useContext values return undefined in testing - reactjs

I am new to testing and using Enzyme and Jest to write very simple tests. I just want to check whether the component renders or not. However, (I guess) because my component uses useContext hook, test case automatically returns undefined for all values come from the Context.
In component:
const { count, setCount } = useContext(Context);
Test case:
it('should render', () => {
const component = shallow(<MyComponent />);
const wrapper = component.find('myClassName');
Test Result: Cannot read property 'count' of undefined. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Is there a simple way that always works with useContext and other hooks to test simple things?

I think the problem here is that when you shallow rendering a component, Context will be ignored. So try mounting your component instead of shallow rendering it like so:
import { mount } from "enzyme"; // mount instead of `shallow` here
it('should render', () => {
const component = mount(<MyComponent />); // `mount` here as well
const wrapper = component.find('myClassName');


Jest spyOn handleSubmit() method does not exist

My test case goes like this:
describe('Personal Profile', () => {
it('renders', () => {
const wrapper = mount(
<PersonalProfile store={store}/>
const spy = jest.spyOn(wrapper.instance(), 'handleChangetype')
I am getting the above error while running the test case.
In my js file, I have not used arrow functions and bound the method in the constructor though I m having this error.
can anybody help?
I am able to figure it out. the problem was that I used redux store and it was trying to find the method in the connect component. So what I needed to do is to call .first().shallow() on my wrapper to get the component I want.
const wrapper = shallow(
<PersonalProfile store={store}/>
Did this as I have two HOCs so get the desired component I have to shallow the first component of previous return twice.

Enzyme: How can I test a component with DOM side-effect?

Say I have a component like so -
// #flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
export default class ReplaceLink extends Component {
containerRef = React.createRef();
componentDidMount() {
const links =
links.forEach(a => a.setAttribute('href', 'dummylink'));
render = () => <div ref={this.containerRef}>{this.props.children}</div>;
which replaces href of links placed within it. But even when doing full dom rendering in enzyme, when I do a wrapper.debug() to see the result of the render, I still see original links only.
I've tried doing a force wrapper.update and using setTimeouts, but it just doesn't reflect the expected link.
One of reasons why direct DOM access is discouraged in React is that it makes testing more complicated.
The component can be rendered with skipped componentDidMount:
const wrapper = shallow(<ReplaceLink/>, { disableLifecycleMethods: true })
Then a ref can be mocked and componentDidMount can be called manually:
const setAttribute = jest.fn();
const getElementsByTagName = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => [{ setAttribute }]);
wrapper.instance().containerRef.current = { getElementsByTagName };
Then stubbed DOM functions can be asserted that they were called.
Found the best way to test something like this is through the getDOMNode method.
First, make sure to use mount to render the wrapper, so we have a simulated DOM environment to query against.
Next, use wrapper.getDOMNode() to get the underlying DOM node.
Any changes made during the lifecycle methods to the underlying DOM will be reflected in this DOM reference.
Use .querySelector, or <insert-dom-query-method> to make assertions.
const wrapper = mount(
const linkTags = wrapper.getDOMNode().querySelectorAll('a');
linkTags.forEach(tag => {

Set state when testing functional component with useState() hook

When I tested class component with enzyme I could do wrapper.setState({}) to set state. How can I do the same now, when I am testing function component with useState() hook?
For example in my component I have:
const [mode, setMode] = useState("my value");
And I want to change mode inside my test
When using state from hooks, your test must ignore implementation details like state in order to properly test it.
You can still make sure the component passes the correct state into its children.
You can find a great example in this blog post written by Kent C. Dodds.
Here's an excerpt from it with a code example.
Test that relies on state implementation details -
test('setOpenIndex sets the open index state properly', () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Accordion items={[]} />)
Test that does not rely on state implementation details -
test('counter increments the count', () => {
const {container} = render(<Counter />)
const button = container.firstChild
This is the way that I found to do it, I'm not saying this is right or wrong. In my case, a block of code was dependent on state being set to a particular value. I will keep my opinions about testing in React to myself.
In your test file:
Adjust your import for the react library
import * as React from 'react'
Then in your test spy on useState and mock its implementation
const stateSetter = jest.fn()
.spyOn(React, 'useState')
//Simulate that mode state value was set to 'new mode value'
.mockImplementation(stateValue => [stateValue='new mode value', stateSetter])
Please be aware that mocking useState this will way apply to all instances where useState is called for your test, so if you have more than one state value that you are looking at, they will all be set to 'new mode value'. Someone else may be able to help you sort that out. Hope it helps.
At top of test file, can be defined first as:
import { useState } from 'react';
jest.mock('react', () => ({
useState: jest.fn()
const useStateMock: jest.Mock<typeof useState> = useState as never;
After that at each test can be used with different value which is wanted to be tested:
const setValue = jest.fn();
.mockImplementation(() => ['value', setValue]);

