az ad app permission add - Insufficient privileges to complete the operation - azure-active-directory

I'm getting ERROR: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation. when running az ad app permission add
What permission do I need to grant my service principal for this to work?
I gave it the AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All permission which says:
Allows the app to manage permission grants for application permissions to any API (including Microsoft Graph) and application assignments for any app, on behalf of the signed-in user.
Update: I also gave it Application.ReadWrite.All, but still getting the error.

I also gave it Application.ReadWrite.All, but still getting the error.
The Application.ReadWrite.All Application permission is enough. I suppose you gave the Application.ReadWrite.All permission in Microsoft Graph, it will not work. You need to use the Application.ReadWrite.All in Azure AD Graph, then it will work.
After giving the permission, wait for a while, run the command, it returns a warning, refresh the portal, you will find the API permission was added.

Since the Microsoft graph API is not working with the Azure CLI AD App permissions and the Azure AD graph API is deprecated from 2020 April, this can be achieved by giving Application administrator permissions to the AD app.
From Azure AD go to Roles and administrator > Application administrator.
Then Add assignment, find your client app and add it to the application administrator.

az cli is getting updated to use MS Graph API according to:
Presumably this update will occur before AAD Graph API is retired on 6/30/2022:
Once az cli gets updated then Application.ReadWrite.All permission on MS Graph API should work.

There is a deprecation warning for the Azure AD Graph API as below.
This application is using Azure AD Graph API, which is on a deprecation path. Starting June 30th, 2020 we will no longer add any new features to Azure AD Graph API. We strongly recommend that you upgrade your application to use Microsoft Graph API instead of Azure AD Graph API to access Azure Active Directory resources
Also it seems the Microsoft Graph API is not working even though the relevant permissions are not provided.


Custom Azure AD role for full access to Microsoft Cloud App Security

As per below link, we can assign Global Administrator or Security Administrator role in Azure AD to an user and that provides full access to Microsoft Cloud App Security portal.
However, with these roles users get privileged admin access to other features of Azure AD as well. We want restrict the role to provide full access in Microsoft Cloud App Security portal only. Is it possible to create a custom role with permissions only for Microsoft Cloud App Security?
Unfortunately it's not supported to create a custom AAD role with the full access permission of Microsoft Cloud App Security portal.
Currently, permissions for Application registrations and Enterprise applications are supported in custom roles. See the details here.
The full access permission of Microsoft Cloud App Security portal should be You can see that it's not listed in the page when I try to look for it in Azure portal.
You can query in this page and choose the one with the least permissions to assign to users who need to be assigned the Cloud App Security portal administrator role.
Recently Microsoft has came up with a new role named "Cloud App Security Administrator". This role provides full admin access to MCAS without providing any privileged access other Azure AD configurations. Didn't find any documentation, but it is visible in Azure AD portal.

SharepontOnline access with azure ad token

Is it possible to access sharepoint online from desktop app with azure ad token, but as a currently logged user?
I already registered client app in the azure ad and i'm able to connect to share point when the api permissions are set to "Application permissions", but when i set the permissions to "Delegated permissions" I can't access sharepoint site.
What i need is a way to create sp ClientContext based on the token i get from the azure. I know it's possible to try with SharePointOnlineCredentials, but i don't want to mess with users credentials.
To get the Access Token for Azure, pls use the below article.
Below are the steps you have to follow:
Followed the steps mentioned in the article
Added Office 365 Sharepoint Online API access permissions for the App.
Selected necessary permissions for the App.

Giving access to third party application

I am a developer working on an application that will access O365 data via the Graph API. I have registered an application under my company account. I have authentication working on a per-user basis. Now I am trying to get it to work so that a tenant administrator can grant permission to my application for data access on an organization-wide basis. I have this working as well - I used the /adminconsent endpoint to bring the administrator to a page where he granted the consent.
What I am wondering about is the line in the documentation that says "You can rely on an administrator to grant the permissions your app needs at the Azure portal". I am trying to figure out what that procedure is so I can document it for admin users. I thought perhaps it was to go to App Registrations - there I see an option to create a new registration. But this has it's own Client Id. Don't I somehow have to give it the Client Id of my own application? Or is the idea that the tenant admin will supply the Client Id of his app to my app? Or am I in the wrong area altogether?
BTW in case it is relevant, I am not using any authentication library, just making direct http calls from a C++ program running on the Windows desktop.
Per my understanding, your application is an multi-tenant application. Only you or the administrators in your tenant can grant the permissions to your application. The administrators from other tenants can grant consent to use your application, but they can not control the permissions.
You can grant admin consent by calling admin consent endpoint.
If you want to grant admin consent via Azure portal. The application must already been provisioned in your tenant. For example, an app could be provisioned in your tenant if at least one user has already consented to the application.

Azure AD Graph API or Microsoft Graph API to access User attributes in Azure AD B2C tenant

I found lot of threads regarding this but not sure if they are still valid at this point of time i.e. Jun 2019
This link which was updated on Jul 2017 says You must use Azure AD Graph API'to manage users in Azure AD B2C directory
But at the same time this link says As of February 2019, we started the process to deprecate some earlier versions of Azure Active Directory Graph API in favor of the Microsoft Graph API.
I found this link which has road map for AAD Graph and Micorsoft Graph. But still not clear weather we should use Microsoft Graph or Azure AD Graph for B2C tenant. I couldn't find any example how to fetch User attributes using Microsoft Graph
Should I still keep on using 'Azure AD Graph'if I am dealing with B2C tenant?
You must use Azure AD Graph API to manage users in an Azure AD B2C tenant since Microsoft Graph doesn't support a few of the user properties (including the creationType property) that are used by Azure AD B2C.

Why access token does not contain all permissions after updating Office 365 application permissions in Azure AD?

I registered multi tenant Office 365 application in Azure AD admin center and configured required permissions that this application asks for. Also I created web service that uses this application.
My web service had been working for half a year and at some point I extended functionality of my web service and now it requires several new permissions. Also I realized that some permissions are not required for my web service any more.
So I added extra permissions and removed those that I don't need in Azure AD, saved the permissions and clicked "Grant permissions" button.
In my web service I perform re-authentication flow in order to update access token for working with created Office 365 application and use extra permissions. But when I get access token using my web service and decoded the token on this site I don't see that extra permissions were provisioned. Also I see that my web service gets token with those permissions granted that I removed from my application. So even after re-authentication user from another tenant that use my web service gets token with "old" permissions set.
Why so? How can I provision all the application permissions I previously set up for my Office 365 application in Azure AD to the tenant that uses my service? I just need the permission set in the token be up to date with those I configured in Azure AD.
