Giving React state a name in DevTools - reactjs

When using React useState(), if you have something like the following const [cartItems, setCartItems] = useState([]) it shows in React DevTools as State: []. Other than changing the state from an array into an object containing an array such as useState({ cartItems: [] }) is there anything else I can do to show a key for the state? If not, is this bad practice to use an object or am I ok using this? Reason I want to have a key, is when debugging if you have a number of different items of state, the DevTools just shows as State: [], State: {[...]}, State: [] etc which is difficult to see what is what.

Not really since the useState hook uses array destructuring to assign variable names, i.e. the names are only used within the function, not in the react framework.
const [someSpecialAwesomestate, setSomeSpecialAwesomestate] = useState();
equates to
const stateObject = useState();
// stateObject[0] is the state
// stateObject[1] is the callback state mutator function
From what I understand, React further obfuscates this by simply storing the hooks themselves internally in an array.
It may be a bit more verbose to store objects with a single root key, and tedious to manage state updates, but if it helps your dev flow to see what each state object IS in the devtool, then why not do what helps you code better?


Why should I clone the object inside the array before updating the state?

const [movies, setMovies] = useState(getMovies());
function handleLike(movie) {
const movieClone = [...movies];
const index = movieClone.indexOf(movie);
movieClone[index] = { ...movieClone[index] };
movieClone[index].like = !movieClone[index].like;
Hi, I'm new to React and I while I was taking an online tutorial the instructor makes a clone of an object from the movies array(movieClone[index] = { ...movieClone[index] };) and I just couldn't understand why? Because when I try to run the code without cloning the object from the array it works perfectly fine.
Thank you for your time.
When using the useState hook, you should only modify the state variable by calling the setter function it gives you. That's how React knows it should queue re-renders for all the components using that variable. Mutating state directly circumvents this mechanism. Modifying movies without using setMovies might work in some cases, but it'll break the promises React makes to you about keeping everything updated.

Using only object id and lastUpdate for diff on useEffect in React

I have a large and deep object which I render using a React functional component (composed of child components). I also use Redux in the project which interacts with an API. To keep the app fast, I keep a local copy of the object in the component state and dispatch changes when occurred. The objects can also change in different parts of the app.
Each time the object changes in Redux its lastUpdated field is updated with the current time (epoch) by Redux. So instead of doing a deep (and expensive) diff on the whole object it is sufficient to compare the object id (in case the component has to display a different object) and the lastUpdated value (in case the object itself got changed).
This is what my functional component looks like:
interface Item {
id: string
lastUpdated: number
// more fields here
interface Props {
item : Item
export default function ItemPage(props: Props){
const [displayItem, setDisplayItem] = useState<Item>(props.item)
useEffect(() => {
if ( !== && props.item.lastUpdated !== displayItem.lastUpdated){
// ... some logic comes here
}, [, props.item.lastUpdated])
return (
// ... render code here
This code cause the following error:
React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: '' and
'item.lastUpdated'. Either include them or remove the dependency array
I have disable the error with:
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
Is it safe to to disable the error as I know the logic of my Redux (and use the more efficient diff)? Is there a better solution?
Is it safe to completely remove the useEffect array as I make the id/lastUpdated diff myself?
Note: I am not looking for the general "do not disable as it will come back to bite you ..." answer.
Looks like you need React.memo with second argument isEqual. Is equal works like shouldComponentUpdate. Read reactjs docs more about React.memo
I've added codesandbox as example

is it safe to ignore react's warning about calling the useState hook conditionally when only the parameter is conditional?

I am creating a calendar date selection function component for assigning days to schedules in my React app and I wanted to be able to pre-populate calendar with the existing data so that it could be modified by the user.
This is what I have so far:
const initialOptions: { [key: string]: number[] } = {};
for (const option of Object.keys(props.options)) {
const dates = props.options[option].dates;
initialOptions[option] = dates ? dates : [];
const [selectedDates, setSelectedDates] = useState(initialOptions);
However, when I try and render the page, I get this:
React Hook "useState" is called conditionally. React Hooks must be called in the exact same order in every component render. Did you accidentally call a React Hook after an early return? react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
After reading through the react rules of hooks, I didn't see anything that indicated that react was depending on the value of the parameter to "associate local state with [my useState() call]". All it really said was...
As long as the order of the Hook calls is the same between renders, React can associate some local state with each of them.
So why is react complaining at me when I am calling useState() in top-level react code that is outside of any conditional statements or functions as per their own rules?
The comments on this question that basically said calls to react hooks need to be before any control structures, even if they are unrelated were what pointed me in the right direction.
The answer provided in the comments was not quite satisfactory though since I needed to process the inital value of selectedDates if an initial value was provided and have that available before I called useState() in order to pass it as a parameter.
Despite being perplexed by this and the somewhat nonsensical nature of this solution (order shouldn't matter with two barely-related pieces of code, right?), I managed to refactor my logic such that it both stopped react from complaining AND allowed me to still conditionally set the selectedDates in my react calendar component.
Here's what I ended up with:
const initialOptions: { [key: string]: number[] } = {};
Object.entries(props.options).forEach(value => {
const [id, options] = value;
if (options.dates) {
initialOptions[id] = options.dates;
const [selectedDates, setSelectedDates] = useState(initialOptions);
As someone who isn't that familiar with the internals of react, it seems that either:
the react team got something wrong when writing the ESLint plugin for the react hook rules, or
there was a functional limitation in how ESLint works that doesn't allow for a more specific/accurate check, causing the developers to go with a "better safe than sorry" approach by using a less specific check that still caught rule violations as well as edge cases like this one
So overall, my conclusion is, by replacing my for loop with a call to .forEach(), the ESLint
plugin saw my loop as a function rather than a control structure/conditional and allowed my code to pass the test and run without issue.
Now, as a self-described "junior" react developer, i'm pretty sure that tricking ESLint into not giving an error like this is not a good long-term solution. Ideally ESLint rules probably need updating to better check for improper use of conditionals, and/or the react docs should be updated with an example for how to conditionally set a hook's default value in a way that doesn't violate the rules of react hooks.
EDIT: I have created an issue for the react documentation in order to find out what a good long-term solution to this would be and get the documentation and/or ESLint plugins updated if necessary
If you ignore the warning that means that you are setting your expectations wrong on how your Component's code will be executed during renderings.
Just by looking at initialOptions, you can see that the initial value is based on incoming props. In React when the props change your Component gets re-rendered, the initialOptions is re-evaluated BUT it's NOT updated again by useState(initialOptions).
Sure you can say: "but my useState(initialOptions) is not wrapped around any condition!". While that is absolutely true, you didn't inform React that selectedDates needs to be updated between renders. It's value is still the first initial value when the Component was rendered first time.
You need to move the foreach logic into a useEffect with dependency to props.options.
Example based on your code:
const initialOptions: { [key: string]: number[] } = {};
const [selectedDates, setSelectedDates] = useState(initialOptions);
useEffect(() => {
// Here it's okay to have an optional condition!
if (!props.options.length) { return false; }
const newOptions = [];
Object.entries(props.options).forEach(value => {
const [id, options] = value;
if (options.dates) {
newOptions[id] = options.dates;
}, [props.options]);
I've prepared a sandbox example which demonstrates why the rule "Only Call Hooks at the Top Level - Don’t call Hooks inside loops, conditions, or nested functions." must be respected <-- click the body of the page repeatedly and notice that the component doesn't update.

