Simultaneously Aggregating Overlapping Ranges (A Rectangle Problem) - sql-server

My Problem
Consider a set of data with two intervals. For instance, consider a student schedule of classes. Each record has a begin and end date, and each class has a period start time and a period end time. But this schedule is not 'normalized' in the sense that some records overlap. So if you search for records encompassing a given date and period for a student, you might get multiple matches.
Here's a contrived example. I represent the dates as integers to simplify the problem:
declare #schedule table (
student char(3),
fromDate int,
toDate int,
fromPeriod int,
toPeriod int
insert #schedule values
('amy', 1, 7, 7, 9),
('amy', 3, 9, 5, 8),
('amy', 10, 12, 1, 3),
('ted', 1, 5, 11, 14),
('ted', 7, 11, 13, 16);
Amy's date and period ranges either overlap or are adjacent. If I queried for 'date 5 period 7', I would get two matches. I need these reworked so that they represent the same 'area' but no longer overlap.
Ted's periods overlap but his dates do not. This means there's no real overlap, so no need to re-work anything.
My Research
I've read many posts and some articles on working overlapping intervals. Namely:
Merge overlapping date intervals
Flattening intersecting timespans
Condense Time Periods with SQL
SQL Server - cumulative sum on overlapping data - getting date that sum reaches a given value
Flatten/merge overlapping time intervals
SQL Server separate overlapping dates
I've implemented one from Itzik from a blog entitled 'solutions-packing-date-and-time-intervals-puzzle' that has worked great for one particular project. I don't think it's a stable link, but I've found a copy of it here.
But I'm having difficulty extending the knowledge in those resources to my problem at hand. It might be my limitation. I have trouble following them. I've studied Itzik's solution and have come to understand a lot of it, but I do recall there's one piece I just couldn't understand. Or it might be that those solutions only work with singular ranges.
My Attempt
I resolved this question by treating the ranges as literal rectangle objects. It works. I've even made a version of it somewhat performant in my own application. So I'll post it as a solution in case it is of use to anyone with the same issue.
But it is so long and involved and there are enough quirks to it (e.g. buffering lines, looping shapes, working with float values, rounding issues) that I can't help but think that there's a much better way. Can the concepts of my listed resources be extended to dual ranges? Or do some SRID's allow cutting rectangles with zero-length lines?
Expected Results:
There is no one answer to this problem, because you can aggregate ranges and deconstruct them in different ways. But to minimize the number of resulting rectangles, there are really only two acceptable answers. Visually, with dates on the X axis and periods on the Y axis, overlapping ranges can start out like this:
| |
| +------------+
| |||||||| | <- 2 overlapping rectangles
+----| |
| |
We can rework it this way:
+---+ +-----+
| | | |
| | | | +---+ <- 3 non-overlapping
| | | | | | vertically cut rectangles
+---| | | | |
| | | |
+-----+ +---+
Or this way:
+-----------------+ <- 3 non-overlapping
+-----------------+ horizontally cut rectangles
Going with vertical cuts, the results would look like this:
|amy |1 |2 |7 |9 |
|amy |3 |7 |5 |9 |
|amy |8 |9 |5 |8 |
|amy |10 |12 |1 |3 |
|ted |1 |5 |11 |14 |
|ted |7 |11 |13 |16 |
Going with horizontal cuts, the results would look like this:
|amy |1 |7 |9 |9 |
|amy |1 |9 |7 |8 |
|amy |3 |9 |5 |6 |
|amy |10 |12 |1 |3 |
|ted |1 |5 |11 |14 |
|ted |7 |11 |13 |16 |
Either is acceptable. Though, to keep it deterministic and tractable, you would want to choose one strategy and stick with it.

