Pop up window with data from another spreadsheet - database

I'm trying to build a master spreadsheet in Google Sheets to call up data (not import data, just make a quick view in a popup window) for individuals from other spreadsheets. E.g. my master sheet has a column for therapists, a column for certifications, a column for periodic reviews, etc. All of these columns correspond to other sheets within the project that list out the certifications for each individual therapist, the periodic reviews for each individual therapist, etc.
I want to be able to click in the cell where "Mary" intersects with "Certifications" and see a small popup window that shows me Mary's record in the Certifications page.
I tried a couple of functions pasted from other pages (it's been a long time since I've coded), but none worked. This seems like a simple database-like call, so I hope the solution is also simple. I appreciate any help offered. (My clinic doesn't have an in-house IT person, so I'm trying to help where I can.)


How can I sort and map my SQL query in Ionic?

I have a database running in the background, the aim of the whole thing should be that I have categories as buttons and that categories should be created under elements. I separated the whole thing in the database (i.e. in two tables), i.e. in categories and in the sub-elements. I get everything correctly selected but just don't know how to assign or build it. Does anyone have any ideas or examples to look at?
I've already tried Ionic's list system. Just like ion-record.

Google Sheets combining REDUCE & FILTER to compare and extract data from one spreadsheet to another

I have been struggling with a problem for a few weeks now and after trying to solve it myself I come cap in hand for help.
I have tried to use QUERY and ARRAYFORMULA and quite a few other formulas, but I can't crack it.
I have 3 workbooks that need to work together.
Product Catalogue - holds a list of each product type and the components that go into it (like a recipe).
Schedule - This sheet contains tabs for each product and then in each tab is a list of specific iterations of the product.
Components Required - This sheet contains tabs for each component that we require. In each tab cell A1 contains the component number and each tab is named the same as the component number.
What I need to do is compare the Product Catalogue to the Schedule and populate the Components Required sheet tabs with the specific iterations from the schedule.
The data I am working with has many products and over 400 components and over 400 product iterations and the data is confidential.
So I have built some dummy sheets to replicate my challenge. Links above.
My solution has been focused on adding a formula to cell A3 of each Components Required tab, which looks at the component number (cell A1) and searches for this component number in the Product Catalogue. In most cases, it will find the component listed several times against several Products. Once it has found all the Products, it needs to look up those products in the Schedule and then import the full list of specific iterations from each of the products into row A of that Components Required tab.
In the Components Required sheet the first tab is an example of how I would like the data to look once imported, it has been manually copy/pasted by me to demonstrate the outcome.
Any help that anyone can offer would be gratefully recieved.
I have realised that I was asking too much with my question.
However, I have worked hard on it and have come up with a solution, which may help others in the future.
I welcome feedback on the formula and also my method of answering my own question.
=REDUCE("Product Code",
FILTER(importrange("1J_8v2biODyIwsV9f2F6gLnK0N-bR4Fsokrmd88PfxMg/edit#gid=0","Product Catalogue!$A$2:$A"),importrange("1J_8v2biODyIwsV9f2F6gLnK0N-bR4Fsokrmd88PfxMg/edit#gid=0","Product Catalogue!$B$2:$B") = INDIRECT("A1")),
LAMBDA(a,c, {a;importrange("1gvOZ_GuZx6HOLHQ7WwyIlFHrAihoNXz2ysZkublh7Fs/edit#gid=1198217965",c&"!A2:A"&COUNTA(importrange("1gvOZ_GuZx6HOLHQ7WwyIlFHrAihoNXz2ysZkublh7Fs/edit#gid=1198217965",c&"!A1:A")))}))
The resulting formula can be seen inside the Components required spreadsheet in sheet C0001 cell A2
Thanks for the help I have received from everyone on the forum

How can I make a photograph database that displays the results of a query as some kind of image gallery?

