I want to optimize this program - c

I have recently started to learn c and as a programming exercise, I've written a program that computes and lists out prime numbers from 0 up to a maximum entered by the user. It's a rather short program so I'll post the source code here.
// playground.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
int main ()
int max;
printf("Please enter the maximum number up to which you would like to see all primes listed: "
); scanf("%i", &max);
printf("All prime numbers in the range 0 to %i:\nPrime number: 2\n", max);
bool isComposite;
int primesSoFar[(max >> 1) + 1];
primesSoFar[0] = 2;
int nextIdx = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= max; i++)
isComposite = false;
for (int k = 2; k <= (int)sqrt(i) + 1; k++)
if (k - 2 < nextIdx)
if (i % primesSoFar[k - 2] == 0)
isComposite = true;
k = primesSoFar[k - 2];
if (i % k == 0) isComposite = true;
if (!isComposite)
printf("Prime number: %i\n", i);
primesSoFar[nextIdx] = i;
double primeRatio = (double)(nextIdx + 1) / (double)(max);
printf("The ratio of prime numbers to composites in range 0 to %d is %lf", max, primeRatio);
return 0;
I have become strangely fascinated with optimizing this program but I've hit a wall. The array primesSoFar is allocated based on a computed maximum size which ideally would be no larger than the number of prime numbers from 0 to max. Even if it were just slightly larger, that would be fine; as long as it's not smaller. Is there a way to compute the size the array needs to be that doesn't depend on first computing the primes up to max?
I've updated the code both applying suggested optimizations and adding internal documentation wherever it seemed helpful.
// can compute all the primes up to 0x3FE977 (4_188_535). Largest prime 4_188_533
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
int main ()
int max;
printf("Please enter the maximum number up to which you would like to see all primes listed: "
); scanf("%i", &max);
// The algorithm proper doesn't print 2.
printf("All prime numbers in the range 0 to %i:\nPrime number: 2\n", max);
bool isComposite;
// primesSoFar is a memory hog. It'd be nice to reduce its size in proportion to max. The frequency
// of primes diminishes at higher numerical ranges. A formula for calculating the number of primes for
// a given numerical range would be nice. Sadly, it's not linear.
int PRIMES_MAX_SIZE = (max >> 1) + 1;
int primesSoFar[PRIMES_MAX_SIZE];
primesSoFar[0] = 2;
int nextIdx = 1;
int startConsecCount = 0;
for (int i = 2; i <= max; i++)
isComposite = false; // Assume the current number isn't composite.
for (int k = 2; k <= (int)sqrt(i) + 1; k++)
if (k - 2 < nextIdx) // Check it against all primes found so far.
if (i % primesSoFar[k - 2] == 0)
// If i is divisible by a previous prime number, break.
isComposite = true;
// Prepare to start counting consecutive integers at the largest prime + 1. if i
// isn't divisible by any of the primes found so far.
startConsecCount = primesSoFar[k - 2] + 1;
if (startConsecCount != 0) // Begin counting consecutively at the largest prime + 1.
k = startConsecCount;
startConsecCount = 0;
if (i % k == 0)
// If i is divisible by some value of k, break.
isComposite = true;
if (!isComposite)
printf("Prime number: %i\n", i);
if (nextIdx < PRIMES_MAX_SIZE)
// If the memory allocated for the array is sufficient to store an additional prime, do so.
primesSoFar[nextIdx] = i;
// I'm using this to get data with which I can find a way to compute a smaller size for primesSoFar.
double primeRatio = (double)(nextIdx + 1) / (double)(max);
printf("The ratio of prime numbers to composites in range 0 to %d is %lf\n", max, primeRatio);
return 0;
edit: primesSoFar should be half the size of the range 0 to max. No doubt that's caused some confusion.

I can give you two main ideas as I have worked on a project discussing this problem.
A prime number bigger than 3 is either 6k-1 or 6k+1, so for example 183 can't be prime because 183=6x30+3, so you don't even have to check it. (Be careful, this condition is necessary but not sufficient, 25 for exemple is 6x4+1 but is not prime)
A number is prime if it can't be divided by any prime number smaller or equal to its root, so it's preferable to take a benefit out of the smaller primes you already found.
Thus, you can start with a primesList containing 2 and 3, and iterate k to test all the 6k-1 and 6k+1 numbers (5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25...) using the second rule I gave you, by using division on elements in the primesList which are smaller than or equal to the root of the number you are checking, if you found only one element dividing it, you just stop and pass to another element, 'cause this one is not prime, otherwise (if no one can divide it): update the primesList by adding this new prime number.

