Increasing text size in Azure Dashboard metrics - text-size

We've got a 4K 55" panel up on the wall in our support analyst room, been playing around with some better dashboard designs and hit upon something of a blocker. The text size in the metrics is too small to be legible from much more than a couple of feet away.
I was hunting around and did find this previous question about the labels:
Can I add larger Font text to the markdown widget on dashboard?
But I'm unclear on how I might apply that same logic to the text within the metrics. Specifically the grid displays.


What is the maximum width of current mobile browsers?

I am using a script from to detect whether a site is being viewed on a mobile browser.
If the site is on a mobile browser, I show a pared down, simple slideshow. If it is a regular browser, I show a whiz-bang super slideshow. I'd like to optimize my images, making them as small as possible on the mobile slideshow. My mobile slideshow is responsive, so it will shrink to fit in whatever window, but I don't want to make it any larger initially than it absolutely has to be.
Does anyone know what the maximum width is on the current array of mobile browsers? Or rather, the maximum width of mobile devices that are detected with the script?
BTW, I'm not asking how to detect the width once the page is loaded in a browser.
Thank you!!
I think you guys misunderstood my question. I AM using max-width:100%. My images DO scale to fit any screen-size. And, I DO determine whether to show a simple slideshow or a complex one. Here's my logic:
If the user is using a mobile device (based on the device detector)
show a simple slideshow
Else the use is NOT using a mobile device (based on the device detector)
If this is a small screen (based on media queries)
show a simple slideshow
Else this is a large screen (based on media queries)
show a complex slideshow
End If (based on media queries)
End If (based on the device detector)
Why bother using mobile detection at all? Because even though for small screens I am only showing the simple, low-filesize slideshow on small screens, the images from the complex, image-heavy, high-filesize slideshow ARE STILL DOWNLOADED ( My media query determination of which slideshow to show doesn't save the user from having to download the images of the slideshow that's currently not shown. It's only used because the simple slideshow looks better on small screens than the complex one. Using the mobile detection screen makes sure that images that aren't shown, aren't downloaded.
Why do I care what the maximum width is on current mobile devices, when my images are set to 100% width and will scale down to fit any size? Because a 900px wide image has a larger filesize than a 600px wide image. If I know what the max width is that the image needs to be, I can save the slide down to that size initially, saving some additional bandwidth. Have you guys ever viewed a slideshow on a mobile device? Slow!
I would really appreciate if anyone can point me towards the proper stats. I googled, but couldn't find what I needed.
The answer is almost certain to change as soon as you deploy the software.
It also depends on whether you mean pixels or screen-resolution-pixels (the Retina displays define them differently).
Perhaps it's best to stick with detecting mobile browsers (if you don't like the scripts you're using, see , e.g.:
Detecting mobile browsers on the web?)
and then let users opt into higher-rez images.
Alternately, you could try to detect bandwidth, which is really what you're optimizing for; 'mobile' is just a proxy for this, and only moderately correlated with it.

How far do you go with Mobile First Responsive Design?

I'm retro-fitting a website for Mobile First Responsive Design (MFRD). My question is - how far do you go with the "Mobile First" part?.
For example - on the homepage I plan on having a list of upcoming events, say 4 or 5. On the mobile version I thought 2 would be enough to save screen real-estate. Should I load the other events in dynamically for the larger views, or should I just hide them since it will only be a few elements anyway?
Loading them dynamically for larger sizes means I have to attach an event to the window resize which typically gets fired every pixel. Even though I can offset that with Timeout, that's still a lot of client side checking is it not (even though it's not like users are constantly resizing their browsers).
I mean, even though you're designing for mobile first, you also have to consider the larger sizes right? Obviously larger JavaScript libraries and other assets that are needed for larger only you want to pull in later and not load for mobile - but how crazy do you want to get with the bandwidth saving?
What is the target market for the website? Are you making a completely responsive website that encapsulates smartphone to desktop? Or are you just concentrating on smartphone to tablet?
Mobile First really just means start your styling and content views at the smallest form factor and work up as the device dimensions get bigger. HTML, CSS (media queries) and jQuery all play a part to expand the UI and manipulate (show/hide) content elements as the browser gets bigger.
Take a look at Smashing Magazine, their responsive layout is one of the most extensive I have seen so far, it will give you an idea of how far you can take the MFRD or DARL (Device Agnostic Responsive Layout) methodologies.

