Why plugin dynamic library can't find the symbol in the application? - c

I have an application, which has been compiled several libraries into it through static link.
And this application will load a plugin through dlopen when it runs.
But it seems that the plugin can't resolve the symbol in the application, which I can find them through "nm".
So what can I do? Recompile the libraries into shared mode, and link them to the plugin?

You have to use the gcc flag -rdynamic when linking your application, which exports the symbols of the application for dynamic linkage with shared libraries.
From the gcc documentation:
Pass the flag -export-dynamic to the ELF linker, on targets that support it. This instructs the linker to add all symbols, not only used ones, to the dynamic symbol table. This option is needed for some uses of dlopen or to allow obtaining backtraces from within a program.
This should eliminate your problem.

The usual suggestion to add -rdynamic is too heavyweight in practice as it causes linker to export all functions in executable. This will slow down program startup (due to increased time for relocation processing) and, more importantly, will eventually make the interface between your application and plugins too wide so it would be hard to maintain in future (e.g. you won't be able to remove any function from your application in fear that it may be used by some unknown external plugin). Normally you should strive to expose a minimal and well-defined API for plugin authors.
I thus recommend to provide explicit exports file via -Wl,--dynamic-list when linking (see example usage in Clang sources).


To use or not to use -fpic

My application needs to load one or more algorithms at run time and I use .so for this. The thing is that these libraries are not used by any other process but my applicaiton so there is no need to share the .text section with others. Some parts of the .so come from other static libraries that I compile beforehand.
In this case, do I still have to use -fpic flag for the static files?
I found this article article. At page 7 it states this "So, if performance is important for a library or dynamically loadable module, you can compile it as non-PIC code. The primary downside to compiling the module as non-PIC is that loading time in-creases because the dynamic linker must make a large number of code patches when binding symbols."
Yes you do. Anything that will be loaded with dlopen must be compiled using -fpic (or -fPIC).
This is not about sharing the text segment, but about the different rules for accessing global data (including things that you might not realize are global data, such as the "procedure linkage table" trampolines used to call between global functions) in the main executable versus in shared libraries.

Can I force a dynamic library to link to a specific dynamic library dependency?

I'm building an dynamic library, libfoo.so, which depends on libcrypto.so.
Within my autotools Makefile.am file, I have a line like this:
libfoo_la_LIBADD += -L${OPENSSL_DIR}/lib -lcrypto
where $OPENSSL_DIR defaults to /usr but can be overridden by passing --with-openssl-dir=/whatever.
How can I ensure that an executable using libfoo.so uses ${OPENSSL_DIR}/lib/libcrypto.so (only) without the person building or running the executable having to use rpath or fiddle with LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
As things stand, I can build libfoo and pass --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/openssl-special and it builds fine. But when I run ldd libfoo.so, it just points to the libcrypto.so in /usr/lib.
The only solution I can think of is statically linking libcrypto.a into libfoo.so. Is there any other approach possible?
Details of runtime dynamic linking vary from platform to platform. The Autotools can insulate you from that to an extent, but if you care about the details, which apparently you do, then it probably is not adequate to allow the Autotools to choose for you.
With that said, however, you seem to be ruling out just about all possibilities:
The most reliable way to ensure that at runtime you get the specific implementation you linked against at build time is to link statically. But you say you don't want that.
If you instead use dynamic libraries then you rely on the dynamic linker to associate a library implementation with your executable at run time. In that case, there are two general choices for how you can direct the DL to a specific library implementation:
Via information stored in the program / library binary. You are using terminology that suggests an ELF-based system, and for ELF shared objects, it is the RPATH and / or RUNPATH that convey information about where to look for required libraries. There is no path information associated with individual library requirements; they are identified by SONAME only. But you say you don't want to use RPATH*, and so I suppose not RUNPATH either.
Via static or dynamic configuration of the dynamic linker. This is where LD_LIBRARY_PATH comes in, but you say you don't want to use that. The dynamic linker typically also has a configuration file or files, such as /etc/ld.so.conf. There you can specify library directories to search, and, with a bit of care, the order to search them.
Possibly, then, you can cause your desired library implementation to be linked to your application by updating the dynamic linker's configuration files to cause it to search the wanted path first. This will affect the whole system, however, and it's brittle.
Alternatively, depending on details of the nature of the dependency, you could give your wanted version of libcrypto a distinct SONAME. Effectively, that would make it a different object (e.g. libdjcrypto) as far as the static and dynamic linkers are concerned. But that is risky, because if your library has both direct and indirect dependencies on libcrypto, or if a program using your library depends on libcrypto via another path, then you'll end up at run time (dynamically) linking both libraries, and possibly even using functions from both, depending on the origin of each call.
Note well that the above issue should be a concern for you if you link your library statically, too. If that leaves any indirect dynamic dependencies on libcrypto in your library, or any dynamic dependencies from other sources in programs using your library, then you will end up with multiple versions of libcrypto in use at the same time.
Bottom line
For an executable, the best options are either (1) all-static linkage or (2) (for ELF) RPATH / LD_LIBRARY_PATH / RUNPATH, ensuring that all components require the target library via the same SONAME. I tend to like providing a wrapper script that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so that its effect is narrowly scoped.
For a reusable library, "don't do that" is probably the best alternative. The high potential for ending up with programs simultaneously using two different versions of the other library (libcrypto in your case) makes all available options unattractive. Unless, of course, you're ok with multiple library versions being used by the same program, in which case static linkage and RPATH / RUNPATH (but not LD_LIBRARY_PATH) are your best available alternatives.
*Note that at least some versions of libtool have a habit of adding RPATH entries whether you ask for them or not -- something to watch out for. You may need to patch the libtool scripts installed in your project to avoid that.

