Is making heavy use of localstorage a good practice? - reactjs

I'm currently making a REACT web app, and I've made heavy use of localStorage to keep track of data without having to make more api calls, i'll provide a quick explanation of what i'm doing and would like to know if it's a good practice or if there's a better way.
I am working on a blog app and need to have access to some data in other components (such as the username of the currently connected user.)
So each time I make an api call, and receive data that I know I will need in other components (especially if it's not a child component of the one receiving the data), I store it in the localstorage so I can access it easily.
Is making use of the local storage everytime I need it for convenience good ?
Do you have any guidelines regarding when to query data instead of relying on localStorage ?
Thanks for your answer.

Remember that localstorage is persistent data. So it should be used for data that is required when the user leaves your app and comes back to it again.
On the other hand, sharing data between components while your app is running should be done with other mechanisms, typically passing props from a parent component to child components. Also, you can use React context or Redux or similar APIs to store data that is required globally while your app is running.

I would say "it depends"
If you are not accessing data in localStorage way too often, data inside of it are not changing frequently. Then it is OK. (still you need to have fallback for any other storage, try safari in anonymous window there localStorage does not work, old mobiles have limits how much data can be stored etc. etc.)
Otherwise it would be better use other means of storing data locally. Like IndexedDB, WebSQL. You can use some lib for managing those like for indexDB dexie, idb or any other.
If you are using localStorage just to ease your work with react props drilling, then rather use React.context, flux, redux... or any other state managment lib.


how would you fetch data and use it across whole app?

Hi iam new to react and been thinking about this for a while,
I want to make react application ,
how would you continue?
I want to fetch data and use it all across the app( best would be just one time when user logs in)
I was thinking about fetching it with redux, but there may be much better way which iam missing.
Thx all
If it is just one simple api request, then you are better of with using Context API. Just call the API with any network library such as fetch or axios, and keep data inside the Context. And use that Context in the whole App.
As the application's complexity grows and you need more functionality you can then use more sophisticated libraries such as Redux for managing state(keeping data at client app), calls to API will still be done with fetch or axios.
if you have small app better way you used contextApi and other wise you need to used redux is best way for state management
for redux you need to prefer below link
for context APi :
Redux if your app is a SPA (single page application) since redux loses all state on page refresh
Persistent storage like localStorage or cookies until they expire. This method will survive page refreshes.
Store it in a database on the backend which will keep it until you literally delete it, but I imagine your use-case isn't in need of such a robust solution.
State management like redux is the best way to achieve your goal.

What's the Best way to Reduce Mobile Data Usage in React and React-Native Apps

Data usage really matters for my targeted users. So, I am looking for an APPROACH that'll help me reduce the number of data fetching during react rerender cycles in React and React-native App.
Let's say I have a page that renders all the Items fetched from an API. Since the API's data can be updated at anytime, I am obliged to re-call the API whenever the user displays this page.
IS THERE ANY WAY FOR ME TO KNOW THAT THE DATA HAS BEEN UPDATED WITHOUT BEING OBIGED TO RECALL THE API?? Because I think that the less HTTP requests I send the less mobile data I consume (Maybe I am wrong... I don't know)
I thought of implementing a solution with Redux and :
I wanted to prepare an event called data-updated that will be managed by and whenever one of the users performs an action that updates the item lits (The API data), the data-updated event will be triggered and all the connected users will be notified. Then in the data-updated event handler I will update the item list state slice in the redux store.
My worry is that since keeps the connection between users and the server alive during the whole session, Won't this approach consume even more Mobile data than recalling the server at any rendering??
You can proceed with graphql with mutations and its caching mechanism, its pretty cool and if I mention if it is handled efficiently you can run your application in 2g network also with speed. Checkout its usage and advantages over REST you gonna love it.
Another way is by using redisCache but personally I've not used it though you can check.
You can use React-query lib for data fetching, updating, caching can read more about it but read its docs.

