Memory Management with pointers - c

I am developing a C library which has three functions. Init function takes a (void*) pointer to a memory chunk. I need to develop functions to allocate and deallocate memory blocks from that said chunk. What this means is that I have to keep track of which parts of the memory chunk I have allocated and which parts are free. Problem is, the structure I will implement to track the memory also has to be part of said memory chunk. I am not allowed to allocate new memory for my management structure.
And I have no idea how to do that.
Currently, I am planning to designate first few hundred bytes as header space and divide the rest into frames of equal size. I will use header space to create an array which will keep track of which frames are allocated. To do that, I need a way to convert memory address into long int so I can save them into the array and my search so far yielded nothing.
Is there any way to accomplish that?
Failing that is there any other way to implement a management structure in this situation.

To do that, I need a way to convert memory address into long int so I can save them into the array and my search so far yielded nothing.
Is there any way to accomplish that?
Generally, you do not need to convert memory addresses to an integer type merely to keep track of them. Options include:
Work with pointers within the memory chunk you are given, using char * to perform arithmetic.
Subtract the base address of the memory (again with char *) from pointers within it to get offsets of type ptrdiff_t (defined in <stddef.h>) and use those.
Convert the addresses to the integer type uintptr_t (defined in <stdint.h>). Unlike the other options, this has implementation-dependent behavior. In common C implementations, the result of conversion will be a simple memory address that you can perform arithmetic on as expected. But, in some C implementations, the result will be more complicated, so the code will not be fully portable.


How does free() function know how much bytes to deallocate and how to access that information with in our program? [duplicate]

