SSRS: SUM values if contending with NULLS - sql-server

In SSMS, this is easy with an ISNULL function. So in SSRS, how would I go about getting a SUM value from two columns where one of them has NULLS?
Here's an example of the data:
So if a pro_rate value exists, I want to use it in the aggregation, but if it is NULL, then I need to pull from the cost column. Here's my most recent attempt at the expression:
=iif(isnothing(sum(Fields!pro_rate.Value), sum(Fields!cost.Value), sum(Fields!pro_rate.Value)))
In SQL, I would simply write sum(isnull(pro_rate, cost))(to also ensure it's clear what my result should be) but I keep getting the dreaded #Error in my report.
UPDATE 1: I altered my query a bit to the following and got the #Error.
=sum(iif(isnothing(Fields!pro_rate.Value), Fields!cost.Value, Fields!pro_rate.Value))

After looking at your data and the expressions being used, I came to the conclusion that you are seeing that error message due to a conversion error. It looks like your cost field is an INT datatype as the values all seem to be rounded off to the nearest integer and the pro_rate field appears to be a DECIMAL datatype. This appears to cause a problem when you are attempting to SUM an integer into a decimal without the proper level of precision.
To test this, I created the following simple dataset:
VALUES ('A', '5', '1.7'), ('B', '10', '2.6'), ('C', '9', NULL)
With this data, I was able to test and confirm that my theory was correct and you should be able to fix your #Error by putting a CDEC function around the cost field in the expression provided by Derrick Moeller.

It looks to me like you want to evaluate each row individually and you have your order of operations incorrect.
=sum(iif(isnothing(Fields!pro_rate.Value), Fields!cost.Value, Fields!pro_rate.Value))


How do you use Snowflake RATIO_TO_REPORT to be precise?

I'm having a problem with Snowflake function RATIO_TO_REPORT and it's rounding. It seems like there is default rounding behavior, which causes a sum to be different from 1.
How would you address this issue?
Nothing going on here is technically "wrong" - as you've identified, this is a rounding issue. Each of the RATIO_TO_REPORT results is correct, and the sum of the values is also correct.
The best way to get around this is to force RATIO_TO_REPORT to output a more precise number by casting the input to NUMBER rather than INTEGER. In my testing, the below worked well:
-- Create the table for testing
CREATE TABLE R2R_TEST (activity_count integer);
-- Insert the values from the example screenshot.
INSERT INTO R2R_TEST VALUES (210),(11754),(3660),(66);
-- Create the test RATIO_TO_REPORT query with the cast to NUMBER
SELECT RATIO_TO_REPORT(activity_count::number(32,8)) OVER (ORDER BY activity_count) r2r FROM R2R_TEST;
-- Check our work.
with test as (SELECT RATIO_TO_REPORT(activity_count::number(32,8)) OVER (ORDER BY activity_count) r2r FROM R2R_TEST)
SELECT SUM(r2r) FROM test; -- 1.0000000000[...]
You can see that all I've done is cast activity_count to a NUMBER, and this gives the unrounded result.

Error in stored procedure but no error when running it manually

I have a stored procedure that creates a xml file. When I run it, I get an error
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'some text here' to int
If I put the same code in the query window in SSMS and execute it, it works fine - no error.
Can someone tell me why could that happen? The procedure is long enough to post it here, it's mainly a huge select with lots of unions and joins.
Thank you!
Somewhere in one of the columns in your join is comparing a varchar to an integer, and at least one of the varchar values is not an integer.
So try the following test:
select *
from table
where myCol NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%'
and perhaps
select *
from table
where CONVERT (bigint, myCol) NOT BETWEEN -2147483648 AND 2147483647
Shake the tree and see what falls off.

