Order of evaluation of array indices (versus the expression) in C - c

Looking at this code:
static int global_var = 0;
int update_three(int val)
global_var = val;
return 3;
int main()
int arr[5];
arr[global_var] = update_three(2);
Which array entry gets updated? 0 or 2?
Is there a part in the specification of C that indicates the precedence of operation in this particular case?

Order of Left and Right Operands
To perform the assignment in arr[global_var] = update_three(2), the C implementation must evaluate the operands and, as a side effect, update the stored value of the left operand. C 2018 6.5.16 (which is about assignments) paragraph 3 tells us there is no sequencing in the left and right operands:
The evaluations of the operands are unsequenced.
This means the C implementation is free to compute the lvalue arr[global_var] first (by “computing the lvalue,” we mean figuring out what this expression refers to), then to evaluate update_three(2), and finally to assign the value of the latter to the former; or to evaluate update_three(2) first, then compute the lvalue, then assign the former to the latter; or to evaluate the lvalue and update_three(2) in some intermixed fashion and then assign the right value to the left lvalue.
In all cases, the assignment of the value to the lvalue must come last, because 6.5.16 3 also says:
… The side effect of updating the stored value of the left operand is sequenced after the value computations of the left and right operands…
Sequencing Violation
Some might ponder about undefined behavior due to both using global_var and separately updating it in violation of 6.5 2, which says:
If a side effect on a scalar object is unsequenced relative to either a different side effect on the same scalar object or a value computation using the value of the same scalar object, the behavior is undefined…
It is quite familiar to many C practitioners that the behavior of expressions such as x + x++ is not defined by the C standard because they both use the value of x and separately modify it in the same expression without sequencing. However, in this case, we have a function call, which provides some sequencing. global_var is used in arr[global_var] and is updated in the function call update_three(2). 10 tells us there is a sequence point before the function is called:
There is a sequence point after the evaluations of the function designator and the actual arguments but before the actual call…
Inside the function, global_var = val; is a full expression, and so is the 3 in return 3;, per 6.8 4:
A full expression is an expression that is not part of another expression, nor part of a declarator or abstract declarator…
Then there is a sequence point between these two expressions, again per 6.8 4:
… There is a sequence point between the evaluation of a full expression and the evaluation of the next full expression to be evaluated.
Thus, the C implementation may evaluate arr[global_var] first and then do the function call, in which case there is a sequence point between them because there is one before the function call, or it may evaluate global_var = val; in the function call and then arr[global_var], in which case there is a sequence point between them because there is one after the full expression. So the behavior is unspecified—either of those two things may be evaluated first—but it is not undefined.

The result here is unspecified.
While the order of operations in an expression, which dictate how subexpressions are grouped, is well defined, the order of evaluation is not specified. In this case it means that either global_var could be read first or the call to update_three could happen first, but there’s no way to know which.
There is not undefined behavior here because a function call introduces a sequence point, as does every statement in the function including the one that modifies global_var.
To clarify, the C standard defines undefined behavior in section 3.4.3 as:
undefined behavior
behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or
of erroneous data,for which this International Standard imposes no
and defines unspecified behavior in section 3.4.4 as:
unspecified behavior
use of an unspecified value, or other behavior where this
International Standard provides two or more possibilities and imposes
no further requirements on which is chosen in any instance
The standard states that the evaluation order of function arguments is unspecified, which in this case means that either arr[0] gets set to 3 or arr[2] gets set to 3.

I tried and I got the entry 0 updated.
However according to this question: will right hand side of an expression always evaluated first
The order of evaluation is unspecified and unsequenced.
So I think a code like this should be avoided.

