ExtJs - custom class resolution - extjs

Let's say I have a concrete view named "view." I would like, at runtime, be able to call Ext.create("view_1") or Ext.create({ xtype: "view_5" }) and they will create instances of "view".
So any xtype matching the regex: /view_[0-9]+/ should create a "view" instead.
Is this possible, if so how?
More details,
We added the ability for our users to create custom reports. They define the menu name, the title, the set of columns, and the data constraint to be used. Each custom report is constructed using the same xtype view.
The problem arise when we save the state for these custom reports. Normally, we use the xtype as key for storage. So if all custom reports are the same xtype they override each other's state.
The direct workaround is to have different xtype for each custom report. So "view_1", "view_5", "view_1008"...view_[0-9]+ are the xtypes associated with custom report #1, custom report #5, custom report #1008...custom report [0-9]+. But they all should be constructed using xtype view.
If we create aliases, we would need to add all reasonable/possible form of view_[0-9]+. I am not sure this approach scales very well when we have more types of dynamic views.

Isn't possible to create a view from regex.
In my opinion, the best way you can do is to set alias as list of strings.
Ext.define('SomeView', {
alias: ['widget.view_1', 'widget.view_2', 'widget.view_3', 'widget.view_4' ...],
Update ( according to the comment ) :
Maybe you want to create multiple views (same definition) with id like:
Ext.create("SomeView", {
id: "view_1",
Ext.create("SomeView", {
id: "view_2",
Update :
The other way is to override Ext.create function.
Example on https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/32lj
Ext.apply(Ext, {
_create: Ext.create
Ext.override(Ext, {
create: function () {
var name = arguments[0],
nameType = typeof name;
if(nameType == 'string'){
let regex = /widget\.viewx_[0-9]+/;
let found = name.match(regex);
if (found) {
name = "widget.viewx";
return Ext._create(name, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
And usage:
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function () {
Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
width: 300,
height: 300,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
items: [{
xtype: 'viewx',
fieldLabel: "AA"
}, {
xtype: 'viewx_1',
fieldLabel: "AA"
}, {
xtype: 'viewx_2',
fieldLabel: "AA"


How to add a custom text to a field (translatable) label

I have an object with a localizedfields data:
I want to customize the Backend UI for my DataObject, because it's not possible, that field(-s) is required only for one language.
I know, how can I check the mandatories in PHP Event Listener, but I can not find any info, how can I add an asterisk to a field label only for German language.
Here is my JS:
pimcore.test.plugin = Class.create(pimcore.plugin.admin, {
getClassName: function () {
return 'pimcore.test.plugin';
pimcoreReady: function (params,broker) {
initialize: function () {
postOpenObject: function (object, type) {
if (object.data.general.o_className === 'Product') {
// add an asterisk to field label
let PimcoreTestPlugin = new pimcore.test.plugin();
Update 1: I have found in Pimcore Sources the part, that adds an asterisk to any field, if field is required, but how can I extend / override them?
pimcore.object.helpers.edit = {
getRecursiveLayout: function (l, noteditable, context, skipLayoutChildren, onlyLayoutChildren, dataProvider, disableLazyRendering) {
// add asterisk to mandatory field
l.titleOriginal = l.title;
if(l.mandatory) {
l.title += ' <span style="color:red;">*</span>';
I do not know how to do it with PimCore, but the solution would be to use data-binding:
In Modern
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Name',
bind: {required: '{isGerman}'}
In Classic
Ext.define('MyApp.overrides.form.field.Text', {
override: 'Ext.form.field.Text',
config: {
allowBlank: true
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Name',
bind: {allowBlank: '{!isGerman}'}
if allowBlank|required are will add the asterix.
required will add the asterix if true. allow
Blank will add the asterix if false.
You can create a custom data type, where you specify the languages that are allowed to be edited / where it should be shown. In Pimcore this is done via CoreExtensions on the backend side and a custom data tag in JS.

How does an end user clear the sorting for a grid column?

I use ExtJs 6.6.0 Classic. The grid component supports multi-column sorting (I use remoteSort: true, remoteFilter: true). Whenever the user clicks on a column header, that column becomes the first column in the order by list. But I cannot find how an end user is supposed to clear the sorting for a column. The context menu available through the column header doesn't have a "Clear Sort" option.
See also this kitchensink example.
I feel like I am missing something. There is a sortClearText config for the column inherited from the header, but I could not find a place where it's used (I thought that perhaps there is some config I can use to add the Clear Sort menu item to the column context menu).
I could add a button to execute the action of clearing the sorting of the store, as a last resort, but I don't like it.
Is there a simple way to add a Clear Sort option for a grid column through the Extjs components configuration?
Thank you
I also did not find, but you can use the following override:
Ext.define('overrides.grid.header.Container', {
override: 'Ext.grid.header.Container',
getMenuItems: function() {
var me = this,
menuItems = [],
hideableColumns = me.enableColumnHide ? me.getColumnMenu(me) : null;
if (me.sortable) {
menuItems = [{
itemId: 'ascItem',
text: me.sortAscText,
iconCls: me.menuSortAscCls,
handler: me.onSortAscClick,
scope: me
}, {
itemId: 'descItem',
text: me.sortDescText,
iconCls: me.menuSortDescCls,
handler: me.onSortDescClick,
scope: me
}, {
itemId: 'dropSortItem',
text: me.sortClearText,
//iconCls: me.menuSortDescCls, // Your icon
handler: me.onSortClearClick,
scope: me
if (hideableColumns && hideableColumns.length) {
if (me.sortable) {
itemId: 'columnItemSeparator',
xtype: 'menuseparator'
itemId: 'columnItem',
text: me.columnsText,
iconCls: me.menuColsIcon,
menu: hideableColumns,
hideOnClick: false
return menuItems;
onSortClearClick: function() {
var menu = this.getMenu(),
activeHeader = menu.activeHeader,
store = this.up('grid').getStore();
store.getSorters().each(function(sorter) {
if(sorter.initialConfig.property == activeHeader.dataIndex) {
}, this);

