AngularJS and DataTables refreshing data - angularjs

My project outputs results to a DataTable from an AngularJS controller function, but I'm running into some strangeness when I try to modify my search params. The first rendering of the table works as expected. But when I select different options and run the search again, extra rows appear in the table, but the info section shows the previous search's row count, and changing the number of rows shown via the length menu causes the new rows to disappear. Here's my table declaration, using attributes to wire up DataTables:
<table ui-jq="dataTable" ui-options="dataTableOptions" id="search-results" class="display nowrap datatable cell-borders" style="width: 100%;">
And this is my AngularJS controller code:
$scope.dataTableOptions = {
dom: "lfBrtip",
lengthMenu: [[25, 50, -1], [25, 50, "All"]],
language: {
emptyTable: 'No items matched your search criteria'
buttons: [
text: 'Export',
className: 'button button:hover',
extend: 'csv'
$scope.getItemInfo = function (model) {
method: 'POST',
url: $scope.getUrl('/My/ServerSide/Url'),
data: { model: $scope.model }
}).then(function successCallBack(response) {
$scope.model.SearchResults =;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
alert("There was an error gathering the entity information. Please try again");
I'm not sure why submitting new queries with different params doesn't simply update the data in the DataTables table. Any suggestions?

I ended up using a bit of an ugly hack to get this to work. Even DataTables author wasn't sure how to get around the issue of using AngularJS with DataTables, so I had to force a reinitialization every time the form posted. I persisted the search params to localStorage, and called location.reload(). Then when the page loads and the AngularJS init() function runs, I pick up the search params and call the search function from inside an Angular document ready function, like this:
$scope.init = function () {
$scope.ValidationErrors = [];
$scope.model = {};
$scope.model.SearchResults = [];
$scope.model.ItemNumber = localStorage.getItem("itemNumber");
$scope.model.StartDate = localStorage.getItem("startDate");
$scope.model.EndDate = localStorage.getItem("endDate");
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
if ($scope.model.ItemNumber) {
And then of course I clear the localStorage after the query. Not terribly elegant, but it'll have to do for now.


ng-click doesn't work with external JavaScript

I am creating an ionic project and I am trying to integrate with Algolia autocomplete.js. I managed to make the search system work, however I added a ng-click on my search results and this function is not working as presented in this codepen that I did as example below:
Inside my algolia's result template:
<a ng-click="add_name({{{ name }}})">
Function that should be run when clicked:
$scope.add_name = function(name) {
alert('User added!');
I tried to inject the results inside the scope but didn't work as well:
autocomplete('#search_name', { hint: false, debug: true, openOnFocus: true },[{
source: index.ttAdapter({ hitsPerPage: 15 }),
templates: {
header: '',
suggestion: function(hit) {
$scope.hit = hit;
return template.render(hit);
---- SOLVED ----
Instead of creating a ng-click function inside your templates, you can handle the event click of your search inside your "autocomplete:selected" function and use the dataset and suggestion results.
.on('autocomplete:selected', function(event, suggestion, dataset) {
$ =;
## create any functions with the suggestion and dataset results inside
Here is the codepen:
Apparently the suggestion keep the name clicked, so you dont need an extra function:
.on('autocomplete:selected', function(event, suggestion, dataset) {
$ =;