Numbers table:
To address the problem geometrically as I indicate in my post, you have to work with the SQL Server geometry data type. Unfortunately, to get each individual shape or point inside a geometry value, you have to call for the shape by index. A numbers table helps with this. So I do that first (swap this out for your preferred implementation).
create table #numbers (i int);
declare #i int = 1;
while #i <= 100 begin
insert #numbers values (#i);
set #i += 1;
Aggregate the Ranges:
The first required task is to convert the numeric ranges to geometric rectangles. Point creates the corner points. STUnion and STEnvelope serve to turn these into a
rectangle. Also, since we desire ranges to merge together when they are integer-adjacent, we add 1 to the 'to' fields before geometric conversion.
Then the rectangles must be unioned so that there are no overlaps. This is done by UnionAggregate. The result is a geometry object of rectilinearPolygons (boxy shapes).
The geometry object can still have multiple rectillinearPolygons. So these are listed and output as individual shapes to rectilinears.
aggregateRectangles as (
select student,
rectilinears = geometry::UnionAggregate(rectangle)
from #schedule s
cross apply (select
minPt = geometry::Point(s.fromDate, s.fromPeriod, 0),
maxPt = geometry::Point(s.toDate + 1, s.toPeriod + 1, 0)
) extremePoints
cross apply (select rectangle = minPt.STUnion(maxPt).STEnvelope()) enveloped
group by student
select ar.student,
into #rectilinears
from aggregateRectangles ar
join #numbers n on n.i between 1 and ar.rectilinears.STNumGeometries()
cross apply (select rectilinear = ar.rectilinears.STGeometryN(n.i)) r
cross apply (select envelope = r.rectilinear.STEnvelope()) e
cross apply (select
minY = e.envelope.STPointN(1).STY,
maxY = e.envelope.STPointN(3).STY
) mm;
SideNote - Performance Option:
I'm not implementing it here. But if you're working with big-data, and your 'rectilinears' (plural) field above is shared among many groupings (such as many students having the same schedule), then save the Well-known-text version of the rectilinear object (Just do ToString()). After this, create a second dataset with distinct rectilinears and perform the remaining geometric operations on that condensed dataset. Join it back in to the student-level later on. This has significantly improved performance in my real case.
Decompose the Ranges:
Next, those rectilinears have to be decomposed back into rectangles. Splitters are created by creating vertical lines at the x coordinates of each point. The y axis could just as easily been chosen, I just chose x for my own semantics. Both axis could also have been chosen, but this would result in more records than necessary.
Unfortunately, SQL Server does not split a shape if the splitter has zero-width (set-theoretically, that's inappropriate, but I imagine that you can't represent the result properly in WKT format). So we need to give the splitters a buffer so that they have an area. There's STBuffer, though I've had trouble with it so I just create one manually.
With this, the rectangles are split. When they're split, they still all reside in the same geometry object, so they enumerated and then inserted individually into the #rectangles table.
createSplitters as (
select r.student,
rectilinear = geometry::STGeomFromText(r.rectilinear.ToString(), 0),
splitters = geometry::UnionAggregate(sp.splitter)
from #rectilinears r
join #numbers n on n.i between 1 and r.rectilinear.STNumPoints()
cross apply (select
x = r.rectilinear.STPointN(n.i).STX,
buffer = 0.001
) px
cross apply (select splitter =
geometry::Point(x - buffer, minY - buffer, 0).STUnion(
geometry::Point(x + buffer, maxY + buffer, 0)
) sp
group by r.student,
select student,
rectangle = rectangles.STGeometryN(n.i)
into #rectangles
from createSplitters sp
cross apply (select
rectangles = rectilinear.STDifference(sp.splitters)
) r
join #numbers n on n.i between 1 and r.rectangles.STNumGeometries();
Parse the Ranges:
That's the crux of it. What remains is simply to extract the proper values from the rectangles to give the ranges.
To do this, we first invoke STEnvelope to ensure the rectangles are only represented by their corner points. Then we round the corner points to undo the effects of our buffer, and any issues with float representation. We also subtract 1 from the 'to' fields to undo what we did before converting to geometric points.
select student,
fromDate = round(minPt.STX,0),
toDate = round(maxPt.STX,0) - 1,
fromPeriod = round(minPt.STY,0),
toPeriod = round(maxPt.STY,0) - 1
into #normalized
from #rectangles r
cross apply (select
minPt = r.rectangle.STPointN(1),
maxPt = r.rectangle.STPointN(3)
) corners
order by student, fromDate, fromPeriod;
Optional - Visualize Before and After:
I've made it this far, so I minus well give a visual representation of the before and after results. Press the 'Spatial Results' tab in SSMS, choose 'student' as the label column, and toggle between 'unnormalized' and 'normalized' as the spatial column.
The gaps between Amy's rectangles seem like an error at first, but remember that our 'to' fields represent not just the number recorded in them, but the entire fractional part up-to but excluding the next integer number. So, for instance, a toDate of 2 is really a to date of 2.99999 etc.
select student,
unnormalized =
geometry::Point(fromDate, fromPeriod, 0).STUnion(
geometry::Point(toDate, toPeriod, 0)
normalized = null
from #schedule s
union all
select student,
unnormalized = null,
normalized =
geometry::Point(fromDate, fromPeriod, 0).STUnion(
geometry::Point(toDate, toPeriod, 0)
from #normalized;