There is some debugging to be done first.
When I saw that the test was <= my brain said BUG as Arrays are subscripted from 0 .. max - 1.
for (int i = 2; i <= max; i++)
So I went to look at the array.
int primesSoFar[(max >> 1) + 1];
Oh he is adding one to the size so it should be ok.
Wait. Why is that shift in there? (max >> 1) is a divide by two.
I compiled the code and ran it, and MSVC reported a memory error.
I removed the shift, and the memory error report went away. The program worked as expected.
With that out of the way, PiNaKa30 and II Saggio Vecchino have very good advice. The choice of algorithm is going to effect the performance dramatically.
Mat gives very good advice. Read the Wikipedia entry. It is filled with wonderful information.
Picking the correct algorithm is key.
How you represent the data you are checking is a factor. int has a maximum value it can hold.
A performance profiler can tell you lots of useful information about where the Hot Spots are in your program.
Congratulations on your efforts in learning C. You picked a very good learning path.

The source code that follows is basically a rewrite. It's running now as I write this. I entered 0x7FFF_FFFF, the 32-bit signed integer positive maximum. In mere minutes on my Acer aspire laptop running on an AMD ryzen 3 with Linux Mint it's already in the hundreds of millions! The memory usage of the old version was half of max, rendering anything larger than 0x3EF977 impossible on my 4gb of RAM. Now it only uses 370728 bytes of memory for its array data when computing primes from 0 to 2_147_483_647.
A super optimized prime number generator using my own implementation of the sieve of Eratosthenes.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
int main ()
int max;
printf("Please enter the maximum to which you would like to see all primes listed: "
); scanf("%i", &max);
Primes and their multiples will be stored until the next multiple of the prime is larger than max.
That prime and its corresponding multiple will then be replaced with a new prime and its corresponding
int PRIMES_MAX_SIZE = (int)sqrt(max) + 1;
int primes[PRIMES_MAX_SIZE];
int multiples[PRIMES_MAX_SIZE];
primes[0] = 2;
multiples[0] = 2;
int nextIdx = 1;
int startConsecCount = 0;
int updateFactor;
bool isComposite;
printf("All prime numbers in the range 0 to %i:\n\n", max);
// Iterate from i = 2 to i = max and test each i for primality.
for (int i = 2; i <= max; i++)
isComposite = false;
Check whether the current i is prime by comparing it with the current multiples of
prime numbers, updating them when they are less than the current i and then proceeding
to check whether any consecutive integers up to sqrt(i) divide the current i evenly.
for (int k = 2; k < (int)sqrt(i) + 1; k++)
if (k < nextIdx)
// Update the multiple of a prime if it's smaller than the current i.
if (multiples[k] < i)
updateFactor = (int)(i / primes[k]);
multiples[k] = updateFactor * primes[k] + primes[k];
// Mark the value for disposal if it's greater than sqrt(max).
if (multiples[k] > (int)sqrt(max)) nextDispose = k;
if (i == multiples[k])
isComposite = true;
startConsecCount = multiples[k] + 1;
} else
if (startConsecCount != 0)
k = startConsecCount;
startConsecCount = 0;
if (i % k == 0)
isComposite = true;
Print the prime numbers and either insert them at indices occupied by disposed primes or at
the next array index if available.
if (!isComposite)
printf("Prime number: %i\n", i);
primes[nextDispose] = i;
// This will trigger the update code before the comparison in the inner loop.
multiples[nextDispose] = 0;
if (nextIdx < PRIMES_MAX_SIZE)
primes[nextIdx] = i;
multiples[nextIdx] = 0;
return 0;
This thing will do the old 0 to 0x3EF977 in the blink of an eye. The old version couldn't do the 32-bit maximum on my system. It's on 201 million + already. I am super chuffed with the results. Thank you for your advice. I wouldn't have made it this far without help.