Angular-DataTables custom filter

I am trying to add a custom filter to angular-DataTables with server side processing, which works perfectly with sorting and built in search of datatables.
I was following example Angular-DataTables, to build the server side processing and setup the DataTable, in searching around i have found some info but haven't been able to make it work.
What i am trying to get is to redraw the table with filtered data once the checkbox [Player] has been triggered.
Does anyone know a solution for this or has a working example for this?
have found this example Custom Table Filter, but it seems it doesn't work either.
<div ng-app="showcase"><div ng-controller="ServerSideProcessingCtrl">
<label><input type="checkbox" id="customFilter" value="player"> Player</label>
<table datatable="" dt-options="dtOptions" dt-columns="dtColumns" class="row-border hover"></table>
JS part:
'use strict';
angular.module('showcase', ['datatables'])
//.controller('ServerSideProcessingCtrl', ServerSideProcessingCtrl);
.controller('ServerSideProcessingCtrl',["$scope", "DTOptionsBuilder", "DTColumnBuilder", function($scope, DTOptionsBuilder, DTColumnBuilder) {
//function ServerSideProcessingCtrl(DTOptionsBuilder, DTColumnBuilder) {
$scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
.withOption('ajax', {
// Either you specify the AjaxDataProp here
// dataSrc: 'data',
url: 'getTableData.php',
type: 'POST'
// or here
.withOption('serverSide', true)
$scope.dtColumns = [
DTColumnBuilder.newColumn('name').withTitle('First name'),
$scope.$on('event:dataTableLoaded', function(event, loadedDT) {
$('#customFilter').on('change', function() {
} );
JSON on load:
{"draw":"1","recordsTotal":8,"recordsFiltered":8,"data":[{"id":"1","name":"Raul","position":"front","type":"player"},{"id":"2","name":"Crespo","position":"front","type":"player"},{"id":"3","name":"Nesta","position":"back","type":"player"},{"id":"4","name":"Costacurta","position":"back","type":"player"},{"id":"5","name":"Doc Brown","position":"staff","type":"medic"},{"id":"6","name":"Jose","position":"staff","type":"manager"},{"id":"7","name":"Ferguson","position":"staff","type":"manager"},{"id":"8","name":"Zinedine","position":"staff","type":"director"}]}
After searching and browsing, combined few examples and came up with this.
<label><input type="checkbox" id="customFilter" value="player" ng-click="reload()" > Player</label>
'use strict';
angular.module('showcase', ['datatables'])
//.controller('ServerSideProcessingCtrl', ServerSideProcessingCtrl);
.controller('ServerSideProcessingCtrl',["$scope", "DTOptionsBuilder", "DTColumnBuilder","DTInstances", function ($scope, DTOptionsBuilder, DTColumnBuilder, DTInstances) {
//function ServerSideProcessingCtrl(DTOptionsBuilder, DTColumnBuilder) {
$scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
.withOption('ajax', {
// Either you specify the AjaxDataProp here
// dataSrc: 'data',
url: 'getTableData.php',
type: 'POST',
data: function (data) {
data.customFilter = $('#customFilter').is(':checked');
// or here
.withOption('serverSide', true)
$scope.dtColumns = [
DTColumnBuilder.newColumn('name').withTitle('First name'),
DTInstances.getLast().then(function (dtInstance) {
$scope.dtInstance = dtInstance;
$scope.reload = function(event, loadedDT) {
and on the backend just go through the $_POST and check for custom filter, hopefully this will help someone
You can use withFnServerData with fromSource functions instead of
This API allows you to override the default function to retrieve the data (which is $.getJSON according to DataTables documentation) to something more suitable for you application.
It's mainly used for Datatables v1.9.4. See DataTable documentation.
$scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.fromSource('data.json')
function serverData (sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings) {
oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax({
'dataType': 'json',
'type': 'POST',
'url': sSource,
'data': aoData,
'success': fnCallback
Ok sorry its not a full blown example. This only works with angular and datatables, if you do a filter on the ng-repeat eg | aFilter:this The this transfers the scope. The filtering applied can now be quite complex. Within the ng-controller <div> you can have an html partial containing drop downs or input texts, all having an ng-model value.
When these change they kick off the filter routineaFilter an angular.filter('aFilter'.... js routine. The records are piped through the afilter routine allowing the ones wanted to be pushed onto an array and this is what is returned with the return. It doesn't work with breeze, yet. Be aware it is unlikely to be server side. To deal with server side maybe an SQL call in the service....another day.
eg in the ng-table id="test" :
<tr ng-repeat="edRec in aSetOfJSonRecords | aFilter:this | orderBy:'summat'">
{{edRec.enCode}} etc
in the aFilter, the fltEnCode represents the ng-model values, the test variable allows freedom from nulls causing issues upon comparison, good idea to test for undefined first:
app.filter('aFilter', [function () {
return function (items, $scope) {
var countItems = 0;
var filtered = [];
var isOK = 0;
angular.forEach(items, function (item) {
isOK = 1;
// some conditions
if ($scope.fltEnCode !== "") {
if (item.enCode === null) { test = ""; } else { test = item.enCode; }
if (test.indexOf($scope.fltEnCode) < 0) isOK = 0;
// end of conditions
if (isOK > 0) {
// alert(countItems);
return filtered;
Hope its of some use. I've avoided boolean variables as they have given grief before. Odd occasions have needed an ng-change in the html items pointing to an angular function resetting the data by calling the getTheItemsForTest() in the controller. This redraws the list. Having
$scope.dtOptions = {
stateSave: false, .......
in your controller, keeps the sorting columns correct.
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#test').DataTable();
might also be useful if its recalcitrant. I need to know how to make it work for breeze??? Enjoy..
here is what I really missed after I searched alot
bower install datatables-light-columnfilter