As it makes little sense to emit code for an assignment before you have a value to assign, most C compilers will first emit code that calls the function and save the result somewhere (register, stack, etc.), then they will emit code that writes this value to its final destination and therefore they will read the global variable after it has been changed. Let us call this the "natural order", not defined by any standard but by pure logic.
Yet in the process of optimization, compilers will try to eliminate the intermediate step of temporarily storing the value somewhere and try to write the function result as directly as possible to the final destination and in that case, they often will have to read the index first, e.g. to a register, to be able to directly move the function result to the array. This may cause the global variable to be read before it was changed.
So this is basically undefined behavior with the very bad property that its quite likely that the result will be different, depending on if optimization is performed and how aggressive this optimization is. It's your task as a developer to resolve that issue by either coding:
int idx = global_var;
arr[idx] = update_three(2);
or coding:
int temp = update_three(2);
arr[global_var] = temp;
As a good rule of the thumb: Unless global variables are const (or they are not but you know that no code will ever change them as a side effect), you should never use them directly in code, as in a multi-threaded environment, even this can be undefined:
int result = global_var + (2 * global_var);
// Is not guaranteed to be equal to `3 * global_var`!
Since the compiler may read it twice and another thread can change the value in between the two reads. Yet, again, optimization would definitely cause the code to only read it once, so you may again have different results that now also depend on the timing of another thread. Thus you will have a lot less headache if you store global variables to a temporary stack variable before usage. Keep in mind if the compiler thinks this is safe, it will most likely optimize even that away and instead use the global variable directly, so in the end, it may make no difference in performance or memory use.
(Just in case someone asks why would anyone do x + 2 * x instead of 3 * x - on some CPUs addition is ultra-fast and so is multiplication by a power two as the compiler will turn these into bit shifts (2 * x == x << 1), yet multiplication with arbitrary numbers can be very slow, thus instead of multiplying by 3, you get much faster code by bit shifting x by 1 and adding x to the result - and even that trick is performed by modern compilers if you multiply by 3 and turn on aggressive optimization unless it's a modern target CPU where multiplication is equally fast as addition since then the trick would slow down the calculation.)

Global edit: sorry guys, I got all fired up and wrote a lot of nonsense. Just an old geezer ranting.
I wanted to believe C had been spared, but alas since C11 it has been brought on par with C++. Apparently, knowing what the compiler will do with side effects in expressions requires now to solve a little maths riddle involving a partial ordering of code sequences based on a "is located before the synchronization point of".
I happen to have designed and implemented a few critical real-time embedded systems back in the K&R days (including the controller of an electric car that could send people crashing into the nearest wall if the engine was not kept in check, a 10 tons industrial robot that could squash people to a pulp if not properly commanded, and a system layer that, though harmless, would have a few dozen processors suck their data bus dry with less than 1% system overhead).
I might be too senile or stupid to get the difference between undefined and unspecified, but I think I still have a pretty good idea of what concurrent execution and data access mean. In my arguably informed opinion, this obsession of the C++ and now C guys with their pet languages taking over synchronization issues is a costly pipe dream. Either you know what concurrent execution is, and you don't need any of these gizmos, or you don't, and you would do the world at large a favour not trying to mess with it.
All this truckload of eye-watering memory barrier abstractions is simply due to a temporary set of limitations of the multi-CPU cache systems, all of which can be safely encapsulated in common OS synchronization objects like, for instance, the mutexes and condition variables C++ offers.
The cost of this encapsulation is but a minute drop in performances compared with what a use of fine grained specific CPU instructions could achieve is some cases.
The volatile keyword (or a #pragma dont-mess-with-that-variable for all I, as a system programmer, care) would have been quite enough to tell the compiler to stop reordering memory accesses.
Optimal code can easily be produced with direct asm directives to sprinkle low level driver and OS code with ad hoc CPU specific instructions. Without an intimate knowledge of how the underlying hardware (cache system or bus interface) works, you're bound to write useless, inefficient or faulty code anyway.
A minute adjustment of the volatile keyword and Bob would have been everybody but the most hardboiled low level programers' uncle.
Instead of that, the usual gang of C++ maths freaks had a field day designing yet another incomprehensible abstraction, yielding to their typical tendency to design solutions looking for non existent problems and mistaking the definition of a programming language with the specs of a compiler.
Only this time the change required to deface a fundamental aspect of C too, since these "barriers" had to be generated even in low level C code to work properly. That, among other things, wrought havoc in the definition of expressions, with no explanation or justification whatsoever.
As a conclusion, the fact that a compiler could produce a consistent machine code from this absurd piece of C is only a distant consequence of the way C++ guys coped with potential inconsistencies of the cache systems of the late 2000s.
It made a terrible mess of one fundamental aspect of C (expression definition), so that the vast majority of C programmers - who don't give a damn about cache systems, and rightly so - is now forced to rely on gurus to explain the difference between a = b() + c() and a = b + c.
Trying to guess what will become of this unfortunate array is a net loss of time and efforts anyway. Regardless of what the compiler will make of it, this code is pathologically wrong. The only responsible thing to do with it is send it to the bin.
Conceptually, side effects can always be moved out of expressions, with the trivial effort of explicitly letting the modification occur before or after the evaluation, in a separate statement.
This kind of shitty code might have been justified in the 80's, when you could not expect a compiler to optimize anything. But now that compilers have long become more clever than most programmers, all that remains is a piece of shitty code.
I also fail to understand the importance of this undefined / unspecified debate. Either you can rely on the compiler to generate code with a consistent behaviour or you can't. Whether you call that undefined or unspecified seems like a moot point.
In my arguably informed opinion, C is already dangerous enough in its K&R state. A useful evolution would be to add common sense safety measures. For instance, making use of this advanced code analysis tool the specs force the compiler to implement to at least generate warnings about bonkers code, instead of silently generating a code potentially unreliable to the extreme.
But instead the guys decided, for instance, to define a fixed evaluation order in C++17. Now every software imbecile is actively incited to put side effects in his/her code on purpose, basking in the certainty that the new compilers will eagerly handle the obfuscation in a deterministic way.
K&R was one of the true marvels of the computing world. For twenty bucks you got a comprehensive specification of the language (I've seen single individuals write complete compilers just using this book), an excellent reference manual (the table of contents would usually point you within a couple of pages of the answer to your question), and a textbook that would teach you to use the language in a sensible way. Complete with rationales, examples and wise words of warning about the numerous ways you could abuse the language to do very, very stupid things.
Destroying that heritage for so little gain seems like a cruel waste to me. But again I might very well fail to see the point completely.
Maybe some kind soul could point me in the direction of an example of new C code that takes a significant advantage of these side effects?


