access google machine learning API from another API - google-app-engine

I created a custom tensorflow model and deployed to google cloud AI platform. To access the online prediction at (,
I can use default auth token got with the following command:
access_token=$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)
or, according to:, I can create a service account key, download it, and use it to in an outh2 authentication protocol.
The problem arises when I want to access the online prediction from another API that I am deploying in Google Cloud Platform: in this case the command above doesn't work and I can't access to any file to sign my jwt for authentication. How can I create my jwt without accessing to any file?


How to configure a WebApp & WebApi with different AAD App IDs?

I currently have two app services
Web App ( core 2 w/ front end in react)
Web Api ( core 2)
Note: Both are configured with different Azure active directory app id.
user signs into Web App and retrieves a token for it's own appId/ClientId/ClientSecret stored in tokencache.
from the WebApp, the user wants to talk to a WebAPI but needs to get a token since it's protected with AAD as well but it's a different app id/client id/client secret.
When I try to do a AcquireTokenSilentAsync() for the web api, I get an error throwing that I the token is not in the cache?
It also seems that with depending if your using AAD v2.0 or v1.0 will determine if the web app and web api can have different app ids. So it seems like i would have to use AAD v1.0. With core 2, it's not clear to me what OpenIdConnect is using or configured to use under the covers.
It's not clear to me why the acquire token silent async didn't work and failed. Does that only look for the token in the cache; otherwise it fails?
Is it possible to configure the token from web app to have permission to access web api resources. I notice that in the azure portal, you can selected resources like microsoft graph, but I don't know how you would associate a custom API. In my case, I want to get it running on my local machine before I move it all to azure.
If the web app token does not have permission to access the web api, do i need to do another login authentication with the user even thou both are within the same tenant?
Any Advice appreciated,
Yes, AcquireTokenSilentAsync will look into the cache, and see if it can find tokens. If it does, it will check to see if the access token is still valid and return that back. If the token is expired, it will use the refresh token to fetch a new access token and return that back. When this call fails, it's an indicator you need to perform an AcquireTokenAsync (which will likely show UI in the case silent already failed).
Yes, you can associate a web app to get tokens for your own custom web API. I'd recommend using Azure AD v1.0 (register the app in the Azure portal, ADAL library). You'll need to register the two apps (web app and the api), both will be type web app/api. In the API, you can register an App ID URI which will act as the resource identifier for this API. In your web app, you'll want to go into the Required Permissions, and add the Web API you have registered as a permission. Then in your web app, you'll need to use the ADAL library (alongside an OpenID OWIN middleware) to acquire a token for the resource as specified by the App ID URI field. Here's a code sample that implements the exact scenario you're describing (Web App/API in ASP.NET Core).

Authenticating GWT-RPC calls with Google Identity Toolkit for Java

I have a GWT-based app deployed on Google App Engine (Java). The app uses Google Account for authentication as described here: and uses GWT-RPC for communicating with the backend services. I use GAE's UserService to get the user object (and email ID) in my RemoteServiceServlet.
Now I want to replace Google Account with Google Identity Toolkit (GIT) so that I can offer more login options (Email, Google, Facebook etc.) to my users. I have created a small GAE-based sample application (non-GWT) using GIT and it works well. I used the GitKitClient library for Java to do the OAuth token authentication and get the user profile on the server.
But I'm wondering how GIT would work with GWT-RPC. Would the GAE UserService still work in my RemoteServiceServlet if I switch to GIT for login (instead of Google Account)? Or do I need to do the OAuth token authentication in my RemoteServiceServlet using the GitKitClient as I do in my non-GWT sample app?
I'm very new to GIT and OAuth and would appreciate any help on this matter.
GAE UserService does not recognize the Google Identity Toolkit token. You need to use the Google Identity Toolkit Java library to validate the Google Identity Toolkit token in your RemoteServiceServlet, in the same way as you already implemented in your sample GAE app.

Google Endpoints: How does the IDE (or terminal) authentify to GAE when uploading code?

