Push images to server from a specific folders via discord.py - discord

I have some problems with my discord bot, I'll try to explain as much as I can.
So i have a bot's folder, which contains a bot itself, and a folder named commands, basically it's where my cogs are stored, and inside the folder commands there is a folder named images, in which i saved images for my bot to pick randomly. the problem is that i couldn't manage to tell the bot to take images from that specific folder, and instead it only works if i put images directly into bot's folder (the first folder). I've tried many things, such as:
async def randomimage(self, ctx):
for list os.listdir(./commands/images/):
list = (images here)
await ctx.send('take this', file=discord.File(random.choice(list)))
but that didn't help either, i can just put /commands/images/(image) to every image but the list is huge and i don't want to write path to every image there.
import discord
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import random
from discord.ext import commands
import os
TOKEN = os.getenv('TOKEN')
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '.')
#this script types "Connected!" in terminal if nothing has gone wrong
async def on_ready():
for filename in os.listdir('./commands'):
if filename.endswith('.py'):
the whole command:
import discord
import os
import random
from discord.ext import commands
class randomimage(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def randomimage(self, ctx):
#waiting for suggestion on this line
list = (image list)
await ctx.send('take this', file=discord.File(random.choice(list)))
def setup(client):
I'm kind of noob here so any help would be greatly appreciated

I've figured this out. Apparently answer was as easy as changing a directory, literally
I've used os.chdir('./commands/images') and it worked.
Edit: Apparently I was wrong and that didn't work either
Update: apparently os.chdir works, but I have to specify the full path, like /home/user/discordbot/commands/images, so yes, that works


Extentions and Cogs not working in discord.py v2

I am trying to get export my troll commands in a discord bot i run to a new file, using cogs and extensions. However, the commands do not register, and I'm not sure why. I'll send the code here. (just ignore the weird function launch, it makes more sense when you look at the bot entirely but its spread thought 2k lines. )
import os
import sys
import time
import datetime
import discord
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
from discord import Intents
import assets
import role_counter
from discord.ext import commands
import discord.ext.commands
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import git_push
import merit_config
import trolls
TOKEN = os.getenv('DISCORD_TOKEN')
GUILD = os.getenv('DISCORD_GUILD')
cogs = ['cogs.trolls']
def startup(START):
global LAUNCH
global bot
intents = Intents.all()
bot = commands.Bot(intents=intents, command_prefix='.')
initial_extensions = ['cogs.trolls']
if __name__ == '__main__':
for extension in initial_extensions:
def main():
while True:
import assets
from discord.ext import commands
class troll_commands(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def troll(self, ctx):
if ctx.channel.id == '936902313589764146' or '939028644175699968':
await ctx.send(f"```{assets.troll_command()}```")
await self.bot.process_commands()
def setup(bot):
I've mirrored every example i can find, it just isn't working and idk why. If I'm missing some code to reporodce please just tell me, ill edit this post.
It depends on the version you're currently using but as you're having issues, you need to clarify what sort of error you're getting.
If you're using V2 then you do need to use async for the majority of your code now, here's a migration guide if you would like to take a look: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/migrating.html.
The main areas that you need to fix are:
if __name__ == '__main__':
for extension in initial_extensions:
bot.load_extension(extension) # you need to await this
def main(): # you aren't ever calling main
while True:
def setup(bot): # needs to be async
bot.add_cog(troll_commands(bot)) # needs to be awaited
There are some other things you should reconsider like global vars but this should work for now.
You have to use async and await to be able to add a cog.
You have to async and await the extension loading and running the bot
await bot.load_extension(extension)
async def setup(bot):
await bot.add_cog(Command(bot))

How to create a specific Discord bot that can create a note on a discord account which anyone/any admins can read