Fetch-and-add ordering

I'm working on replacing the allocation system for "stable pointers" in the ghc runtime system, and I'm running up against the limits of my understanding of concurrent programming.
Suppose a variable contains 0. Thread A uses __atomic_fetch_and_add to increment the variable and notifies thread B in some fashion. In response, thread B uses __atomic_fetch_and_add to decrement the same variable, bringing it back to 0. So it seems the variable should go from 0 to 1 and back. Is it guaranteed that another thread C will not see the additions performed in the opposite order to go from 0 to -1 and back?
I just re-read this question adding some additional clarification, and realized I had assumed C11 while your question seems to be using compiler built-ins. From that perspective, if all your memorder use is __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, there is no case in which you can observe a value of -1 for the same reasons I detail below (from C11).
TL;DR: It depends, but you'd have to really shoot yourself in the foot to not be guaranteed this behavior. Below follows an explanation of why this could happen, how this could happen, and why you're unlikely to run into it happening.
Atomic operations are guaranteed to have a global order, but that global total order is not defined. From the C11 draft, §
All modifications to a particular atomic object M occur in some particular total order, called the modification order of M.
It is possible by this definition of modifications to M that the total order observed by some other thread is A/B, but B/A is also permitted. This would indeed have the effect of an external observer noticing a value transitioning between -1 and 0 (assuming a signed atomic type).
To deal with this, the standard defines synchronization operations (from paragraph 5 of the same section):
A synchronization operation on one or more memory locations is either an acquire operation, a release operation, both an acquire and release operation, or a consume operation.
Later on, there are some tedious-to-read definitions for how these operations compose to introduce dependencies that ultimately yield a "happens-before" ordering. I'll omit those; § describe observability of side-effects on some object and how dependencies influence that; §7.17.3 describes the API for controlling those dependencies.
Without discussing those sections, it is hopefully enough to say that they do allow for the observer to see the "opposite order" described. You could wind up in this situation when you use atomic_fetch_add_explicit with a memory_order_relaxed argument, and your load is implemented as atomic_load_explicit with the same relaxed memory ordering requirements. In this situation, no "happens-before" relationship is defined, and a system is permitted to allow thread C to observe the modifications in either order.
This is unlikely to be what you would actually do. For one, it's a lot more typing. Secondly, the API naming and use really suggests that you should know what you're doing if you want to use it. This is what I mean in saying you'd really have to shoot yourself in the foot: you're discouraged from doing this sort of thing by default.
If you implemented this purely with atomic_fetch_add, atomic_fetch_sub, and atomic_load (as you would likely do), you would be fine; the standard in §7.17.1p5 states:
The functions not ending in _explicit have the same semantics as the
corresponding _explicit function with memory_order_seq_cst for the
memory_order argument.
The standard guarantees that this ordering will carry data dependencies such that the write from thread A is seen to "happen-before" the write from thread B. An observer C, with its own consistent memory ordering requirements, is then therefore guaranteed to see operations interleave in the order described as intended.
That all said: if you can use C11, just use ++, --, and =, and you'll be fine. Per §, += and -= operations on atomic types are defined to behave as if using store with memory_order_seq_cst. Per §6.5.3p2, the ++ and -- operators are analogous to the equivalent x+=1 and x-=1 expressions. Simple assignment (§ specifies that the LHS or RHS can be atomic types, but does not specify the memory order. Jens Gustedt says that operations on _Atomic-qualified objects are guaranteed to have sequential consistency. I can only divine this from footnote 113, and footnotes aren't normative. But I don't think that matters: if all writes are consistent, any read must observe a valid previous state from that total order, which never contains -1.

