Journalctl to .txt file from C program - c

I have a application written in C and i want to control writing of syslogs in txt file from application. On application there is option for START/STOP running, so basically when i press START i want to start writing syslog(journalctl) to /some_folder/debug.txt, and when i press STOP i want to close the file.
This can be done by linux command "journalctl [parameter] > /some_folder/debug.txt", but that is not enough, this must be controlled from application.
Does anyone have idea how this can be done properly, is there some API to control syslogs or i have to do it via system()?
If there is no way, if i have to use system() and journalctl commands are there some suggestion which commands to use?


Why does printf output show up in a command prompt?

We all know the basic Hello World program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello World!");
return 0;
This will open up a command prompt and show us the "Hello, World" message.
My question is: Why? Why is the message shown in a command prompt and not in notepad for example? Why not as a Windows notification? Why is it specifically the command prompt and not something else?
When you “open” a file through Window’s File Explorer, the system (not necessarily the OS directly; various subcomponents are involved) examines the file. If it is a native Windows application, the system will execute it directly. If it is another kind of file, the system will look up an appropriate application for it. For example, if it is a Microsoft Word file, the system will start Microsoft Word with a request that it open the file.
If the file is a “command line” program, the system will start Windows Terminal (or similar program in various versions of Microsoft Windows) with a request to run the program. More specifically, it may start Windows Terminal with a request to run a particular command-line shell and to have that shell run your program.
The C language grew up in Unix-like environments where a command shell read input from a physical keyboard and write output to a physical display. In modern systems, these are usually replaced by pseudo-devices that perform the same functions in software. When the shell starts a command-line program, it creates a new process with the standard input and standard output streams of that process connected to the pseudo-device that provides the keyboard/display functions. (This is the default. You can also request a shell to start a program with input and output redirected from/to files and other devices.)
Then, when your program writes to standard output, it goes to the pseudo-device, which relays the data to the appropriate parts of the system that cause the text to be displayed in the terminal window.

Control cmd prompt using C

I'm trying to write a C program to control the windows cmd prompt. For example, opening the cmd prompt, go to a specific directory (ex: C:/Program Files/...), and then run an exe in that folder.
Can this be done with C programming? If so, how? So far, I am only aware of system("cmd.exe") to open up the cmd prompt. How would I further interact with cmd prompt?
This wouldn't be very portable. system calls are often frowned upon, but just to answer your question, the system function does work with the commands you're aiming to use.
For example:
system("notepad.exe my_file.txt");
system("del my_file.txt");
This will open up a file called my_file.txt in notepad, delete it and pause the program.
Again, this is not portable. It's specific to Windows Operating systems.
In fact, I don't even think it's guaranteed to work on all releases of Windows.
(Don't quote me on that.)
On topic: You could start cmd via "CreateProcess" and send key input via window messages ("SendMessage").
I think you should rethink how you want things to be done. The command prompt is not a kind of API base to do things on windows. It's a tool to do things and get information without writing your own program. If you wirte an own program, you should directly use the WinAPI.
To get started you can google "winapi [whatever you want to do]". In your example "winapi start executable" and you will find functions like "CreateProcess" and "ShellExecute".
Perhaps there is a misunderstanding here (if so, I apologize), but the standard way to "further interact with cmd prompt" is via command-line commands, and the standard way "to write a program to control the windows cmd prompt" is via a Batch file. For example, the following Batch file open the cmd prompt (when it is executed via a double click in the Explorer), go to a specific directory (C:/Program Files/) and run an exe in that folder:
#echo off
cd "C:/Program Files/"

Stop launching a binary from command line

How to make an application to prevent itself from launching from the command line?
I have a binary which should be launched by a daemon; but when somebody tries to launch the binary from command line, I should error out stating "cannot be launched from command line".
Tried googling but in vain.
I wanted to check if there are better ways than those mentioned in the link..
I am not sure there is a bullet proof answer (to how to prevent a program to be started from command line). You could consider
testing with isatty(3) that STDIN_FILENO (i.e. 0) is not a tty
try to open /dev/tty (it should fail) see tty(4)
testing with getsid(2) that your are not in the same session than your parent, or starting a new session with setsid(2)
calling yourself daemon(3)
And I am not sure that you always want to reject being started from a terminal. For debugging, you surely want to be able to be started from a terminal. I actually would just warn, not quit, if started from a terminal.
And you probably want to install your program outside of standard paths, maybe in some libexec/ or sbin/ directory.
See also capabilities(7), pty(7), termios(3)
For the record, testing with isatty(3) only works if you are writing that binary files yourself. The method would fail if you are trying to prevent people from starting a third-party binary files.
Generally speaking, to prevent people from starting the specific program(s) from command line, the *nix way is to chown the binary file(s) to be owned by the daemon that launches it, and also to be of owned by the group say no_command_line. Then chmod 705 binary_executables, and put all those people not allowed to run the binary_executables from command line in the group no_command_line.

Start Play Application and Close Window

I have a play application on a Windows 7 machine which I want to start via double click on a batch file.
This batch file starts a service. Calls the play application to run in production mode, waits for 5 seconds and open a browser with a specified url.
Therefore I used the following script:
call net start service1
CALL "D:\play-1.2.5\play.bat" start --%%%%prod -Dprecompiled=true
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" localhost:9000
Now when I start the batch file the window opens and all commands are executed. Sadly Play is still writing his output to cmd and the window is not disappearing. If I close the window manually play is stop executing.
If I run play with "play start" from cmd, play is starting in the background and everything is fine. Play still runs even if I close the window.
I want to have exactly this behaviour when I start the application with my batch file.
If you were using a linux-like environment, I' d recommend you to use 'nohup' command and a '&' sign in the end. However, as far as I know there is no direct equivalent of beautiful 'nohup' command on Windows, unfortunately. So, what I can think of is, you can create a tiny win api application that utilizes CreateProcess command and give it the required parameter to hide command line window as soon as the process is created. There are also other process creation functions such as WinExec that you can use to hide command line.
I don't know what Play is so I can only take a guess :) but try using the batch without the call's as I don't think they are necessary, and you never know, might fix the issue.
1) You see Play's output because ot redirect only system.out but write system.err to the same console.
2) I also have this problem and looking for a solution. As a workaround you could try to use some Java Wrapper and install your Play! application as a Windows Service.
3) Play! app could be started via Ant task. I haven't tried this yet.

equivalent of /dev/kmsg on windows?

I want to add a custom line to windows kernel log, from a batch file, or from cmd prompt.
In linux, I would do this by writing to /dev/kmsg file. Anything written to that file would be visible via dmesg or /var/log/messages.
e.g. echo Hello world > /dev/kmsg
I want something very similar for windows side.
I am also OK if there is a solution like log_to_kernel.exe "my message", instead of redirecting to a device file. I think, there isn't concept of device "files" in windows.
The reason for requirement:
I am trying to debug some issues in a driver & for that I am running some test program, which internally makes calls to the driver in windows.
If the driver fails, I will be able to see the debug messages in the kernel windbg attached over 1394. The kernel debugger will hit a breakpoint/assert & I will not be able to check the iteration number on my target system, till I continue from windbg.
Hence I need to log the time & the test iteration number in kernel log itself, which I am planning to do via the batch file, which runs the automated tests.
Hence, I need some tool or dummy echo driver with C code, which would log my custom message in the kernel log.
In one line, I want to write a custom message to kernel log, from a user space app.
You are supposed to use DbgPrintEx function to write log entries if you are writing a driver,
Then the debugger should be able to display it.
If your application is user mode, OutputDebugString is the simplest,
You might also read about event tracing,