Need to make code efficient and reduce time complexity

Given a range [ L , R ] (both inclusive), I have to tell find the maximum difference between two prime numbers in the given range. There are three answers possible for the given range.
If there is only one distinct prime number in the given range, then maximum difference in this case would be 0.
If there are no prime numbers in the given range, then output for this case would be -1.
Range: [ 1, 10 ]
The maximum difference between the prime numbers in the given range is 5.
Difference = 7 - 2 = 5
Range: [ 5, 5 ]
There is only one distinct prime number so the maximum difference would be 0.
Range: [ 8 , 10 ]
There is no prime number in the given range so the output for the given range would be -1.
Input Format
The first line of input consists of the number of test cases, T
Next T lines each consists of two space-separated integers, L and R
1<= T <=10
2<= L<= R<=10^6
This is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
int isprime(int n)
int i,c=0;
return 1;
return 0;
int main()
int t; //testnumber
for(int k=0;k<t;k++)
int l,r; //l=low or floor, r = highest range or ceiling;[l,r]
int n = r-l; //difference in range
int a[n];
int j=0;
for(int i=l;i<=r;i++)
a[j] = i;
int d = a[j-1]-a[0];
return 0;
When posting on a forum/stack or asking for review, try to name your variables appropriately. Otherwise, it becomes uneasy to follow the code or what is the purpose of which variable.
I wrote the code below hoping you will understand my implementation.
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
void isPrime(int num, int* primeNumber)
if (num == 2)
*primeNumber = num; //2 is a prime number
if (num%2 == 0)
return; //num is an even number, so, not prime
int limit = sqrt(num);
if (limit*limit == num)
return; //num is a square number, so, not prime
for (int i = 3; i <= limit; i=i+2)//to find if a number is prime or not, we only have to divide it from 2 to sqrt(num).
{ //i=i+2 skips even number, cause already checked if num is even or not.
if (num % i == 0)
return; //`num` is divisible by i, so, not prime
*primeNumber = num; //no divisible number found. so, num is prime.
int main()
int testNumber;
cout<< "Enter testNumber: ";
cin>> testNumber;
for (int i = 0; i < testNumber; ++i)
int newLow, low, high, lowestPrime = 0, highestPrime = -1;
cin>> low>> high;
newLow = low;
if (low == high)
for (int j = low; j <= high; ++j)//find the lowest prime
isPrime(j, &lowestPrime);
if (lowestPrime != 0)//if lowest prime found, lowestprime will no longer be 0
//cout<<"lowest prime: "<<lowestPrime<<endl;
newLow = j; //there is no prime number between low...newLow
for (int j = high; j >= newLow; j--)//find highest prime
isPrime(j, &highestPrime);
if (highestPrime != -1)//if highest prime found, highestprime will no longer be -1
//cout<<"highest prime: "<<highestPrime<<endl;
cout<<highestPrime - lowestPrime<<"\n";
return 0;
This task doesn't require any special algorithm(except checking if number is prime in O(sqrt(N))) to be solved efficiently. Think about prime numbers, what is the frequency of them on some range (for example on range from 1 to 100) what is some "pattern" that appears. Now, if i understood the task correctly you need to find maximal difference of primes on range which is last_prime_on_range - first_prime_on_range, from this and previous observation you can easily devise an efficient algorithm.
You don't need to check whole range, it would be enough to check from L to L+100
and from R to R-100, obviously if L+100>R you can just go from L to R.
If you want to be sure you can go from L to L+1000 and from R to R-1000 since it doesn't impact time complexity too much.
Also, adding a break; when you find a prime would also solve the problem.
Note that this gap between primes is not guaranteed to be bellow 100/1000 but for given range checking up to 1000 would be enough.
Now if you need to check all primes in range, you should learn about Sieve Of Eratosthenes.

