Measure wall clock time before and after a function - c

I am measuring wall time through the use of clock_gettime() found in . It works perfectly fine when i use it in main() but not the way i am attempting to use it.
I am familiarizing myself with the linux scheduler and i am measuring performance on different parts.
I want to be able to measure Waiting time which is defined by "the total time a thread spends in the ready queue" (how long until it starts executing the function).
Easily enough i can measure this by setting a clock_gettime() before the thread function and another right inside the function. However the problem i am having is that the time inside the thread function is lower than the one outside, giving us a negative time.
I am running this on my windows pc through ubuntu.
what could the problem be?
thread_array[i-1] = data;
if(pthread_create(&tids[i],&attr,workLoad,(void*) &data) != 0){
perror("Could not create thread");
return 1;
for(int i = 1;i < threadAmount; i++){
if(pthread_join(tids[i],NULL)!= 0){
perror("Thread could not wait");
return 1;
and here is my threadfunc:
void *workLoad(void *args)
threadData* data = (threadData*) args;
int loopAmount = data->loopAmount;
int counter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < loopAmount; i++){
return NULL;
result of time intervall

In the following code:
thread_array[i-1] = data;
if(pthread_create(&tids[i],&attr,workLoad,(void*) &data) != 0){
data seems to be a local variable whose address you pass to the thread. You also copy this variable into thread_array[i-1]. If you then do thread_array[i-1].after - thread_array[i-1].before then that means that the thread updates a wrong variable. You need to pass &thread_array[i-1] to that thread, e.g.:
if(pthread_create(&tids[i],&attr,workLoad,(void*)&thread_array[i-1]) != 0){


Pthread sharing variables with pointers in C

I'm working on a C project using Pthread that needs to share some variables. There are several lines of code written yet and I just realized that using shared global variables doesn't work quite well because of the cache system.
I find on stackoverflow that a solution is to pass the adress of the variable (in my case it's more than one) to the thread function, what does it change?
Since my thread functions call other functions who will modify the globals, it's a bit painful to add a parameter to the chain of called functions where one function modify the globals.
So I was wondering, would it work to declare global pointers for each globals and use them to acess the global instead of the real globals?
I think it's a superficial inderiction but why wouldn't it work after all?
My program is an UDP network protocol whre networks look like rings or circled simple linked list. Instances of the program on the network are called entities.
An entity entity can insert on a ring or ask an entity to create another ring (dupplication), so the other entity would be on two ring.
The interface is sort of a shell where commands can leads to sending messages on the ring. Messages circle all over the rings after being stopped when they have ever been seen.
The shell is in the main thread, there is a thread for message treatment, another to manage insertion, and there is also a thread to detect broken rings. The problems is located in the ring tester thread. The thread initialize a global array (volatile short ring_check[NRING]) of size of the maximum ring numbers for an entity, initialize the first element with 0 according to the actual number of rings and the rest with -1, after that it send a test message in each ring and sleeps during a timeout of 30sec. When the timeout has finished, it checks for the values in the array.
The values are changed by the thread for message treatment, when a test message went went back, it detects it by its content and write -1 to the appropriate ring_check element.
The problem is that after a dupplication, the two rings are tested but the checking for the second failed (ring_check[1] == 0) and I really don't know why... The test message is received, immediately after the sending, after the message treatment modifies ring_check[1] to 0 I print it to see if the change is really made and it prints 1. But about 20 to 30sec later, the ring_tester wake up from his sleeping time and it reads 0 in ring_check[1].
short volatile ring_check[NRING+1];
// The function in the ring tester thread
static void test_ring() {
// initialize ring_check array
debug("ring_tester", GREEN "setting ring_check to -1...");
char port_diff[5];
// send test messages in each rings
int fixed_nring = getnring();
for (int i = fixed_nring+1; i < NRING; ++i) {
ring_check[i] = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < fixed_nring + 1; i++) {
debug("ring_tester", GREEN "setting ring_check %d to 0...", i);
ring_check[i] = 0;
itoa4(port_diff, ent.mdiff_port[i]);
debug("ring_tester", GREEN "sending test to ring %d...", i);
sendmessage(i, "TEST", "%s %s", ent.mdiff_ip[i], port_diff);
debug("test_ring", GREEN "timeout beginning...");
debug("test_ring", GREEN "end of timeout.");
for (int i = 0; i < fixed_nring + 1 && ring_check[i] != -1; i++) {
debug("test_ring", GREEN "ring_check[%d]:%d", i, ring_check[i]);
if (ring_check[i]) {
debug("test_ring", GREEN "ring %d: checked.", i);
else {
debug("test_ring", GREEN "ring %d: checking failed. Ring broken...", i);
// The function called by the message treatment thread
static int action_test(char *message, char *content, int lookup_flag) {
debug("action_test", RED "entering function...");
if (content[15] != ' ' || content[20] != 0) {
debug("action_test", RED "content not following the protocol."\
"content: \"%s\"", content);
return 1;
if (lookup_flag) {
char mdiff_port[5];
int fixed_nring = getnring();
for (int i = 0; i < fixed_nring + 1 && ring_check[i] != -1; ++i) {
itoa4(mdiff_port, ent.mdiff_port[i]);
// find ring associated with message and actualize the checking
if (strncmp(content, ent.mdiff_ip[i], 15) == 0 &&
strncmp(&content[16], mdiff_port, 4) == 0 &&
ring_check[i] != -1) {
ring_check[i] = 1;
RED "correspondance found, ring_check[%d]:%d", i, ring_check[i]);
return 0;
else {
return 0;
You could define a global structure such as thread_inputparam. Put all the global variables' addresses in it and send to all threads, the adress of this structure variable.
int global1;
struct thread_input {
int *g1;
// add other globals'addresses

