Finger print scanner with webusb - reactjs

Is possible to connected/paired usb finger print scanner with webusb (
I have digital persona U.are.U 4500 and want to connect to browser (chrome) with react.js and get image file and can compare image

WebUSB is a generic API for communicating with USB devices and so supporting any particular device requires knowledge of the data protocol used to communicate with the device. Manufacturers may or may not provide public documentation for this protocol and so it is often necessary to reverse engineer it by observing the communication between the device and a closed-source driver. In the cases where an open-source driver is available then that can be a reference for building a Javascript application to control the device.
In the case of the DigitalPersona U.are.U 4500 it appears that the open-source libfprint library includes a driver for this series of devices:
This would be a good starting point for understanding how to communicate with the device.


Windows TCP/UDP mouse driver

I am working on creating a touch pad device (custom hardware but similar to an android device) that acts as a touchscreen drawing pad similar to the Wacom Bamboo drawing pads. However, the key feature of the device is instead of connecting it to the computer with wires or via Bluetooth, it connects to the local WiFi network and searches for devices with a port open (currently 5000 for testing purposes). Currently, I have a client written in C that when launched opens up a DatagramSocket on port 5000 and waits for a custom UDP packet containing normalized X, Y, and pressure. Then, for testing purposes, I am putting the normalized X and Y into SendInput. SendInput "works" however injecting packets into the computers current mouse is not what I want. Instead, I want to have it considered as a seperate input device so programs like gimp will be able to detect it and assign custom functions based on the data (ie: have gimp utilize the pressure data).
The problem is I dont know where to start to create a driver that does the former. I have been extensively looking at the winddk thinking that might be the key. The problem with the winddk is I cannot find any documentation on creating a HID driver using data that is not from a ps/2 or usb. This tutorial got me thinking about using IOCTLs, but I am not really sure how to make them be considered as input.
As a side note, in the title I said TCP/UDP because I am willing, and considering for security purposes, to change from UDP connection to TCP.
If someone can push me in the right direction or link me to some related documentation and samples, that would be awesome because right now I am lost. Thank you.

Connecting an Adobe AIR mobile app to Arduino wirelessly - what are the options?

Is there a way to connect an Adobe AIR mobile app to an Arduino hardware wirelessly with no pc or router?
either with bluetooth or directly to an Xbee piece connected to the Arduino?
I need both iOS and android solutions
You could use the Native Extensions for Adobe AIR (ANE) for iOS and Android, although it means you might have to do a bit of C coding (or at least have basic understanding of the C programming language). A couple of projects have been created for either Bluetooth or Arduino connection using ANE already.
There is an ANE based project called as3-arduino-connector on Google Code, which gives you an ActionScript 3 API and mimics the Arduino serial port.
Another useful project might be AirNativeiOS-Bluetooth, an AIR Native Extension to add Bluetooth support for iOS apps. A corresponding project for Android is Bluetooth ANE, although the website mentions that it's early beta only, not ready for production.
Digi International has a Wi-Fi XBee now; that might be a good option since Android and iOS devices have Wi-Fi already. The more commonly used XBee modules (Series 1 and 2) use 802.15.4 networking (instead of Wi-Fi's 802.11).
I haven't used one yet, personally, so I don't know how you access the serial port connected to the Arduino. It might be possible to telnet to the XBee and send/receive data from Arduino.

Communicating to USB Device

I bought a usb otoscope from the internet and I want to create an application that uses it. When I plug it into the computer, it reads the device as a USB Camera, and I can use the very barebones software supplied to communicate with it. I'm very new to the idea of communicating with usb all together. I've tried to look at some sites like this:, that tell me how to reverse engineer a device. I don't know if I'm going down the right path with this...
I've downloaded USB Snoopy and I can't seem to get it to sniff the packets correctly. I also have Crunchbang linux installed on a different computer but I don't know how to sniff it on that either (especially because the drivers are native to windows). All I want is some sort of API/Interfacing functions for me to call and use. How do I go about doing such a thing? I'm able to locate the device on the device manager in windows, and it tells me hardware ID's and such. I can supply any information if necessary. Thank you.
EDIT - Small description I found of the otoscope:
would this tool help you any?libusbx is a cross-platform user mode library that provides generic access to USB devices

Connect Bluetooth device to an unknown device

Is it possible to connect a Bluetooth device to an unknown device? I thought all Bluetooth devices had to be paired with another Bluetooth device before they could be used together. Someone mentioned a possible application where a Bluetooth device (most likely a Windows Mobile phone as the iPhone SDK doesn't support Bluetooth connections) can be used to say read electric meters in a given area. I thought the phone would have to be paired with each meter before any other communication could take place. Is this correct? Can the phone receive arbitrary data from a Bluetooth provider before they are paired?
You don't have to have security set up (no pin code) so you could have a bluetooth device that is always discoverable and will always connect/pair. So this could be used for the 'read a meter' type application.
Also, in Bluetooth 2.1, you have Extended Inquiry data so you could get the meter reading by having the meter encode the reading into the Extended Inquiry response. Then you don't even have to connect/pair. Just have a device that does an inquiry and gets the data that way.
There are some new standards coming for BlueTooth for Low Energy devices that would basically act like sensors, which are specifically targeted at this type of application.
There is more info then you could possibly want at
If you know the MAC address of a bluetooth device and it is connectable you can talk to it directly.

Connect to digital camera from cellphone?

A customer (photographer) asked me, if it was possible to write some kind of software for cellphones, so he could physically connect it to his professional digital camera (Canon or Nikon) and transfer the pictures (or a subset) to the cellphone.
I am trying not to put constraints on cellphone platform (Symbian, Windows Mobile etc) from the beginning, so I am leaving that sort of constraints out on purpose.
Can anybody give me some hints?
You need a connection between the camera and the cellphone:
Some windows mobile devices got a USB-Host-Function, so you can connect either a cardreader or the camera itself via a usb-cable and read the files from the device. I never heard of a symbian-device which supports usb-host, but there might be some.
If the camera supports either bluetooth or ir, you could use these protocols to transfer the files as most mobile-phonse support this.
If you got a connection (and the protocol-support by your platform) it is easy to write a application to transfer the file from the device to you cellphone. You can write this application in any supported language (java for j2me, python (symbian), .net (windows mobile)
My digital camera saves photos to a memory card. I can simply take the memory card out of the camera and insert it into my Windows Mobile phone and view the photos on the phone.
