numsections + 1;
You then need to adjust the calls in main
At no point do you initialise cf->sections, which means when you try to realloc it the first time, you're passing rubbish. Adding:
cf->sections = NULL;
to init_file should help.
You're also not checking any return codes, but you knew that yes?
You need to pass a pointer of the value to be updated... eg:
// Initialize a configfile structure (0 sections)
void init_file(configfile **cf) {
*cf = malloc(sizeof(configfile));
(*cf)->numsections = 0;
configfile *var;
printf("%d\n", var->numsections);
Otherwise you are just updating the local pointer *cf and not the original passed in value
You need to really rethink how function arguments are passed in C and what pointers are. Your problem has nothing to do with memory allocation. Rather, your code is assigning a pointer to dynamically allocated memory only to a local variable, of which the calling code knows nothing.
While you could solve the problem by passing a pointer to the caller's pointer (i.e. a double pointer), this is not necessarily the most elegant or most usual way of handling things. Rather, you should return the result of the allocation from the function. While you're at it, you should also use calloc to zero out the memory right away. Wrapping it all up:
typedef struct substuff_
int a;
double b;
} substuff;
typedef struct stuff_
unsigned int n;
substuff * data;
} stuff;
substuff * init_substuff()
substuff * const p = malloc(sizeof *p);
if (p) { p->a = 5; p->b = -0.5; }
return p;
stuff * init_stuff()
substuff * const p = init_substuff();
if (!p) return NULL;
stuff * const q = malloc(sizeof *q);
if (q) { q->n = 10; q->data = p; }
return q;
As an exercise, you should write the corresponding functions void free_substuff(substuff *) and void free_stuff(stuff *).
Yes, there is a problem in init_sec
// Initialize a configsection structure with a name (and 0 options)
void init_sec(configsection *sec, char *name) {
sec = malloc(sizeof(configsection));
sec->numopts = 0;
sec->name = name;
printf("%s\n", sec->name);
You're just copying the name pointer here, which means, that it points to the original storage of name. If you'd call init_sec like this
configsection foobar()
configsection sec;
char name[80];
init_sec(sec, name);
return sec;
The name pointer became invalid the moment foobar returned. You need to duplicate the string and keep your private copy around. In init_sec:
sec->name = strdup(name);
But there's more. In the very first line of init_sec you're overwriting the pointer that was passed to init_sec with the one of malloc. So the new pointer never gets passed back to the calle. Either use a pointer to a pointer, don't take a configsection pointer at all (after all, you're allocating), but just return the allocated pointer: Complete corrected function:
// Initialize a configsection structure with a name (and 0 options)
configsection* init_sec(char *name) {
configsection *sec = malloc(sizeof(configsection));
sec->numopts = 0;
sec->name = name;
printf("%s\n", sec->name);
return sec;

glibc detected - double free or corruption

this might be a bit long so my apologies.
consider the following code (i've left some irrelevant parts from it). this code receives a pointer to a struct (BoardP theBoard), x & y coords and a value.
the goal is to place the value in a 2D array that is found in the struct.
if the coords are out of bounds, i have to increase the size of the table, copy old data to new data and place the value in its place.
well this code works the first call but in the second call it crashes and writes:
*** glibc detected *** ./b: double free or corruption (top): 0x092ae138 ***
i couldn't find an answer to it and i hope you will help.
These are the calls from main()
BoardP p = CreateNewBoard(10,10);
Boolean PutBoardSquare(BoardP theBoard, int X, int Y, char val) {
if (inBounds(X,Y,theBoard->_rows,theBoard->_cols)) {
theBoard->_board[X * theBoard->_cols + Y] = val;
return TRUE;
else {
int newRows = (X>=theBoard->_rows) ? (2*X) : theBoard->_rows;
int newCols = (Y>=theBoard->_cols) ? (2*Y) : theBoard->_cols;
BoardP newBoard = CreateNewBoard(newCols,newRows); //this creates a new Board with the new dimensions
if (newBoard == NULL) {
return FALSE;
else {
freeBoardArray(&theBoard->_board[0]); //free old array
theBoard->_board = newBoard->_board; //old array point to new array
FreeBoard(newBoard); //free the temp copy THIS CAUSES THE PROBLEM
PutBoardSquare(theBoard,X,Y,val);//recursion, will be in bounds now
return TRUE;
These are the Free functions:
void FreeBoard(BoardP board) {
if (board != NULL) {
printf("FREE 1\n");
//free the board array:
if (board->_board != NULL) {
printf("FREE 2\n");
printf("FREE 3\n");
static void freeBoardArray(char * arrP) {
free(arrP); //**PROGRAM CRASH HERE**
This is how i create a new board:
BoardP CreateNewBoard(int width, int high) {
BoardP board = (BoardP) malloc(sizeof(Board));
if (board != NULL) {
board->_board = allocateBoardArray(high,width);
if ( board->_board == NULL) {
//TODO make file ReportError(MEM_OUT);
return NULL;
return board;
else {
//TODO make file ReportError(MEM_OUT);
return NULL;
static char* allocateBoardArray(int row, int col) {
char* newBoard = (char*) malloc(row * col * sizeof(char));
if (newBoard == NULL) {
return NULL;
return newBoard;
this is BoardP:
typedef struct Board* BoardP;
You have to free memory which you have allocated and no longer want to hold a reference too.
from your code i can see the following line.
theBoard->_board = newBoard->_board;
Now you maintain reference to a allocated pointer and then free that same pointer itself.
Example code:
char *foo()
char *ref1;
char *ref2;
ref1 = malloc(256);
ref2=ref1;// Holding reference to a pointer in another pointer
printf("%s %s",ref1,ref2); // This prints stackoverflow twice
free(ref1); // This is valid but you can access ref2 or ref1 after this point
return ref2; /// This will cause problems
Try this:
copyData(theBoard, newBoard);
/* swap the _board pointers */
char * b = theBoard->_board;
theBoard->_board = newBoard->_board;
newBoard->_board = b;
FreeBoard(newBoard); /* cleanup the temp struct and the old array */
This errors says that you are trying to free the memory which is already freed by you. What i am suspecting here is this block of code
if (board != NULL) {
printf("FREE 1\n");
//free the board array:
if (board->_board != NULL) {
printf("FREE 2\n");
printf("FREE 3\n");
once you are freeing the part of structure freeBoardArray(&board->_board[0]); and then you are freeing the whole structure free(board);, and it looks to me causing the problem.Why you passing the address of the _board pointer?I wrote the code on the same line of code,which causing the problem.
struct a{
int * next;
int main(){
struct a *aptr = (struct a *)malloc(sizeof(struct a));
aptr->next=(int *)malloc(5*sizeof(int));
return 0;
this code will cause the same issue as you shown. Now again try this code after removing '&' from free(&aptr->next);statement.It will work fine.
So i think you got a clue where you have to modify.
Running this code under valgrind will tell you exactly on which line you a.) first freed the memory and b.) when you tried to free it again.
It will also tell you if you try and access any addresses which are inside a block that you have freed.