Synchronizing the result of threads with incremented shared variable and condition

The title might not appear particularly clear, but the code explains itself:
int shared_variable;
int get_shared_variable() {
int result;
result = shared_variable;
return result;
void* thread_routine(void *arg) {
while (get_shared_variable() < 5000) {
int i = 0;
while (pthread_mutex_trylock(&foo_mutexes[i]) != 0) {
if (i == foo_count) {
sleep(1); // wait one second and retry
i = 0;
shared_variable += 10;
return NULL;
I'm passing thread_routine to a pthread_create (pretty standard), but I'm having a problem with the synchronization of the result. Basically, the problem is that the first thread checks the while condition, it passes, and then another thread checks it, it passes too. However, when the first thread finishes and shared_variable reaches 5000, the second thread has not yet finished and it adds up another 10 and the end result becomes 5010 (or NUM_OF_THREADS - 1 * 10 if I run more than two) at the end, while the whole process should end at 5000.
Another issue is that in // do some work I output something on the screen, so the whole thing inside the loop should pretty much work as a transaction in database terms. I can't seem to figure out how to solve this problem, but I suppose there's something simple that I'm missing. Thanks in advance.
This answer may or may not be what you are after. Because as explained in the comments your description of the expected behaviour of the program is incomplete. Without the exact expected behaviour it is difficult to give a full answer. But since you ask, here is a possible structure of the program based on the code shown. The main principle it is illustrating is that the critical section for shared_variable needs to be both minimal and complete.
int shared_variable;
void* thread_routine(void *arg)
while (1) {
if (shared_variable >= 5000) {
shared_variable += 10;
/* Other code that doesn't use shared_variable goes here */
return NULL;

Call PAPI_start() and PAPI_stop() in different functions?

Usally PAPI is used like this:
Initialize Lib
Add Event(s)
However, I have an application which times code like this:
start = time()
t = time() - start;
I want to override this time() function, which is in another file. My code:
static int INIT=0;
int retval;
static int eventSet = PAPI_NULL;
long long res[1];
// eventSet is NOT PAPI_NULL here!
if ((retval = PAPI_stop(eventSet, res)) != PAPI_OK)
return res[0]/1e9;
INIT = 1;
retval = PAPI_library_init(PAPI_VER_CURRENT);
if ((retval = PAPI_create_eventset(&eventSet)) != PAPI_OK)
if ((retval = PAPI_add_named_event(eventSet, (char *) "rapl:::PP0_ENERGY:PACKAGE0")) != PAPI_OK)
if ((retval = PAPI_start(eventSet)) != PAPI_OK)
return 0.0;
When running the application I get PAPI error -9: EventSet is currently not running from PAPI_stop().
I assumed that it would be sufficient to share the eventSet variable between the two runs of the function.
Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work as the event is not running when PAPI_stop() is called.
Is there any chance to fix this?
What happens when you call your timer the third time? You stopped the events already. You need to rethink your design, perhaps use PAPI_read – Anycorn

Suspend/Resume all user processes - Is that possible?

