Outlook AddIn using Visual Studio 2019 and Office Fabric UI React - reactjs

I am trying to develope a new Outlook AddIn using the highly recommended Office UI Fabric React. However, I am very comfortable with Visual Studio and would like to take advantage of the multiple helpful features of the software. Is there a way I can harness the power of both components together? I don't want to have to use Visual Studio Code and the command line. Is there any way to do this?


Import and export Excel in visual studio 2019. WPF (NET Core) and MVVM

I am totally newbie and trying to make an application that can handle an Excel spreadsheet. I am making it in Visual Studio 2019. It is a WPF application (.NET Core) using MVVM model (I used a template from Windows Template Studio). The idea is to be able to read or import the file .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .cvs, etc. and display it in a DataGridView, create or edit items, and rewrite or export it to the spreadsheet.
I installed different nuget packages. OleDB, compatibility, others that I do not remember. Finally, I deleted the project and started again. Now I posted it on GitHub. I currently have the nuget package System.Data.OleDb and Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility installed. I followed a tutorial but I had to correct many compatibility errors with net framework and windows form.
The specific question would be what is the most correct way to implement this functionality or what is the way to correct compatibility errors?
Thanks in advance!

Rehosted Microsoft Workflow Designer UI

I have recently created a rehosted Workflow Designer application and noticed that the UI looks outdated when compared with how it looks in Visual Studio. Does anyone know which could be the problem?
No matter what version of .NET I'm using (for example 4.6 or 4.7), the UI still doesn't update. I have also followed the next article to enable Workflow 4.5 features, but without any success on the UI side.
(WF4.5) Enabling new .Net framework 4.5 features in your rehosted designer application https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/tilovell/2012/06/04/wf4-5-enabling-new-net-framework-4-5-features-in-your-rehosted-designer-application
In the rehosted WF application it looks like this:
While in Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition if looks like this (notice the updated colours, icons and toolbox):
Any clues? Thanks!

React (jsx) support in Visual Studio 2017

Is there any way to get any support for jsx-syntax in visual studio?
preferably for both .js- and .jsx-files
All I get now is squiggly lines over the shop, so anything better than that would be great
I specifically wrote that I not want another IDE just for my react code. For some reason it disappeared from the final text... Now, as the Title suggests:
Is there any way to get any support for jsx-syntax in visual studio 2017?

Can Surface SDK run on Visual Studio 2012?

I need to create a WPF app using the Surface SDK. I am using Visual Studio 2012, and according to this SO post, VS2012 doesn't allow that. However, since this was posted before it was officially released, I want to make sure I'm not missing something.
I just need a few of the touch/swipe controls that come with it. Is there a different option for VS2012? The other developer is using 2010, so it needs to be able to still run on his machine. It's a very simple app that I just need to hammer out, so I'm looking for the fastest, easiest method. Both of us and the end application is to run on Windows 7.
I found an easy solution by which it seems to work. It does expect you to have Visual Studio 2010 installed. Following the following steps I managed to compile in Visual Studio 2012 using .NET 4.5. TouchDown events work. I tried it out on some small projects and they seem to work perfectly fine.
Use Visual Studio 2010 to set up a Surface project.
Safe and close Visual Studio 2010.
Open the solution using Visual Studio 2012.
Change the target framework under project settings to .NET 4.5.
Save as a new solution file.
Compile, ... everything works!
This method prevents you from having to set up all the configuration files/references yourself. The only downside is you don't have any of the Surface tools integrated into the IDE. E.g. the toolbox, project templates, ... This of course doesn't prevent you from writing plain XAML yourself.
If for some reason this doesn't work in the long run I will update this post.
The easiest way will unfortunately be for you to run VS2010.
Currently the SDK is not supported in VS2012, for a few reasons.
Notably, the way that touch works in Win8 is a lot better than in previous versions of Windows. This unfortunately meant a rewrite of the touch layer that the Surface SDK uses. The new controls are written to adapt dynamically based on mouse/touch input, making the Surface SDK controls a bit redundant.
Microsoft might make the SDK available for VS2012 in the future, but this is kind of debatable.
If you are still dead set on giving it a shot, download an application called Orca (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa370557(v=vs.85).aspx) and edit the SDK installer file, removing the dependency on VS2010.
This is how I got the Surface 1 SDK to work with VS2010, since it was targeting VS2008 (note that it still has not been updated to work with VS2010)
Let me know how you go.

Can I host the Visual Studio 2010 editor in my application?

I am wondering whether it's feasible to host the Visual Studio 2010 editor in my WPF application - I understand the new editor is written in WPF.
If so, what control should I use?
Not an answer to your exact question (though I would bet that hosting part of vs.net isn't readily supported or licensed)...
SharpDevelop makes their code editor, Avalon Edit, available as a standalone. I'm using the beta WPF version and it is quite nice. It's got configurable syntax highlighting and auto completion support.
I can confirm that this is not supported in Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2008.
See http://blogs.msdn.com/wpfsldesigner/pages/general-wpf-and-silverlight-designer-faq.aspx item 5.
Mark Wilson-Thomas
Program Manager, WPF & Silverlight Designer Team, Visual Studio
Not all of the Microsoft applications is based on the available-to-all controls. I don't see any reason, why the VS2010 should be the exclusion.
I'm sure the SharpDevelop one is probably the best option, however you could also look at ScintillaNET. This is used by MyGeneration and it very configurable.
