How to properly fetch data from async storage in react native? - reactjs

I am attempting to load and retrieve local data through asynchronous storage. I've laid out the current set up on a page, but am unable to retrieve data. Data is definitely saved as I receive a notification about it once I click store data. But when I proceed to call data it returns a null value. What am I doing something wrong here?
const STORAGE_KEY = '#save_enableauto'
_storeData = async enableAuto => {
try {
let x = toString(enableAuto);
await AsyncStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, x)
alert('Data successfully saved!')
//this.setState({ enableAuto: x })
} catch (e) {
alert('Failed to save name.')
_retrieveData = async () => {
console.log('trying to call data')
try {
const enableAuto = await AsyncStorage.getItem('STORAGE_KEY');
if (enableAuto !== null) {
// We have data!!
} catch (error) {
alert('failed to load previous settings.')
// Error retrieving data
<Button title={'Store Data'} onPress={() => this._storeData(this.state.enableAuto)}/>
<Button title={'call Data'} onPress={() => this._retrieveData()}/>
onValueChange={() => this.setState({ checked: !this.state.enableAuto })}

The error above is while you are storing, you are setting :
await AsyncStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, x)
and here STORAGE_KEY refers to value #save_enableauto
But while you are retrieving data
const enableAuto = await AsyncStorage.getItem('STORAGE_KEY');
you are giving 'STORAGE_KEY' as string , so that means its refering 'STORAGE_KEY' and it doesnt have any stored value. Try this
const enableAuto = await AsyncStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY);
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts


Reactjs updated prop is not shown

I tried to create a interactable map following this example here:
In my componentDidMount (where I create a mapboxgl) I implemented clickable markers, when clicked on the markers a popup appears which displays various informations.
After the click I want to call a second function (fetch) to get more data on that specific marker: this.props.getData(id);
I then want to display these data in the same popup as the other information.
My problem is that this.props.testdata is empty on the first click. If I double-click on the marker, the data appear. So my guess is that my component does not notice the change of the state/prop and therefore does not update?
How do I do that or what am I missing?
Map.js'click', 'unclustered-point', (e) => {
const coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice();
const id = e.features[0];
const infos = e.features[0].properties.infos;
while (Math.abs(e.lngLat.lng - coordinates[0]) > 180) {
coordinates[0] += e.lngLat.lng > coordinates[0] ? 360 : -360;
if (id == null) {
console.log("Missing id, cant get informations")
new mapboxgl.Popup()
Id: ${id}
Infos: ${infos}
Testdata: ${this.props.testdata}
});'mouseenter', 'clusters', () => { = 'pointer';
});'mouseleave', 'clusters', () => { = '';
App.js (getData function):
getData = (id) => {
if (id== null) {
console.log("Missing id")
const {mapCenter, startDate, endDate} = this.state;
const neo4j = require('neo4j-driver')
const driver = neo4j.driver('bolt://xxx', neo4j.auth.basic("xx", "xx-xx"))
const session = driver.session()
.run('Here goes a neo4j cypher statment',{id: id})
.then((results)=> {
const data= [];
results.records.forEach((record) => data.push([record.get("r"), record.get("n"), record.get("b")]))
}).catch(e => {
I am not familiar with neo4j, but it is apparent that getData(id) fetches data from a server. This is going to be an asynchronous operation, so you should add a state property to maybe show a spinner while data is being fetched?
Regarding testdata not being available, I do not see the code where it is being set.
Maybe your setState code should be:
testdata: data
//If your data prop is testdata.
As per the current setState, data property of your component state would be set with server response.
Temporary fix for async server call:
You can change following methods and try if it fixes your issue:'click', 'unclustered-point', async (e) => {
// ...previous code
await this.props.getData(id);
// This forces the following code to execute synchronously. Basically it should wait for your API call to be complete
new mapboxgl.Popup()
Id: ${id}
Infos: ${infos}
Testdata: ${this.props.testdata}
});'mouseenter', 'clusters', () => { = 'pointer';
});'mouseleave', 'clusters', () => { = '';
getData = (id) => {
//... previous code
// we return a promise to use await in the onClick handler
return session
.run('Here goes a neo4j cypher statment',{id: id})
.then((results)=> {
const data= [];
results.records.forEach((record) => data.push([record.get("r"), record.get("n"), record.get("b")]))
}).catch(e => {
If you are still facing an issue, please create a sample app and share.
I have not yet managed to fix the original problem.
However, I have found another solution:
In my Map.js I'm calling the this.props.testdata in th UI like this:
<div className="sidebar">
info: {JSON.stringify(this.props.testdata)}

React native: how do I wait for a state to be set, before I call another state related operation?