I have PC's with a lot of applications running at once, i was thinking is it possible to SUSPEND all applications, i want to do that to run periodically one other application that is using a lot the CPU so want it to have all the processor time.
The thing is i want to suspend all applications run my thing that uses the CPU a lot, then when my thingy exit, to resume all applications and all work to be resumed fine....
Any comments are welcome.
It's possible but not recommended at all.
Set the process and thread priority so your application will be given a larger slice of the CPU.
This also means it won't kill the desktop, any network connections, antivirus, start menu, the window manager, etc as your method will.
You could possibly keep a list that you yourself manually generate of programs that are too demanding (say, for (bad) example, Steam.exe, chrome.exe, 90GB-video-game.exe, etc). Basically, you get the entire list of all running processes, search that list for all of the blacklisted names, and NtSuspendProcess/NtResumeProcess (should you need to allow it to run again in the future).
I don't believe suspending all user processes is a good idea. Much of those are weirdly protected and probably should remain running, anyway, and it's an uphill battle with very little to gain.
As mentioned in another answer, you can of course just adjust your processes priority up if you have permission to do so. This sorts the OS-wide process list in favor of your process, so you get CPU time first.
Here's an example of something similar to your original request. I'm writing a program in C++ that needed this exact feature, so I figured I'd help out. This will find Steam.exe or chrome.exe, and suspend the first one it finds for 10 seconds.. then will resume it. This will show as "not responding" on Windows if you try to interact with the window whilst it's suspended. Some applications may not like being suspended, YMMV.
/*Find, suspend, resume Win32 C++
*Written by jimmio92. No rights reserved. Public domain.
#include <windows.h>
#include <psapi.h>
typedef LONG (NTAPI *NtSuspendProcess)(IN HANDLE ProcessHandle);
typedef LONG (NTAPI *NtResumeProcess)(IN HANDLE ProcessHandle);
NtSuspendProcess dSuspendProcess = nullptr;
NtResumeProcess dResumeProcess = nullptr;
int get_the_pid() {
DWORD procs[4096], bytes;
int out = -1;
if(!EnumProcesses(procs, sizeof(procs), &bytes)) {
return -1;
for(size_t i = 0; i < bytes/sizeof(DWORD); ++i) {
TCHAR name[MAX_PATH] = "";
HANDLE p = nullptr;
bool found = false;
if(p == nullptr)
DWORD unused_bytes_for_all_modules = 0;
if(EnumProcessModules(p, &mod, sizeof(mod), &unused_bytes_for_all_modules)) {
GetModuleBaseName(p, mod, name, sizeof(name));
//change this to use an array of names or whatever fits your need better
if(strcmp(name, "Steam.exe") == 0 || strcmp(name, "chrome.exe") == 0) {
out = procs[i];
found = true;
if(found) break;
return out;
void suspend_process_by_id(int pid) {
if(h == nullptr)
void resume_process_by_id(int pid) {
if(h == nullptr)
void init() {
//load NtSuspendProcess from ntdll.dll
HMODULE ntmod = GetModuleHandle("ntdll");
dSuspendProcess = (NtSuspendProcess)GetProcAddress(ntmod, "NtSuspendProcess");
dResumeProcess = (NtResumeProcess)GetProcAddress(ntmod, "NtResumeProcess");
int main() {
int pid = get_the_pid();
if(pid < 0) {
printf("Steam.exe and chrome.exe not found");
//wait ten seconds for demonstration purposes
return 0;

Where does this deadlock hide?

I'm actually writing an MPI program. This is a basic client / server pattern. The server have a set of work to compute. The clients get subsets of this big set. Each client use several threads to compute the subset. I must be sure all the threads finished before requesting another subset to the server.
The client is split into several threads: a master (for the communications) and several workers.
Here my actual code, where the deadlock should occur. I cleaned it of any MPI calls, to make it more readable. I really can not see what I am doing wrong here.
void* worker ( void * arg ) {
while (work != 0) {
int x;
while ( get_job(&x) ) {
if (nb_job_empty == NB_THREADS) {
nb_job_empty = 0;
pthread_cond_wait(&cond_worker, &mutex_worker);
return ( void * ) 0 ;
void server() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
pthread_cond_wait(&cond_master, &mutex_master);
work = 0;
You should use the same mutex for both condition (mutex_master and mutex_worker should be the same)
Moreover, you should use pthread_cond_wait in a while loop as it is recommended :)
