React Hooks useCallback & memo list re-rendering - reactjs

I'm new to Hooks and trying to create a PureComponent equivalent version with Hooks.
My goal is to create a multiselectable list with a child component that is reponsible for rendering the list items:
const Movie: FunctionComponent<{
title: string,
score: number,
id: number,
isSelected: boolean,
setSelected: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<{}>>
}> = React.memo(({ title, score, isSelected, setSelected, id }) => {
const selectMovie = (): void => {
if (isSelected === null)
const selected = {
backgroundColor: "blue"
console.log("render movie")
return (
<div onClick={selectMovie} style={isSelected ? selected : {}}>
{title}, {score}
The parent component have the data as well as the logic for the selection:
const App: FunctionComponent = () => {
const data = [
id: 1,
title: "Pulp fiction",
score: 9
id: 2,
title: "Heat",
score: 8
id: 3,
title: "American pie",
score: 7
const [selectedItems, setSelected] = React.useState<{}>({});
const selectMovie = React.useCallback((id: any) => {
const sel: any = {...selectedItems};
if (sel.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
delete sel[id]
} else {
sel[id] = true;
}, [selectedItems])
return (
{ => <Movie key={} {...e} setSelected={selectMovie} isSelected={selectedItems.hasOwnProperty(}/>)
I made a sandbox where you can try it out:
The selection state is maintained in the parent component in an object and supplied to the child as a boolean. The problem is when I click on a movie all 3 list items re-renders (you can see the log in the console). I have used React.memo and useCallback as well to avoid arrow function re-creation for the props comparison. I'm pretty new to hooks, so it must be something silly I'm overlooking...

That is because your selectMovie is changing every time due to selectedItems dependency changing.
setSelected function can also take a function and you can get the selectedItems value so you don't need to set it as a dependency
Here is the working sandbox


React Button Multi-Select, strange style behaviour

I am trying to create a simple button multi-select in React but I'm currently getting unexpected behaviour. I'd like users to be able to toggle multiple buttons and have them colourise accordingly, however the buttons seem to act a bit randomly.
I have the following class
export default function App() {
const [value, setValue] = useState([]);
const [listButtons, setListButtons] = useState([]);
const BUTTONS = [
{ id: 123, title: 'button1' },
{ id: 456, title: 'button2' },
{ id: 789, title: 'button3' },
const handleButton = (button) => {
if (value.includes(button)) {
setValue(value.filter((el) => el !== button));
} else {
let tmp = value;
const buttonList = () => {
setListButtons( => (
onClick={() => handleButton(}
className={value.includes( ? 'buttonPressed' : 'button'}
useEffect(() => {
}, [value]);
return (
<h1>Hello StackBlitz!</h1>
If you select all 3 buttons then select 1 more button the css will change.
I am trying to use these as buttons as toggle switches.
I have an example running #
Any help is much appreciated.
I think that what you want to achieve is way simpler:
You just need to store the current ID of the selected button.
Never store an array of JSX elements inside a state. It is not how react works. Decouple, only store the info. React component is always a consequence of a pattern / data, never a source.
You only need to store the necessary information, aka the button id.
Information that doesn't belong to the state of the component should be moved outside. In this case, BUTTONS shouldn't be inside your <App>.
Working code:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './style.css';
const BUTTONS = [
{ id: 123, title: 'button1', selected: false },
{ id: 456, title: 'button2', selected: false },
{ id: 789, title: 'button3', selected: false },
export default function App() {
const [buttons, setButtons] = useState(BUTTONS);
const handleButton = (buttonId) => {
const newButtons = => {
if ( !== buttonId) return btn;
btn.selected = !btn.selected;
return btn;
return (
<h1>Hello StackBlitz!</h1>
{ => (
onClick={() => handleButton(}
className={bt.selected ? 'buttonPressed' : 'button'}
I hope it helps.
Edit: the BUTTONS array was modified to add a selected property. Now several buttons can be selected at the same time.

Best way to use useMemo/React.memo for an array of objects to prevent rerender after edit one of it?

