Visual Studio Code does not track React Problems - reactjs

I can't seem to tell Visual Studio Code to track problems in a Typescript React App. I did the following to reproduce:
yarn create react-app --template typescript test
code test
I've added the following to App.tsx:
public class Dummy {
public constructor() {
let x = 0;
When I run npm start, I get two warnings in the console, but the Problems pane remains empty. Introducing an error (let x = abc) shows a problem while the file is open, but not when it's closed (although it is shown in the terminal).
I've tried using the $eslint-stylish matcher, as well as the problem matcher here.

Your issue looks like issue 12073 (Errors from run npm script are not showed in 'Problems' pane)
It refers to vscode issue 1777 which states:
Looks like this went live with 1.14 (June 2017 update).
I actually came here looking to tone auto-detection down a bit -- it's detecting all my pre/post tasks as well as the ones I actually want to run. It looks like it selects "configured" tasks first, so this isn't a huge issue, but it'd be nice to be able to hide some NPM tasks completely (and/or not show pre/post tasks in the first place).
(fixed in 1.15)
The ReactJS tutorial suggests to configure the Chrome Debugger and display errors only in the Debug Console:


How do I load the latest code in Cake REPL?

When I make changes to my Entity code, the changes only reflect after restarting the REPL console. How do I always have the latest code in my REPL console?
./bin/cake console
> $ac_table = Cake\Datasource\FactoryLocator::get('Table')->get('AccountChannels');
> $ac = $ac_table->find()->first()
> $ac->someFunc(); // I can only see changes to this function after restarting the console
I also tried to reload the entity with the first() call after a code change, but no luck.
CakePHP uses PsySH under the hood, and currently it doesn't support code reloading, unless you can get a runkit version with import support running in your PHP environment.
Hey there's an existing fork of runkit for php7. Unfortunatly the runkit_import function was removed in version 4.0.0a1, apparently because of bugs with php7.3+, so this will not work for latest versions of php, but it should be mostly ok for earlier versions (haven't fully tested though). To install:
pecl install runkit7-3.1.0a1
I created a PR to update RunkitReloader.php class
(nb: might not work for class props, see pr modifications)

PlayingError: Error: Cannot find module when trying to run a play command

I have #discordjs/opus installed and I'm trying to access it to play music. I'm running on Replit and it worked fine when I was testing it so I'm guessing it has some issue with that.
Error: Cannot find module '/home/runner/omex/node_modules/#discordjs/opus/prebuild/node-v93-napi-v3-linux-x64-glibc-2.24/opus.node```
I debugged through my instance where I was having the same issue and it looked like all of the following #discordjs/opus, node-opus and opusscript were failing so I looked in Packages (left side of replit screen, the icon looks like a 3D cube) for node-opus and opusscript.
node-opus wasn't in the list, so I installed opusscript 0.0.8 and it started working again instantly. YMMV, but let me know if this fixes your issue.

How can I debug a newly cloned React Native app

I am starting to help someone with a new project. This project is React (React Native as is a mobile app).
The project is working fine on her laptop (in her browser), and when I scan the Expo QR code, the app works fine on my Android device.
However, trying to run it in my browser is throwing all these errors:
The 'Can't resolve' error doesn't make sense, because the correct react native files are there. Is this a cache problem? I have tried deleting the .expo/web/cache folder and starting over.
Also, why are there multiple errors in my console, but only one being shown in the information on the actual web page? Does this mean that the single error being shown is causing all the other errors, or it is the only one which needs fixing, or will it show the next error when I fix the one that is being shown?
Seems to have been a known problem re babel. See the links below:
how to solve this error You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type

Class 'SqlFormatter' is missing CAKEPHP 3 DebugKit

I've just installed the latest Debugkit from
Everything is working. However, when I clicked on the "SQL Log", the CakePHP logo keeps spinning. I tried to debug by opening up the console.log and saw an 500 error. It shows the below.
Error: Class 'SqlFormatter' not found
File /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/App/vendor/cakephp/debug_kit/src/Template/Element/sql_log_panel.ctp
Line: 24
From my understanding, SqlFormatter class is not found in sql_log_panel.ctp. How can I add/declare the SqlFormatter class?
Just install it via composer, problem very likely solved then.
I highly recommend you to become familiar with composer, it is a standard tool for php developers for some time now. Composer will automatically install the dependencies for you.
Your second best option would be to download the SqlFormatter package manually from where ever it comes from and set your autoloading or include manually up.

Sencha touch app remains on blue loading screen when viewing on Android device or emulator

I just created a basic sencha app by
sencha generate app --name AndroidDemo --path ../demo
and I viewed it in browser and everything is perfect.
I then followed the instructions here:
and compiled the app with Sencha Cmd and when the emulator opens I only get a blue loading screen.
I also tried compiling/building the app with phonegap on phonegap build site and the build finishes successfully and after loading the app in my andoid device, again I only see the loading page and it stays on this page and the app does not launch.
I'm completely clueless. Need your help friends.
In your app code may be miner syntax error or other error so while app run in emulator check log cat or other option run or app in chrome and check console log. Because loading screen display in case of error as my expression with this.
i'm having the exact same problem..
(currently on windows, btw)
while it's not exactly a solution,
a workaround that i did (out of desperation to see the rest of my app on the emulator):
is to just install it directly to the emulator using the "adb" command.
haven't tried this on a mac, but i'm guessing it's almost the same thing?
after building the app using "sencha" cmd, open cmd/terminal to the build directory.
-assuming you did not change the output location, the apk will be created in your
project root folder under this folder:
make sure the emulator is already running
run the following in command/terminal at the folder where the apk is located:
adb install -r MYAPPNAME.apk
wait for awhile and it should say successfully installed.
run the app in the emulator and hopefully it will go beyond the loading screen.
I don't know why this issue is happening though.
(only started tinkering with android dev/sencha yesterday and it seems to be doing all in it's power to prevent me from running my app. haha)
please share if you find the correct fix for this :)
This usually happens when you build your version and you did not imbed all needed components.
For example, when you use ...
... in your code.
While running without ...
Sencha app build xxx
... Sencha will grab the component from the touch/src components folder.
But at the time you build the app, it cannot reference to that folder any longer and Sencha will stall.
Please open the console and look out for a warning like this:
[WARN][Anonymous] [Ext.Loader] Synchronously loading 'Ext.MessageBox';
consider adding 'Ext.MessageBox' explicitly as a require of the
corresponding class
You need to add these to the requires section of either App.js or a class where you use the item (here Ext.Messagebox).
Another way to find out what is happening is to run the build code inside the browser and look into the console (so instead of localhost/myapp/index.html you run localhost/myapp/build/{package}/{myapp}/index.html).
There is one other thing that might happen. It’s the scope of async operations.
Like this:
Ext.defer(function() {this.log(‘all good’);}, 500);
this is not the scope of your class.
You need to use:
Ext.defer(function() {this.log(‘all good’);}, 500, this);
Or you might even use ...
Ext.bind() bind the scope to the function.