In C programming, you can pass any kind of pointer you like as an argument to free, how does it know the size of the allocated memory to free? Whenever I pass a pointer to some function, I have to also pass the size (ie an array of 10 elements needs to receive 10 as a parameter to know the size of the array), but I do not have to pass the size to the free function. Why not, and can I use this same technique in my own functions to save me from needing to cart around the extra variable of the array's length?
When you call malloc(), you specify the amount of memory to allocate. The amount of memory actually used is slightly more than this, and includes extra information that records (at least) how big the block is. You can't (reliably) access that other information - and nor should you :-).
When you call free(), it simply looks at the extra information to find out how big the block is.
Most implementations of C memory allocation functions will store accounting information for each block, either in-line or separately.
One typical way (in-line) is to actually allocate both a header and the memory you asked for, padded out to some minimum size. So for example, if you asked for 20 bytes, the system may allocate a 48-byte block:
16-byte header containing size, special marker, checksum, pointers to next/previous block and so on.
32 bytes data area (your 20 bytes padded out to a multiple of 16).
The address then given to you is the address of the data area. Then, when you free the block, free will simply take the address you give it and, assuming you haven't stuffed up that address or the memory around it, check the accounting information immediately before it. Graphically, that would be along the lines of:
____ The allocated block ____
/ \
| Header | Your data area ... |
+-- The address you are given
Keep in mind the size of the header and the padding are totally implementation defined (actually, the entire thing is implementation-defined (a) but the in-line accounting option is a common one).
The checksums and special markers that exist in the accounting information are often the cause of errors like "Memory arena corrupted" or "Double free" if you overwrite them or free them twice.
The padding (to make allocation more efficient) is why you can sometimes write a little bit beyond the end of your requested space without causing problems (still, don't do that, it's undefined behaviour and, just because it works sometimes, doesn't mean it's okay to do it).
(a) I've written implementations of malloc in embedded systems where you got 128 bytes no matter what you asked for (that was the size of the largest structure in the system), assuming you asked for 128 bytes or less (requests for more would be met with a NULL return value). A very simple bit-mask (i.e., not in-line) was used to decide whether a 128-byte chunk was allocated or not.
Others I've developed had different pools for 16-byte chunks, 64-bytes chunks, 256-byte chunks and 1K chunks, again using a bit-mask to decide what blocks were used or available.
Both these options managed to reduce the overhead of the accounting information and to increase the speed of malloc and free (no need to coalesce adjacent blocks when freeing), particularly important in the environment we were working in.
From the comp.lang.c FAQ list: How does free know how many bytes to free?
The malloc/free implementation remembers the size of each block as it is allocated, so it is not necessary to remind it of the size when freeing. (Typically, the size is stored adjacent to the allocated block, which is why things usually break badly if the bounds of the allocated block are even slightly overstepped)
This answer is relocated from How does free() know how much memory to deallocate? where I was abrubtly prevented from answering by an apparent duplicate question. This answer then should be relevant to this duplicate:
For the case of malloc, the heap allocator stores a mapping of the original returned pointer, to relevant details needed for freeing the memory later. This typically involves storing the size of the memory region in whatever form relevant to the allocator in use, for example raw size, or a node in a binary tree used to track allocations, or a count of memory "units" in use.
free will not fail if you "rename" the pointer, or duplicate it in any way. It is not however reference counted, and only the first free will be correct. Additional frees are "double free" errors.
Attempting to free any pointer with a value different to those returned by previous mallocs, and as yet unfreed is an error. It is not possible to partially free memory regions returned from malloc.
On a related note GLib library has memory allocation functions which do not save implicit size - and then you just pass the size parameter to free. This can eliminate part of the overhead.
The heap manager stored the amount of memory belonging to the allocated block somewhere when you called malloc.
I never implemented one myself, but I guess the memory right in front of the allocated block might contain the meta information.
The original technique was to allocate a slightly larger block and store the size at the beginning, then give the application the rest of the blog. The extra space holds a size and possibly links to thread the free blocks together for reuse.
There are certain issues with those tricks, however, such as poor cache and memory management behavior. Using memory right in the block tends to page things in unnecessarily and it also creates dirty pages which complicate sharing and copy-on-write.
So a more advanced technique is to keep a separate directory. Exotic approaches have also been developed where areas of memory use the same power-of-two sizes.
In general, the answer is: a separate data structure is allocated to keep state.
malloc() and free() are system/compiler dependent so it's hard to give a specific answer.
More information on this other question.
To answer the second half of your question: yes, you can, and a fairly common pattern in C is the following:
typedef struct {
size_t numElements
int elements[1]; /* but enough space malloced for numElements at runtime */
} IntArray_t;
#define SIZE 10
IntArray_t* myArray = malloc(sizeof(intArray_t) + SIZE * sizeof(int));
myArray->numElements = SIZE;
to answer the second question, yes you could (kind of) use the same technique as malloc()
by simply assigning the first cell inside every array to the size of the array.
that lets you send the array without sending an additional size argument.
When we call malloc it's simply consume more byte from it's requirement. This more byte consumption contain information like check sum,size and other additional information.
When we call free at that time it directly go to that additional information where it's find the address and also find how much block will be free.

Pointer alignment issue

I have the content of a file already loaded in memory and I want to assign the data from the file to a convenient set of structs, and I donĀ“t want to allocate new memory.
So I have the pointer of the memory where the data from the file starts, from there I work down this pointer assigning the values to different structs but then I reach a point where the program crashes.
//_pack_dynamic is the pointer to the data in memory
us *l_all_indexes = (us *) _pack_dynamic; //us is an unsigned short
printf("Index 0:%d", l_all_indexes[0]); //here is where the program crashes
_pack_dynamic += sizeof(us) * m_number_of_indexes;
The data, at least for the first element, is there, I can get it out like so:
us temp;
memcpy(&temp, _pack_dynamic, sizeof(us));
Any idea how I could extract all the indexes (m_number_of_indexes) from _pack_dynamic and assign them to l_all_indexes without allocating new memory?
Accessing _pack_dynamic as if it contained us object(s) has undefined behaviour unless it actually does contain such objects (this is a slight simplification, but a good rule of thumb. An array of char certainly cannot be interpreted as short).
The memcpy way into a proper us object is the only standard way to interpret memory as an object. Another approach for integers is to read char by char and shift-mask-or them together. This approach allows assuming a particular endianness instead of native.
A system dependent way that might work is to make sure that _pack_dynamic is aligned to the boundary required by us. But even then, standard gives you no guarantees about behaviour.
"Allocating" an automatic variable has hardly any runtime overhead. Allocating a few bytes for a short is usually insignificant.

