I cannot seem to create a DFA for this language - dfa

{w∈{a,b}∗|w has baba as a substring}
I am confused with this. How can I capture the following input for example?
It seems there must always be baba in either middle or start or end. I must decide whether to put it always in start or middile or end?

By the Myhill-Nerode theorem, the states are:
Already matched 'baba' (accepting state)
Immediately after 'bab', and haven't matched 'baba'
Immediately after 'ba', and haven't matched 'baba'
Immediately after 'b', and none of the above
None of the above (start state)
It's essentially the same DFA created by the Knuth-Morris-Pratt search algorithm.


How do I select for a row using multiple clauses in PACT smart contract language

The PACT documentation clearly states how to select for a single condition in the where clause, but it is not so clear on how to select for multiple clauses which seems much more general and important for real world use cases than a single clause example.
Pact-lang select row function link
For instance I was trying to select a set of dice throws across the room name and the current round.
(select 'throws (where (and ('room "somename") ('round 2)))
But this guy didn't resolve and the error was not so clear. How do I select across multiple conditions in the select function?
The first thing we tried was to simply select via a single clause which returns a list:
(select 'throws (where (and ('room "somename")))
A: [object{throw-schema},object{throw-schema}]
And then we applied the list operator "filter" to the result:
(filter (= 'with-read-function' 1) (select 'throws (where (and ('room "somename"))))
Please keep in mind we had a further function that read the round and spit back the round number and we filtered for equality of the round value.
This ended up working but it felt very janky.
The second thing we tried was to play around with the and syntax and we eventually found a nice way to express it although not quite so intuitive as we would have liked. It just took a little elbow grease.
The general syntax is:
(select 'throws (and? (where condition1...) (where condition2...))
In this case the and clause was lazy, hence the ? operator. We didn't think that we would have to declare where twice, but its much cleaner than the filter method we first tried.
The third thing we tried via direction from the Kadena team was a function we had yet to purview: Fold DB.
(let* ((qry (lambda (k obj) true)) ;;
(f (lambda(x) [(at 'firstName x), (at 'b x)])) ) (fold-db people (qry) (f)) )
This actually is the most correct answer but it was not obvious from the initial scan and would be near inscrutable for a new user to put together with no pact experience.
We suggest a simple sentence ->
"For multiple conditions use fold-db function."
In the documentation.
This fooled us because we are so used to using SQL syntax that we didn't imagine that there was a nice function like this lying around and we got stuck in our ways trying to figure out conditional logic.

How to match with common cities visited in

The goal is to match the special and the normal and the condition is that they have a common city. The special's name should appear in Column E and the Normal's name should appear in Column F and they're being matched because they both are in the same city or have visited the same city.
So the data dump that, um, will be updated on a daily basis. So for example, Type Special - Caroline has visited in Cambridge. If there's also a Type Normal that has visited Cambridge. Hence both visited Cambridge and that's why they were matched.
All right. Another example is, um, let's see here, Regina. Is a special type. Now we want to match her with a type Normal. So in this case, there are no matches, so that would not appear in the outcomes.
Only those who have been tagged as a Special or a Normal can be matched. So the match always has to be between Special and Nornal and their names just have to appear here at the visited city.
Using FILTER Function thought it would work out, that will automatically detect a Special and a Normal when there is a common keyword in a city that they visited in, but it isn't working.
=QUERY(A1:D17, "select max(A),B where D is not null group by B pivot D", 1)
=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(FILTER(A2:A17&"×"&B2:B17, D2:D17="special")&"×"&
TRANSPOSE(FILTER(A2:A17&"×"&B2:B17, D2:D17="normal"))), "×"),
"select Col1,Col3,Col4 where Col2=Col4", ))