React+Reflux: Passing Variables to Data Stores

I'm building a React+Reflux application that, among other things, allows for the creation/deletion/editing of categories. So far I'm able to display all categories and handle creation/deletion of categories within a React component through associated stores and actions. This all works great, updates the database and re-renders the component as expected. My sticking point is when trying to drill down into a specific existing category in order to edit it.
I think I somehow need to pass a category Id to a store which will then pass it along to a php/sql query via an ajax call in order to get/set data specific to that particular category. If I bypass the store altogether and put the ajax call within the component itself I'm able to get it working via a url parameter with React-router (no auto re-render of course) but I haven't been able to figure out how to accomplish this through a store.
In other words, this more or less works:
"ManageCategories" React component that uses CategoryStore to list all categories each wrapped in an anchor tag that passes the category Id along to "ManageCategory" route/component
The "ManageCategory" component uses the category Id param directly in an ajax call within its getInitialState method to display data specific to the category
However, I think below is the more correct Reflux way to do this but I'm not sure how to get it to work:
"ManageCategories" component same as above
"ManageCategory" component that somehow passes its category Id param to the CategoryStore (or maybe a different "IndividualCategoryStore"?) which returns only data specific to that category and handles updates/edits to that category
I was able to get a sort of clunky version of this working by adding a new method ("getCategoryData") to the CategoryStore that is called in the getInitialState method of the "ManageCategory" component and is passed the categoryId param. This results in a flash of all categories (from the CategoryStore's getDefaultData) followed by the correct single category listing (from the component's getInitialState).
I feel fairly comfortable with the concepts behind React+Reflux but at this point I think it's likely I'm misunderstanding something fundamental. Worked on this particular issue for more than a week but none of the examples/tutorials/docs I've found address the specific question of passing a variable to a data store.
var Actions = Reflux.createActions([
var CategoryStore = Reflux.createStore({
listenables: [Actions],
onCreateCategory: function(catName) {
// ajax call to create new category that calls updateCategories on success
onDeleteCategory: function(catId) {
// ajax call to delete category that calls updateCategories on success
updateCategories: function(){
url: url + '?action=getAllCategories',
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(categoryData) {
this.categories = categoryData;
error: function(xhr, status, err) {
console.error(url, status, err.toString());
getDefaultData: function() {
url: url + '?action=getAllCategories',
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(categoryData) {
this.categories = categoryData;
error: function(xhr, status, err) {
console.error(url, status, err.toString());
return this.categories;
Category Component:
var Category = React.createClass({
handleDeleteCategory: function() {
render: function() {
return (
<li className="category">
<IconButton icon="action-highlight-remove" onClick={this.handleDeleteCategory} />
<h5><a href={"/#/manage-category/" +}>{} ({})</a></h5>
ManageCategories Component:
var ManageCategories = React.createClass({
mixins: [
Reflux.connect(CategoryStore, "categories")
getInitialState: function() {
return {
categories: []
handleCreateCategory: function() {
// category creation code
render: function() {
var categoryNodes = {
return (
<Category name={} id={} />
return (
<div className="dev-tools-container">
<h1>Developer Tools</h1>
<div className="categories">
<h4>Create New Category:</h4>
<label htmlFor="new-category-name">Category Name</label> <input type="text" id="new-category-name" /><br />
<PaperButton label="Create" primary={true} onClick={this.handleCreateCategory} />
Thanks in advance for any insights or assistance.
After finally posting my question here I think I may have figured out where I was going astray all along. I was thinking in terms of passing the category Id to the store to filter the data therein when all I really need to do is take the full collection of data from the store and consume it selectively within the component.
So once routed to the ManageCategory component with the catId passed along as a url param, all I need to do is filter the data based on the catId.
For example, once in the ManageCategory component I can use lodash to filter and pluck the name value of the current category, as below. No need to edit the collection of data stored in the CategoryStore at all.
var ManageCategory = React.createClass({
mixins: [
Reflux.connect(CategoryStore, "categoryData")
getInitialState: function() {
return {
categoryData: []
render: function() {
var categoryName = _.chain(this.state.categoryData)
.filter({"id": this.props.params.catid})
return (
<div className="category-container">
Feel free to let me know if there's a better way of doing this but for now this is exactly what I needed. Hopefully something from all of this will be helpful to someone else too.