Telerik vs. Infragistics for Silverlight

Yes, this is certainly a duplicate question, but I wanted to get some fresh takes.
My impression is that Telerik is a much more complete suite, but I'm really really turned off by the responsiveness of their controls. It just seems "clunky" in terms of responsiveness (I have a very fast computer and video card). Scrolling in a grid and transitions chunk, even in their latest demos where they claim to have good performance. I do like that their WPF suite matches their SL one in terms of API.
Infragistics has fewer controls and less theming possibilities, but their controls are very responsive. Scrolling in a grid is fluid, as are their combo menus and all the other controls.
I checked out ComponentOne and their controls seem analogous to Telerik's in terms of the points mentioned above but are a little less "pretty".
Any thoughts from other users of these suites? Basically, what I'm looking for is a suite that will be highly performant and responsive, relatively customizable from a theming standpoint, and have enough functionality to develop a LOB SL application without having to use multiple suites to satisfy the majority of common requirements.
Telerik by far has the slowest (clunky) controls. We've downloaded datagrids from many of the control companies (Infragistics, ComponentOne, Telerik, etc) and found Telerik's to be the slowest as far as loading and refreshing hundreds of thousands to a million rows. I can't speak much for the rest of the controls tho. Testing speed and memory consumption, we found the C1Flexgrid was fastest, followed by Infragistics xamGrid, then Microsofts grid, C1Datagrid and last was Telerik's radGridView.
If you think about this, would you really ever want to load 100's of thousands to 1 million records in a grid or any control for that matter? Well unless you're trying to come up with some marketing fodder?
I don't know of a monitor that could load that many at once to look at. Even if it could, maybe I'm just slow but I can only process them a couple at a time.
What can an average user look at and process. 10 records, maybe 20.
I could see maybe wanting to load a 100 or so and not have to page to get new recors, but thousands or millions? Personally I'm going to require filter capabilities and paging and if I have a developer trying to load 1 million records into a grid, we're going to have to have a sit down because the performance of a grid or any other control is not the issue.
Let's look at a multi billion $ company who has a site and it's sole purpose is to return data to a users. I'm referring to Google. Do a search and you get back around 10 records. I just did a search and got 21,400,00 results. If I don't find what I'm looking for in the first page or two (20 records), I know I didn't filter good enough. I'm not not sifting through a million records.
So that puts your performance back to your logic of retrieving records and giving your users the correct ability to filter down the data they really need at the time.
How fast one grid shows 1.5 million records seems like fodder for "bench racing" and who cares if it's sluggish scrolling because why pull back that many records to start with?
I apologize if I'm missing the point and you're just having fun with bench racing. But I read you are talking about real world, LOB applications and if that's the case then we need to be realistic about the scenarios.
We use the Telerik grid and it performs just fine for real world LOB app. Again though the users we write for can't look at or process 1.5 millions at once nor would they care too.
Also as you're finding out in this thread their support is second to none and I'll take that anyday from a any company we buy a these types of products from over whether they can load a million records in a grid or not. Telerik, Infragistics or whoever.
For anybody serious about real world scenarios and trying to find a quality suite, the first thing to realize is who's on this thread trying to answer questions about their products.
Please have a look at the following demo which binds 1.5 million rows to a grid with sorting and filtering enabled:
The "Virtual Collection" is another performance feature:
Disclaimer: I am a Technical Evangelist with Infragistics
I suggest you to check the Performance section in our demos for more info about how the grid will perform with large data and/or real-time updates. Here are several examples:

Why is the scalability of the UI important in WPF?

While I love developing user interfaces in WPF and XAML, I've tried to embrace the scalability aspect by also creating my icons as vector images... but it's really hard! I very rarely get the same kind of crispness that I can with raster graphics and it almost always takes me longer to produce the icons.
Am I wasting my time? Is there no benefit to making scalable icons? Or is there a setting somewhere in Windows that scales the UI for accessibility, thus making scalabilty important?
Would welcome your advice. :)
There are some advantages to using vector/scalable graphics in WPF. Off the top of my head:
You can build a high-fidelity UI that adapts to the user's DPI settings - see this blog post for more information
You can scale the images in the UI (e.g. use a ViewBox to stretch the icon), allowing for "zoomable" interfaces
The file size is greatly reduced, specially for larger images
You don't have to juggle different image sizes and resolutions
You can edit the images directly in Blend
One problem of this approach is that it might cause more stress to the CPU if the vector icons are not cached (To cache, set UIElement.CacheMode to a BitmapCache).
If you're 100% sure the icons will stay the same size, you can go with raster images safely - just do whatever you think is more productive in your case.

Silverlight Image Display - Potential implementations?

Currently I have a silverlight business application (C# Hosted in ASP.Net on IIS). The database behind the app is setup with a one to many relationship between two particular tables - One Job, Many Images. So for each job I display In my application I have potentially a large number of images to display.
Currently I use a listbox which get populated with the images that are parsed from uri's stored in the database table. Each image has a datetime stamp on it.
What I would like to do would be to display the most recent image as a thumbnail with the ability to click and zoom into it, whilst having all the other images in some sort of condensed scrollbar.
I've spent a lot of time looking round and have seen a huge number of rubbish implementations, either pertaining to be non-business like or just way to over the top. Could anyone suggest some options to me for this particular situation?