I'm struggling with s performance issue with my React application.
For example, I have a list of cards which you can add a like like facebook.
Everything, all list is rerendering once one of the child is updated so here I'm trying to make use of useMemo or React.memo.
I thought I could use React.memo for card component but didn't work out.
Not sure if I'm missing some important part..
const Parent = () => {
const postLike= usePostLike()
const listData = useRecoilValue(getCardList)
// listData looks like this ->
//[{ id:1, name: "Rose", avararImg: "url", image: "url", bodyText: "text", liked: false, likedNum: 1, ...etc },
// { id:2, name: "Helena", avararImg: "url", image: "url", bodyText: "text", liked: false, likedNum: 1, ...etc },
// { id: 3, name: "Gutsy", avararImg: "url", image: "url", bodyText: "text", liked: false, likedNum: 1, ...etc }]
const memoizedListData = useMemo(() => {
return => {
return data
}, [listData])
return (
{ => {
return (
export default Parent
export const usePressLike = () => {
const toggleIsSending = useSetRecoilState(isSendingLike)
const setList = useSetRecoilState(getCardList)
const asyncCurrentData = useRecoilCallback(
({ snapshot }) =>
async () => {
const data = await snapshot.getPromise(getCardList)
return data
const pressLike = useCallback(
async (id) => {
const currentList = await asyncCurrentData()
...some api calls but ignore now
const response = await fetch(url, {
if (currentList.length !== 0) {
const newList = => {
if (id === {
return {
liked: true,
likedNum: list.likedNum + 1,
return list
[setList, sendYell]
return pressLike
const Child = ({
}) => {
const { id, name, avatarImg, image, bodyText, likedNum, liked } = data;
const onClickPostLike = useCallback(() => {
return (
// This is Material UI component
avatar={<StyledAvatar src={avatarImg} />}
subheader={<SomeImage />}
<Image drc={image} />
export default Child
const LikeButton = ({ onClickPostLike, like, likedNum }) => {
const isSending = useRecoilValue(isSendingLike)
return (
onClick={() => {
if (isSending) return;
{liked ? <ColoredLikeIcon /> : <UnColoredLikeIcon />}
<span> {likedNum} </span>
export default LikeButton
The main question here is, what is the best way to use Memos when one of the lists is updated. Memorizing the whole list or each child list in the Parent component, or use React.memo in a child component...(But imagine other things could change too if a user edits them. e.g.text, image...)
Always I see the Parent component is highlighted with React dev tool.
use React.memo in a child component
You can do this and provide a custom comparator function:
const Child = React.memo(
}) => {...},
(prevProps, nextProps) => ===
Your current use of useMemo doesn't do anything. You can use useMemo as a performance optimization when your component has other state updates and you need to compute an expensive value. Say you have a collapsible panel that displays a list:
const [expand, setExpand] = useState(true);
const serverData = useData();
const transformedData = useMemo(() =>
return (...);
useMemo makes it so you don't re-transform the serverData every time the user expands/collapses the panel.
Note, this is sort of a contrived example if you are doing the fetching yourself in an effect, but it does apply for some common libraries like React Apollo.

Why is the component fully re-rendering when updating a single state through context?

I have created a page which has two columns:
In one column the idea is to display a list of items
On the other column, I should show some info related to the selected item
The code I have so far is:
import { INavLink, INavLinkGroup, INavStyles, Nav } from "#fluentui/react";
import React, { createContext, useContext, useState } from "react";
interface HistoryTtem {
id: string;
interface AppState {
selectedItem: string | undefined;
updateSelectedItem: (value: string | undefined) => void;
items: Array<HistoryTtem>;
const AppContext = createContext<AppState>({
selectedItem: undefined,
updateSelectedItem: (value: string | undefined) => {},
items: []
const App = () => {
const Column1 = () => {
const rootState: AppState = useContext(AppContext);
const getNavLinks: Array<INavLink> = => ({
url: ""
const groups: Array<INavLinkGroup> = [
links: getNavLinks
const navStyles: Partial<INavStyles> = {
root: {
boxSizing: "border-box",
border: `1px solid #eee`,
overflowY: "auto"
const onItemClick = (
e?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>,
item?: INavLink
) => {
if (item && item.key) {
return (
ariaLabel="List of previously searched transactions"
const Column2 = () => {
return <div>aaa</div>;
const [historyItems, setHistoryItems] = useState<Array<HistoryTtem>>([
id: "349458457"
id: "438487484"
id: "348348845"
id: "093834845"
const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState<string>();
const updateSelectedItem = (value: string | undefined) => {
const state: AppState = {
selectedItem: selectedItem,
updateSelectedItem: updateSelectedItem,
items: historyItems
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={state}>
<Column1 />
<Column2 />
export default App;
As you can see, I have a root state which will serve to drive the update of the second column triggered from inside the first one. But it is not working. When I click on an item, the whole component in the first column is re-rendering, while it should only change the selected item.
Please find here the CodeSandbox.
You shouldn't nest component functions.
The identity of Column1 changes for every render of App since it's an inner function, and that makes React think it needs to reconcile everything.
Move Column1 and Column2 up to the module level.
What makes react rerender is two things:
Change in State
Change in Props
You have an App Component which is the root of your components and it has a selectedItem state which is changing when an item is clicked so you have a new state and the new state will cause rerender

How can I expand the option without using the arrow button in antd select?