Ordering of atomics with `memory_order_seq_cst`

My reading of the C11 spec with regards to atomic operation ordering suggests that memory_order_seq_cst applies to operations on a specific atomic object.
Mostly, the descriptions are of the form "If a A and B are applied to M, then the order is maintained on M"
My question is specifically what happens if we have two operations that apply to different atomic objects. Something like the following:
atomic_store(&a, 20);
atomic_store(&b, 30);
where a and b are atomic (volatile) types (and atomic_store implies memory_order_seq_cst).
This problem is relevant to a memory mapped situation where the memory map represents the registers of some peripheral.
It's perfectly normal to have requirements about the ordering of the write. Let's say a = 20 is setting up the target for our missile peripheral and setting b = 30 is the launch command. Clearly, we don't want to launch until the missile is targeted properly.
If it makes a difference to anything, this is on ARM Linux with GCC.
Two memory accesses in the same thread are always sequenced, if they happen, and if there is a sequence point between them.
The part for "if they happen" is guaranteed here if the two objects are declared volatile. This forces the compiler to effectively emit the load or store to memory. How the compiler does this, and how he gives guarantees for that, is completely implementation dependent.Read your platform documentation for that.
The sequencing of statements has not much to do with volatile or atomics. It is implied by syntax. A good rule of thumb is that there is a sequence point at each ;, ,, {, }, ?, || and &&. (there are more than that, but things become complicated if you want to reason with them).
Nothing of that is about atomics. These are to guarantee indivisibility of operations and data consistency inbetween threads and with signal handlers. The big deal here is to have provable visibility of side effects of operations. This is relatively involved, but doesn't help you anything when you want to discuss things that happen in the same thread. In the contrary, the "happens before" relation between threads, relies on the "sequenced before" relation within the individual threads.