Can we know the length of the pointer returned by mxRealloc or mxMalloc?

Given a pointer returned by mxGetPr or mxRealloc, are we still able to get its length? Since MATLAB manages memory of the pointers, does it store the meta data for us to query?
Your question is a bit unclear, so let me try to explain the two functions:
mxGetPr is called on an existing mxArray numeric array to retrieve pointer to its data (to be exact, pointer to double real data). If you want to know the length of this data, you can query the original array itself using mxGetNumberOfElements.
mxRealloc and related functions are similar to the standard malloc family of function available in C. So if you're using them, you know what size they are since you're the one allocating the memory!
The purpose of mxRealloc and related functions is to allow MATLAB to auto-manage memory to some extent; so when a MEX-function returns, MATLAB takes care of releasing any registered heap memory allocated with mxMalloc and such.
Now writing good code means you should free your own memory (it can slow things down if you rely on this automatic memory management), but it does come in handy in certain cases (think throwing an error inside a MEX function without having to rely on ugly goto statements to ensure resources are freed on exit).

structures containing structures vs. structures containing pointers

The following question is in regards to C programming. I am using Microchip C30 compiler (because I know someone will ask)
What is the difference between having a structure which contains several other structures vs a structure which contains several pointers to other structures? Does one make for faster code execution than the other? Does one technique use more or less memory? Does the memory get allocated at the same time in both cases?
If I use the following code does memory automatically get allocated for the subStruct?
// Header file...
typedef struct{
int a;
subStruct * b;
} mainStruct;
typedef struct{
int c;
int d;
extern mainStruct myMainStruct;
// source file...
mainStruct myMainStruct;
int main(void)
If you use a pointer, you have to allocate the memory yourself. If you use a substructure, you can allocate the entire thing in one go, either using malloc or on the stack.
What you need depends on your use case:
Pointers will give you smaller struct's
Substructures provide better locality of reference
A pointer may point to either a single struct or the first member in an array of them, while substructures are self-documenting: there's always one of them unless you use an array explicitly
Pointers take up some space, for the pointer itself + overhead from extra memory allocations
And no, it doesn't matter which compiler you use :)
Memory for pointers doesn't get automatically allocated, but when you contain whole structure in your struct, it does.
Also - with pointers you are likely to have fragmented memory - each pointed part of tructure could be in other part of memory.
But with poniters you can share the same substructures across many structs (but this makes changing and deleting them later harder).
Memory for a pointer wouldn't be automatically allocated. You would need to run:
In terms of performance, there is likely a small hit to going from one structure to another via the pointer.
As far as speed goes, it varies. Generally, including structs, rather than pointers, will be faster, because the CPU doesn't have to dereference the pointer for every member access. However, if some of the members aren't used very often, and the sub-struct's size is massive, the structure might not fit in the cache and this can slow down your code quite a bit.
Using pointers will use /slightly/ more memory (but only the size of the pointers themselves) than the direct approach.
Usually with pointers to sub-structs you'll allocate the sub-structs separately, but you can write some kind of initialization function which abstracts all the allocation out to "the same time." In your code, memory is allocated for myMainStruct on the stack, but the b member will be garbage. You need to call malloc to allocate heap memory for b, or create a subStruct object on the stack and point myMainStruct.b to it.
What is the difference between having a structure which contains several other structures vs a structure which contains several pointers to other structures?
In the first case what you have is essentially one big structure in contiguous memory. In the "pointers to structures" case your master structure just contains the addresses to the sub-structures which are allocated separately.
Does one make for faster code execution than the other?
The difference should be negligible, but pointers method is will be slightly slower. This is because you must dereference the pointer with each access to the substructure.
Does one technique use more or less memory?
The pointer method uses number_of_pointers * sizeof(void*) more memory. sizeof(void*) will be 4 for 32-bit and 8 for 64-bit.
Does the memory get allocated at the same time in both cases?
No, you need to go through each pointer in your master struct and allocate memory for the sub-structs via malloc().
The pointers add a layer of indirection to the code, which is useful for switching out the sub-structs or having more than one pointer point to the same sub-struct. Having different master-structs pointing to common sub-structs in particular could save quite a bit of memory and allocation time.