displaying params on url disable pagination on ngTable

I want to show table parameters (page, count, filter, etc.) in the url. so I use the following code in my controller :
$scope.tableParams = new ngTableParams(
page : 1,
count: 10
$, {
getData: function ($defer, params) {
$; // put params in url
var query = getQuery();
query.limit = params.count();
query.offset = ( - 1) * params.count();
getTotalCount().success(function () {
.success(function (response) {
var data = $filter('populateObjects')(, query.fields);
I do pagination and filtering on server side.
without applying filters on the table everything goes ok and the pagination works correctly. but every time I apply a filter on the table url change twice. the first time it is ok. something like this :
but after a moment it will again reset to page 1 like this :

WebSQL data into AngularJs DropDown

I have very simple question about getting data from WebSql
I have DropDown i.e
<select id="selectCatagoryFood" data-role="listview" data-native-menu="true"
ng-init="foodCatagory = foodCatagories.cast[0]"
ng-options="foodCatagory as foodCatagory.text for foodCatagory in foodCatagories.cast"
now i want to add data init from webSQL. I already get Data from webSql but i am confuse that how to add that data into DropDown
An example or hints maybe very helpful for me.
Update 1 :: Add Controller Code
$scope.foodCatagories = foodCatagories;
$scope.changeFoodCatagory = function(){
Update 2 webSQL and JayData
success: showData,
error: function (error){
function showData(){
var option = '';
option += '<option value="'+FG.FoodGroupID+'">'+FG.Description+'</option>';
Update 3
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
var foodCatagories = {};
foodCatagories.cast = [
value: "000",
text: "Select Any"
return foodCatagories;
Update 4
One thing that i didn't mention is that I am using JayData for getting data from webSQL to my App
I will try to explain how it works:
EDIT: Live demo
Here is your stripped down select.
<select ng-options="item as item.text for item in foodCategories"
The directive ng-options will fill automatically the option elements in your select. It will take the foodCategories variable from the $scope of your controller and foreach item in the collection, it will use the text property as the label shown (<option>{{item.text}}</option>') and it will select the whole objectitemas the value of the selectedoption. You could also refer to a property as the value like ({{item.text}}). Then yourng-modelwould be set to theid` value of the selected option.
The directive ng-model corresponds to the variable in the $scope of your controller that will hold the value of the selected option.
The directive ng-required allows you to check if a value has been selected. If you are using a form, you can check if the field is valid formName.ngModelName.$valid. See the docs for more details on form validation.
The directive ng-change allows you to execute a function whenever the selected option changes. You may want to pass the ng-model variable to this function as a parameter or call the variable through the $scope inside the controller.
If no default value is set, angular will add an empty option which will be removed when an option is selected.
You did use the ng-init directive to select the first option, but know that you could set the ng-model variable in your controller to the default value you would like or none.
Here I tried to simulate your database service by returning a promise in the case that you are doing an async request. I used the $q service to create a promise and $timeout to fake a call to the database.
myApp.factory('DbFoodCategories', function($q, $timeout) {
var foodCategories = [
{ id: 1, text: "Veggies", value: 100 },
{ id: 2, text: "Fruits", value: 50 },
{ id: 3, text: "Pasta", value: 200 },
{ id: 4, text: "Cereals", value: 250 },
{ id: 5, text: "Milk", value: 150 }
return {
get: function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Your call to the database in place of the $timeout
$timeout(function() {
var chance = Math.random() > 0.25;
if (chance) {
// if the call is successfull, return data to controller
else {
// if the call failed, return an error message
}, 500);
/* // your code
success: function() {
error: function (error){
// return a promise that we will send a result soon back to the controller, but not now
return deferred.promise;
insert: function(item) {
/* ... */
update: function(item) {
/* ... */
remove: function(item) {
/* ... */
In your controller you set the variables that will be used in your view. So you can call your DbFoodCategories service to load the data into $scope.foodCategories, and set a default value in $scope.foodCategory that will be used to set the selected option.
myApp.controller('FoodSelection',function($scope, DbFoodCategories){
// the callback if the request was successfull
function (response) {
$scope.foodCategories = response; //response is the data we sent from the service
// the callback if an error occured
function (response) {
// response is the error message we set in the service
// do something like display the message
// $scope.foodCategory = defaultValue;
$scope.changeFoodCategory = function() {
I hope that this helped you understand more in detail what is happening!
See this example and how use $apply to update the data in scope.
in the new version we released a new module to support AngularJS. We've started to document how to use it, you can find the first blogpost here
With this you should be able to create your dropdown easily, no need to create the options manually. Something like this should do the trick:
myApp.controller('foodSelection',function($scope, $data) {
$scope.foodCatagories = [];
.then(function() {
$scope.foodCatagories = _context.FoodGroup.toLiveArray();
provided that FoodGroup has the right fields, of course