Using Id and itemId in Extjs to access components

In ExtJs Best practices I gone through not to use Id for accessing Ext Components rather use ItemId, I am very new in accessing components using ItemID, does any one can help me in default syntax or the way to access components.
Also on click of yes in a message box I need to disable some components in masked page, whether this can be achieved with the help of ItemID? Please explain.
I feel when using ItemiD it may return array of elements/components, so if need to get an exact component I need to iterate again. I have this ques too....
Basic difference between id and itemId is
When you use an id for a component, there must be a single instance of this component, If you create another instance that has the same id, you will have problems as the DOM is confused.
when you use itemId, it should be unique only within the component's immediate container.the component's container maintains a list of children ids.
so the best practice is to use itemId instead of id
now How to access?
if you use id
if you use itemId
refer following example
var parentContainer= Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
initComponent: function(){
Ext.applyIf(me, {
items: [{
in above example
for accessing textfield use
for accessing combobox use
this will return array of item with id combo in page
for these you should use unique itemId so you will get the first item you are searching for
you can also use Ext.util.MixedCollection
var fields = new Ext.util.MixedCollection();
var Combo = fields.get('combo');
Lets suppose you define Panel like below which have a button. Now to access this button you can use Extjs ComponentQuery api. To uniquely identify my button I can use Ext.ComponentQuery.query('myPanel button[itemId=myButton]')[0]. For more details check http://docs-origin.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/#!/api/Ext.ComponentQuery
Ext.define('app.view.panel.MyPanel', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
alias: 'widget.myPanel',
height: 360,
width: 480,
title: 'My Panel',
initComponent: function(){
var me =this;
itemId: 'myButton'
You can search and access components by using the
Ext.Component.query and passing along the itemId, refer to following links:-

customizing sencha yes no combo within a specific panel without affecting parent combo box

I need to customize the yes no combo within a specific panel, local to the panel without affecting the parent yesnocombo box configuration. Is there a way to do this?
I am referring to the form I posted earlier in another thread in the Sencha forums, but no one has answered. The url is:
I tried this:
var myNewStore =[
"", "Yes", "Revoke"];
if(comp.getVelue() == "" || comp.getVale() ==="&nbsp")
but this broke the format of the form.
Is there a way to create a local combo with custom variables like this:
var UserForm_BlahBlahBlah=Ext.create('YesNoCombo', {
values:" Yes" "Revoke",
I tried this but it will not work. But you get the idea- It is just creating a local extension within a specific panel with new values.
Is this possible? Or is there a better way that sencha implements customizing the combo box with out affecting the parent class?
umbre gachoong
You can easily extend Ext.form.ComboBox class and create your own combo box class. Then you can use your combobox in forms.
In the exmaple I create custom combobox by using its xtype which I defined by alias: 'widget.yesNoCombo'. You can also create instance of custom combobox by var combo = Ext.create('YesNoCombo');
alias: 'widget.yesNoCombo',
store: ["No", "Yes", "Revoke"],
Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
xtype: 'yesNoCombo',
fieldLabel:'Yes No Label',
name: 'combo',
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Another field',
name: 'anotherField',
See this fiddle https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/210

ExtJS Panel Inheritance/Base class

I am trying to create my own Date/Time field. I know there are a few that others have made, I'm making my own .
My question is as follows. I want to create a new object, DateTime, which extends Ext.Panel. I specify some properties for width, height, etc but I also specify the values for the items property which will contain a date field and a time field. When I try to actually instantiate the created object, I get an error saying "Object or property not supported". When I go into the error, it seems that the items collection throws an error The code is as follows:
var dateField = new AppealDate({
id: 'dateField',
tabIndex: 0,
fieldLabel: '',
msgTarget: 'under'
var timeField = new Ext.form.TimeField({
id: 'timeField',
tabIndex: 0,
fieldLabel: '',
msgTarget: 'under'
var DateTime = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
id: '',
xtype: 'panel',
fieldLabel: '',
layout: 'table',
layoutConfig: {
columns: 2
items: [dateField, timeField]
var dateTimeField = new DateTime(); //this throws an error
Your class is missing initComponent. You also need to render the panel somewhere.
DateTime = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
initComponent: function() {
// define dateField, timeField here.
this.dateField = new AppealDate({
id: 'dateField',
msgTarget: 'under'
this.timeField = new Ext.form.TimeField({
id: 'timeField',
msgTarget: 'under'
Ext.apply(this, {
items: [this.dateField, this.timeField]
var dateTimeField = new DateTime();
As a comment outside of your direct question, "DateTime" is a terrible name for a Panel subclass. You want someone coming along later to know what kind of class they are dealing with -- "DateTimeField" would be much better, based on how you're using it (although that implies a Field subclass as explained below...).
However, note that another potential issue since you are intending to use this Panel as a Field is that a FormPanel is going to expect its form fields to support the Ext.form.Field interface, which your "field" will not (i.e., you won't be able to add your DateTime object into a form's items config). So if your goal is to create a truly reusable component that can be treated as a Field, you're going to want to add methods like getValue, setValue, markInvalid, etc. that internally interact with your constituent fields. It's not a trivial task to get it all working smoothly.
(Not sure if this is your goal, but thought I would mention it since I've gone down this road myself).