I would like to know if this is possible in antd tree select. As you can see in the image. How can I expand the option without using the arrow button? I just want to click the word "Expand to load" and then drop down options will show.
I was playing around with their code in
This is what I came up with:
You'll have to create a span node when populating the title of your tree elements, where the span elements will listen for a click event.
const treeData = [
title: <span onClick={() => expandNode("0-0")}>0-0</span>,
key: "0-0",
children: [
title: <span onClick={() => expandNode("0-0-0")}>0-0-0</span>,
key: "0-0-0",
children: [
title: "0-0-0-0",
key: "0-0-0-0"
title: "0-0-0-1",
key: "0-0-0-1"
title: "0-0-0-2",
key: "0-0-0-2"
title: <span onClick={() => expandNode("0-0-1")}>0-0-1</span>,
key: "0-0-1",
children: [
title: "0-0-1-0",
key: "0-0-1-0"
title: "0-0-1-1",
key: "0-0-1-1"
title: "0-0-1-2",
key: "0-0-1-2"
title: "0-0-2",
key: "0-0-2"
title: <span onClick={() => expandNode("0-1")}>0-1</span>,
key: "0-1",
children: [
title: "0-1-0-0",
key: "0-1-0-0"
title: "0-1-0-1",
key: "0-1-0-1"
title: "0-1-0-2",
key: "0-1-0-2"
title: "0-2",
key: "0-2"
Then use a custom function to set the expandedKeys state and pass it as a prop to the Tree component. I tried using the filter method on the previous state for removing keys but it kept giving me an error so I fell back to using the for loop.
const expandNode = (key) => {
setExpandedKeys((prev) => {
const outArr = [];
if (prev.includes(key)) {
for (let i = 0; i < prev.length; i++) {
if (prev[i] !== key) {
return outArr;
} else {
return prev;
Note: I used antd's "Controlled Tree" example as the template and progressed from there.
As I was using this solution for a project of mine, I found out a more robust method.
Instead of individually overriding the title properties on the data array, it is possible to override the titleRender prop on the tree component. titleRender is available from antd v.4.5.0.
Style the span tags as inline-block with width and height set to 100%. This makes the entire node block (instead of just the span text) listen for the onClick event when the tree has a prop of blockNode={true}.
Got rid of the for loop and successfully used filter method instead in the toggle expand method. This is more performant than looping.
I created a custom ClickExpandableTree component.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Tree } from "antd";
const ClickExpandableTree = props => {
const [expandedKeys, setExpandedKeys] = useState([]);
const [autoExpandParent, setAutoExpandParent] = useState(true);
const toggleExpandNode = key => {
setExpandedKeys(prev => {
const outArr = [...prev];
if (outArr.includes(key)) {
return outArr.filter(e => e !== key);
} else {
return outArr;
const onExpand = keys => {
return (
titleRender={record => (
onClick={() => toggleExpandNode(record.key)}
style={{ display: "inline-block", width: "100%", height: "100%" }}
export default ClickExpandableTree;

React useState changes my constant initial state

My selectItem event changes my initialState which I intentionally implemented to stay as a constant.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import "./Panel.css";
import Item from "./Item";
const initialState = [
{ text: 1, isSelected: false },
{ text: 2, isSelected: false },
{ text: 3, isSelected: false },
{ text: 4, isSelected: false },
{ text: 5, isSelected: false }
export default function Panel() {
const [items, setItems] = useState(initialState);
const selectItem = k => {
const updatedItems = [...initialState];
updatedItems.find(item => item.text === k).isSelected = true;
return (
<div className="Panel">
{ => (
import React from "react";
import "./Item.css";
export default function Item({ text, isSelected, clicked }) {
return (
<div className="Item" onClick={() => clicked(text)}>
{isSelected ? <div style={{ backgroundColor: "red" }}>{text}</div> : text}
Look at it this way, your array is an array of objects, and each index (item) is a reference to some specific object.
Basically when you are creating the updatedItems array, you are spreading all of its references into a new "array that is referencing objects." So, technically, you are using the very same objects. Once you select one and mutate it, you are mutating the object which both initialState and items are referencing.
What you are doing is a shallow clone (copy) of the array.
If you wish to do a deep clone, a simple method would be to do: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(initialState)).
You can also use utilities like lodash/cloneDeep
Keep in mind though, that deep cloning can also be very expensive and not always the desired result.
Change the line that reads ...
const updatedItems = [...initialState];
to ...
const updatedItems = [...items];
The initialState const should only be used to initialize the items state value.
Sandbox ...
