does the client instance from microsoft-graph-client refreshes the token itself? - azure-active-directory

I'm claiming an access token by using the acquireTokenWithClientCredentials function from the adal-node package.
After that I use the #microsoft/microsoft-graph-client package to create a client instance consuming the Graph API.
private client: Client;
async getClient(): Promise<Client> {
if (!this.client) {
const accessToken: string = /* get access token from adal-node */;
this.client = Client.init({
authProvider: (done) => {
done(null, accessToken);
return this.client;
The client itself only ships with an api function. I would like to know if the client takes care for the access token expiration or if I have to care for it.
So before making a call I could do token.expiresOn < new Date() to check if a token has expired. If true, I could create a new client instance. But I would like to know if I have to or if I just have to initialize the client once and everything will be fine "forever".

It's unnecessary to handle access token expiration by yourself.
Each time you need to use access token, just call acquireTokenWithClientCredentials.
If the token has not expired, it will still return you the old token.
If it expires, it will get a new one instead.


The acces token of the azure web app obtained through AadTokenProvider will expire in one hour and no new token will be obtained

I get the access token with the following code.
protected async getAccessToken(): Promise<string> {
return await this.context.aadTokenProviderFactory
.then((tokenProvider: AadTokenProvider): Promise<string> => {
return tokenProvider.getToken(Config.resourceEndpoint, false);
.catch(error => {
console.error("getAccessToken", error);
return null;
The access token obtained every time is the same, but this token will expire in one hour, which will cause me to be unable to access the webapi on the azure web app. How can I solve this problem? Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
If you call tokenProvider.getToken(Config.resourceEndpoint, false) each time, it always gives you working access token, i.e., it internally refreshes token after an hour/whenever it expires and give you back. You don't have to take care of that in your code.

How to tell if a user is logged in with http only cookies and JWT in react (client-side)

So I'm trying to follow the security best practices and I'm sending my JWT token over my React app in a only-secure http-only cookie.
This works fine for requests but the major issue I find with this approach is, how can I tell if the user is logged-in on client-side if I can't check if the token exists? The only way I can think of is to make a simple http to a protected endpoint that just returns 200.
Any ideas? (not looking for code implementations)
The approach I would follow is to just assume the user is logged in, and make the desired request, which will send the httpOnly token automatically in the request headers.
The server side should then respond with 401 if the token is not present in the request, and you can then react in the client side accordingly.
Using an endpoint like /api/users/me
Probably you don't only need to know if a user is already logged in but also who that user is. Therefore many APIs implement an endpoint like /api/users/me which authenticates the request via the sent cookie or authorization header (or however you've implemented your server to authenticate requests).
Then, if the request is successfully authenticated, it returns the current user. If the authentication fails, return a 401 Not Authorized (see Wikipedia for status codes).
The implementation could look like this:
// UsersController.ts
// [...]
initializeRoutes() {
this.router.get('users/me', verifyAuthorization(UserRole.User), this.getMe);
async getMe(req: Request, res: Response) {
// an AuthorizedRequest has the already verified JWT token added to it
const { id } = (req as AuthorizedRequest).token;
const user = await UserService.getUserById(id);
if (!user) {
throw new HttpError(404, 'user not found');
}`found user <${}>`);
// [...]
// AuthorizationMiddleware.ts
export function verifyAuthorization(expectedRole: UserRole) {
// the authorization middleware throws a 401 in case the JWT is invalid
return async function (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) {
const authorization = req.headers.authorization;
if (!authorization?.startsWith('Bearer ')) {
logger.error(`no authorization header found`);
throw new HttpError(401, 'unauthorized');
const token = authorization.split(' ')[1];
const decoded = AuthenticationService.verifyLoginToken(token);
if (!decoded) {
logger.warn(`token not verified`);
throw new HttpError(401, 'unauthorized');
(req as AuthorizedRequest).token = decoded;
const currentRole = UserRole[decoded.role] ?? 0;
if (currentRole < expectedRole) {
logger.warn(`user not authorized: ${UserRole[currentRole]} < ${UserRole[expectedRole]}`);
throw new HttpError(403, 'unauthorized');
logger.debug(`user authorized: ${UserRole[currentRole]} >= ${UserRole[expectedRole]}`);
If the response code is 200 OK and contains the user data, store this data in-memory (or as alternative in the local storage, if it doesn't include sensitive information).
If the request fails, redirect to the login page (or however you want your application to behave in that case).

