I'm trying to download the Word Content Control Toolkit that used to be at https://dbe.codeplex.com. This link now redirects to the archive https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=dbe.
I have downloaded the archive but i see no way of installing the Content Control Toolkit from this archive.
Can someone explain to me on how i use this archive to install the toolkit or any other sites that i can still download the toolkit from?
-> looking on github is the first option you should do... some projects are migrated
-> if not:
download & extract the archive
go to the release folder
inspect the json file > you will see the different versions of the program (check for date reference) > and you will see each filename listed.
rename the files acording to the json list.
run the program.
I was looking for the exact! same thing :) …
I found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnqUlpDtWsc
I am trying to build a software which link 2 files in different folders and will sync it.
Like if I have folder
Whenever I change the contents of foo.txt and save, it should automatically update the contents in poo.txt. Same should work the other way round too.
I know there are tools to achieve synchronization between files. But I can't figure out how they work.
Any insights on how this can be achieved or how other tools work or any links to study on this topic would be wonderful.
I am configuring a new language version on the existing Kentico 12 website. I can easily create a new culture version of a page by copying content from the already existing language, but a problem is that this feature is available at a page level only what in my case, having hundreds of pages, will results to many hours of manual efforts. Ideally, I would like to select multiple pages and create the new culture version for all of them at once.
Could you please advise me on how I can optimise this task?
You would be able to do it in 2 steps with the help of Translations application.
First, multiple (or all) pages can be submitted for translation via Listing view
Next, select here source and destination languages to copy pages and click "Translate":
Then you will see pages with "Ready for translation" status
Next, go to the "Translations" application and edit the submission:
And finally, click "Export all to ZIP", this will download a ZIP file. Then click "Import all from ZIP" and use the just downloaded ZIP file. Then click "Process translations" and that's it!
I am trying to figure out how to include a pre-annotated model in Watson Knowledge Studio. I have followed the information found here but it doesn't seem to generalize. As a start I have tried exporting an annotated set from Knowledge Studio to re-upload (using the "Import corpus documents and include ground truth" option). If I re-upload the exported zip as-is this works but if I unzip the folder and then recompress it I get the following error:
A file could not be imported: The imported ZIP file is not in the expected format. Check whether the file was exported from another project. The type system from the same project must be imported first. (You selected 'Import corpus documents and include ground truth').
I have tried using the zip command in Linux (both with and without the -k flag which tries to force to MS-DOS style naming) and also used the compress utility in Windows but I get the same error each time. This is without making any changes to the contents of the folder.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Would you please check internal structure of your created ZIP with comparing the original ZIP ? Sometime I got the similar trouble report and found that their created ZIP contains root folder in ZIP structure. WKS expects the same folder structure in the ZIP file.
I'm building a tool in nw.js.
The user can preview his creation, which opens a new nw.js window.
I would like to save temporary files somewhere for this preview.
Is the recommended place to save them in nw.App.dataPath + '/Cache/[userPreview]', where [userPreview] is a name I make up?
For versions >= 0.13.x, I've been saving user-specific files to the directory right above nw.App.dataPath. nw.App.dataPath returns the path in the user's profile folder, including the Default profile (from Chromium's point of view) folder. So, I've been stripping off the Default from the path and using that.
For versions < 0.13.x, I just use the equivalent of nw.App.dataPath, since Chromium at those versions doesn't include the new profile folder (Default, by default).
If you follow this convention, you might want to also create another folder in that location to help delineate that it is the Preview folder where all the preview files are located. For example (for version >= 0.13.x): nw.App.dataPath.replace('/Default', '/Preview/[userPreview]').
I honestly don't know what the best practice is, but I hope that helps.
We are trying to work on a Codename One project using git version control.
When I pull the project from git, the files (modified and newly added theme res files) are updated but they don't appear in the theme.
My changes aren't reflected when I try to run the project, how to refresh the project?
I tried to build/clean, refresh the cn1lib too but made no progress.
Thankyou shai, i uncheck the xml team mode but that doesnt make any difference.. you gave the link (https://www.codenameone.com/team.html), what is this for?? sorry i didn't quite get it.
And the solution isnt that clear. what do you mean by checking the res directory...
Let me clear my problem here.. when my team member adds a form (eg main form) in the gui builder, it get pulled from git in my project. there r 2 files main.ui and main file but when i open my res file or gui builder, the main form is not there.
This is actually triggered by a feature specifically designed for working with a team in version controlled environments. You can get this to work by unchecking File->XML Team Mode in the designer but that would "work around" this feature: http://www.codenameone.com/blog/teamwork-and-other-things.html
The solution would be to checkin the res directory, when it exists opening the res file refers to that instead of to the theme file. This allows your team to edit that directory together and avoid conflicts that will arise when sharing the binary res file.