Reduced Survey Frequency - Salesforce Workflow

Hoping you can help me review the logic below for errors. I am looking to create a workflow that will send a survey out to end users on a reduced frequency. Basically, it will check the Account object of the Case for a field, 'Reduced Survey Frequency', which contains a # and will not send a survey until that # of days has passed since the last date set on the Contact field 'Last Survey Date'. Please review the code and let me know any recommended changes!
AND( OR(ISPICKVAL(Status,"Closed"), ISPICKVAL(Status,"PM Sent")),
OR(CONTAINS(RecordType.Name,"Portal Case"),CONTAINS(RecordType.Name,"Standard Case"),
CONTAINS(RecordType.Name,"Portal Closed"),
CONTAINS(RecordType.Name,"Standard Closed")),
NOT( Don_t_sent_survey__c )
OR(((TODAY()- Contact.Last_Survey_Date__c) >= Account.Reduced_Survey_Frequency__c ),Account.Reduced_Survey_Frequency__c==0,
Brian H.
Personally I prefer the syntax where && and || are used instead of AND(), OR()functions. It just reads bit nicer to me, no need to trace so many commas, keep track of indentation in the more complex logic... But if you're more used to this Excel-like flow - go for it. In the end it has to be readable for YOU.
Also I'd consider reordering this a bit - simple checks, most likely to fail first.
The first part - irrelevant to your question
Don't use RecordType.Name because these Names can be translated to say French and it will screw your logic up for users who will select non-English as their preferred language. Use RecordType.DeveloperName, it's safer.
CONTAINS - do you really have so many record types that share this part in their name? What's wrong with normal = comparison? You could check if the formula would be more readable with CASE() statement. Or maybe flip the logic if there are say 6 rec types and you've explicitly listed 4 (this might have to be reviewed though when you add new rec. type). If you find yourself copy-pasting this block of 4 checks frequently - consider making a helper formula field with it...
The second part
ISBLANK checks could be skipped if you'll properly use the "treat nulls as blanks / as zeroes" setting at the bottom of formula editor. Because you're making check like
which is essentially what this thing was designed for. I'd flip it to "treat nulls as zeroes" (but that means the ISBLANK check will never "fire"). If you're not comfortable with that - you can also "safely compare or substract" by using
Which will have the similar "treat null as zero" effect but only in this one place.
So... I'd end up with something like this:
(ISPICKVAL(Status,'Closed') || ISPICKVAL(Status, 'PM Sent')) &&
(RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Portal_Case' ||
RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Standard_Case' ||
RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Portal_Closed' ||
RecordType.DeveloperName = 'Standard_Closed'
) &&
NOT(Don_t_sent_survey__c) &&
(Contact.Last_Survey_Date__c + Account.Reduced_Survey_Frequency__c < TODAY())
No promises though ;)
You can easily test them by enabling debug logs. You'll see there the workflow formula together with values that are used to evaluate it.
Another option is to make a temporary formula field with same logic and observe (in a report?) where it goes true/false for mass spot check.

Lua string library choices for finding and replacing text

I'm new to Lua programming, having come over from python to basically make a small addon for world of warcraft for a friend. I'm looking into various ways of finding a section of text from a rather large string of plain text. I need to extract the information from the text that I need and then process it in the usual way.
The string of text could be a number of anything, however the below is what we are looking to extract and process
-- GSL --
items = ["itemid":"qty" ,"itemid":"qty" ,"itemid":"qty" ,]
-- ENDGSL --
We want to strip the whole block of text from a potentially large block of text surrounding it, then remove the -- GSL -- and -- ENDGSL -- to be left with:
items = ["itemdid":"qty …
I've looked into various methods, and can't seem to get my head around any of them.
Anyone have any suggestions on the best method to tackle this problem?
EDIT: Additional problem,
Based on the accepted answer I've changed the code slightly to the following.
function GuildShoppingList:GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED()
-- Actions to be taken when guild bank frame is opened.
if debug == "True" then self:Print("Debug mode on, guild bank frame opened") end
gslBankTab = GetCurrentGuildBankTab()
gslBankInfo = GetGuildBankText(gslBankTab)
p1 = gslBankInfo:match('%-%- GSL %-%-%s+(.*)%s+%-%- ENDGSL %-%-')
The string has now changed slightly the information we are parsing is
{itemid:qty, itemid:qty, itemid:qty, itemid:qty}
Now, this is a string that's being called in p1. I need to update the s:match method to strip the { } also, and iterate over each item and its key seperated by, so I'm left with
Then I can identify each line individually and place it where it needs to go.
s=[[-- GSL --
items = ["itemid":"qty" ,"itemid":"qty" ,"itemid":"qty" ,]
-- ENDGSL --]]
print(s:match('%-%- GSL %-%-%s+(.*)%s+%-%- ENDGSL %-%-'))
The key probably is that - is a pattern modifier that needs quoting if you want a literal hyphen. More info on patterns in the Lua Reference Manual, chapter 5.4.1
To the additional problem of looping through keys of what is almost an array, you could do 2 things:
Either loop over it as a string, assuming both key and quantity are integers:
p="{1:10, 2:20, 3:30}"
for id,qty in p:gmatch('(%d+):(%d+)') do
--do something with those keys:
Or slightly change the string, evaluate it as a Lua table:
p="{1:10, 2:20, 3:30}"
p=p:gsub('(%d+):','[%1]=') -- replace : by = and enclose keys with []
t=loadstring('return '..p)() -- at this point, the anonymous function
-- returned by loadstring get's executed
-- returning the wanted table
for k,v in pairs(t) do
If the formats of keys or quantities is not simply integer, changing it in the patterns should be trivial.

