Map database connection string provider name to dll - sql-server

I'm looking at a SQL Server connection string. It looks like this:
Data Source=xxxxxxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxxxxxx;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI
My question is: how is the provider name (in general) mapped to a specific DLL or library?
Here's a second example (for Oracle):
Data Source=xxxxxxxx;User
ID=xxxxxxxx;Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Persist Security Info=True;
Same question. How do I get from the provider name to the dll or library where the code is?

the dll path is stored in inprocserver32 of the provider (GUID) in the registry (HKEY_CLASSES\CLSID)
foreach ($provider in [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbEnumerator]::GetRootEnumerator())
$v = New-Object PSObject
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $provider.FieldCount; $i++)
Add-Member -in $v NoteProperty $provider.GetName($i) $provider.GetValue($i)
$reg = Get-ItemProperty "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\$($v.SOURCES_CLSID)\InprocServer32" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Add-Member -in $v "Dll path" $reg.'(default)'


Creating a CSV file to use for starting services on multiple servers

I have created a tsv file to list Servers and Services as follows:
TSV File as follows:
Hostname Services
Server01 SP4AdminV4,SPTraceV4,SPWriterV4,WAS,W3SVC
Server02 SP4AdminV4,SPTraceV4,SPWriterV4,WAS,W3SVC,SPSearchHostController, OSearch16
PowerShell command
Import-csv C:\ServerServerList.tsv
$Services = $_.Services -Split ','
Start-Service -Computer 'Server01' -Name $Services
I then get the following error:
Start-Service: Cannot Bind Argument to parameter 'Name' because it is an empty string.
At Line:3 char:43
+ Start-Service -Computer $_.Hostname -Name **$Services**
+categoryinfo: InvalidData (:) [Start-Service], ParameterBindingValidationException
+FullyQualifiedErrorId: ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyStringNotAllowed,
There are a couple of problems I can spot at a glance. First you don't seem to be assigning $Services correctly. 2nd you Start-Service doesn't have a -ComputerName parameter.
To get around that you can use the use Get-Service in conjunction with Set-Service implicitly using the -InputObject parameter via the pipeline.
Import-csv C:\ServerServerList.tsv -Delimiter "`t" |
$Services = $_.Services -Split ','
Get-Service -Computer $_.HostName -Name $Services
} |
I'm assuming this is a Tab separated file as you described. Also assuming the services are listed in such a way to make the split proper.
The loop sends [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController] objects down the pipeline. Those are bound to the -InputObject parameter. Internally Start-Service uses the .MachineName property to make the change on the remote system.
Warning: Get/Set-Service doesn't always report errors properly in this kind of scenario. The primary obstacle I've encountered is misleading errors and/or silent failures in cases where the operator account doesn't have access to the remote system.
I'm sure there's easier ways to go about this but, here's what I got:
# import csv and save to variable.
$CSV = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\ServerServerList.tsv'
# Use a foreach loop to iterate throw csv
# one row at a time - assigning the current iteration to $Row.
foreach ($Row in $CSV) {
# Split services into an array
$Services = ($Row.Services -split ',').Trim()
# Invoke the start-service call due to it not
# having it's own -ComputerName parameter to work with.+
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
# Start the service using the newly created array of $Services.
# Note: we must use a *Remote Variable* to pass over our local variable
# by specifying the $using: keyword.
Start-Service -Name $using:Services -PassThru -WhatIf
} -ComputerName $Row.Hostname
- This is untested -

powershell core 7.0.3 Az.Account PSADServicePrincipal appRoles and oauth2permissions

I have windows powershell 5.1 script block like the following that successfully retrieves appRoles and oauth2permissions.
import-module -name AzureAD
if ($null -eq $mycredentials) { $mycredentials = Get-Credential }
$azConnectionContext = Connect-AzureAD -Credential $mycredentials
# $svp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "DisplayName -eq 'Microsoft Graph' } # not working, why ???
$svp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | ? { $_.DisplayName -eq 'Microsoft Graph }
$appRoles = $svp.AppRoles; $oauth2permissions = $svp.Oauth2Permissions
I'm trying to convert to powershell core 7 script block like the following and i'm unable to retrive appRoles and oauth2permissions because the PSADServicePrincipal type doesn't expose those properties.
import-module -name Az.Accounts
$azConnectionContext = Connect-AzAccount
$svp = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName 'Microsoft Graph' }
$appRoles = $svp.AppRoles; $oauth2permissions = $svp.Oauth2Permissions # both of these fail
Question - anyone know how i get at azure ad service principal appRoles and oauth2permissions using powershell core 7.0.3 apis and types?
Instead of:
$svp.Oauth2Permissions should work. Type should be Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Resources.Models.Api16.OAuth2Permission.
To your last question, remove-module only removes a module for the current session. You need to run Uninstall-Module instead.
There is an Uninstall-AzModule function here that might help you:

