Convert string to variable name in Lua - arrays

In Lua, I have a set of tables:
Column01 = {}
Column02 = {}
Column03 = {}
ColumnN = {}
I am trying to access these tables dynamically depending on a value. So, later on in the programme, I am creating a variable like so:
local currentColumn = "Column" .. variable
Where variable is a number 01 to N.
I then try to do something to all elements in my array like so:
for i = 1, #currentColumn do
currentColumn[i] = *do something*
But this doesn't work as currentColumn is a string and not the name of the table. How can I convert the string into the name of the table?

If I understand correctly, you're saying that you'd like to access a variable based on its name as a string? I think what you're looking for is the global variable, _G.
Recall that in a table, you can make strings as keys. Think of _G as one giant table where each table or variable you make is just a key for a value.
Column1 = {"A", "B"}
string1 = "Column".."1" --concatenate column and 1. You might switch out the 1 for a variable. If you use a variable, make sure to use tostring, like so:
var = 1
string2 = "Column"..tostring(var) --becomes "Column1"
print(_G[string2]) --prints the location of the table. You can index it like any other table, like so:
print(_G[string2][1]) --prints the 1st item of the table. (A)
So if you wanted to loop through 5 tables called Column1,Column2 etc, you could use a for loop to create the string then access that string.
C1 = {"A"} --I shorted the names to just C for ease of typing this example.
C2 = {"B"}
C3 = {"C"}
C4 = {"D"}
C5 = {"E"}
for i=1, 5 do
local v = "C"..tostring(i)
Edit: I'm a doofus and I overcomplicated everything. There's a much simpler solution. If you only want to access the columns within a loop instead of accessing individual columns at certain points, the easier solution here for you might just be to put all your columns into a bigger table then index over that.
columns = {{"A", "1"},{"B", "R"}} --each anonymous table is a column. If it has a key attached to it like "column1 = {"A"}" it can't be numerically iterated over.
--You could also insert on the fly.
column3 = {"C"}
table.insert(columns, column3)
for i,v in ipairs(columns) do
print(i, v[1]) --I is the index and v is the table. This will print which column you're on, and get the 1st item in the table.
1 A
2 B
3 C
To future readers: If you want a general solution to getting tables by their name as a string, the first solution with _G is what you want. If you have a situation like the asker, the second solution should be fine.


Concatenate fields of a dynamic structure

How do we concatenate fields of a dynamic work area? The idea is in the below code:
LOOP AT lt_final INTO DATA(ls_final).
CONCATENATE ls_final-field1
INTO ls_attachment SEPARATED BY lc_tab. "lc_tab is horizontal tab
APPEND ls_attachment TO lt_attachment.
CLEAR: ls_attachment.
(This code will be used for sending email attachment.) Now, my problem is, the internal table in the above code is a dynamic internal table, therefore I am not sure how many fields will be there and the field names as well.
How do I concatenate the fields? Any idea, please help..
LOOP AT <dynamic_table> INTO DATA(ls_final).
CONCATENATE ls_final-(?)
"or more fields insert here depending on dynamic table
INTO ls_attachment SEPARATED BY lc_tab. "lc_tab is horizontal tab
APPEND ls_attachment TO lt_attachment.
CLEAR: ls_attachment.
LOOP AT lt_final
OF STRUCTURE <ls_final>
TO <lv_field>.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
IF sy-index EQ 1.
ls_attachment = <lv_field>.
ls_attachment = ls_attachment && lc_tab && <lv_field>.
I hope it is self explaining, but:
You can use the system variable (sy-index), it is incremented automatically by SAP.
In the first step, just copy the value, there is nothing to concatenate yet (otherwise there will be an unnecessary lc_tab at the beginning of the string).
Just read your structure by index.
data :
lv_attachment type string.
lv_index type i value 1.
<lv_value> type any.
while 1 = 1.
assign component lv_index of structure ls_final to <lv_value>.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
concatenate lv_attachment <lv_value> into lv_attachment separated by lc_tab.
lv_index = lv_index + 1.
Hope it helps.
You can use CL_ABAP_CONTAINER_UTILITIES class for that task, method FILL_CONTAINER_C.
Here is the sample of populating dynamic table and concatenating its fields into container field:
PARAMETERS: p_tab TYPE string.
DATA tab TYPE REF TO data.
ASSIGN tab->* TO <fs_tab>.
INTO TABLE <fs_tab>
FROM (p_tab).
IM_VALUE = <fs_line>
EX_CONTAINER = DATA(container)
others = 2.
CONDENSE container.
" do smth

