I'm using Visual Studio in Windows to develop basic C applications. I want to compile my code for Linux, without the need to have Linux installed on my machine. Is that possible ? And how ?
You'll need to have Linux installed somewhere. If you can remote to a linux box, vm, or WSL console, from your Visual Studio machine, you can use VS 2019 to build and debug most applications in any of those environments, via the Cross Platform Connection Manager.
The following blog and document links are a good place to start.
Targeting the Windows Subsystem for Linux from Visual Studio
C++ with Visual Studio 2019 and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
EA and Visual Studio’s Linux Support
Usability Improvements for CMake in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4: Launch Target Selection and Overview Pages
Similarly, Visual Studio Code has some support for this as well:
Using C++ and WSL in VS Code
yes, it is possible.
Have a look at this stackoverflow question.
Install WLS on your Windows machine
Use the standard gcc instruction (or, better, Makefiles and/or CMake)
Let's say you have your program:
//code within filename.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
printf("Hello Youssef\n");
return 0;
Then, within the folder, run:
$ gcc filename.c
and then run it:
$ ./a.out
Hello Youssef
You can install a VM (virtual machine) on your windows computer, then install linux on the virtual machine.
Note: both the VM and linux are free downloads
I'd like to program some Ansi-C on a Surface Pro X. On my Computer I just set up VS Code as an editor and installed Msys2 which comes with the GCC. But the same won't work on the Surface Pro X, cause if the processor architecture as I understand (correct me if I'm wrong).
So my question is: How can I compile and run C on a Surface Pro X and also check for Ansi C conformity. It also would be nice to be able to work in VS Code.
Also is this a general problem of the Surface Pro X? Would those issues also appear when trying to program java or python?
I don't have a Surface Pro X or any other ARM Windows device, however it should be possible to use VS Code since there has been a Windows on ARM version since May 2020 (download on the usual Visual Studio Code download page).
I am not sure on what development environments are available for Windows on ARM, but you could always install WSL (the Windows subsystem for Linux) where you can then install pretty much anything you want. You can then link your VS Code to your WSL and work there.
To install development tools for any language you would then follow instructions on how to install that environment for Linux (eg. using apt-get for Debian and it's derivatives like Ubuntu).
To install basic development tools for Java and C/C++ in WSL type sudo apt install default-jdk default-jre gcc g++, python is generally already installed in a linux environment.
could someone help with how can I create a new project on a mac, like in windows when I'm opening win32 console app to start writing C programing?
You can use emacs or xcode on the OSX
with emacs create a project in c and use gcc
You can't do C development using Visual Studio for Mac. The product is the Xamarin toolset used for .Net cross-platform development only.
Users have requested that C and C++ is added (vote here), so it is possible that it could be added in the future.
Meanwhile, see How to use/install gcc on Mac OS X 10.8 / Xcode 4.4
I have to design a C executable (no GUI) that is supposed to run on Raspberry PI. I'm familiar with design using IDE like Visual Studio or Eclipse (with CDT plugin). If i use Raspberry PI as a design machine, I think I have no chance to use a standard IDE. I should use makefiles and gcc compiler only.
Is there any chance to develop Raspberry PI executable using Visual Studio (for Windows) or Eclipse (for both Windows and Linux).
You can specify to eclipse projects with Makefiles. You can also specify a compilation toolchain.
So yes, you can develop and compile for Raspberry Pi or for other plateforms using Eclipse.
For getting toolchain and other tools for Rasp Pi you can find things here.
In Eclipse, you create a new or import a project choosing Makefile Project with Existing Code then add your toolchain.
If you have a newer Pi like the 4, you should be able to run eclipse directly from the Pi desktop. You can download via:
sudo apt-get install eclipse
This will be a stripped-down version and will likely run quite slow, so I agree compiling on a more powerful remote machine is better...
Is there any chance to develop Raspberry PI executable using Visual Studio (for Windows) or Eclipse (for both Windows and Linux).
Yes, this is called cross-compiling. You can set up a cross-compile toolchain for the raspberry pi on windows or linux and configure your Eclipse CDT project to build with the toolchain. You can even set up remote debugging.
This website has good information and a step-by-step guide for windows using cygwin.
This looks like a good guide for linux.
Just realized you asked for Visual Studio on Windows. I don't think there is Visual Studio support for this. The example I pointed to sets up cygwin so you have an emulated linux environment. You could also set up a VM using free VM software and install a linux environment that way, and run eclipse CDT from there. This is what I did when setting up a cross compiling environment for the Raspi.
Executable generated by vc8 C project (in windows 7) is running in all windows machine (both win xp and 7) in which vc8 is installed. But its not running in one win xp machine where vc8 is not installed, but vc6 is installed. Error message is System cannot run the executabe.
Is it happening because my vc8 project is not generating vc6 compatible exe ? Please some one help is there any way to solve this problem.
Note : Creating vc6 project and adding all c files is a complex task, which will take so much time for me.
You don't need to have visual studio installed to run an application on another machine. Compile in release mode and install the redistributable package on the target machine.
For VC8 (2005):
VS 2005 x86
VS 2005 x64
for other versions just search for c++ redistributable package
If you compile in debug mode you need the debug versions of the runtime library etc. However these are not redistributable. For a workaround (for use on testing machines, not for clients) see here for more details.
I was working with visual studio 2012 beta and my desktop (win32) program compiled fine in ARM architecture.
After upgrading to visual studio 2012 RC, the compiler would not work and spews out the following error:
"Compiling Desktop applications for the ARM platform is not supported"
I found a forum post on this
Is it correct that Microsoft is really cutting off win32 development on ARM?
And that compiling in VS2012 beta was just a fluke?
You can edit the file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Platforms\ARM\Microsoft.Cpp.ARM.Common.props
In the <PropertyGroup> section add the line:
before </PropertyGroup>
And that's all, you can build ARM desktop apps with VS2012.
I was able to get around that error and compile a little "hello world" cpp file for ARM by adding the "/D _ARM_WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP_SDK_AVAILABLE" command-line argument to the ARM version of cl at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\x86_arm. I found that #define from sn0w's answer on this question in the crtdefs.h file, without having to modify that file. Now, I can't guarantee that anything more complex will actually work, or that Microsoft hasn't instituted some sort of whitelisting or digital signature verification for Windows RT desktop apps, so even though it may compile, it may not be allowed to run when Windows RT is finally available.
Note that before you can run the ARM version of cl.exe from the command line, you must set the environment variables using this batch file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin\x86_arm\vcvarsx86_arm.bat"
Even if you compile the app, you won't be able to run it on Windows 8 RT as unsigned apps will not start.
I just tested this, and unfortunately it is the case.
You receive the following message:
Windows cannot verify the digital signature of this file
I imagine there is probably a work around for this, but it will never be officially supported.
yes of course. i practised with VS2012 RC.
now i'll explain how to avoid "Compiling Desktop applications for the ARM platform is not supported" and build win32 application.
1st way: fix build tools - the goal is to patch (or try to substitute it with beta's one) MSBuild's lib: Microsoft.Build.CPPTasks.Common.v110.dll
2nd way: run the "VS2012 ARM Cross Tools Command Prompt" from Visual Studio Tools start menu, then execute cl [cl params] myfile1.cpp myfile2.cpp myres.res ... /link [linkparams]
for both this cases you also need to commentout an #error directive in crtdefs.h on line 332. (Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include)