Why is undefined behaviour allowed in C

I have been messing around trying to learn C lately. Coming from Java, it surprised me that you can perform certain operations declared as "undefined".
This just seems extremely unsafe to me. I understand it is the programmer's responsibility not to perform undefined operations, but why is it even allowed to start with? Why does the compiler not catch, for instance, array indices out of bounds, or even dangling pointers? You just end up accessing blocks of memory you never should access, with no (apparent) good reason.
As a comparison, Java makes extra sure you don't do anything stupid, throwing Exceptions around like hot cakes.
Surely there must be a reason why this is allowed? What is it?
ANSWER: To my understanding, the main reason is performance. Also, Java does have undefined behaviours, although not labeled as such.
EDIT: restricted question to C
Undefined behavior is not allowed, it's just not caught by the compiler.
The tradeoff here is between the speed and the safety. Many kinds of undefined behavior could be prevented at the expense of a few additional CPU cycles.
For example, you could prevent UB that happens when you read from memory that has been allocated but not initialized by having the compiled code write zeros into it. This, however, costs you a whole additional write into a memory, which is entirely unnecessary.
Similarly, one could prevent reading/writing past the end of an array by checking its bounds inside [] operator. However, this would cost you a few additional CPU cycles on each array access.
C++ designers decided that it is better to have speed and allow potential UB than to force everyone pay for what they do not need. This approach, however, is incompatible with Java's "write once, run anywhere" requirement, so designers of Java language insisted on fully defined behavior in nearly all situations.
Originally, most forms of Undefined Behavior represented things which some implementations might trap, but other implementations might not. Because there was no way for the authors of the Standard to predict all the things a platform might do in case of a trap (including, literally, the possibility that a system would sound an alarm and lock up until an operator manually cleared the fault), the consequences of traps fell outside the jurisdiction of the C Standard, and thus almost every action for which some platform might conceivably cause a trap is--from the point of view of the Standard--considered "Undefined Behavior".
That should not be taken to imply that the authors of the Standard didn't believe implementations should try to behave sensibly for such things when practical. The authors of the C89 Standard noted, for example, that the majority of current systems of that era would define behavior for:
/* Assume USmall is half the size of "int" */
unsigned mult(USmall x, USmall y) { return x*y; }
which would in all cases, including those where the mathematical product of x and y was between INT_MAX+1 and UINT_MAX, be equivalent to (unsigned)x*y;. I see no reason to believe they wouldn't have expected that trend to continue.
Unfortunately, a new philosophy has become fashionable, based on the revisionist viewpoint that compiler writers only supported useful behaviors in cases not mandated by the Standard because they were too unsophisticated to do anything else. In gcc, for example, using optimization level 2 but no other non-default options, the above "mult" routine will sometimes generate bogus code in cases where the product would be between 0x80000000u and 0xFFFFFFFFu, even when running on platforms where such computations would historically have worked. This is supposedly being done in the name of "optimization"; it would be interesting to know how many of the "optimizations" such techniques end up performing are actually useful and could not have been achieved via safer means.
Historically, Undefined Behavior was a license for a C compiler to expose the behavior of the underlying platform; in cases where the underlying platform's behavior fit the programmer's needs, this allowed the programmer's requirements to be expressed in machine code more efficiently than if everything had to be done in ways defined by the Standard. Lately, however, it has been interpreted as license for compilers to implement behaviors which not only bear no relation to anything in the underlying platform nor to any plausible programmer expectations, but aren't even bound by laws of time and causality.
Java has a run time environment to take care of you. That's why an exception is thrown when going out of bounds - it's something that can't be figured out at compile time.
There is run time bounds checking in C++ when using the at() method for a vector. It's what distinguishes at() from the []operator