that is a very creative solution and an interesting read!!
A rather simplistic approach:
a as (
select student, fromdate from #schedule union
select student, todate+1 from #schedule
b as (
select *,
todate = (
select min(aa.fromdate)
from a as aa
where aa.student = a.student
and aa.fromdate > a.fromdate
) - 1
from a
select *
from b
where exists (
select *
from #schedule as s
where s.student = b.student
and s.fromdate < b.todate
and s.todate > b.fromdate


Excel: Problems w. INDIRECT, Arrays, and Aggregate Functions (SUM, MAX, etc.)

I have a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing a price list that may change over time (B2:B5 in the example). Separately, I have a budget that too may change over time (D2). I am attempting to construct a formula for E2 to output the number of items that can be purchased with the budget in D2. Thereafter, I'll attempt to construct formulas to output any change that would be made (F2) and a comma-delimited list of purchasable items (G2).
Note: It unfortunately isn't possible to add an intermediate calculation column to the list, such as a running total. As such, I'm trying for formulas for single cells (i.e., E2, F2, and G2).
Note: I'm using Excel for Mac 2019.
1 | Label | Price | | Budget | Items | Change | Item(s) |
2 | Item #1 | $ 10.00 | | $ 40.00 | 3 | $ 4.50 | Item #1, Item #2, Item #3 |
3 | Item #2 | $ 20.00 | | | | | |
4 | Item #3 | $ 5.50 | | | | | |
5 | Item #4 | $ 25.00 | | | | | |
6 | Item #5 | $ 12.50 | | | | | |
For E2, I've attempted:
Though, the above values and this formula result in an output of -1.
Note: The formula for F2 and G2 seemingly easily follow E2; e.g. {=$D2-SUM(IF((ROW($B$2:$B$6)-MIN(ROW($B$2:$B$6))+1)<=$E2,$B$2:$B$6,0))} and {=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,INDIRECT("$A$2:$A$"&(MIN(ROW($B$2:$B$6))+$E2-1)))} seem to work well, respectively.
{="$B$2:$B$"&ROW($B$2:$B$6)} evaluates to {"$B$2:$B$2";"$B$2:$B$3";...;"$B$2:$B$6"} (as desired);
{=INDIRECT("$B$2:$B$"&ROW($B$2:$B$6)) should evaluate to the equivalent of {{$B$2:$B$2},{$B$2:$B$3},...,{$B$2:$B$6}}; though, as a 1x5 multi-cell array formula, evaluates to the equivalent of {#VALUE!,#VALUE!,#VALUE!,#VALUE!,#VALUE!} and, with F9 does to {10;#N/A;#N/A;#N/A;12.5};
{=SUM(INDIRECT("$B$2:$B$"&ROW($B$2:$B$6)))<=$D2}, as a 1x5 multi-cell array formula, evaluates to the equivalent of {TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;FALSE;FALSE} (as desired); though, with F9 does to #VALUE!;