I am writing a chat app. Users can search for other users, and then press the "Message" button. Then I navigate to ChatScreen.js. If both users have been messaging each other, I set the chatId variable accordingly. If they have not messaged each other before I dont create chatId, until the ery first message has been sent. When the first message is sent, I first, create new chat, store its properties (user ids, chatId, etc) in my db and then I sent the first message. The problem is that I store chatId as a state variable, and when I create the chat I call setChatId(id). setChatId() is not synchronous call, so by the time when I need to send message with sendText(text, chatId); my chatId is undefined even though I have already created a chat and I have called setChatId.
How can I avoid this error? Ofc, I can check if chatId == undefined then calling sendText(text, id), otherwise calling sendText(text, chatId). Is there a better/neath way to avoid the undefined check?
Here is part of my code:
import {
} from "./actions";
function ChatScreen(props) {
const [chatId, setChatId] = useState(props.route.params.chatId);
const setupChat = async () => {
try {
await createChat(, setChatId);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error creating chat: ", error);
async function handleSend(messages) {
if (!chatId) {
// creating chat
await setupChat();
const text = messages[0].text ? messages[0].text : null;
const imageUrl = messages[0].image ? messages[0].image : null;
const videoUrl = messages[0].video ? messages[0].video : null;
const location = messages[0].location ? messages[0].location : null;
//assuming chatId is already setup but it is not
if (imageUrl) {
sendImage(imageUrl, chatId, setSendImageError);
} else if (location) {
sendLocation(location, chatId, setLocationError);
} else if (videoUrl) {
sendVideo(videoUrl, chatId, setSendImageError);
} else {
sendText(text, chatId);
My createChat function from actions.js file
export async function createChat(otherUid, setChatId) {
let chatId = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid + "_" + otherUid;
await firebase
users: [firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, otherUid],
lastMessage: "Send the first message",
lastMessageTimestamp: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
.then(() => {
console.log("doc ref for creatign new chat: ", chatId);
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error creating chat: ", error);
Instead of using a state variable, I would advise you to use useRef(). This would be a good solution to your problem.Eg Define it this way
const chatId = useRef(null),
then set it this way chatId.current = yourChatId
and get it this way chatId.current. I hope this solves your problem

Rendering elements of array fetched with React does not work

I'm successfully fetching an array of objects from a local ethereum blockchain (successful as in, I've logged the data in componentDidMount and it is what its supposed to be). Its a dynamically sized array
(inventory), so I gotta fetch it element by element. Here are the relevant parts:
async componentDidMount() {
this.setState({fetching: true}, () => {
.then(result => this.setState({fetching: false}))
async loadData() {
if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum)
const netId = await
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
this.setState({account: accounts[0]})
if(typeof accounts[0] !== 'undefined'){
const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0])
this.setState({balance: balance})
else {
window.alert('Please login with MetaMask')
try {
const plotRepository = new web3.eth.Contract(PlotRepository.abi, PlotRepository.networks[netId].address)
const plot = await plotRepository.methods.claimPlot(this.state.account).send({from: this.state.account})
this.setState({plot: new web3.eth.Contract(Plot.abi, _plot.plot)})
const size = await this.state.plot.methods.size().call()
const tiles = await this.state.plot.methods.getTiles().call()
await this.loadInventory() // this is where I'm loading the array in question
this.setState({size: size})
this.setState({tiles: tiles})
// logging the array here works
} catch (e) {
} else {
window.alert('Please install MetaMask')
async loadInventory() {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(inventoryinfo)) {
const item = await this.state.plot.methods.getInventoryItem(key).call()
this.setState({inventory: [...this.state.inventory, {
name: key,
value: parseInt(item[0][1]),
count: item[1]
Again, logging the array in the fetching functions works just fine. I'm also using a flag (fetching) which denotes whether all data has been successfully loaded or not, and I only try to render data once everything is loaded:
render() {
const { plot, account, fetching, tiles, inventory } = this.state
return (
<div className="App">
<p>Currently logged in with account: { this.state.account }</p>
<p>Balance: { this.state.balance } </p>
{ fetching ? // make sure things are fetched before rendering them
<p>Loading</p> :
<UserPlot tileData={tiles} plot={plot} account={account}/>
inventory[0].name // inventory[0] is undefined
// inventory.length is not
Trying to display any element of the array gives me an undefined error. Rendering the array length works though ({inventory.length}). This is weird since I'm doing the same thing with another array that I'm fetching and displaying in the UserPlot component and that works just fine (only difference is that in this case the array is static and I can load it all in one go but I don't think that has anything to do with it)

Why when the state is updated the changes in the rendering are not updated?