I want to create a discord bot in which you can create a note on accounts. Say i wanna make a not on user user#1111, i would do something like !note #user#1111 New note. I want to make it in python but im not too sure if i can do it on there? Thanks!
Edit: Anyways, my answer was really bad since I provided a false example. Well, it is because I don’t really use SQL, I only know how to use to replit database. And if you are on replit, the following code will work for you; if not, you can’t use this code.
import discord
from replit import db
from discord.ext import commands
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="n!")
async def on_ready():
print(f"Logged in as {bot.user}")
async def note(ctx, user: discord.User, *, content):
if str(user.id) not in db.keys(): # If the user ID is not in the keys of the database:
db[str(user.id)] = {str(ctx.author.id):content}
dic = db[str(user.id)]
dic[str(ctx.author.id)] = content
db[str(user.id)] = dic
await ctx.send(f"Saved your note for {user}: {content}")
Old answer (bad)
You can use a database like SQL. You can just make a command and saves the content entered after the command to the database. This is my example (I am using replit instead of SQL. **Don’t use this.**):
import discord
from replit import db
from discord.ext import commands
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="n!")
async def on_ready():
print(f"Logged in as {bot.user}")
async def note(ctx, user: discord.User, content):
db[str(user.id)] = {str(ctx.author.id):content}

Command __ not found

I have a webhook cog for a discord bot I'm making. I want to make the embarrass command (in the webhook cog) trigger a webhook to be created with a user's name and pfp, which is working just fine. however, I also want this command to be able to be set onto a specific user, and that is where the problem arises. When I try to add a member parameter into the embarrass function, so it looks like: async def embarrass(self, ctx, member: discord.Member
it doesn't work. every time I execute the command after that I get a "command embarrass not found" error. this holds true regardless of if I pass through the paramter, and if I add member: discord.Member = None to it to make it not required; nothing I've done works. I would greatly appreciate any help on this topic.
Here is my main.py:
import random
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import json
import keep_alive
from discord import Game
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
import datetime
import re
import time
from subprocess import call
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.utils import get
import text
import os
TOKEN = os.environ['token']
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=".")
startup_extensions = ["Cog.Cog_Template", "Cog.webhooks"]
async def on_ready():
# On read, after startup
print(f"Connecting...\nConnected {bot.user}\n") # Send message on connected
if __name__ == "__main__": # When script is loaded, this will run
for extension in startup_extensions:
bot.load_extension(extension) # Loads cogs successfully
except Exception as e:
exc = '{}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e)
print('Failed to load extension {}\n{}'.format(extension, exc))
And here is my cog file (its called webhook.py and its in a folder called Cog:
from discord import Webhook, RequestsWebhookAdapter
from discord.ext import commands
import random
embarrasslist = ["I use and throughly like airpods","I respond with \"^\" to everything because I'm too dumb to have an original thought of my own","The only time I ever go outside is for school","I made a discord server where exactly 3 people joined, and they were were my alt accounts.","I get legitimately scared when I play five nights at freddy's","I play PC Games with a steam controller","I unironically use 69 in my usernames","I cried myself to sleep when I found out that my favourite chair had a dent in it","My parent's gave me a PS Move instead of a Wii for christmas","I unironically watch Ali-A","I spam .embarrass because I am very narcissistic and want to see my face on a bot", "I couldn't teach my son how to ride a bike cause I can't ride one myself","I own a sonic pillow and I kiss it every night before I go to sleep","I set my favorite 3ds game to system settings because I thought I was being clever","I set my favorite 3ds game to system settings because I can't buy any more games","Paul Blart: Maul Cop is my favorite movie","I thought shrek 3 wasn't bad","I have a gameinformer subscription","It took me a full day to beat the first level of super mario bros","My favorite emote is :joy:","I spent 2 hours learning how to make a new folder on my computer","I torrented fortnite"]
class WebHooks(commands.Cog, name="WebHooks"):
global embarrasslist
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def embarrass(self, ctx, member: discord.Member = None):
"""Send a message as a webhook"""
if member != None:
user = member
elif member = None:
user = ctx.message.author
embarrassnumber = random.randint(0,21)
embarrassment = embarrasslist[embarrassnumber]
looking_webhooks = await ctx.channel.webhooks()
if looking_webhooks:
for webhook in looking_webhooks:
if webhook.name == "NexInfinite-GitHub":
await send_webhook(webhook, embarrassment, ctx, user)
webhook = await ctx.channel.create_webhook(name="NexInfinite-GitHub")
await send_webhook(webhook, embarrassment, ctx, user)
#commands.command(name="embaras", aliases = ["embarras","embarass"])
async def embarras(self, ctx):
"""Send a message as a webhook"""
cantspell = "I don't know how to spell *embarrass* properly"
looking_webhooks = await ctx.channel.webhooks()
if looking_webhooks:
for webhook in looking_webhooks:
if webhook.name == "NexInfinite-GitHub":
await send_webhook(webhook, cantspell, ctx)
webhook = await ctx.channel.create_webhook(name="NexInfinite-GitHub")
await send_webhook(webhook, cantspell, ctx)
def setup(bot):
async def send_webhook(webhook, message, ctx, uservar):
webhook_id = webhook.id
webhook_token = webhook.token
webhook = Webhook.partial(int(webhook_id),
webhook.send(f'{message}', username=f"{ctx.uservar.display_name}",
avatar_url=ctx.uservar.avatar_url) # Sends the message as the author
I am running this on repl.it so thats why I import keep_alive, and I have another cog that I added with other commands but that doesn’t seem to be the issue either. I can add it if you request it however.
Thanks for the help!
I forgot to import discord at the top, so I couldn't successfully use discord.Member. Importing discord solved this issue.