Shallow Test of React Component With React Router V4

I am attempting to do a shallow test of my React Login Component with Jest + Enzyme, but am running into issues with React Router V4. When the test is run, I get an error from Jest claiming:
cannot read property push of undefined.
Here is my test, and below that, is the method inside my component that is being tested.
describe('Login Component', () => {
let wrapper
const mockSignInFunc = jest.fn()
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = shallow(<Login signIn={mockSignInFunc} />)
it('renders itself', () => {
it('should call the signIn function on submittal', () => {
wrapper.find('form').simulate('submit', { preventDefault() {}})
}) // end describe block
Method being tested:
handleSubmit = e => {
this.props.history.push('/') // fails here
If I remove the this.props.history.push('/') line of code, the test passes, so I know it is a React Router problem. I tried to read some other documentation on this, where wrapping your component in a MemoryRouter is supposed to work, but per usual, the React Router docs leave plenty to be desired.
I am actually using HashRouter in my app, and am not sure if using a MemoryRouter is just a hack to get it to work. Beats me.
Does anyone know how I can get this test to pass?
You're testing behaviour. You expect the history prop to be called with some value, so you need to mock it and pass it to your component.
const history = {push:jest.fn()}
And check if it is called

How to test properties and functions on a React component?

I've tried everything with enzyme, however, I can't find the correct way of testing these properties below. Keep in mind that this component is wrapped in a dummy Provider component so that I can pass the necessary props (i.e. Store) down for mounting purposes.
1) After mounting, a property is set on the instance (e.g.
2) An event listener has been added
3) On the event listener, someFunction is being called
class SampleComponent extends Component {
componentDidMount() { = 'property';
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.someFunction, true);
someFunction = () => {
return 'hello';
render() {
return <h1>Sample</h1>;
export default EvalueeExposureList;
Ok, I have updated my answer based on discussion with OP. The component under test has a redux provider and connected component as child therefore we are opting for the usage of enzymes shallow API.
In regards to tracking and testing the addEventListener you can use the sinon library to create a spy, which temporarily "replaces" the window.addEventListener. This grants you access to the call count as well as the arguments it was called with.
Using enzyme and mocha I created the following tests which were passing for me. The first two test covers all your cases above and for good measure I added another on how to test the output of the someFunction.
import React from 'react';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
// Under test.
import SampleComponent from './SampleComponent';
describe('SampleComponent', () => {
let addEventListenerSpy;
beforeEach(() => {
// This replaces the window.addEventListener with our spy.
addEventListenerSpy = sinon.spy(window, 'addEventListener');
afterEach(() => {
// Restore the original function.
// This asserts your No 1.
it(`should set the property`, () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<SampleComponent />);
wrapper.instance().componentDidMount(); // call it manually
// This asserts your No 2 and No 3. We know that by having
// passed the someFunction as an argument to the event listener
// we can trust that it is called. There is no need for us
// to test the addEventListener API itself.
it(`should add a "scroll" event listener`, () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<SampleComponent />);
wrapper.instance().componentDidMount(); // call it manually
it(`should return the expected output for the someFunction`, () => {
const wrapper = mount(<SampleComponent />);
It may be worth noting that I run my tests on node, but I have a jsdom setup in my mocha configuration, which is probably the candidate responsible for creating the window.addEventListener in for use in my test environment. Are you running your tests via the browser or node? If node you may need to do something similar to me.
