Running Debian 10 on a MacbookPro9,2 (mid 2012).
I downloaded the tlp packages as I was supposed to (with buster backports), everything went fine.tlp-stat (included in the installation) works. tlp-rdw (also included) also works. tlp alone doesn't, it says to me that the command hasn't been found. The strange thing is that man tlp gives me its manual page, so... anybody knows how to help?
Thanks guys.
I had this issue as well, had to use
sudo tlp [COMMAND]
If your user doesn't have root access you may need to switch user with su
I am trying to install Choregraphe Suite on my macOS Catalina (v10.15.7) from the softbankrobotics website but I get this message:
Website link:
I don't know what I'm missing in order to run the installation on my laptop. I would appreciate it if anyone can help me on this.
Update: I left clicked it and it opened in command line. I went into the choregraphe-folder/bin/naoqi-bin and when I executed the file I got this:
Last login: Sat Nov 7 09:05:34 on ttys000
/Users/name/EEP_work/choregraphe-suite- ; exit;
name#Mahlas-MBP ~ % /Users/name/EEP_work/choregraphe-suite- ; exit;
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore
Referenced from: /Users/name/EEP_work/choregraphe-suite-
Reason: image not found
zsh: abort
[Process completed]
Thanks :)
You can go to the system settings > security & privacy and explicitly allow the opening of the installer (screenshot attached).
allow opening of installer
It will then bring up a second dialog:
"macOS cannot verify the developer of “choregraphe-suite-”. Are you sure you want to open it?
By opening this app, you will be overriding system security which can expose your computer and personal information to malware that may harm your Mac or compromise your privacy."
You can then click on "Open", but for my Mac (10.15.7) the installer crashes directly afterwards and I cannot install anything.
allow installation
It seems impossible to install Choregraphe on a recent Mac OS X. Help would be much appreciated.
'Allow install from internet' is the step you have to go over for all 3rd party apps(always happening) for macs. But still 'choregraphe' setup file didn't worked.
I hope my solution helps, i searched a lot too :)
install not setup file, try binaries oneenter image description here, and unzip. Open file you will see 'choregraphe' unix executable file, i clicked that file and app worked, best
P.s. i am not expert or anything that is only way i was able to make it work for my MacOs 10.15.7 (Catalina)
Since I have updated windows, my conemu terminal is giving me the following error each time a session is created:
wslbridge error: failed to start backend process
note: backend error output: -v: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
-v: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
ConEmuC: Root process was alive less than 10 sec, ExitCode=0.
Press Enter or Esc to close console...
Has anyone an idea to bring conemu to a wsl terminal? Thank you
A similar error is caused by upgrading WSL from v1 to v2.
If you read through the discussion on this github issue for ConEmu you'll find a variety of instructions that can be distilled into:
Change the command for the task {Bash::bash} to the following:
A GitHub user posted this workaround which worked for me:
I've fixed the issue by doing this:
Download latest cygwin1-20200531.dll.xz from and unpack the file as cygwin1.dll into ConEmu\wsl\ (replacing the original file there)
Download #Biswa96's wslbridge2 from and unpack to the same directory
Replacing {WSL::bash} task's Command with:
set "PATH=%ConEmuBaseDirShort%\wsl;%PATH%" & %ConEmuBaseDirShort%\conemu-cyg-64.exe %ConEmuBaseDirShort%\wsl\wslbridge2.exe -cur_console:pm:/mnt -eConEmuBuild -eConEmuPID -eConEmuServerPID -l
I can now access my Ubuntu under W10 just like before the W10 upgrade. Backscroll and arrows in VIM work as expected.
The key part of step 3 is to replace conemu-cyg-64.exe --wsl with conemu-cyg-64.exe %ConEmuBaseDirShort%\wsl\wslbridge2.exe.
Longer term, it looks like the author of ConEmu is working on switching to the new Windows PTY API, which will eliminate the need for the wslbridge hack (and many others) entirely.
I had the same issue with last update windows
(Feature update to Windows 10, version 2004 - Successfully installed on 9/1/2020)
the error does not seem to be related to the version of WSL from 1 to 2:
$ wsl -l -v
Ubuntu-20.04 Running 1
Nevertheless, this workaround worked for me as well, thank you so much!
Exactly this goes through upgrading WSL from v1 to v2.
You have to open cmder and in the startup command or Task enter {wsl.exe} and ready
cmder is working again.
Yes, the new command for WSL2 is much simpler, but just running wsl does not cause .profile to be read because launching this way does not request login shell, and it launches as root.
A better command is to specify the user id and to invoke the shell of your choice (bash is most common) with the appropriate option. For bash a login shell is desirable so .profile, .bashrc and .bash_aliases get sourced, if present. The -l (lower case L) does that:
wsl -U yourUserName bash -l
I'm studying pro angularjs by adam freeman. I've installed deployd v0.8.8 and created sportsstore. When I run 'dpd –p 5500 sportsstore\app.dpd' form command prompt, it shows 'Failed to start MongoDB Make sure 'mongod' are in your $PATH or use dpd --mongod option. Ref: bye'.
I've found all the possible answers as much as I can. But still can't solve it. I'm using Windows 7 32-bit. Please help me.
Try to run like this: (Moved code snippet to pastebin).
Hello you must install mongodb after this add the path of th folder installation into the windows path environment restart your cli and type again the command
from control panel open up advanced system settings. click on environment variables. under system variables select path and click edit. then add the directory for your mongodb installation in my case is "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin". P.S if you use windows 8.1 or an earlier release of windows OS type a ";" first. leave out out the quotation marks.
Ultimately I'm trying to get the device id for my note 5.
I've installed Android Studio along with the Platform-Tools 23.1
When I use terminal to go into the platform-tools folder and type adb I get "command not found"
Any ideas?
Since "platform-tools" is probably not part of the system path, you should try running: "./adb" instead of "adb" from the platform-tools location. Or use the full path to it.
Using "." would indicate that you are trying to launch adb from the current directory
Ok after much search i have come to realize that much of the stackoverflow posts have been marking the wrong and complex answers, for all such questions about adb not working, not found, -bash not found etcccc The only thing that you guys need to do is in terminal just change your directory to platform-tools folder in android SDK
cd /Users/macbookpro/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools
and then run ./adb --help to see the list since adb is already located inside platform tools no need to export $path and all those vague solutions. Thanks
I've followed the directions in Installing MacPorts.
To install MacPorts using the pkg installer. The installation apparently goes fine. For example, it goes through the multi-step process eventually saying "Installation Successful" or something to this effect.
And now there's just the "little" problem that neither of these commands work:
man ports
which ports
I've checked in /usr/local, /bin, and /usr/bin, and I don't see where this has been installed to. Ideas?
They're in /opt/local/bin, so as to not overwrite stuff that came with Mac OS X or that you might have gotten from elsewhere. They won't be in your $PATH until you close that Terminal and open another (nothing can alter the environment of a running program except the program itself).
It's in /opt/local/bin. MacPorts updates .bash_profile to include this in the path, but obviously existing shells don't see the updated PATH variable...
It's probably because you're trying ports but the command is called port: See