I want to loop renaming the bot in discord.py rewrite, but its not doing anything when I run something like this

When I run this it doesn't change the nickname of my bot.
latest_names is a list of names.
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
from itertools import cycle
latest_names = andres.get_latest()
namess = cycle(latest_names)
async def change_name():
await guild.me.edit(nick=next(status))
You need to call self.change_name.start() to start the loop. You should do this in the init() function of a cog.
If it isn't in a cog, then don't add the self. bit.

Discord.py - Tag a random user

I recently started working with Discord.py.
My question is: How can I tag a random user, for example if you write !tag in the chat? I haven't found an answer yet.
if message.content.startswith('+best'):
userid = '<# # A RANDOM ID #>'
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, ' : %s is the best ' % userid)
Here's how I'd do it:
Generate a list of users in your server
Use random.choice to select a random user from the list
Mention that user using the API (or if you'd like, do it manually) along with your message
Here's the implementation:
from random import choice
if message.content.startswith('+best'):
user = choice(message.channel.guild.members)
yield from client.send_message(message.channel, ' : %s is the best ' % user.mention)
Elaborating on aeshthetic's answer, you can do something like this:
import random
if message.content.startswith('+best'):
channel = message.channel
randomMember = random.choice(channel.guild.members)
await channel.send(f'{randomMember.mention} is the best')
Please note that the code is in the rewrite version of discord.py and not the async version - if you're using the async version, I'd recommend you migrate to rewrite as support for the async version of discord.py has ceased. To learn more about that, refer to the migrating documentation found here.
Let me know if you need help - happy coding!
I was playing around a bit and got this to work, you can try it.
async def hug(ctx):
user = choice(ctx.message.channel.guild.members)
await ctx.send(f'{ctx.message.author.mention} hugged {user.mention}')
First of all, I suggest you install discord.py-rewrite, as it is more advanced.
Then, I suggest you create bot commands using the #client.command() decorator, like this:
async def testcommand(ctx):
Now that you have done both things, there are several ways to do it. For example, if you don't want the bot to mention the command invoker or other bots, you can write:
from random import choice
from discord.ext import commands
async def tag(ctx):
await ctx.send(choice(tuple(member.mention for member in ctx.guild.members if not member.bot and member!=ctx.author)))
except IndexError:
await ctx.send("You are the only human member on it!")
If you don't want the bot to mention other bots, but it can mention the command invoker, use:
from random import choice
from discord.ext import commands
async def tag(ctx):
await ctx.send(choice(tuple(member.mention for member in ctx.guild.members if not member.bot)))
If you want the bot to mention any guild member, human or bot, use:
from random import choice
from discord.ext import commands
async def tag(ctx):
await ctx.send(choice(tuple(member.mention for member in ctx.guild.members)))
