Unsubscribe from timer in rxjs - reactjs

Hi I have a timer running which is like it should show a component for 30sec after every 10 seconds. My code is like this`
import { timer } from "rxjs";
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, nextState) {
console.log("RECEIVED PROPS");
if (this.props.venuesBonusOfferDuration === 0) {
// if (this.state.isMounted) {
if (
nextProps.showBonusObj &&
(!nextProps.exitVenue.exitVenueSuccess || nextProps.enterVenues)
) {
// console.log("isMounted" + this.state.isMounted);
//if (this.state.isMounted) {
let milliseconds = nextProps.venuesBonusOfferDuration * 1000;
this.source = timer(milliseconds);
this.firstTimerSubscription = this.source.subscribe(val => {
console.log("hiding bonus offer");
this.secondTimerSubscription = bonusApiTimer.subscribe(val => {
console.log("caling timer" + val);
} else {
try {
if (this.secondTimerSubscription != undefined) {
console.log("secondTimer UNSUBSCRIBED");
if (this.firstTimerSubscription != undefined) {
console.log("firstTimer UNSUBSCRIBED");
} catch (error) {
"error when removing bonusoffer timer" + JSON.stringify(error)
Problem is if I try to unsubscribe this * this.firstTimerSubscription* and this.secondTimerSubscription like this
try {
if (this.secondTimerSubscription != undefined) {
console.log("secondTimerunmount UNSUBSCRIBED");
if (this.firstTimerSubscription != undefined) {
console.log("firstTimerunmount UNSUBSCRIBED");
} catch (error) {
console.log("error bonusoffer timer" + JSON.stringify(error));
its still prints logs within timer like "hiding bonus offer" and "calling timer".
Can someone please point out the issue. It been a day since am into this.
Any help is appreciated.

The problem is that you subscribe multiple times (whenever component receives props) and reassign newest subscription to firstTimerSubscription or secondTimerSubscription references. But doing that, subscriptions does not magically vanish. To see how it works here is a demo:
const source = timer(1000, 1000);
let subscribe;
subscribe = source.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
subscribe = source.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
Even though you unsubscribed, the first subscription keeps emiting. And the problem is that you lost a reference to it, so you can't unsubscribe now.
Easy fix could be to check whether you already subscribed and unsubscribe if so, before subscribing:
this.firstTimerSubscription ? this.firstTimerSubscription.unsubscribe: false;
this.firstTimerSubscription = this.source.subscribe(...

I wouldn't use a second timer. Just do a interval of 10 seconds. The interval emits the iteration number 1, 2, 3..... You can use the modulo operator on that tick. Following example code (for example with 1 second interval) prints true and false in console. After true it needs 3 seconds to show false. After false it needs 1 second to show true.
map(tick => tick % 4 !== 0),
).subscribe(x => console.log(x));