{=N(SUM(INDIRECT("$B$2:$B$"&ROW($B$2:$B$6)))<=$D2)}, as a 1x5 multi-cell array formula, evaluates to the equivalent of 1;1;1;0;0 (as desired); though, with F9 does again to #VALUE!;
{=N(SUM(INDIRECT("$B$2:$B$"&ROW($B$2:$B$6)))<=$D2)*ROW($B$2:$B$6), as as 1x5 multi-cell array formula, evaluates to the equivalent of {2,3,4,0,0} (as desired); though, with F9 does to {#VALUE!,#VALUE!,#VALUE!,#VALUE!,#VALUE!};
{=N(SUM(INDIRECT("$B$2:$B$"&ROW($B$2:$B$6)))<=$D2)*ROW($B$2:$B$6)-MIN(ROW($B$2:$B$6))+1}, as a 1x5 multi-cell array formula, evaluates to the equivalent of {1,2,3,-1,-1} (as desired); though, with F9 does again to {#VALUE!,#VALUE!,#VALUE!,#VALUE!,#VALUE!}; and,
{=MAX(N(SUM(INDIRECT("$B$2:$B$"&ROW($B$2:$B$6)))<=$D2)*ROW($B$2:$B$6)-MIN(ROW($B$2:$B$6))+1)} evaluates to -1
If {=N(SUM(INDIRECT("$B$2:$B$"&ROW($B$2:$B$6)))<=$D2)*ROW($B$2:$B$6)-MIN(ROW($B$2:$B$6))+1} is placed as the multi-cell array formula in, say, E10:E14, a =MAX($E$10:$E$14) results in 3 (as desired).
At present, I'm speculating that, when entered as a single cell array formula, the INDIRECT is not being assessed to be array producing and/or the SUM, as part of a single cell array formula, is not producing an array result.
Please assist. And, thank you in advance.
Solutions (Thanks to Contributors Below)
For E2, {=IF($B$2<=$D2,MATCH(1,0/(MMULT(N(ROW($B$2:$B$6)>=TRANSPOSE(ROW($B$2:$B$6))),$B$2:$B$6)<=$D2)),0)} (thank you Jos Woolley);
For F2, =IF($E2=0,MAX(0,$D2),$D2-SUM($B$2:INDEX($B$2:$B$6,$E2))) (thank you P.b); and,
For G2, =IF($E2=0,"",TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,$A$2:INDEX($A$2:$A$6,$E2))) (thank you P.b).
The first point to make, as I mentioned in the comments, is that it must be understood that piecemeal evaluation of a formula - via highlighting subsections of that formula and committing with F9 within the formula bar - will not necessarily correspond to the actual evaluation.
Evaluation via F9 in the formula bar always forces that part to be evaluated as an array. Though this is misleading, since the overall construction may not actually evaluate that part as an array.
The second point to make is that SUM cannot iterate over an array of ranges, though SUBTOTAL, for example, can, so replacing SUM with SUBTOTAL (9, in your current formula should work.
However, you would still be left with a construction which is volatile, so I would recommend this non-volatile alternative:
In E2 you can use:
In F2 you can use:
In G2 you can use:
=TEXTJOIN(", ",1,A2:INDEX(A2:A6,E2))