Is C an imperative or declarative programming language

It is quite confusing to know difference between Imperative and Declarative programming can any one explain difference between both in real world terms?
Kindly clarify whether C is an Imperative or Declarative Language?
C is an imperative programming language.
A one line difference between the two would be Declarative programming is when you say what you want, and imperative language is when you say how to get what you want. In Declarative programming the focus is on what the computer should do rather than how it should do it (ex. SQL) whereas in the Imperative programming the focus is on what steps the computer should take rather than what the computer will do (ex. C, C++, Java).
Imperative programming is a programming paradigm that describes computation in terms of statements that change a program state
Declarative programming is a programming paradigm, a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs, that expresses the logic of a computation without describing its control flow
Many imperative programming languages (such as Fortran, BASIC and C) are abstractions of assembly language.
The wiki says:-
As an imperative language, C uses statements to specify actions. The
most common statement is an expression statement, consisting of an
expression to be evaluated, followed by a semicolon; as a side effect
of the evaluation, functions may be called and variables may be
assigned new values. To modify the normal sequential execution of
statements, C provides several control-flow statements identified by
reserved keywords. Structured programming is supported by if(-else)
conditional execution and by do-while, while, and for iterative
execution (looping). The for statement has separate initialization,
testing, and reinitialization expressions, any or all of which can be
omitted. break and continue can be used to leave the innermost
enclosing loop statement or skip to its reinitialization. There is
also a non-structured goto statement which branches directly to the
designated label within the function. switch selects a case to be
executed based on the value of an integer expression.
I am writing with a lot of generalities, so please bear with me.
In Theory
C is imperative, because code reads like a recipe for how to do something. However, if you use a lot of well-named functions and function pointers for polymorphism, it's possible to make C code look like a declarative language.
In imperative languages, you are focused on the algorithm/implementation. Engineering is inherently imperative, because you are focused on efficiency of a process: the cost of doing something in terms of time or money (or memory in CS) required.
In contrast, Mathematics is generally declarative (but writing a proof tends to be more imperative). In math, you care more about correctness and defining invariant relationships/operations, as opposed to how quickly you can get the answer.
Note that many functional languages tend to be declarative in nature (eg R, Lisp).
What does z = x + y mean? (Semantics)
In an imperative language, it means read from memory locations x and y, add those values together, and put the result into memory location z, and do it right now. If you assign a different value to x, you will have to use the z = x + y statement again to recalculate z.
In a declarative (lazy) language, it means z is a variable whose value is the sum of the values of two other variables x and y. The addition operation isn't executed until you try to read the value of z. What's the implication? If you read from z, the value will always be the sum of x and y at that moment in time; you do not need to reissue the statement. In pure declarative languages where there are no variables, a reissue can actually be caught as an error!!!
Keep this example in mind and you will see why mathematicians tend to prefer declarative languages. For example, I can define hypotenuse = sqrt( height^2 + length^2 ) and never worry about having to reissue that statement. The relationship is an invariant that will always hold, just like a mathematical truth always holds.
In Real Life (and why should I care?)
Proponents of declarative languages claim: an efficient solution that is wrong (buggy) is useless. They want bug-free, state-less functions without side-effects that can be reused without modification.
Proponents of imperative languages claim: a correct solution that takes forever to run is also useless. They want control over the memory/speed tradeoff. They want to be able to optimised based on physical and time constraints.
Of course, nothing is 100% imperative or declarative. Imperative code that is correct and well-written implies certain relationships. OTOH, declarative code, in sufficient depth and in conjunction with the language specifications, describes those relationships well enough for the compiler/interpreter to turn your code into a series of CPU instructions.
Because we are dealing with computers, a declarative compiler/interpreter must be smart enough to make time vs memory tradeoffs, whereas in an imperative language, it is up to the programmer to make those decisions more explicitly.
So a declarative language requires that the programmer focus on defining relationships between variables and other invariants. It is up to the compiler/interpreter to turn those relationships into a series of instructions/operations for the CPU. Most declarative compilers/interpreters are smart enough to handle most real-world cases, but may have trouble with edge cases. Unfortunately, in those situations you will have to coax the compiler/interpreter.
Which one is better?
Proponents of declarative languages claim that such languages allow the programmers to focus on the domain and to write code that reads easier for non-programmers. It is easier to write correct code, claim the advocates. However, the trade-off is, coaxing the compiler/interpreter to make the correct memory vs speed tradeoff can require some intricate knowledge of the language. You will understand this problem if you use a declarative language like R or SQL or LISP. It is certainly possible to define a new declarative language which has nothing to do with computers (but doing so may make it harder for the writer of the interpreter/compiler). Many mathematicians and pure CS researchers like declarative languages.
Imperative languages tend to give you finer grained control over the machine. There is no question that you are programming a computer. The trap is, we can end up pre-maturely focusing on unnecessary speed optimisations that hurt code maintenance and readability. In the early days of computing where speed or memory were severely limited, you needed to have imperative languages to get useful work done, optimised correctly for your situation. Engineers and tinkerers tend to gravitate towards imperative languages.
C is an imperative language.
An imperative language specifies how to do what you want. A declarative language specifies what you want, but not how to do it; the language works out how to do it. Prolog is an example of a declarative language.
I would like to comment that some aspects of the C language would be, in the absence of explicit rules, declarative...
int i = 4;
int j = 5;
float f = i/j;
would seem to mean that you intend float to be .80 (and in a declarative language it would be, most likely)... but since there are well defined procedures int/int evaluates to an int using integer division (which in C is floor division).
it is the aspect of the explicitly defined behavior that makes C Imperative.
there is the secret under layer of C where optimizations can be made, as long as they have a guarantee to not change the output of the program, that makes the compiler have some declarative behavior, where the declaration is the behavior of the input C program, but the end result can be anything that matches that C program in functionality
§ part 10:
Alternatively, an implementation might perform various optimizations
within each translation unit, such that the actual semantics would
agree with the abstract semantics only when making function calls
across translation unit boundaries. In such an implementation, at the
time of each function entry and function return where the calling
function and the called function are in different translation units,
the values of all externally linked objects and of all objects
accessible via pointers therein would agree with the abstract
semantics. Furthermore, at the time of each such function entry the
values of the parameters of the called function and of all objects
accessible via pointers therein would agree with the abstract
semantics. In this type of implementation, objects referred to by
interrupt service routines activated by the signal function would
require explicit specification of volatile storage, as well as other
implementation-defined restrictions.
and a concrete example from the next part:
EXAMPLE 2 In executing the fragment
char c1, c2; /* ... */
c1 = c1 + c2;
the ‘‘integer promotions’’ require that the abstract machine promote
the value of each variable to int size and then add
the two ints and truncate the sum. Provided the addition of two chars
can be done without overflow, or with overflow wrapping silently to
produce the correct result, the actual execution need only produce the
same result, possibly omitting the promotions.
-> Imperative programming: telling the "machine" how to do something, and as a result what you want to happen will happen.
-> Declarative programming: telling the "machine" what you would like to happen, and let the computer figure out how to do it.
So We can say C is an imperative Language.