CompactToken validation failed 80049228

Some users are getting this error back when trying to sign in using Microsoft Sign In in order to access mail via MS Graph. I've had both corporate users and personal ( users both showing this error number but it works fine for most users.
This is the call:
This is the error returned:
Code: InvalidAuthenticationToken
Message: CompactToken validation failed with reason code: 80049228
Any pointers? Where can I find a reference to this error number?
This means the token expired and it need to be refreshed. If you want to refresh it without user interaction you'll need a refresh_token which is returned when you obtain a token initially.
Here is how you can refresh it:
function refreshTokenIfNeeded(tokenObj){
let accessToken = oauth2.accessToken.create(tokenObj);
const { token } = accessToken;
const expirationTimeInSeconds = token.expires_at.getTime() / 1000;
const expirationWindowStart = expirationTimeInSeconds - EXPIRATION_WINDOW_IN_SECONDS;
const nowInSeconds = (new Date()).getTime() / 1000;
const shouldRefresh = nowInSeconds >= expirationWindowStart;
let promise = Promise.resolve(accessToken)
if (shouldRefresh) {
console.log("outlook365: token expired, refreshing...")
promise = accessToken.refresh()
return promise
Where tokenObj is the token object you store in your database.
Make sure it also has expires_at or otherwise oauth2.accessToken.create() will create it and calculate from the current moment in time.
More details can be found in this tutorial and in this github repo (this is where the code above was taken from)
Found a Solution To This
In my case, I was refreshing the token before using the access_token with Microsoft Graph API even once.
Once you successfully call You will get a refresh_token and an access_token, my guess is that you have been refreshing the token before using the first access token from the URL mentioned above.
Steps to Fix:
Call as you did before
Copy the access_token from the response and use it at least once with your Microsoft Graph API
Now you can copy the refresh_token (or once the access_token is expired) and exchange for a new access token
Enjoy your API integration
Smile :)
Microsoft Authentication (Tokens) Docs - Including Refresh Token
OneDrive Refresh Token Answer

Web api 2 oauth2 expiration sliding

i am building a SPA using Angular JS and web API2, use Oauth2 for authentication. My issue, token'expiration is fixed, such as 20 minutes. So how can we redirect to logion page if user does not have any request in 20 minutes?
Refresh token does not work because system will auto refresh token although user does not have any action in valid time.
You don't need to control timeout in client app.
When the client do a request to the resource server, the resource server validates the access token and if it's expired returns a 401 - Unauthorized response.
When the client gets the 401 from the resource server, needs to obtain a new access token from the authorization server, either using the resource owner credentials or the refresh token.
This is the behaviour specified by the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
Please let me know if you need a deeper explanation.
I use an AuthorizeAttribute and override OnAuthorization
public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
string token = string.Empty;
AuthenticationTicket ticket;
//retrieve the token the client sent in the request...
token = (actionContext.Request.Headers.Any(x => x.Key == "Authorization")) ? actionContext.Request.Headers.Where(x => x.Key == "Authorization").FirstOrDefault().Value.SingleOrDefault().Replace("Bearer ", "") : "";
//Your OAuth Startup class may be called differently...
ticket = Startup.OAuthBearerOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Unprotect(token);
//verification using the ticket's properties. When it was set to expire (ExpiresUtc) or whatever other properties you may have appended to it's dictionnary.
//if verification fails..
//actionContext.Response = actionContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Verification failed.");
//Otherwise, send a new token with an extended expiration date...
AuthenticationProperties refreshTokenProperties = new AuthenticationProperties(ticket.Properties.Dictionary)
IssuedUtc = ticket.Properties.IssuedUtc,
ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(20)
AuthenticationTicket newToken = new AuthenticationTicket(ticket.Identity, refreshTokenProperties);
string newTokenHash = Startup.OAuthBearerOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Protect(newToken);
//add the new token to request properties. Can't add it to the header here, because creating response/response headers here will prevent process from proceeding to called controller method.
actionContext.Request.Properties.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("Token", newTokenHash));
Then chain it with an ActionFilterAttribute filter:
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
if (actionExecutedContext.Response == null)
var objectContent = actionExecutedContext.Response.Content as ObjectContent;
//the token we put in the filter above...
string tokenHash = (actionExecutedContext.Request.Properties.Any(x => x.Key == "Token")) ? (string)actionExecutedContext.Request.Properties.Where(x => x.Key == "Token").FirstOrDefault().Value : "";
You can either append a new header to the response, put in the JSON payload response or add it as a response cookie. Then you make your client use this new hash when requesting any other resource, that way the expiration will slide an extra 20 mins everytime.
You can register these filter attributes globally in App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs
config.Filters.Add(new ClassExtendingAuthorizeAttribute());
config.Filters.Add(new ClassExtendingActionFilterAttribute());
But as mentioned by jumuro, you could have your client simply use the refresh token. Depends if you want to your back-end or front-end to do most of the leg work.
Hope it helps.

