is it possible to create a PWA in angularjs? - angularjs

I am new to PWA, i am curious to know that is it possible to create a PWA in angularjs?
please provide steps to make PWA using angularjs if it is possible to create PWA using angularjs.

There's nothing framework-specific about PWAs - your site just has to meet a certain set of criteria:
Everything is served over HTTPS
The design must be responsive
Your app must be available offline (i.e. it needs a Service Worker)
You need to provide a manifest file containing metadata about your application
Your app must work in all modern browsers
Page transitions shouldn't block the app (i.e. you need to show loading screens/spinners if things are taking a while to load)
Each page in the app needs a unique URL
All of that is achievable with Angular 1 - it'll probably be easier with a modern framework, but there's nothing stopping you sticking with what you've got, for now at least.
look at this github project


Making Data available offline in Progressive Web App

I made a progressive web app with Create React App.
The user shall be able to make data available offline by clicking i.e. a button. Is there a convention or best practise to do that?
I have read this awesome documentation, that helps to make your PWA work offline
Part 1
Part 2
Have a look at workbox. It's used in Create React App as well as Next.js.
The actual answer to the question can be found in section Access Caches from Your Web App's Code.

How can multiple html5 games be hosted in a server?

I'm am looking to host a website which contains multiple html5 games.
Similar to the Poki Games, or any other web game platform.
What I understand
I went through their (Poki Games) website and I found that multiple html5 game icons are listed on the website in a grid. And on clicking any one of the game icons, the website starts loading that particular game from an external source inside an iframe.
What I Need answer on
I want to know how they are serving multiple html5 games from another domain. Since each of the games are loaded in a iFrame I'm aware that they all have their own index.html
How to achieve the same, what approaches should I take? So that if I do
<iframe src="//"> // will load randomHtml5Game1 game
<iframe src="//"> // will load randomHtml5Game2 game
My skillset
I am primarily a frontend developer have experience with hosting in heroku. Also have some experience with firebase. I'll be using React along with phaser for development.
From my understanding of your question, the answer is very simple.
Just use code splitting and different render enpoints.
We would have our home page with various links to other pages (Image grid). When we click a image it changes the route.
You will need to code split the routes using various different ways. You could use webpack, or NextJS (Easier framework), or if your just using create-react-app, just use suspend and lazyload.
On a particular route it will load your html and javascript and run the game.
I am going to guess this isnt the answer your looking for but its a start ?
Let me know your thought ?
Firebase supports hosting multiple sites/domains using a single Project.
You could sepparate each game into a folder and host each of them separately and with a different domain.
You can find more about it here.
I use this for example when deploying Web Apps. One domain is the app like then another domain is the landing page and if the project as an REST API I host that under In my case I just use different prefixes but the whole domain and url can be different.
The benefit is that if you use other Firebase features you can shared them between all those projects. For example the authentication or databases.

Is it possible to convert a webapp coded using angular 1 to PWA(Progressive Web App)?

I have a webapp devoloped using angular 1. I have to convert it to progressive web app is this possible, I had looked into many tutorials in youtube but all of them uses angular 2 and above. Does angular 1 supports this PWA features? Please help...
There's nothing framework-specific about PWAs - your site just has to meet a certain set of criteria:
Everything is served over HTTPS
The design must be responsive
Your app must be available offline (i.e. it needs a Service Worker)
You need to provide a manifest file containing metadata about your application
Your app must work in all modern browsers
Page transitions shouldn't block the app (i.e. you need to show loading screens/spinners if things are taking a while to load)
Each page in the app needs a unique URL
All of that is achievable with Angular 1 - it'll probably be easier with a modern framework, but there's nothing stopping you sticking with what you've got, for now at least.
Addy Osmani (who I believe works at Google and is pretty heavily involved with the PWA spec) has a good example of an Angular 1 PWA on his GitHub.
My code was successful, I had added serviceworker.js and manifest, I forgot to clear the caches in my mobile. That was the problem and not with the code. Now its working fine. Clear the caches in test devices and it to homescreen once again and it will work.

Angular App to AppGyver- Port to Mobile Solution

I'm beginner to appgyver steroids.
I have angular project. Now I need to make iOS application using AppGyver.
Instead of modify root view and point it to my angular app url ( can I add my angular app source / angular project build to AppGyver project make it iOS application.
Appreciate your comments
You can run steroids create yourApp. This will walk you through the generation of a multi page or single page application. You can then move the structure of your angular application into the /app folder. Check out the example that the steroids create method generates and see the structure there.
You may notice some differences at first. It may take some testing to see what is failing if anything once you port things over. If you used $rootScope for anything it is not as reliable in my experience in an iOS or Android application. There are other methods for passing data between views and broadcasting (publish/subscribe) to other controllers.
You will want to use the iOS simulator or http://localhost:4567/app/moduleName/oneOfYourViewsYouAreTesting.html in your favorite browser while steroids connect is running to debug.
The version of Angular that is coming with this now is AngularJS v1.3.15 installed via bower. You may want to verify things are compatible with your current Angular version.
Ionic is used and Supersonic so you may see conflict with existing CSS or even javascript depending on what you've implemented.
There will be some tricks to learn about preloading views in the file and load times / rootView / initialView. There is lots of support if you come across any issues.
This forum has been really helpful in figuring out any issues I've come across. The Appgyver team is usually pretty responsive to questions directly as well.
They are updating the platform in a few days, and they say big changes are coming. They are hiring a lot of developers right now to take care of GitHub issues as well as build out the rest of their incomplete components.

How do you bust cache for angular views using PhoneGap?

I have fully bought into the benefits of using angular and have a a hybrid app (using PhoneGap) I'm going to convert over (from Jquery Mobile) but I'm having a problem figuring out how to get my new code to the app.
The app is currently hosted on our website (NOT local to the device) so normal caching works as expected. I update a web page or js and the app sees the new content (because the underlying webview/browser knows its new content).
But with angular's SPA approach the main module gets loaded up front and changes views based on loading new partials. Also not a problem.
BUT, what happens when I change my app module (the code loaded by ng-app="demo")? Such as adding new routes, controllers, or views.
Since that's already loaded in the browser at bootstrap how do I tell the app there are changes and it needs to reload the overall app?
There are 3 use cases to consider:
1) On a PC/browser you can just refresh the page. I can't depend on users knowing to do that but its not as bad because users are likely to open and close their browser thus reloading the new app/js.
2) When I issue a new PhoneGap app (to the app stores) it forces a browser close/reopen during the installation, so the user will get the new code.
3) THIS IS THE REAL STICKLER. During normal use of the PhoneGap app users may open the app and NEVER close it again (merely suspending and reopening). These are not tech-savvy users and might not even know how to restart an app never mind realize they should try.
So what's the angular way to force the app the refresh when the base app module has changed?
Or am I on my own to create some type of version checking system to force a reload() when I need it.
Seems like a common situation to me but everything I find on caching with angular says something to this effect:
"Since you probably want to maintain browser caching for your views, partials or other routes"
No I don't - I WANT to bust cache for my app/views/controller because i know it has changed.
angular phonegap cache buster
You could dynamically load/unload your controllers on each use. This article should get you started.