I am taking a database design class and for a project want to make a database of my mom's digital photos for her. I haven't dealt in application up to this point, only theory, but I have Access. Therefore, ideal answers don't suggest non-database solutions and don't assume I know much about actual database implementation. Solutions specific to Access could also be a plus. I hope that precursor saves some time and effort.
Theoretically, my mom wants to see all photos of pets from '05-'07 in raw format, and she enters an appropriate query. I suspect I can handle it up to there. However, at the moment, the best I can figure out to do is to return a column of either attachments or OLE objects. 5 clicks per photo is not ideal. I need a faster way to present the images. Opening them all in a grid of thumbnails or as a one-click-slide-show would seem the natural fit, but whatever works. How can I accomplish this?
Less important but worth consideration is the fact that, at some point, it would be great if this same type of system could be implemented on the internet for all of the family reunion photos she has taken, but I will take what I can get.
Use one form to get parameters for the query. then use another form(more processing) or report(if printing) to show the selected pictures. I will not cover passing parameters but here are some links.
There is a complication, in Access pictures are usually stored in the attachment type. the attachment column can hold many pictures in each record. So if we have a table called Pictures with an attachment type column also called Pictures, then each individual picture is actually stored under Pictures.Pictures.FileData.
So to display the picture query we use a form/report with default view set to Continuous Forms (displays many records or in this case pictures on the same page) then in the details section of our Display form we place an attachment control and bind that control to our filtered Pictures.FileData.
Format and add functionality to taste.

Dynamically disabling menu based on database query?

So I'm not a programmer, but my friend is. He's trying to help me develop a web/phone app but we are stuck because I'm having trouble communicating to him an idea and he is having trouble understanding. One or both of us is a moron ;) Part of the problem is that I don't even know where to search for the answer cuz I don't know the specific search terms...believe me I've tried...and I've searched stack overflow as well. Here is the problem:
Short Question:
Websites (like hotel search) allow you to search for rooms by selecting checkboxes in certain categories (i.e. smoking/nonsmoking, stars, size of bed, near downtown, etc.). Certainly these sites are referencing a large database of hotels in a city.
How can you create a site so that as you check boxes (narrow your search), other options which are no longer available are dynamically "grayed out" or disabled on the fly so you cannot check those boxes. So if I were to check 4 stars and that excluded all smoking rooms based on the database, then the option to check "smoking" would be disabled.
The key to this is that the site is querying a database as you click boxes, then based on the results of that query (which is presumably many rows of data (a subset)), it is analysing that subset of data to determine whether checkbox options should be on/off, then dynamically "graying out" specific options that are no longer available. Once you got to only a single possible result, then the site would pop up the website for that hotel (or some other action).
What is this called? Where can I get more information on this. Any pointing toward the right direction would be tremendously appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance!
So here is my sample database. Each Column (i.e. AA, AB, AC) represents a checkbox. '1'= True, '0'= False, and '2'= Either. Therefore, if you click checkbox AA, then only the top three rows would meet the criteria of AA=True. So query would return the top three rows. The '2's could be either True/False so since they don't affect outcome, those checkboxes should be disabled and only the checkboxes CA,CB, & CC should remain choosable. If you then click checkbox CB, then result ZYX would be output.
Conceptually, How do you go from the initial click to the point where the database is queried and the results are used to dynamically change the menu. People have suggested javascript but i am not looking for a language. I am more looking for the concept. I was thinking that the query would return a new "temp" array with just the top three rows. Then each column of this "temp" array would be queried to see if it contained a '1' in any of the rows. If it did, then that button would be turned "ON". If it didn't then that button would be turned "OFF". Is this confusing? Am I asking for too much ;)
This sounds like javascript could help. For example, using jQuery, you can dynamically send queries to databases based on whatever you click on checkboxes, and then reload a particular section of the webpage. Javascript can also dynamically disable checkboxes.

Automate daily collection of weather station data from NCDc

Here is the link to where the data can be found. Scrolling down to Surface Data : Daily and selecting the Global and U. S. Web Page Icon. On the next page, Select the radio button Country and press continue. From the next page's drop down menu, select any state and then press the radio button for entire state (I need more than 100 stations per day).
The next page allows you to select the date range.
I am dumping these data files into excel and sorting (which is a pain, since it could obviously be
Is there a way I can access the most current data via a script (VBA or otherwise)?
My main problem is that I can't send the server a simple request to obtain the data. Also, there is an FTP site but only allows .gz files to be downloaded, each over a gig, so its not reasonable for my situation.
Any help would be appreciated!
There National Climatic Data Center has several data APIs available for this.