Databases, bad practise to use null as ternary option?

I've never used null before really, I tend to avoid using it and having it existing in my data. However I recently designed this table (simplified):
User | hasVotedYes
In this scenario, hasVotedYes can either be null, true or false. Null indicates they have not yet cast their vote (useful information).
Is this bad practise or fine?
This is really what NULL is intended for - where the data is not available. From Wikipedia:
Null is a special marker used in Structured Query Language (SQL) to indicate that a data value does not exist in the database.
I wouldn't recommend using it as a general "third option", I'd go with a tinyint and map it to an Enum in code instead. However, for Yes/No and an Unknown, I'd say a NULL is probably the best way, as reading 0/1/2 in the database would be less clear.
I would rather prefer a DEFAULT value instead of NULL. So, In database like MySQL I will create a column
hasVotedYes TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0
when user votes "against" I will change to 1, if user votes "in favor", I will mark it as 2. However, NULL as default is NOT a bad practice, till you handle NULL object in your application code.
Thinking a bit more, I guess default values are even better idea. For example you want to filter users who voted in favor, voted against, or not voted -- you will create a prepared statement something like
... where hasVotedYes = ?;
While in case of NULL default, you will be writing two types of queries.
... where hasVotedYes = ?
This works for voted in favor or against case.
.... where hasVotedYes is NULL;
This for not voted case.
I would go for
User | Voted
Where votes is nullable bit: 1 = Yes, 0 = No, Null = not voted.
Otherwise (when not using null) you need to know:
A: Has the person voted
B: What did he vote.
By not using NULL B would be defaulted to 0. This could be annoying when wanting to create a query of all people who voted Yes (1) or No (0), then you must check if the person has voted.
When using NULL you can simple query for 1 or 0.
Null has been built for this usage. It (should) means : not shure, don't know.
The only drawback is when you want to know, say, the number of people who didn't vote Yes : you may have to convert null to something or the result will not be correct.
select * from tblPeople as t where t.hasVotedYes <> 'Y'; -- Don't counts nulls
select * from tblPeople as t where nvl(t.hasVotedYes, 'N') <> 'Y'; -- counts nulls.
I use NULL for UNKNOWN but you should also take three value logic into consideration if your going to be doing a lot of search clauses on the data to make sure you don't make a mistake, see this image:
Null gets used for all sorts of things but usually it leads to contradictions and incorrect results.
In this case it seems that your dilemma stems from trying to overload too much information into a single binary attribute - you are trying to record both whether a person voted and how they voted. This in itself is probably going to create problems for you.
I don't really see what you hope to gain by using a null to represent the case where a person hasn't voted. Why don't you just not store the information until they have voted. That way the absence of the row clearly indicates that a person hasn't voted yet.