Does the linker prefer .so files over .a files?

I'm building Julia using a local LLVM build which contains both libLLVM*.so files and corresponding libLLVM*.a files. This was built first with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON, which is responsible for the presence of the libLLVM*.so files.
libjulia.so, the library used by the julia executable, always linked to the libLLVM*.so files, even when I rebuilt LLVM with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF(the default config). llvm-config --libs $LIB's output with and without BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON didn't vary much and nothing seem to hint at llvm-config issuing linking options that'd direct the linker to link either *.so files or *.a files.
Why is this the case ? Is it s default behaviour of the linker to use .so files even when .a files of the same name exist ? Or, is there a build configuration cache that Julia reuses ?
Yes, to fulfil the option -lfoo, ld will by default link libfoo.so in preference to libfoo.a if both
are found in the same search directory, and when it finds either one it
will look no further.
You can enforce linkage of static libraries only by passing -static to the linkage,
but in that case static versions must be found for all libraries - including
default system libraries - not just those you explicitly mention.
To selectively link a static library libfoo.a, without specifying -static,
you can use the explicit form of the -l option: -l:libfoo.a rather than
llvm-config will emit library options in the -lfoo form whether you build
static or shared libraries, since those options will work correctly for
either, but you need to understand when using them how the linker
behaves. If you don't tell it otherwise, it will link the shared rather
than the static library when it faces the choice.
Why does ld prefer to link shared libraries over static ones?
AFAIK, it is not on record why the developers of ld made this decision long
ago, but the reason is obvious: If dynamic linkage is the default then
executables, by default, will not physically include additional copies of code
that can be provided to all executables by a single shared copy, from a shared library. Thus
executables, by default, will economize their code size and the aggregate of
excecutables that constitutes your system or mine will be vastly smaller than
it would have to be without sharing. Shared libraries and dynamic linkage
were invented so that systems need not be be bloated with duplicated code.
Dynamic linkage brings with it the complication that an executable
linked with shared libraries, when distributed to a system other than the
one on which it was built, does not carry its dynamic dependencies with it. It's
for that reason that all the approved mechanisms for installing a new binaries
on systems - package managers - ensure that all of their dynamic dependencies
are installed as well.

Is there a way to detect at runtime if a library was statically linked?

I have a situation where I distribute a library that uses symbol interposition to deal with some stdlib.h functions, e.g., malloc. I would normally just use the standard psymbol = dlsym(RTDL_NEXT,"symbol") technique as described here.
I have some users that want to build statically linked binaries though, and RTLD_NEXT isn't valid in that context---dlsym doesn't just fail in that context, it exits with RTLD_NEXT used in code not dynamically loaded. I can force these users to use the -Wl,--wrap,symbol methodology described here, and provide the appropriate __real_symbol,_wrap_symbol pair since they are using pkg-config to link to my library anyway.
It would be fine with me to always use the linker wrap solution, however I have a problem where one of my optional library dependencies (Open MPI) is also trying to wrap the same symbols, but is using the RTLD_NEXT approach---this appears to take precedence over the ld wrap option.
I can certainly implement both options, and statically select the dlsym approach when Open MPI is configured (Open MPI prevents -static linking anyway). The problem is that I'm not sure that this will be the only library trying to interpose on my symbols.
Is there a way that I can compile both options into my library (i.e., __real_symbol and __wrap_symbol for the -static link, and symbol and *psymbol for dlsym), force the -Wl,--wrap,symbol flags during static linking (through pkg-config --static --cflags), and dynamically check to see if RTLD_NEXT is currently available? This way I can build one library that works in both contexts.

Difference between "dynamically loading a library file" and "specifying .so path in Makefile"?

I recently came across a code which loads a .so file with dl_open() and works with dlsym() etc. I understand that dl_open() this would load the dynamic library file. What is the difference between dynamically loading a library file and specifying .so path in Makefile?
Another question is that if I want to dynamically load a library file, do I need to compile it with -rdynamic option?
Aren't both these compiled with -fPIC flag?
Dynamically loading a library file is frequently used in implementing software plugins.
unlike specifying .so path in Makefile or static linking, dynamic linking will allow a computer program to startup in the absence of these libraries, to discover available libraries, and to potentially gain additional functionality.
If you statically link an .so file in your Makefile then you won't be able to build the application unless it is present. It has the advantage of no nasty surprises at run time.
When creating a shared object, assuming you are using gcc, then -fpic only means the code can be relocated at run-time, you need -shared as well. I don't know the -rdynamic option, but compilers differ.
Loading the module at run-time allows the module load to be optional. For example, say you have a huge application with 300 modules, each representing different functionality. Does it make sense to map all 300 when a user might only use 10% of them? (code is loaded on demand anyway) It can also be used to load versions from different libraries at runtime, giving flexibility. Downside is that you can end-up loading incompatible versions.