How do I record the frequency of numbers inputted by a user using functions in C

Hey there i'm currently developing a lotto type game and one of my requirements is to record the frequency of the numbers inputted by the user and then display them if the users wishes to see them. The program also must be modular hence the functions.
My problem is that i can't seem to figure out how to keep track of the numbers I tried numerous things and this is the closest I've gotten...
void num_free(int *picked_nums)
static int elements[MAX] = { 0 };
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
if (*(picked_nums + i) == i)
for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
if (elements[i] != 0)
printf("\nThe amount of times you chose %d is %d", i, elements[i]);
printf("\nEnter any key to return to main menu");
The output of this every time i run it no matter the input is
"The amount of times you chose 11 is 1"
I'm really clueless as to what to do next so any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
EDIT: The user can play multiple rounds and thats how the frequency of the numbers can add up.
I think the main problem in your code is here:
if (*(picked_nums + i) == i)
you actually check if the i-th number the user chose equals to i. That means that increment is done only in that case - which is not what you want (if I got you right).
I think you should give up the if statement, and, assuming that the user chooses only non-negative numbers (and that the elements array is properly zeroed at the beginning), do this:
Namely, you increment the array cell matching the chosen number (and the i is only the index you use to iterate the picked_num array).
The problem is how you count and store the numbers:
if (*(picked_nums + i) == i)
Your i is moving and at the same time the element chosen from picked_nums is moving. This loop will not count or store properly.
The provided solution assumes that picked numbers are stored in the numbers array. I assumed that numbers are in 1 to 64 range. You can adjust program to your needs. Test provided:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void num_free(int picked_nums[], int size )
static int elements[65] = { 0 }; // numbers can be from 1 to 64 range
int i;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
int n = picked_nums[j];
for (i = 1; i < 65; i++) // numbers can be from 1 to 64 range
if ( n == i)
elements[i] = elements[i]+1;
for (i = 0; i < 65; i++)
if (elements[i] != 0)
printf("\nThe amount of times you chose %d is %d", i, elements[i]);
// printf("\nEnter any key to return to main menu");
// getchar();
// array of entered numbers:
int numbers[] = { 2, 2, 2, 40, 7, 7, 8, 9, 40 };
int main(void) {
num_free(numbers, 9); // call with sizeof numbers
return 0;
The amount of times you chose 2 is 3
The amount of times you chose 7 is 2
The amount of times you chose 8 is 1
The amount of times you chose 9 is 1
The amount of times you chose 40 is 2

How can I make this very small C program faster?

Is there any simple way to make this small program faster? I've made it for an assignment, and it's correct but too slow. The aim of the program is to print the nth pair of primes where the difference between the two is two, given n.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
bool isPrime(int number) {
for (int i = 3; i <= number/2; i += 2) {
if (!(number%i)) {
return 0;
return 1;
int findNumber(int n) {
int prevPrime, currentNumber = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
do {
prevPrime = currentNumber;
do {
} while (!isPrime(currentNumber));
} while (!(currentNumber - 2 == prevPrime));
return currentNumber;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int numberin, numberout;
scanf ("%d", &numberin);
numberout = findNumber(numberin);
printf("%d %d\n", numberout - 2, numberout);
return 0;
I considered using some kind of array or list that would contain all primes found up until the current number and divide each number by this list instead of all numbers, but we haven't really covered these different data structures yet so I feel I should be able to solve this problem without. I'm just starting with C, but I have some experience in Python and Java.
To find pairs of primes which differ by 2, you only need to find one prime and then add 2 and test if it is also prime.
if (isPrime(x) && isPrime(x+2)) { /* found pair */ }
To find primes the best algorithm is the Sieve of Eratosthenes. You need to build a lookup table up to (N) where N is the maximum number that you can get. You can use the Sieve to get in O(1) if a number is prime. While building the Sieve you can build a list of sorted primes.
If your N is big you can also profit from the fact that a number P is prime iif it doesn't have any prime factors <= SQRT(P) (because if it has a factor > SQRT(N) then it should also have one < SQRT(N)). You can build a Sieve of Eratosthenes with size SQRT(N) to get a list of primes and then test if any of those prime divides P. If none divides P, P is prime.
With this approach you can test numbers up to 1 billion or so relatively fast and with little memory.
Here is an improvement to speed up the loop in isPrime:
bool isPrime(int number) {
for (int i = 3; i * i <= number; i += 2) { // Changed the loop condition
if (!(number%i)) {
return 0;
return 1;
You are calling isPrime more often than necessary. You wrote
currentNummber = 3;
/* ... */
do {
} while (!isPrime(currentNumber));
...which means that isPrime is called for every odd number. However, when you identified that e.g. 5 is prime, you can already tell that 10, 15, 20 etc. are not going to be prime, so you don't need to test them.
This approach of 'crossing-out' multiples of primes is done when using a sieve filter, see e.g. Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm in C for an implementation of a sieve filter for primes in C.
Avoid testing ever 3rd candidate
Pairs of primes a, a+2 may only be found a = 6*n + 5. (except pair 3,5).
a + 0 = 6*n + 5 Maybe a prime
a + 2 = 6*n + 7 Maybe a prime
a + 4 = 6*n + 9 Not a prime when more than 3 as 6*n + 9 is a multiple of 3
So rather than test ever other integer with + 2, test with
a = 5;
loop {
if (isPrime(a) && isPrime(a+2)) PairCount++;
a += 6;
Improve loop exit test
Many processors/compilers, when calculating the remainder, will also have available, for nearly "free" CPU time cost, the quotient. YMMV. Use the quotient rather than i <= number/2 or i*i <= number to limit the test loop.
Use of sqrt() has a number of problems: range of double vs. int, exactness, conversion to/from integer. Recommend avoid sqrt() for this task.
Use unsigned for additional range.
bool isPrime(unsigned x) {
// With OP's selective use, the following line is not needed.
// Yet needed for a general purpose `isPrime()`
if (x%2 == 0) return x == 2;
if (x <= 3) return x == 3;
unsigned p = 1;
unsigned quotient, remainder;
do {
p += 2;
remainder = x%p;
if (remainder == 0) return false;
quotient = x/p; // quotient for "free"
} while (p < quotient); // Low cost compare
return true;