Why does C need arrays if it has pointers?

If we can use pointers and malloc to create and use arrays, why does the array type exist in C? Isn't it unnecessary if we can use pointers instead?
Arrays are faster than dynamic memory allocation.
Arrays are "allocated" at "compile time" whereas malloc allocates at run time. Allocating takes time.
Also, C does not mandate that malloc() and friends are available in free-standing implementations.
Example of array
#define DECK_SIZE 52
int main(void) {
int deck[DECK_SIZE];
play(deck, DECK_SIZE);
return 0;
Example of malloc()
int main(void) {
size_t len = 52;
int *deck = malloc(len * sizeof *deck);
if (deck) {
play(deck, len);
return 0;
In the array version, the space for the deck array was reserved by the compiler when the program was created (but, of course, the memory is only reserved/occupied when the program is being run), in the malloc() version, space for the deck array has to be requested at every run of the program.
Arrays can never change size, malloc'd memory can grow when needed.
If you only need a fixed number of elements, use an array (within the limits of your implementation).
If you need memory that can grow or shrink during the running of the program, use malloc() and friends.
It's not a bad question. In fact, early C had no array types.
Global and static arrays are allocated at compile time (very fast). Other arrays are allocated on the stack at runtime (fast). Allocating memory with malloc (to be used for an array or otherwise) is much slower. A similar thing is seen in deallocation: dynamically allocated memory is slower to deallocate.
Speed is not the only issue. Array types are automatically deallocated when they go out of scope, so they cannot be "leaked" by mistake. You don't need to worry about accidentally freeing something twice, and so on. They also make it easier for static analysis tools to detect bugs.
You may argue that there is the function _alloca() which lets you allocate memory from the stack. Yes, there is no technical reason why arrays are needed over _alloca(). However, I think arrays are more convenient to use. Also, it is easier for the compiler to optimise the use of an array than a pointer with an _alloca() return value in it, since it's obvious what a stack-allocated array's offset from the stack pointer is, whereas if _alloca() is treated like a black-box function call, the compiler can't tell this value in advance.
EDIT, since tsubasa has asked for more details on how this allocation occurs:
On x86 architectures, the ebp register normally refers to the current function's stack frame, and is used to reference stack-allocated variables. For instance, you may have an int located at [ebp - 8] and a char array stretching from [ebp - 24] to [ebp - 9]. And perhaps more variables and arrays on the stack. (The compiler decides how to use the stack frame at compile time. C99 compilers allow variable-size arrays to be stack allocated, this is just a matter of doing a tiny bit of work at runtime.)
In x86 code, pointer offsets (such as [ebp - 16]) can be represented in a single instruction. Pretty efficient.
Now, an important point is that all stack-allocated variables and arrays in the current context are retrieved via offsets from a single register. If you call malloc there is (as I have said) some processing overhead in actually finding some memory for you. But also, malloc gives you a new memory address. Let's say it is stored in the ebx register. You can't use an offset from ebp anymore, because you can't tell what that offset will be at compile time. So you are basically "wasting" an extra register that you would not need if you used a normal array instead. If you malloc more arrays, you have more "unpredictable" pointer values that magnify this problem.
Arrays have their uses, and should be used when you can, as static allocation will help make programs more stable, and are a necessity at times due to the need to ensure memory leaks don't happen.
They exist because some requirements require them.
In a language such as BASIC, you have certain commands that are allowed, and this is known, due to the language construct. So, what is the benefit of using malloc to create the arrays, and then fill them in from strings?
If I have to define the names of the operations anyway, why not put them into an array?