MATLAB Extract all rows between two variables with a threshold

I have a cell array called BodyData in MATLAB that has around 139 columns and 3500 odd rows of skeletal tracking data.
I need to extract all rows between two string values (these are timestamps when an event happened) that I have
Column 1 2 3
'10:15:15.332' 'BASE05' ...
'10:17:33:230' 'BASE05' ...
The two timestamps should match a value in the array but might also be within a few ms of those in the array e.g.
TimeStamp1 = '10:15:15.560'
TimeStamp2 = '10:17:33.233'
I have several questions!
How can I return an array for all the data between the two string values plus or minus a small threshold of say .100ms?
Also can I also add another condition to say that all str values in column2 must also be the same, otherwise ignore? For example, only return the timestamps between A and B only if 'BASE02'
Many thanks,
The best approach to the first part of your problem is probably to change from strings to numeric date values. In Matlab this can be done quite painlessly with datenum.
For the second part you can just use logical indexing... this is were you put a condition (i.e. that second columns is BASE02) within the indexing expression.
A self-contained example:
% some example data:
BodyData = {'10:15:15.332', 'BASE05', 'foo';...
'10:15:16.332', 'BASE02', 'bar';...
'10:15:17.332', 'BASE05', 'foo';...
'10:15:18.332', 'BASE02', 'foo';...
'10:15:19.332', 'BASE05', 'bar'};
% create column vector of numeric times, and define start/end times
dateValues = datenum(BodyData(:, 1), 'HH:MM:SS.FFF');
startTime = datenum('10:15:16.100', 'HH:MM:SS.FFF');
endTime = datenum('10:15:18.500', 'HH:MM:SS.FFF');
% select data in range, and where second column is 'BASE02'
BodyData(dateValues > startTime & dateValues < endTime & strcmp(BodyData(:, 2), 'BASE02'), :)
ans =
'10:15:16.332' 'BASE02' 'bar'
'10:15:18.332' 'BASE02' 'foo'
References: datenum manual page, matlab help page on logical indexing.

How to determine if a particular value is in an array stored in a postgresql field

I have the following postgresql table (named "paperwork"):
paperwork_guid name primary_attribute alter_attributes
123456 test {1,2,3,4,5} {9,8,7,6}
09876 test2 {1,2,3,4} {9,8,7,6}
I would like to return the paperwork_guid for those rows having '5' in the primary_attribute array (In the above table, the result would be '123456').
If there is another question out there on this topic, I have been unable to find it.
Perhaps something along these lines:
SELECT paperwork_guid
FROM (SELECT paperwork_guid, unnest(primary_attribute) AS attr
FROM paperwork) x
WHERE attr = 5
with a DISTINCT if an attribute can occur more than once within a primary_attribute array.
A much simpler one:
SELECT paperwork_guid FROM paperwork where primary_attribute IN ('5');

Web2py: Write SQL query: "SELECT x FROM y" using DAL, when x and y are variables, and convert the results to a list?

My action passes a list of values from a column x in table y to the view. How do I write the following SQL: SELECT x FROM y, using DAL "language", when x and y are variables given by the view. Here it is, using exequtesql().
def myAction():
x = request.args(0, cast=str)
y = request.args(1, cast=str)
myrows = db.executesql('SELECT '+ x + ' FROM '+ y)
#Let's convert it to the list:
mylist = []
for row in myrows:
value = row #this line doesn't work
return (mylist=mylist)
Also, is there a more convenient way to convert that data to a list?
First, note that you must create table definitions for any tables you want to access (i.e., db.define_table('mytable', ...)). Assuming you have done that and that y is the name of a single table and x is the name of a single field in that table, you would do:
myrows = db().select(db[y][x])
mylist = [r[x] for r in myrows]
Note, if any records are returned, .select() always produces a Row object, which comprises a set of Row objects (even if only a single field was selected). So, to extract the individual values into a list, you have to iterate over the Rows object and extract the relevant field from each Row object. The above code does so via a list comprehension.
Also, you might want to add some code to check whether db[y] and db[y][x] exist.

Unusual SQL Server query with "select top 1 #arastr = k"

select top 1 #arastr = k
from #m
where datalength(k) = (select max(datalength(k)) from #m)
What does this query do, and what is the point of select top 1 #arastr = k? This query is taken from a stored procedure which has been working for 7-8 years, so there is nothing wrong with the query, but I could not understand what it does.
(#m is a temp table which is created in the early part of the query.)
The query select one random value (since top is used without an order by clause) from the column k in the temporary table #m and assigns it to a variable #arastr (which has been previously declared supposedly). The string selected will be any matching the longest (measured in bytes (by the datalength function)) string in the table.
This is a quite common (but a little old fashioned) way to get the value of k into the (previously declared!) variable #arastr for later usage.
The function DATALENGTH will measure the length of e.g. a VARCHAR.
With TOP 1 you geht in any case only one result row, the one with the "longest" k, it's value is in #arastr afterwards...
EDIT: As pointed out by #jpw this will be random, if there is more than one k with the same (longest) length.
Without knowing, what #m looks like and what kind of data is in 'k' I cannot tell you any more.
probably makes more sense if it looks like this
SET #arastr = (SELECT TOP 1 k