Why does this prime number algorithm work?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main() {
int anz;
scanf("%d", &anz);
time_t start = time(0);
int *primZ = malloc(anz * sizeof(int));
primZ[0] = 2;
int Num = 0;
for (int i = 1, num = 3; i < anz; num += 2) {
for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) {
if (num % primZ[j] == 0) {
num += 2;
j = 0;
//this part
if (primZ[j] > i / 2)
primZ[i] = num;
printf("%d ,",num);
time_t delta = time(0) - start;
printf("%d", delta);
return 0;
The code works perfectly fine, the question is why. The part if(primZ[j] > i/2) makes the program 2 - 3 times faster. It was actually meant to be if(primZ[j] > num/3) which makes perfect sense because num can only be an odd number. But it is the number of found prime numbers. It makes no sense to me. Please explain.
You check if the prime is composite by checking if it divisible by already found prime numbers. But in doing so you only have to check up to and including the square root of the number because any number larger than that that divides the number will leave a smaller number than the square root of the number.
For example 33 is composite, but you only have to check numbers up to 5 to realize that, you don't need to check it being divisible by 11 because it leaves 3 (33/11=3) which we already checked.
This means that you could improve your algorithm by
for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) {
if( primZ[j]*primZ[j] > num )
if (num % primZ[j] == 0) {
num += 2;
j = 0;
The reason you can get away with comparing with cutting of at i/2 is due to the distribution of the prime numbers. The prime counting function is approximately i = num/log(num) and then you get that i/2 > sqrt(num).
The reason is that the actual bound is much tighter than num/3 - you could use:
if (primZ[j] > sqrt(num))
The reason for that being that if a prime higher than the square root of num divides num, there must also be a lower prime that does (since the result of such a division must be lower than the square root).
This means that as long as i/2 is higher than sqrt(num), the code will work. What happens is that the number of primes lower than a number grows faster than the square root of that number, meaning that (completely accidentally) i/2 is a safe bound to use.
You can check out how your i value behaves here - they call it pi(x), the number of primes less than x.
It makes sense, since if n has two factors one of them is surely less than or equal to n/2, sense the program found no factors of i in primZ that are less than or equal to i/2 it means there's no factors of i -except 1 of course-.
Sense primZ is sorted in ascending order and j only increases, when primeZ[j] > i/2 it indicates that there's no factors of i in primZ that are less than i/2.
P.S.The point of starting the search is stated in the first part of the for statement num=3 , and the recurring statement num += 2 ensures you only test odd numbers