make x in a cell equal 8 and total

I need an excel formula that will look at the cell and if it contains an x will treat it as a 8 and add it to the total at the bottom of the table. I have done these in the pass and I am so rusty that I cannot remember how I did it.
Generally, I try and break this sort of problem into steps. In this case, that'd be:
Determine if a cell is 'x' or not, and create new value accordingly.
Add up the new values.
If your values are in column A (for example), in column B, fill in:
=if(A1="x", 8, 0) (or in R1C1 mode, =if(RC[-1]="x", 8, 0).
Then just sum those values (eg sum(B1:B3)) for your total.
A | B
| 0 | 0 <------ '=if(A1="x", 8, 0)'
| x | 8 |
| fish | 0 |
| TOTAL | 8 <------ '=sum(B1:B3)'
If you want to be tidy, you could also hide the column with your intermediate values in.
(I should add that the way your question is worded, it almost sounds like you want to 'push' a value into the total; as far as I've ever known, you can really only 'pull' values into a total.)
Try this one for total sum:
=SUMIF(<range you want to sum>, "<>" & <x>, <range you want to sum>)+ <x> * COUNTIF(<range you want to sum>, <x>)

How can I use the LAG function and return the same value if the subsequent value in a row is duplicated?

I am using the LAG function to move my values one row down.
However, I need to use the same value as previous if the items in source column is duplicated:
1 | 4 | - | -
2 | 2 | 4 | 4
3 | 3 | 2 | 2
4 | 3 | 3 | 2
5 | 3 | 3 | 2
6 | 1 | 3 | 3
7 | 4 | 1 | 1
8 | 4 | 4 | 1
As you can see, for instance in ID range 3-5 the source data doesn't change and the desired outcome should be fed from the last row with different value (so in this case ID 2).
Sql server's version of lag supports an expression in the second argument to determine how many rows back to look. You can replace this with some sort of check to not look back e.g.
select lagged = lag(data,iif(decider < 0,0,1)) over (order by id)
from (values(0,1,'dog')
This returns the following list
Because the decider value on the row with id of 2 was negative.
Well, first lag may not be the tool for the job. This might be easier to solve with a recursive CTE. Sql and window functions work over set. That said, our goal here is to come up with a way of describing what we want. We'd like a way to partition our data so that sequential islands of the same value are part of the same set.
One way we can do that is by using lag to help us discover if the previous row was different or not.
From there, we can now having a running sum over these change events to create partitions. Once we have partitions, we can assign a row number to each element in the partition. Finally, once we have that, we can now use the row number to look
back that many elements.
;with d as (
select * from (values
select *,lag(source,rn) over (order by Id)
from (
select *,rn=row_number() over (partition by partition_id order by id)
from (
select *, partition_id = sum(change) over (order by id)
from (
select *,change = iif(lag(source) over (order by id) != source,1,0)
from d
) source_with_change
) partitioned
) row_counted
As an aside, this an absolutely cruel interview question I was asked to do once.

How to force Postgresql "cartesian product" behavior when unnest'ing multiple arrays in select?

Postgresql behaves strangely when unnesting multiple arrays in the select list:
select unnest('{1,2}'::int[]), unnest('{3,4}'::int[]);
unnest | unnest
1 | 3
2 | 4
vs when arrays are of different lengths:
select unnest('{1,2}'::int[]), unnest('{3,4,5}'::int[]);
unnest | unnest
1 | 3
2 | 4
1 | 5
2 | 3
1 | 4
2 | 5
Is there any way to force the latter behaviour without moving stuff to the from clause?
The SQL is generated by a mapping layer and it will be very much easier for me to implement the new feature I am adding if I can keep everything in the select.
Set-returning functions are now evaluated before evaluation of scalar
expressions in the SELECT list, much as though they had been placed in
a LATERAL FROM-clause item. This allows saner semantics for cases
where multiple set-returning functions are present. If they return
different numbers of rows, the shorter results are extended to match
the longest result by adding nulls. Previously the results were cycled
until they all terminated at the same time, producing a number of rows
equal to the least common multiple of the functions' periods.
(emphasis mine)
I tested with version 12.12 of Postgres and as mentioned by OP in a comment, having two unnest() works as expected when you move those to the FROM clause like so:
FROM unnest('{1,2}'::int[]) AS a,
unnest('{3,4}'::int[]) AS b;
Then you get the expected table:
a | b
1 | 3
1 | 4
2 | 3
2 | 4
As we can see, in this case the arrays have the same size.
In my case, the arrays come from a table. You can first name the name and then name column inside the unnest() calls like so:
FROM my_table,
unnest(col1) AS a,
unnest(col2) AS b;
You can, of course, select other columns as required. This is a normal cartesian product.

How to get the values that are repeated in an attribute of a relation?

So I have a relation:
Cars(model, passenger)
The models are all unique, let's say, {A, B, C, D, E}.
Passengers is just the capacity of the car (any positive non-zero integer), let's say {1,2,2,3,3}
A |1
B |2
C |2
D |3
E |3
I need to find the relational algebra expression that would yield what capacities occur for more than 1 vehicle. So with the example values above, the expression should return {2, 3} since they appear more than once for different vehicles.
I have a strong inclination to think that the expression will use a join of some sort but I can't figure out how to do it.
I figured it out:
Assuming an existing relation Cars(model, passenger) that contains all of the cars in question and their passenger capacities.
CARS2(model,passenger)≔ρ_(m,p) (CARS)
Answer (passenger)≔π_passenger (CARS⋈_(model ≠ m AND passenger=p) CARS2)
I'm not sure about relational algebra expression, which might look something along the lines
π Passenger σ Count(Model) >= 2 G Passenger (Table1)
but if you're looking for a query than it doesn't include a JOIN in it
SELECT passenger
FROM table1
GROUP BY passenger
HAVING COUNT(model) >= 2
| 2 |
| 3 |
Here is SQLFiddle demo