C was written as a general purpose language, which means that it should be useful in any situation, so they had to ensure that it had the constructs to be useful for writing operating systems as well as embedded systems.
An array is a shorthand way to specify pointing to the beginning of a malloc for example.
But, imagine trying to do matrix math by using pointer manipulations rather than vec[x] * vec[y]. It would be very prone to difficult to find errors.
See this question discussing space hardening and C. Sometimes dynamic memory allocation is just a bad idea, I have worked with C libraries that are completely devoid of malloc() and friends.
You don't want a satellite dereferencing a NULL pointer any more than you want air traffic control software forgetting to zero out heap blocks.
Its also important (as others have pointed out) to understand what is part of C and what extends it into various uniform standards (i.e. POSIX).
Arrays are a nice syntax improvement compared to dealing with pointers. You can make all sorts of mistakes unknowingly when dealing with pointers. What if you move too many spaces across the memory because you're using the wrong byte size?
Explanation by Dennis Ritchie about C history:
Embryonic C
NB existed so briefly that no full description of it was written. It supplied the types int and char, arrays of them, and pointers to them, declared in a style typified by
int i, j;
char c, d;
int iarray[10];
int ipointer[];
char carray[10];
char cpointer[];
The semantics of arrays remained exactly as in B and BCPL: the declarations of iarray and carray create cells dynamically initialized with a value pointing to the first of a sequence of 10 integers and characters respectively. The declarations for ipointer and cpointer omit the size, to assert that no storage should be allocated automatically. Within procedures, the language's interpretation of the pointers was identical to that of the array variables: a pointer declaration created a cell differing from an array declaration only in that the programmer was expected to assign a referent, instead of letting the compiler allocate the space and initialize the cell.
Values stored in the cells bound to array and pointer names were the machine addresses, measured in bytes, of the corresponding storage area. Therefore, indirection through a pointer implied no run-time overhead to scale the pointer from word to byte offset. On the other hand, the machine code for array subscripting and pointer arithmetic now depended on the type of the array or the pointer: to compute iarray[i] or ipointer+i implied scaling the addend i by the size of the object referred to.
These semantics represented an easy transition from B, and I experimented with them for some months. Problems became evident when I tried to extend the type notation, especially to add structured (record) types. Structures, it seemed, should map in an intuitive way onto memory in the machine, but in a structure containing an array, there was no good place to stash the pointer containing the base of the array, nor any convenient way to arrange that it be initialized. For example, the directory entries of early Unix systems might be described in C as
struct {
int inumber;
char name[14];
I wanted the structure not merely to characterize an abstract object but also to describe a collection of bits that might be read from a directory. Where could the compiler hide the pointer to name that the semantics demanded? Even if structures were thought of more abstractly, and the space for pointers could be hidden somehow, how could I handle the technical problem of properly initializing these pointers when allocating a complicated object, perhaps one that specified structures containing arrays containing structures to arbitrary depth?
The solution constituted the crucial jump in the evolutionary chain between typeless BCPL and typed C. It eliminated the materialization of the pointer in storage, and instead caused the creation of the pointer when the array name is mentioned in an expression. The rule, which survives in today's C, is that values of array type are converted, when they appear in expressions, into pointers to the first of the objects making up the array.
To summarize in my own words - if name above were just a pointer, any of that struct would contain an additional pointer, destroying the perfect mapping of it to an external object (like an directory entry).