Why am I getting a segmentation fault with this code?

Trying to make a simple rectangle/bin packer in C. Takes a given area and finds placement for any given size rectangle.
About after 4 recursions is when I get the segmentation fault.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct node_type PackNode;
struct node_type {
int x , y;
int width , height;
int used;
struct node_type *left;
struct node_type *right;
typedef struct point_type PackPoint;
struct point_type {
int x,y;
PackNode _clone(PackNode *node) {
PackNode clone;
clone.used = 0;
clone.x = node->x;
clone.y = node->y;
clone.width = node->width;
clone.height= node->height;
clone.left = NULL;
clone.right= NULL;
return clone;
PackNode root;
int rcount;
PackPoint* recursiveFind(PackNode *node, int w, int h) {
PackPoint rp;
PackPoint *p = NULL;
printf ("rcount = %u\n", rcount);
//left is not null go to left, if left didn't work try right.
if (node->left!=NULL) {
//move down to left branch
p = recursiveFind(node->left, w, h);
if (p!=NULL) {
return p;
} else {
p = recursiveFind(node->right, w, h);
return p;
} else {
//If used just return null and possible go to the right branch;
if (node->used==1 || w > node->width || h > node->height) {
return p;
//if current node is exact size and hasn't been used it return the x,y of the mid-point of the rectangle
if (w==node->width && h == node->height) {
rp.x = node->x+(w/2);
rp.y = node->y+(h/2);
p = &rp;
return p;
//If rectangle wasn't exact fit, create branches from cloning it's parent.
PackNode l_clone = _clone(node);
PackNode r_clone = _clone(node);
node->left = &l_clone;
node->right = &r_clone;
//adjust branches accordingly, split up the current unused areas
if ( (node->width - w) > (node->height - h) )
node->left->width = w;
node->right->x = node->x + w;
node->right->width = node->width - w;
} else {
node->left->height = h;
node->right->y = node->y + h;
node->right->height = node->height - h;
p = recursiveFind(node->left, w, h);
return p;
return p;
int main(void) {
root = malloc(
int i;
PackPoint *pnt;
int rw;
int rh;
for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
rw = random()%20+1;
rh = random()%20+1;
pnt = recursiveFind(&root, rw, rh);
printf("pnt.x,y: %d,%d\n",pnt->x,pnt->y);
return 0;
if (node->left!=NULL) {
//move down to left branch
p = recursiveFind(node->left, w, h);
if (p!=NULL) {
return p;
} else {
p = recursiveFind(node->right, w, h);
You never check if node->right is NULL, so the next recursion may dereference NULL.
You're returning a pointer to a local variable in this case:
//if current node is exact size and hasn't been used it return the x,y of the mid-point of the rectangle
if (w==node->width && h == node->height) {
rp.x = node->x+(w/2);
rp.y = node->y+(h/2);
p = &rp;
return p;
That's a big no-no. The local variable is no longer valid after the function returns, so the pointer you're returning points to stack memory that's now potentially being used for something else. When you start doing stuff with that, you're corrupting your stack, and your program will start behaving very erratically.
To fix this, you'll need to do one of a few things: (1) have recursiveFind() return a PackNode by value, instead of a pointer to a PackNode; (2) use a global/static PackNode instance, and return a pointer to that (note that this then makes recursiveFind() non-thread-safe); or (3) return a pointer to a dynamically allocated instance of a PackNode (e.g. allocated with malloc()); this then requires that the caller of recursiveFind() call free() on the returned pointer at some later point when it's no longer needed.
Likewise, this code is also wrong:
//If rectangle wasn't exact fit, create branches from cloning it's parent.
PackNode l_clone = _clone(node);
PackNode r_clone = _clone(node);
node->left = &l_clone;
node->right = &r_clone;
You need to allocate l_clone and r_clone on the heap, not on the stack, because again, as soon as this function returns, those node pointers will no longer be valid. I'd recommend having _clone() return a pointer to a PackNode (allocated with malloc()) instead of a full PackNode object by value. If you do that, though, the calling code needs to know to call free() on the returned pointer at some later point when the object is no longer needed.
[Also, identifiers at global scope beginning with an underscore are reserved by the implementation, so you should avoid using such names; you should rename _clone() to something like clone() or clonePackNode()].
Without looking closely at your code, you might try using a tool such as Valgrind or GDB to identify the line number/expression causing the segmentation fault. You can work backwards from there.
“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”