I have created a hook to access the collections of the database and its methods.
import { remote } from 'electron'
import { useState, useEffect } from "react"
function useCollections(collections = []) {
let [dbInstances, setDbInstances] = useState(null)
let [data, setData] = useState(null)
// Create
let create = async (doc, dbName) => {
await dbInstances[dbName].create(doc)
let newData = await dbInstances[dbName].readAll()
setData({, [dbName]: newData })
// Get details
let getDetails = async (id, dbName) => {
let doc = await dbInstances[dbName].read(id)
return doc
// Delete
let deleteOne = async (id, dbName) => {
await dbInstances[dbName].deleteOne(id)
let newData = await dbInstances[dbName].readAll()
setData({, [dbName]: newData })
// Update
let updateOne = async (id, updatedDoc, dbName) => {
await dbInstances[dbName].archive(id, updatedDoc)
let newData = await dbInstances[dbName].readAll()
setData({, [dbName]: newData })
useEffect(() => {
console.log('mounting component')
let newDBIs = {}
collections.forEach(col => newDBIs[col] = remote.getGlobal(col))
console.log('db instances settted', newDBIs)
}, [])
// When DBs are instantiated, request all docs and set data with response
useEffect(() => {
if (
dbInstances !== null &&
data === null &&
Object.keys(dbInstances).length === collections.length)
console.log('setting data')
let newData = {}
collections.forEach(async col => newData[col] = await dbInstances[col].readAll())
console.log('data setted => ', newData)
}, [dbInstances])
return {
export default useCollections;
In the component where the data returned by the hook is consumed, even though the variable data contains the expected data, these are not rendered.
import WindowsLayout from "../../components/layout/WindowsLayout"
import { useState, useEffect } from "react"
import { remote } from "electron"
import useCollections from "../../hooks/useCollections"
const EditWorkWindow = ({ workId }) => {
let { data, deleteOne, updateOne } = useCollections([
useEffect(() => {
if (data !== null) console.log(data)
}, [data])
return (
<WindowsLayout title="Edit work window">
<div style={{ height: 243 }} className="window-content">
<div className="padded-more bg-gray-200">
<button onClick={() => console.log(data)}>CLG</button>
</WindowsLayout >
export default EditWorkWindow
The effect hook shows the expected data by console.
<h2>{JSON.stringify(data)}</h2> = {}
When the button is clicked, the expected data is displayed on the console.
I can't understand why if data contains properties, they are not shown in {JSON.stringify(data)}
This is what is shown by the console after clicking on the button
console.log(data) image
And this is example data and their its properties
"product":"Work name 1",
"product":"Work name 2",
"name":"Studio name 1",
"name":"Studio name 2",
"name":"Rate name 1",
"name":"Rate name 1",
Async problem it is.
// When DBs are instantiated, request all docs and set data with response
useEffect(() => {
if (
dbInstances !== null &&
data === null &&
Object.keys(dbInstances).length === collections.length)
console.log('setting data')
let newData = {}
collections.forEach(async col => newData[col] = await dbInstances[col].readAll())
console.log('data setted => ', newData)
setData(newData) // <-- 👋LOOK HERE
}, [dbInstances])
So you let newData = {} empty object, and send it off to trigger an update re-render by calling setData(), but newData is empty at the moment of calling.
In your rendering function JSON.stringify(data) pickup the data, but it's still empty at the moment of rendering!
It's only when async col => newData[col] = await someValue call is resolved, that your newData's properties will get assigned new values, the newData object stays the same. But by the time it's resolved, the rendering is done already.
Solution: wait till async function call is resolved, then you call setData()
useEffect(() => {
// ...
const promises = col => {
newData[col] = await dbInstances[col].readAll())
Promise.all(promises).then(() => { setData(newData) })
The reason why you see the updated value when inspecting in console, is because you didn't inspect "quick enough". By the time you mouse-click to expand the object in console, its properties are already assigned values. But if you change
console.log('data setted => ', newData)
// to
console.log('data setted => ', JSON.stringify(newData))
you'll see an empty object.

React native data not rendered after setstate

So i have been working with firebase as a backend in my react native application, i have tried to fetch data this way but i have nothing rendered, i have the activity indicator that went off, but i get that the data array is empty in the application screen, and when i do a console.log, i can see the data in the console, but nothing shows off in the application screen, please help me it's been days that i'm struggling.
export default class Leaderboard extends React.Component{
this.state = {
loading : true,
data : []
.then(res => {
let rankArray = []
res.forEach(document => {
return rankArray;
}).then(res =>{
let data = []
res.forEach(item =>{
.then(doc =>{
let dataItem = {} = doc.ref.path =
dataItem.points = = 'Oran'
dataItem = {}
return data;
}).then(res =>this.setState({
loading : false,
data : res
}) ).catch(err => console.log(err))
<View style = {styles.container}>
<ActivityIndicator size= 'large'></ActivityIndicator>
renderItem={({item}) => <Text>{item.fullname}</Text>}
The reason for this not working as expected is that you're trying to perform an asynchronous function call, per iteration of your res array inside of your forEach() callback:
// This is asynchronous
firebase.firestore().doc(item.idUser.path).get().then(doc =>{ ... })
Consider revising your code to use the Promise.all() method instead. This will ensure that each asynchronous for individual documents per-item in res array is completed, before setState() in the susequent .then() handler is invoked:
.then(res => {
let rankArray = []
res.forEach(document => {
return rankArray;
.then(res => {
// Use promise all to resolve each aync request, per item in the
// res array
return Promise.all( => {
// Return promise from .get().then(..) for this item of res array.
return firebase.firestore()
.then(doc => {
let dataItem = {} = doc.ref.path =
dataItem.points = = 'Oran'
// Return resolve dataItem to array that is relayed to next .then()
// handler (ie where you call this.setState())
return dataItem
.then(res =>this.setState({
loading : false,
data : res