Powershell iterate through server list with credentials

I've been lurking around grabbing code answers from this site for years, but this is my first time actually asking a question. I don't actually get paid to code, rather I use scripts to make routine tasks easier.
I've been using a powershell script with the following code (that I pretty much gleaned from this site) to gather disk usage on client servers:
$dataColl = #()#Makes an array, or a collection to hold all the object of the same fields
foreach ($serverName in (get-content c:\reporting\Disk_useage\My_servers.txt))
$path = “\\$serverName\d$\folder1\TargetSubdir“
$dirSize = Get-ChildItem $path -recurse -force | select Length |Measure-Object -Sum length
$dirSize.sum = $dirSize.sum/1MB
$finalResult = “{0:N2} MB” -f $dirsize.sum
$dataObject = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -inputObject $dataObject -memberType NoteProperty -name “ServerName” -value $serverName
Add-Member -inputObject $dataObject -memberType NoteProperty -name “Dir_Size” -value $finalResult
$dataColl += $dataObject
$dataColl | Export-Csv -noTypeInformation -path c:\reporting\Disk_useage\Svr_disk.csv
This has been working fine, but we now have a 2nd domain with client servers, so I need to add credentials for servers in the 2nd domain. I've been researching ways to pass credentials along, and got this bit of code (PW has been stored already in the .TXT file):
$username = "MyDomain\MyAccount"
$password = cat C:\reporting\securestring.txt | convertto-securestring
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
-argumentlist $username, $password
But I'm supposed to add these parameters somewhere to actually USE the credentials that have been set up:
-Authentication default -Credential $Cred
I've tried it in several different spots without success. FYI, the list in My_servers.txt has a bunch of servers I DON'T need credentials for (since they're on the current domain), and a bunch of servers where I DO need credentials (because they're on another domain). But the credentials I'm using for the script are for a service account that exists in both domains with the same ID/PW. Any help in sorting this out would be greatly appreciated.
Adil's suggestion in code would be:
$dataColl = #()#Makes an array, or a collection to hold all the object of the same fields
$username = "MyDomain\MyAccount"
$password = Get-Content C:\reporting\securestring.txt | convertto-securestring
$cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
-argumentlist $username, $password
foreach ($serverName in (get-content c:\reporting\Disk_useage\My_servers.txt))
$dirSize = Invoke-Command -Credential $cred -ComputerName $serverName -ScriptBlock {
Get-ChildItem “d:\folder1\TargetSubdir“ -recurse -force | select Length | Measure-Object -Sum length
$dirSize.sum = $dirSize.sum/1MB
$finalResult = “{0:N2} MB” -f $dirsize.sum
$dataObject = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -inputObject $dataObject -memberType NoteProperty -name “ServerName” -value $serverName
Add-Member -inputObject $dataObject -memberType NoteProperty -name “Dir_Size” -value $finalResult
$dataColl += $dataObject
$dataColl | Export-Csv -noTypeInformation -path c:\reporting\Disk_useage\Svr_disk.csv

Passing an array to Get-Job

I am having trouble getting an array passed to a scriptblock in Start-Job. Can you tell me what I might be doing wrong?
$bounceBlock = {
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core | Out-Null
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode Multiple -Scope User -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Connect-VIServer -Server servername -Credential $cred -AllLinked
Get-VM -Name $list
if ($targets) {
$activeTargets = $targets | Get-Random -Count $prodTargets.Count
$counter = [pscustomobject] #{Value = 0}
$groupSize = 50
$groups = $activeTargets | Group-Object -Property {[math]::Floor($counter.Value++ / $groupSize)}
$connection = Connect-VIServer -Server servername -Credential $cred -AllLinked
if ($connection -match "servername") {
foreach ($group in $groups) {
while ((Get-Job -State Running).Count -ge 5) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $bounceBlock -ArgumentList (,$group.Group.ServerName),$cred
Disconnect-VIServer * -Force -Confirm:$false
I basically split an array into chunks of 50 (working) then try to run them as jobs. The error I get looks like it's trying to run Get-VM for a single server, named all 50 values appended together.
I am certainly no expert with PS, but first to address how you're passing in the appended list of servers; I do something similar with Azure VMs using Get-AzureVM and I pass in my list of VM names in a System.Array to functions or cmdlets such as a variable such as $theVMs= "MyServer1","MyServer2","MyServer3"
and then I execute a foreach loop over ($vm in $theVMs) and then perform the actions such as Get-VM sequentially. I do this sequentially since PS has some much lower limits, 5 per my experience, doing this via a parallel for loop.
A typical way I interact with the VMs remotely and create a PS Job per each is to use
$uri = Get-AzureWinRMUri -ServiceName $svc -Name $vmname
Invoke-Command -ConnectionUri $uri -Credential $creds **-JobName
-ArgumentList $vmname -ScriptBlock {
param([string]$thevm) ...
This requires the InstallWinRMCertAzureVM.ps1 script which is discussed and available at . I use this for between 30 servers regularly.
Just wanted everyone to know in case they run into a similar problem, this is an issue with running Get-VM, and it exists whether running it in a job or workflow. VMWare is aware of this issue.

How to find the client name who has logged in to machine?

We are trying to find from which machine a user has taken rdp .
Using "quser" utility we are able to get all the information about logged in user except client name.
Following is the command
function Get-LoggedOnUser
param([String[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME)
$ComputerName | ForEach-Object {
(quser /SERVER:$_) -replace '\s{2,}', ',' |
ConvertFrom-CSV |
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $_ -PassThru
It displays all the information which can be provided in Windows task manager except client Name .
How to get client Name using powershell?
I doubt if WMI has a way to do this. You can check the PSTerminal Services module and it has a Get-TSSession cmdlet which does the same job you are looking for.
This module uses binary Cassia namespace.
You can use this:
and look for the logged on user with a logon type of RemoteInteractive
You can read that information from the Security eventlog (look for logon type 10):
$username = '...'
$eventID = 4624 # 526 on Server 2003 and earlier
$date = (Get-Date).Date
$pattern = 'logon type:\s+10[\s\S]+source network address:\s+(\S+)'
Get-EventLog Security -InstanceId $eventID -EntryType SuccessAudit `
-After $date -Message '*$username*' `
| ? { $_.Message -match $pattern } `
| % { $matches[1] } `
| select -Unique
Note that on Server 2003 and earlier you need to check for event ID 528 instead of 4624.