What's the reason for letting the semantics of a=a++ be undefined?

The line
a = a++;
is undefined behaviour in C. The question I am asking is: why?
I mean, I get that it might be hard to provide a consistent order in which things should be done. But, certain compilers will always do it in one order or the other (at a given optimization level). So why exactly is this left up to the compiler to decide?
To be clear, I want to know if this was a design decision and if so, what prompted it? Or maybe there is a hardware limitation of some kind?
UPDATE: This question was the subject of my blog on June 18th, 2012. Thanks for the great question!
Why? I want to know if this was a design decision and if so, what prompted it?
You are essentially asking for the minutes of the meeting of the ANSI C design committee, and I don't have those handy. If your question can only be answered definitively by someone who was in the room that day, then you're going to have to find someone who was in that room.
However, I can answer a broader question:
What are some of the factors that lead a language design committee to leave the behaviour of a legal program (*) "undefined" or "implementation defined" (**)?
The first major factor is: are there two existing implementations of the language in the marketplace that disagree on the behaviour of a particular program? If FooCorp's compiler compiles M(A(), B()) as "call A, call B, call M", and BarCorp's compiler compiles it as "call B, call A, call M", and neither is the "obviously correct" behaviour then there is strong incentive to the language design committee to say "you're both right", and make it implementation defined behaviour. Particularly this is the case if FooCorp and BarCorp both have representatives on the committee.
The next major factor is: does the feature naturally present many different possibilities for implementation? For example, in C# the compiler's analysis of a "query comprehension" expression is specified as "do a syntactic transformation into an equivalent program that does not have query comprehensions, and then analyze that program normally". There is very little freedom for an implementation to do otherwise.
By contrast, the C# specification says that the foreach loop should be treated as the equivalent while loop inside a try block, but allows the implementation some flexibility. A C# compiler is permitted to say, for example "I know how to implement foreach loop semantics more efficiently over an array" and use the array's indexing feature rather than converting the array to a sequence as the specification suggests it should.
A third factor is: is the feature so complex that a detailed breakdown of its exact behaviour would be difficult or expensive to specify? The C# specification says very little indeed about how anonymous methods, lambda expressions, expression trees, dynamic calls, iterator blocks and async blocks are to be implemented; it merely describes the desired semantics and some restrictions on behaviour, and leaves the rest up to the implementation.
A fourth factor is: does the feature impose a high burden on the compiler to analyze? For example, in C# if you have:
Func<int, int> f1 = (int x)=>x + 1;
Func<int, int> f2 = (int x)=>x + 1;
bool b = object.ReferenceEquals(f1, f2);
Suppose we require b to be true. How are you going to determine when two functions are "the same"? Doing an "intensionality" analysis -- do the function bodies have the same content? -- is hard, and doing an "extensionality" analysis -- do the functions have the same results when given the same inputs? -- is even harder. A language specification committee should seek to minimize the number of open research problems that an implementation team has to solve!
In C# this is therefore left to be implementation-defined; a compiler can choose to make them reference equal or not at its discretion.
A fifth factor is: does the feature impose a high burden on the runtime environment?
For example, in C# dereferencing past the end of an array is well-defined; it produces an array-index-was-out-of-bounds exception. This feature can be implemented with a small -- not zero, but small -- cost at runtime. Calling an instance or virtual method with a null receiver is defined as producing a null-was-dereferenced exception; again, this can be implemented with a small, but non-zero cost. The benefit of eliminating the undefined behaviour pays for the small runtime cost.
A sixth factor is: does making the behaviour defined preclude some major optimization? For example, C# defines the ordering of side effects when observed from the thread that causes the side effects. But the behaviour of a program that observes side effects of one thread from another thread is implementation-defined except for a few "special" side effects. (Like a volatile write, or entering a lock.) If the C# language required that all threads observe the same side effects in the same order then we would have to restrict modern processors from doing their jobs efficiently; modern processors depend on out-of-order execution and sophisticated caching strategies to obtain their high level of performance.
Those are just a few factors that come to mind; there are of course many, many other factors that language design committees debate before making a feature "implementation defined" or "undefined".
Now let's return to your specific example.