I am new to Google Endpoints and Datastore. I've followed several tutorials, among which this one for example:
My question is: what is the security mechanism that is used when we deploy the Endpoints backend application to Google App Engine? How does Google App Engine know you are the owner of the project? And I have this same question both for deployment through a terminal (See Step 6 of above tutorial) and for deployment through an IDE (e.g. through Maven in Eclipse).
I imagine that somehow the terminal (or the IDE) gets your credentials from the browser, which is logged in to the GAE console but I am not sure at all this is the good explanation.
Thanks! :-)
There are several ways to authenticate when deploying to Google App Engine. The recommended method uses OAuth2 to authenticate with Google (see below for another method). OAuth2 is the method used in the tutorial you mentioned (search for oauth in the link you sent), and is activated by the setting
appcfg {
oauth2 = true
in the build.gradle file of that tutorial. If you prefer the command-line appcfg interface, use the flag appcfg --oauth2.
When you installed the Google Cloud SDK, you were shown a web page in which you authorized the SDK to access and modify various Google Cloud services, including App Engine. The SDK locally stores a token which indicates that it is allowed to deploy to App Engine under your username. The oauth2 = true line tells appcfg to request access to App Engine using this token.
If you like, you can view (and revoke) this authorization by navigating to Google's Account Permissions page. You should see an entry for Google Cloud SDK, and clicking on it will show you that the SDK is authorized to access App Engine. If you click on "Revoke", the locally stored token will no longer be valid and you will need to re-authorize in order to use most of the Cloud SDK functionality.
If for some reason you do not want to rely on oauth2 (for example, if for security reasons you want to enter a password every time you deploy), then you can remove the oauth2 = true line (or the --oauth2 command-line argument). This will cause appcfg to prompt for your Google username and password each time you deploy. However, this is a lot less convenient, both because appcfg will not store your password, and because it does not support 2-factor authentication. So, if your Google account uses 2-factor authentication (which is really recommended), you will need to use an App Password with this approach.

Update google spreadsheet using python client API on GAE app

I've got a google spreadsheet owned by a GAE service account and I want my GAE Python app to update a cell in one of the rows.
Based on some reading, these are my findings:
the spreadsheets service is old-school. It's a Google Data API and most Google services are now on the Google API platform. For Google API services, one can use a service account to do two-legged oauth2 access, but not for Google Data API services. Oh, it seems one can do two-legged oauth on Google Data API services, but only if the app is on a Google Apps domain (which mine isn't)
I could implement a similar effect (i.e. a user of the app can use data in my spreadsheet and doesn't need to login or authorize in any way) by using my personal account. There's a complicated way that involves me to authorize the app once, store the token and reuse it when a user uses the app. There's another way, which is to use client login (i.e. I embed my personal login and password in the code and use it to authorize the app to access the data in my spreadsheet)
This latter approach seems fairly safe as well, but of course I must be very careful that my source code will not be exposed. The authorization is between the GAE app and the Google Data Spreadsheets API, so the actual user's machine is not involved at all.
My spreadsheet is owned by the service account and shared with my personal account.
Note that my app is also using the Google Drive API (to access some personal Drive files, also shared between me and the GAE service account), so for that it will authorize using the service account.
Can someone confirm that my findings are correct and this approach is sound?
You can use gdata.spreadsheets.client (Google Data API) on the OAuth2 (Google API platform) flow.
It uses 'oauth2client-gdata-bridge'.

Is there a google app engine api?

I want to implement some form of access control for a REST API implemented in App engine. Is it possible to get the list of GAE Applications that a user has permissions to administer or view in the app engine console. Or whether the user has permissions to administer/view the current application.
Note: the Users API does not work for me because this is a rest server called by another google app not a web service called by a user from the browser. OAuth API seems promising but I was unable to find an OAuth scope or rest endpoint for getting GAE related information.
there is no API that can provide a "list of GAE Applications that a user has permissions to administer." Google Cloud Endpoints on App Engine (Trusted Tester program) may be useful for hosting custom RESTful APIs with user authorization may be useful, read more here:
There must be an API as the Google Eclipse plugin is using it.
But it is not documented.
