React dev tools auto selecting parent component - reactjs

Using version 4.3.0 of react dev tools the problem is consistent on chrome and firefox.
I have a react admin component rendering child components of various buttons and track names, this is a playlist app.
My problem is that when I try to inspect a child component, react dev tools automatically selects the parent component back on what seems to me as rerender.
So I can only see the props of the child comp for a very brief time, I can barely press "print comp to console" until react dev tool automatically selects the parent.
I'm using react-router-dom and firebase
Anyone knows why this is happening?
Thanks in advance and sorry if this is trivial
here is a screenshot : gif


React devtool does not show reason why component rerendered

The react developer tool used to show why a component was rendered, e.g. due to state change, context update or because of a rerender of the parent.
This information can not be found in the flamegraph anymore.
Did they remove it or are there some prerequisites in order for this information to be included?
I found the solution by pure chance today. There is a checkbox hidden in the settings on the profiler page which can be toggled to enable this setting..

Is REACT State in Production visible in DevTools or something?

Can you See State variables in Production or are they private in the class and not viewable from outside?
According to the answer of this question: Disable chrome react DevTools for production you are able to disable the use of the react dev tools on your production site, however this would not absolutely stop the user from reading the state as they could always find & disable that line of code, or find some other way of accessing the state.
React runs entirely inside the user's browser, and because of this it is not possible to completely prevent the user from accessing the source code, or things like the state.
To view state, you will need to install React's Devtool
Then open your developer tool then switch to the component tab:
Find and click to your component that has a state, then you will see your state also your props on the right side:
You can use react devtools to inspect state and props of a component.
Yes, you can check them via something like React dev tools.

How to share React state between component in Modal window and component on the background

I'm trying to find any tutorials, where described examples how to share Reat state between component in the modal window (based on React Router) and component, which is using as background location.
I even have no ideas what to use as starting point how to do that.
Any recommendations or links will be thankful!

What changes to a component state can I make using React devtools?

I've got a component which consists of an object, which contains an array of objects, which in turn has keys and strings
this.state = {
dinosaurs: [
{ era: "jurassic", name: "diplodocus", diet: "herbivore" },
{ era: "cretaceous", name: "velociraptor", diet: "carnivore" },
When I open up the component in react devtools, I find I can edit the strings such as "jurassic" or "diplodocus" by double clicking on those strings, but I apparently can't make changes to the keys such as "era", or the array of dinosaurs. However, it could be possible to change it with React DevTools but I'm doing it incorrectly.
I'm using React DevTools within Google DevTools.
What can and can't I change in a component's state using React DevTools?
I tried looking at the GitHub readme, and I can see a mention of editing state in the section side pane, but no mention of what can and can't be edited.
I looked at How to set React component state and props from browser but there was a comment telling the user to read the friendly manual for React DevTools, plus answers that didn't address what is or isn't possible using React DevTools.
It appears that React DevTools locks out functionality based on whether the page you're looking at is using the "development build of React" or the "production build of React".
I'm currently trying to debug something between my local (development) version of an app and the deployed (production) version of the same app. To test something in the deployed (production) version, it would be helpful if I could open React DevTools, click into the component, and edit a prop. Alas, as far as I can tell, there is absolutely no way to edit one of the props in that production build version of the website via React DevTools.
Contrast that with my local (development) version. I can click into any component in React DevTools, then edit any props (or state) I want and the component immediately renders with the new prop value. That appears pretty easy and straightforward: just double-click what you want to edit and type away.
TL;DR: Certain prop/state editing features of React DevTools appear to be locked down depending on the React build version. If you're not sure which version you're looking at, see the link above. If you need to edit props on something that's a deployed, production build of React, you (probably*) can't. Aggravating, but I feel your pain.
[*Probably because A) I might be wrong (that would be great, someone please comment how to do it), it's not very clear in the first place about when it's editable vs not editable; B) If you could somehow trick the React DevTools into treating the page like it's a development build, it might be possible (or it might break hideously), but checking that requires more effort than I can spare.]
Some editorializing:
I would love for the above to not be true, and it's especially aggravating because I don't see a reason why it's necessary. Perhaps I don't understand enough about the difference between the dev and prod versions, but you can still view props/state on a production version using the React DevTools: it doesn't seem like a big leap to be able to also edit it considering that the functionality is all there when it's a development version. But once again, maybe I don't see the reasons behind this.

React component exists even after unmount

I have a React component which shows up in one of the tabs on my website. Navigating to another tab in the same website unmounts the component and navigating back to the original tab renders the component again.
The problem I'm facing is that the older React component still shows up in the React developer tools console and everytime I navigate back to the original tab, the number of components shown there increase by one.
My question is: Are the components not getting deleted and that there is another way to delete the component which I'm not doing or it is the behavior of React developer tools console to show earlier components?
I'll suggest to check the actual DOM, not what you see in the devtools. It is possible that there is a bug in devtools. The way of how React's devtools work is a little bit tricky. The communication between what happens in the page and the actual devtools ui depends on couple of factors. There is a content script, background script a bridge that they wrote and so on. If you see the components number growing in the DOM then the problem is not in the devtools but in your app.