The C# language does make that behaviour strictly defined(†); the side effect of the increment is observed to happen before the side effect of the assignment. So there cannot be any "well, it's just impossible" argument there, because it is possible to choose a behaviour and stick to it. Nor does this preclude major opportunities for optimizations. And there are not a multiplicity of possible complex implementation strategies.
My guess, therefore, and I emphasize that this is a guess, is that the C language committee made ordering of side effects into implementation defined behaviour because there were multiple compilers in the marketplace that did it differently, none was clearly "more correct", and the committee was unwilling to tell half of them that they were wrong.
(*) Or, sometimes, its compiler! But let's ignore that factor.
(**) "Undefined" behaviour means that the code can do anything, including erasing your hard disk. The compiler is not required to generate code that has any particular behaviour, and not required to tell you that it is generating code with undefined behaviour. "Implementation defined" behaviour means that the compiler author is given considerable freedom in choice of implementation strategy, but is required to pick a strategy, use it consistently, and document that choice.
(†) When observed from a single thread, of course.
It's undefined because there is no good reason for writing code like that, and by not requiring any specific behaviour for bogus code, compilers can more aggressively optimize well-written code. For example, *p = i++ may be optimized in a way that causes a crash if p happens to point to i, possibly because two cores write to the same memory location at the same time. The fact that this also happens to be undefined in the specific case that *p is explicitly written out as i, to get i = i++, logically follows.
It's ambiguous but not syntactically wrong. What should a be? Both = and ++ have the same "timing." So instead of defining an arbitrary order it was left undefined since either order would be in conflict with one of the two operators definitions.
With a few exceptions, the order in which expressions are evaluated is unspecified; this was a deliberate design decision, and it allows implementations to rearrange the evaluation order from what's written if that will result in more efficient machine code. Similarly, the order in which the side effects of ++ and -- are applied is unspecified beyond the requirement that it happen before the next sequence point, again to give implementations the freedom to arrange operations in an optimal manner.
Unfortunately, this means that the result of an expression like a = a++ will vary based on the compiler, compiler settings, surrounding code, etc. The behavior is specifically called out as undefined in the language standard so that compiler implementors don't have to worry about detecting such cases and issuing a diagnostic against them. Cases like a = a++ are obvious, but what about something like
void foo(int *a, int *b)
*a = (*b)++;
If that's the only function in the file (or if its caller is in a different file), there's no way to know at compile time whether a and b point to the same object; what do you do?
Note that it's entirely possible to mandate that all expressions be evaluated in a specific order, and that all side effects be applied at a specific point in evaluation; that's what Java and C# do, and in those languages expressions like a = a++ are always well-defined.
The postfix ++ operator returns the value prior to the incrementation. So, at the first step, a gets assigned to its old value (that's what ++ returns). At the next point it is undefined whether the increment or the assignment will take place first, because both operations are applied over the same object (a), and the language says nothing about the order of evaluation of these operators.
Somebody may provide another reason, but from an optimization (better say assembler presentation) point of view, a needs be loaded into a CPU register, and the postfix operator's value should be placed into another register or the same.
So the last assignment can depend on either the optimizer using one register or two.
Updating the same object twice without an intervening sequence point is undefined behaviour ...
because that makes compiler writers happier
because it allows implementations to define it anyway
because it doesn't force a specific constraint when it isn't needed
Suppose a is a pointer with value 0x0001FFFF. And suppose the architecture is segmented so that the compiler needs to apply the increment to the high and low parts separately, with a carry between them. The optimiser could conceivably reorder the writes so that the final value stored is 0x0002FFFF; that is, the low part before the increment and the high part after the increment.
This value is twice either value that you might have expected. It may point to memory not owned by the application, or it may (in general) be a trapping representation. In other words, the CPU may raise a hardware fault as soon as this value is loaded into a register, crashing the application. Even if it doesn't cause an immediate crash, it is a profoundly wrong value for the application to be using.
The same kind of thing can happen with other basic types, and the C language allows even ints to have trapping representations. C tries to allow efficient implementation on a wide range of hardware. Getting efficient code on a segmented machine such as the 8086 is hard. By making this undefined behaviour, a language implementer has a bit more freedom to optimise aggressively. I don't know if it has ever made a performance difference in practice, but evidently the language committee wanted to give every benefit to the optimiser.