Google Channel API sending message with token

In documents it says 'client_id' part can actually be the token, however it doesn't work. Anyone know why?
If the client_id parameter is actually a token returned by a create_channel call then send_message can be used for different versions of the app. For instance you could create the channel on the front end and then send messages from a backend of the app.
the reason i want to use this, is because i want to send messages to anonymous users as well, without requiring them to login. i don't know if it is possible to assign them a 'client_id' if token doesn't work.
this is how i am creating the token
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
token = channel.create_channel(user.user_id())
token = channel.create_channel(str(uuid.uuid4()))
then injecting into client
template_values = {
'token' : token,
on the client side open the channel
openChannel = function() {
var token = '{{ token }}';
var channel = new goog.appengine.Channel(token);
var handler = {
'onopen': onOpened,
'onmessage': onMessage,
'onerror': function() {},
'onclose': function() {}
var socket =;
socket.onopen = onOpened;
socket.onmessage = onMessage;
now send a message
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', path, true);
in the server,
when the message is received send back a message using the token
channel.send_message(token, someMessage)
back to client
onMessage = function(m) {
alert("you have some message");
this sequence works fine if client_id() is used instead of token when calling send_message
In response to btevfik's initial question: Allowing tokens or client_id in send_message is a feature released in 1.7.5 (very recently). Some people may not be familiar with it yet so therefore they suggest to use client_id. Both should work!
The only thing that I can see in your code is the fact that you should not rely on token variable to be correct in between two requests. They may not even land on the same instance of the app. If you share your code with more details I may be able to spot something. The proper way would be to either store the token in the datastore or pass it from the client as a parameter when you send the message that will trigger a message back.
The purpose of this feature was to allow people to send messages from backends (or other versions). Before was not possible whereas now you can do it if you use directly the tokens instead of the client_id.
Long time this post has been around, but just curious about your usage of the token global variable?
I don't see this code:
global token
before you set the token
user = users.get_current_user()
if user:
token = channel.create_channel(user.user_id())
token = channel.create_channel(str(uuid.uuid4()))
If that code is missing, then token will be set in the local scope of the function above and not globally. So, the token value used later will be None (or to what ever the token was initialised with.)
Just a thought, if its still relevant.
I don't think you actually have a problem here.
You are able to send messages to users that are logged in or not.
The problem you are having I think is knowing that there are multiple ways to use the channel API re: tokens.
In this example, it shows the JavaScript client explicitly requests a token and sends its Client ID to the server. In contrast, you could choose to design your application to inject the token into the client before the page loads in the browser, or some other implementation if preferred.
This diagram shows the creation of a channel on the server. In this
example, it shows the JavaScript client explicitly requests a token
and sends its Client ID to the server. In contrast, you could choose
to design your application to inject the token into the client before
the page loads in the browser, or some other implementation if
Here's my demo implementation, hope it helps somehow:
Here's the code for creating the channel on GAE:
client_id = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-",'')
channel_token = channel.create_channel(client_id)
And in the JS:
channel = new goog.appengine.Channel('{{ token }}');
Have a look at it in action:
You shouldn't store request-specific values in global variables. Store them in a cookie or pass them as a request parameter instead.