Counting number of primes within a given range of long int using C

Well, there are lots of such questions available in SO as well as other forums. However, none of these helped.
I wrote a program in "C" to find number of primes within a range. The range i in long int. I am using Sieve of Eratosthenes" algorithm. I am using an array of long ints to store all the numbers from 1 till the limit. I could not think of a better approach to achieve without using an array. The code works fine, till 10000000. But after that, it runs out of memory and exits. Below is my code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
typedef unsigned long uint_32;
int main() {
uint_32 i, N, *list, cross=0, j=4, k, primes_cnt = 0;
clock_t start, end;
double exec_time;
printf("Enter N\n");
scanf("%lu", &N);
list = (uint_32 *) malloc( (N+1) * sizeof(uint_32));
start = clock();
for(i=0; i<=N+1; i++) {
list[i] = i;
for(i=0; cross<=N/2; i++) {
if(i == 0)
cross = 2;
else if(i == 1)
cross = 3;
else {
for(j=cross+1; j<=N; j++) {
if(list[j] != 0){
cross = list[j];
for(k=cross*2; k<=N; k+=cross) {
if(k <= N)
list[k] = 0;
for(i=2; i<=N; i++) {
if(list[i] == 0)
printf("%lu", primes_cnt);
end = clock();
exec_time = (double) (end-start);
printf("\n%f", exec_time);
return 0;
I am stuck and can't think of a better way to achieve this. Any help will be hugely appreciated. Thanks.
My aim is to generate and print all prime numbers below the range. As printing consumed a lot of time, I thought of getting the first step right.
There are other algorithm that does not require you to generate prime number up to N to count number of prime below N. The easiest algorithm to implement is Legendre Prime Counting. The algorithm requires you to generate only sqrt(N) prime to determine the number of prime below N.
The idea behind the algorithm is that
pi(n) = phi(n, sqrt(n)) + pi(sqrt(n)) - 1
pi(n) = number of prime below N
phi(n, m) = number of number below N that is not divisible by any prime below m.
That's mean phi(n, sqrt(n)) = number of prime between sqrt(n) to n. For how to calculate the phi, you can go to the following link (Feasible implementation of a Prime Counting Function)
The reason why it is more efficient is because it is easiest to compute phi(n, m) than to compute pi(n). Let say that I want to compute phi(100, 3) means that how many number below or equal to 100 that does not divisible by 2 and 3. You can do as following. phi(100, 3) = 100 - 100/2 - 100/3 + 100/6.
Your code uses about 32 times as much memory as it needs. Note that since you initialized list[i] = i the assignment cross = list[j] can be replaced with cross = j, making it possible to replace list with a bit vector.
However, this is not enough to bring the range to 264, because your implementation would require 261 bytes (2 exbibytes) of memory, so you need to optimize some more.
The next thing to notice is that you do not need to go up to N/2 when "crossing" the numbers: √N is sufficient (you should be able to prove this by thinking about the result of dividing a composite number by its divisors above √N). This brings memory requirements within your reach, because your "crossing" primes would fit in about 4 GB of memory.
Once you have an array of crossing primes, you can build a partial sieve for any range without keeping in memory all ranges that precede it. This is called the Segmented sieve. You can find details on it, along with a simple implementation, on the page of primesieve generator. Another advantage of this approach is that you can parallelize it, bringing the time down even further.
You can tweak the algorithm a bit to calculate the prime numbers in chunks.
Load a part of the array (as much as fits the memory), and in addition hold a list of all known prime numbers.
Whenever you load a chunk, first go through the already known prime numbers, and similar to the regular sieve, set all non primes as such.
Then, go over the array again, mark whatever you can, and add to the list the new prime numbers found.
When done, you'll have a list containing all your prime numbers.
I could see that the approach you are using is the basic implementation of Eratosthenes, that first stick out all the 2's multiple and then 3's multiple and so on.
But I have a better solution to the question. Actually, there is question on spoj PRINT. Please go through it and do check the constraints it follows. Below is my code snippet for this problem:
int num[46500] = {0},prime[5000],prime_index = -1;
int main() {
/* First, calculate the prime up-to the sqrt(N) (preferably greater than, but near to
sqrt(N) */
prime[++prime_index] = 2; int i,j,k;
for(i=3; i<216; i += 2) {
if(num[i] == 0) {
prime[++prime_index] = i;
for(j = i*i, k = 2*i; j<=46500; j += k) {
num[j] = 1;
for(; i<=46500; i+= 2) {
if(num[i] == 0) {
prime[++prime_index] = i;
int t; // Stands for number of test cases
while(t--) {
bool arr[1000005] = {0}; int m,n,j,k;
if(m == 1)
if(m == 2 && m <= n) {
int sqt = sqrt(n) + 1;
for(i=0; i<=prime_index; i++) {
if(prime[i] > sqt) {
sqt = i;
for(; m<=n && m <= prime[prime_index]; m++) {
if(m&1 && num[m] == 0) {
if(m%2 == 0) {
for(i=1; i<=sqt; i++) {
j = (m%prime[i]) ? (m + prime[i] - m%prime[i]) : (m);
for(k=j; k<=n; k += prime[i]) {
arr[k-m] = 1;
for(i=0; i<=n-m; i += 2) {
if(!arr[i]) {
return 0;
I hope you got the point:
And, as you mentioned that your program is working fine up-to 10^7 but above it fails, it must be because you must be running out of the memory.
NOTE: I'm sharing my code only for knowledge purpose. Please, don't copy and paste it, until you get the point.