Using Sum(Cast(Replace syntax

I am trying to write a simple query in order to change some of our stage data. I have a varchar $ column (unfortunately) that needs to be summed. My issue is that because of commas, I cannot change the datatype.
So, I can use REPLACE(AMT,',','') to remove the commas but It still wont let me cast it as a decimal and I get
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
I am trying the following below with no luck. Any ideas? Can this be done or am I using the wrong syntax here?
Select SUM(Cast(REPLACE(Amt,',','') as Decimal (18,2)) )
I was able to resolve this with #HABO suggestion. I used Cast(Ltrim(rtrim(table.AMT)) as Money) for all instances of the varchar amount. This removed white space and removed the commas from the numbers.
This should work... including an example.
Edit: if you are on SQL Server 2012+, you may be able to shorten your task by using Try_Convert
DECLARE #SomeTable AS TABLE (Amt Varchar(100));
INSERT INTO #Sometable (Amt) VALUES ('abc123,456.01'),(' 123,456.78 '),(Null),('asdad'),('');
With NumericsOnly AS
REPLACE(Left(SubString(Amt, PatIndex('%[0-9.-,]%', Amt), 8000), PatIndex('%[^0-9.,-]%', SubString(Amt, PatIndex('%[0-9.,-]%', Amt), 8000) + 'X')-1),',','') AS CleanAmt
SUM(CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2), CleanAmt)) AS TotalAmt
General methodology is taken from here
I wouldn't use money as a data type as it is notorious for rounding error.
The error is due to SQL order of operations within your SUM(CAST(REPLACE... operation. This issue can be resolved by summing the column AFTER it's been staged to be summed via a subquery:
SELECT SUM(Field),...
Cast(REPLACE(Amt,',','') as NUMERIC) as 'Field'
) [Q]
If the table you're summing is administered by a BI Team, get them to stage the data there. Happy Data Happy life.

Precision equal to scale in MS SQL-Server

I recently came across a column declaration where the precision equal to scale :
[MYCOLUMN] [decimal](5, 5) NULL,
According to this documentation this seems correct.
But i don't understand, does it means that the decimal intended to fit in, can only have numbers to the right of the decimal point ?
Yes, it means that only decimals are allowed when inserting into the table. Everything else will be truncated and will most likely generate a "Data will be truncated" warning.
So the possible values for that column are in the following range:
0 - 0.99999
Have a look at this SQLFiddle. If you uncomment the inserting of 1 into the table you will get a truncation error.
Also, in case SQLFiddle ever goes down, here is the code:
create table test (col1 decimal(5,5));
insert into test values (0.12345);
insert into test values (0);
-- insert into test values (1);
select *
from test

SQL Cast Mystery

I have a real mystery with the T-SQL below. As it is, it works with either the DATAP.Private=1, or the cast as int on Right(CRS,1). That is, if I uncomment the DATAP.Private=1, I get the error Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'M' to data type int, and if I then remove that cast, the query works again. With the cast in place, the query only works without the Private=1.
I cannot for the life of me see how the Private=1 can add anything to the result set that will cause the error, unless Private is ever 'M', but Private is a bit field!
cast(Right(CRS,1) as int) AS Company
, cast(PerNr as int) AS PN
, Round(Sum(Cost),2) AS Total_Cost
DATAP.Extension Is Not Null
--And DATAP.Private=1
And Left(CRS,2)='SB'
And DATAP.PerNr Between '1' And '9A'
and Right(CRS,1) <> 'm'
cast(Right(CRS,1) as int)
, cast(PerNr as int)
cast(PerNr as int)
I've seen something like this in the past. It's possible the DATAP.Private = 1 clause is generating a query plan that is performing the CRS cast before the Right(CRS,1) <> 'm' filter is applied.
It sure shouldn't do that, but I've had similar problems in T-SQL I've written, particularly when views are involved.
You might be able to reorder the elements to get the query to work, or select uncast data values into a temporary table or table variable and then select and cast from there in a separate statement as a stopgap.
If you check the execution plan it might shed some light about what is being calculated where. This might give you more ideas as to what you might change.
Just a guess, but it may be that when Private = 1, PerNr cannot be anything but a castable number in your data (as it is in the PerNr can equal '9A [or whatever else]', breaking the cast in the group by and order by clauses).
CAST('9A' AS int) fails when I tested it. It looks like you're doing unnecessary CASTS for grouping and sorting. Particularly in the GROUP BY, that will at least kill any chance for optimizing.