What's the right approach for storing and accessing table data in a Redux store

I'm very new to ReactJS and Redux (but not development, in general). I'm trying to determine how best to approach a SPA I'm building.
My app will download datasets via API and display them in a spreadsheet. I'd like to use Redux to store the data. Is that the right approach? We could potentially be looking at very large datasets. Would it be more appropriate to only store the data that is currently rendered in the spreadsheet?
I'm totally lost as to an approach that would be efficient in terms of rendering speed and memory management as well as mindful of potential network issues as rows of data are requested from the API.
When you are working on a react/redux app, you generally will have two options to store your state: local component state or in redux. There are quite a few blog posts out there detailing when each is appropriate. This github issue comment from Dan Abramov, one of the creators of Redux, pretty succinctly sums it up
Use React for ephemeral state that doesn't matter to the app globally and doesn't mutate in complex ways. For example, a toggle in some UI element, a form input state. Use Redux for state that matters globally or is mutated in complex ways. For example, cached users, or a post draft.
Sometimes you'll want to move from Redux state to React state (when storing something in Redux gets awkward) or the other way around (when more components need to have access to some state that used to be local).
The rule of thumb is: do whatever is less awkward.
Both component state and redux state can be used performantly, so I wouldn't worry too much about that when choosing. From what you've described, the questions I would ask are
Do I need to have multiple spreadsheets of data loaded, but not all displayed at once? For instance, maybe you have multiple tabs of spreadsheets and you want to be able to tab through them without having to re-fetch the data each time
Do I need access to the spreadsheet data in a lot of different places, or is it fairly localized?
Will I be able to modify the data in the spreadsheet, and if so, how difficult would it be to perform those modifications using redux and without?
There are quite probably other considerations as well. In general, the advice given is to stick with just using React local component state until it starts feeling awkward, and then move to redux at that point. Oftentimes, components state is all you need, and if not you'll get a better appreciation for situations where redux helps.

React Redux - Multitenancy approach (Saas model)

Lets say we want to have one instance of the application and multiple tenants trying to access same features but also have some level of customisation and of course data isolation. In short Basic SaaS model.
Tenants will probably be identified by subdomain/domain and/or by querystring.
So the main question (which is rather specific):
What are common approaches onto implementing a multitenant environment using React + Redux ?
Thinking loud:
How to approach/structure the Application Store.
How to deal with tenant specific configurations
Do I need to have some sort of a TenantContext available somewhere at hand.
How to ensure proper level of isolation and avoid race conditions?
What else should be kept in mind while developing it?
Any thoughts, ideas, past experience, advice, are highly appreciated.
Thank you!
A typical Redux store usually only reflects persistent data, and contains application-specific data, like which tab is active or what is the value of that field. But in case of persistent data, that's an interesting question. I believe React and Redux are simply not for that. But even though, there's an interesting solution for that: Relay and subscriptions.
Relay connects your components to a GraphQL source of data (typically remote), and then you simply access props that are seamlessly injected into component and given values from the data storage. With subscriptions, any update in the data storage causes its delivery to a connected component via a subscription established between the app and the GraphQL server.
Now, you can add an extra layer for multitenancy and synchronize data between nodes on a lower level, completely unrelated to React. The only thing now is that you'll need to listen to every update and send subscription updates, and there's no nice "single-click" solution for that yet.
You can see this discussion to get an idea how you can update a subscription. Good thing is that, on the client-side, the app will simply react to updated props with a connected component being re-rendered with new props.

React: Persistent Storage Options?

I have been reading about React and Redux lately. It looks very interesting and I'd like to use it for small personal projects. One question I keep coming back to is, when does data get saved to the database (or some sort of persistent storage)?
Most tutorials explain components, props, state but they I've not found a lot of solid information about saving said state to persistent storage. Some articles mention local storage but what happens when that is cleared? All the user's data is gone . . . ?
Eventually, a database has to be used at sometime, right?
I have been looking into Axios to help with the API backend. Is this a good option? Is there someway to save to local storage instead so the user sees the UI update instantly and silently call an API endpoint after the fact?
Open to ideas and suggestions. Thank you!
This really is a broad topic but you're right that the internet is lacking in examples of data persistence. One reason is that neither react nor redux are frameworks that help with these; meaning it's a great application of the libraries but are not core to the abstract ideas they present.
That's not to say it's undoable, quite the opposite. With the help of redux middleware this becomes a fun task that works flawlessly with the rest of your application. There are many different ways of implementing data persistence so I'll just explain one here, which I use in my own apps.
CouchDB + PouchDB + middleware
CouchDB: simple document storage in JSON format
PouchDB: syncs your localStorage with a CouchDB instance to automagically allow offline use
Since databases introduce stateful behavior, redux suggests using middleware to not muck up your store with state kept outside itself. In this middleware you would sync up your DB instance to the store. This middleware simply reads the data in the DB and fires actions to insert it into the store. Your application then fires actions that the middleware picks up and uses to store data in its DB. Finally, the DB updates the store with the new data it inserted/updated/deleted.
It's a simple yet powerful way to persist JSON serializable data to a DB while maintaining a redux store.
Use react-persistent-store-manager. Uses pull state and localforage for persistent data. It's quite straight forward.