How to make State update when only a string array is update

Guys i have this example code bellow:
const [data, setData] = useState([{question: '', option: ['']}]);
Then data and setData will pass to my component, like:
<Question setData={setData} data={data}/>
My code inside Question component is:
const handleAddOption = (questionIndex: number) => {
let newArray = data; any, i: number) => {
if (i === questionIndex) {
The problem is, if i add a new entire Object it will "refresh" my page and show, but, when i add like the last lines of code, only a new string inside the array, it will not "re-render".
Anyone knows how to solve this?
In react first rule of thumb is don't mutate state directly. It works for class-based components and setState, it works for redux's reducers, it works for hook-based useState too.
You need to
setData((data) =>, index) => {
if (index !== questionIndex) return item;
return {
options: [
There are several items to highlight here:
as well as for class-based component's setState there is possible to provide callback into updater function. I better skip describing it in details here. May suggest to take a look into SO question and ReactJS docs. Yes, it's not about hooks but it uses the same logic.
We need to merge our old data with changes to keep properties we don't want to change still present. That's all this spread operator is so hardly used. Take a look into article on handling arrays in state for React
Last but not least, we have check to directly return item if it's not we want to update without any change. This makes us sure no related children components will re-render with actually exact the same data. You may find additional information by searching for query "referential equality"(here is one of article you may find).
PS it may look much easier to force update instead of rewriting code completely. But mutating state directly typically later ends up with different hard-to-reproduce bugs.
Also you may want to change components hierarchy and data structure. So no component would need to traverse whole array to update single nested property.
It seems like You have typo write newArray[questionIndex].option.push(''); instead of newArray[questionIndex].options.push('');
But if it doesn't help try forceUpdate(); more details You can find in this answer How can I force component to re-render with hooks in React? or try to use this package
Good Luck :)
Rough implementation
I think you can change:
const [data, setData] = useState([{question: '', option: ['']}]);
// into
const [questions, setQuestions] = useState([]);
And as you receive new question objects, you can do setQuestions([...questions, newQuestion]).
That is, assuming, you have a form that is receiving inputs for new questions. If this is the case, in your onSubmit function for your form, you can generate your new question object and then do setQuestions([...questions, newQuestion]).

How to access nested Redux state in React components?

What's an efficient/elegant way to access nested data from branches of the state that are only available part of the time?
I'm new to React and this problem keeps coming up. I have an ok grasp on Redux and using middleware like Thunk & Saga for the API stuff, but I still don't understand the proper way to write components so that they're not trying to grab non-existent state.
For example, when loading a user's profile photo into a header after the user signs in, the URL will be in the redux store as ...if I try to access that location when the user hasn't signed in, userData is still undefined and React will throw an error. So my solution has been to write assignments like:
let profilePhoto = props.user.userData ? : '';
... which seems cumbersome and inefficient, especially since it requires mapping the entire userData object in mapStateToProps only for the sake of accessing a tiny chunk of data.
I wish I could target it earlier. For example, in mapStateToProps:
profilePhoto : || '';
...but that results in "can't access 'photos' of undefined". So what's an efficient/elegant way to access nested data from branches of the state that are only available part of the time?
In your mapStateToProps access your state like this:
profilePhoto : state.user.userData ? : ''
and then use profilePhoto as props. This will not throw an error of undefined.
In my current application I initialize the redux state with all the data tree that I will use; so that I will unlikely end up with undefineds.
So a solution would be:
const initialState = {
userData: {
photos: {
primary: ""
This might look ugly in the first glance but it helps me keep track of what my data will look like, and can be simplified by defining parts of the object individually.
An alternative could be keeping a flag in the redux state like isUserPrimaryPhotoDefined which you would set to true when you are setting the primary variable; so you can use the flag in the ternary. However that might not guarantee getting rid of the possible errors completely.
With ES6 Destructuring Assignment, you can access nested keys from props in a cleaner way.
const { user: { userData: { photos: { primary = ''} = {}} = {}} = {}} = props;
console.log(primary); // prints primary value or '' if not defined