Arraylist doesn't get refilled and/or filtered

I have a list in angular, an array. OnInit it gets filled from the right corresponding database items. I created a form above it. When you enter something in the form, it acts like a filter. This works, the first time. When you erase something from the form and enter something else, the list should be refreshed and afterwards filtered based on the new input. This doesn't happen. I put the formula that happens on onInit in my function to refill the list.
Below you can find my function (I left the console logs in) and a screenshot of the problem. First I look for a user (joeri.boons#hi10.be) which returns three results. Than I erase the user and look based on a month 7. The screen returns a new unfilterd list while in the console it still holds the list of 3 x user joeri.boons#hi10.be. So there is an inconsistency to. If you look at screen result you would think of a filter problem, the console points at a refreshproblem.
if more code is required let me know.
updateWithFilter(): void {
console.log("function update filter reached")
if(this.listadapted == true){
// this.timesheetsHandled = {} as TimeSheet[];
console.log("getHandledSheet executed")
if(this.filterUsername.trim() && !this.filterYear && !this.filterMonth){
console.log("option 1 reached")
this.timesheetsHandled = this.timesheetsHandled.filter(sheet => sheet.username == this.filterUsername);
this.listadapted = true;
} else if(!this.filterUsername.trim() && !this.filterYear && this.filterMonth){
console.log("option 2 reached");
console.log("before filter");
this.timesheetsHandled.forEach(sheet => console.log(sheet.username));
this.timesheetsHandled = this.timesheetsHandled.filter(sheet => sheet.month == this.filterMonth);
console.log("after filter");
this.timesheetsHandled.forEach(sheet => console.log(sheet.username));
// console.log(this.timesheetsHandled.filter(sheet => sheet.month == this.filterMonth));
this.listadapted = true;
} else if .. more options
ngOnInit(): void {
getHandledSheet(): void {
this.timesheetService.getAllTimesheets().subscribe({next: (response: TimeSheet[]) => {this.timesheetsHandled = response.filter(sheet => sheet.status == 'HANDLED') }}) ;
My guess would be that this is caused by loading data in ngOnInit. As the documentation (https://angular.io/api/core/OnInit) states : [...] It is invoked only once when the directive is instantiated.
I suspect that you create one instance and re-use it and the ngOnInit method does not get called again.
The issue is that the call to this.getHandledSheet(); does a call to .. .subscribe({next: .. which is delayed and the rest of the function is executed first.
So the actual code after next: is only executed after the timeSheetService is done loading the data.
So either you apply the filter in the
{next: (response: TimeSheet[]) => {this.timesheetsHandled = response.filter(sheet => sheet.status == 'HANDLED') }}
block after filtering for 'HANDLED' or you'll try to await in the update function.
Create two variables, one that will always remain unfiltered, then another that will be filtered.
The problem will be that the original list is filtered, hence you are losing the original data after filtering!
timesheetHandled: TimeSheet[];
timesheetHandledOriginal: TimeSheet[];
updateWithFilter(): void {
console.log('function update filter reached');
if (this.listadapted == true) {
// this.timesheetsHandled = {} as TimeSheet[];
console.log('getHandledSheet executed');
if (this.filterUsername.trim() && !this.filterYear && !this.filterMonth) {
console.log('option 1 reached');
this.timesheetsHandled = this.timesheetHandledOriginal.filter(
sheet => sheet.username == this.filterUsername
this.listadapted = true;
} else if (!this.filterUsername.trim() && !this.filterYear && this.filterMonth) {
console.log('option 2 reached');
console.log('before filter');
this.timesheetsHandled.forEach(sheet => console.log(sheet.username));
this.timesheetsHandled = this.timesheetHandledOriginal.filter(
sheet => sheet.month == this.filterMonth
console.log('after filter');
this.timesheetsHandled.forEach(sheet => console.log(sheet.username));
// console.log(this.timesheetsHandled.filter(sheet => sheet.month == this.filterMonth));
this.listadapted = true;
// else if .. more options
ngOnInit(): void {
getHandledSheet(): void {
next: (response: TimeSheet[]) => {
this.timesheetsHandled = response.filter(sheet => sheet.status == 'HANDLED');
this.timesheetHandledOriginal = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.timesheetsHandled));

React multiple console.log?

Im creating a function that sends an email based on the expiry date, however, upon trial, the function works fine but the email gets sent multiple times and the console.log is shown multiple times. Does anyone know how to counteract?
if (product?.expiry) {
var arr = []
var today = new Date()
var expiry = new Date(product?.expiry)
var week = new Date(expiry.setDate(expiry.getDate() - 7))
var template = {
message: product.name + " is reaching expiry date",
footer: "Expiry Date: " + week.toDateString()
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (arr.length > 0) {
if (today !== expiry) {
// actual emailing
emailjs.send(SERVICE_API, TEMPLATE_API, template, PUBLIC_API)
.then(function(response) {
console.log('SUCCESS!', response.status, response.text);
}, function(error) {
console.log('FAILED...', error)
}, 1000)
ALERT: I am aware that the function is sending the email when it is not the expiry date, i just want to fix up this console.log error
**rest of function: **
const expiryEmail = () => {
if (today !== week) {
emailjs.send(SERVICE_API, TEMPLATE_API, template, PUBLIC_API)
.then(function(response) {
console.log('SUCCESS!', response.status, response.text);
}, function(error) {
console.log('FAILED...', error)
setTimeout(() => {
useEffect(() => {
if (!product) {
//problem is that the condition returns null first time around
Try to use useEffect hook instead to set interval I am sharing the code try to use that
var today = new Date()
var expiry = new Date(product?.expiry)
var week = new Date(expiry.setDate(expiry.getDate() - 7))
var template = {
message: product.name + " is reaching expiry date",
footer: "Expiry Date: " + week.toDateString()
if (today !== expiry) {
emailjs.send(SERVICE_API, TEMPLATE_API, template, PUBLIC_API)
.then(function(response) {
console.log('SUCCESS!', response.status, response.text);
}, function(error) {
console.log('FAILED...', error)
The first condition inside your setInterval method's callback, ie.
if (arr.length > 0) {
does not have a return statement, which means it will continue on to your next if block, whose condition is satisfied because you are checking is today's date is not the same as expiry 's date, which as you alerted is a conscious decision, and therefore print the console message again.
Also, I hope by multiple you mean only twice, because that is what my answer applies for, if you meant more than that, I'd like to see the part that calls this method.
Again also, you should use Mayank's suggestion and process your code inside a useEffect block, much simpler.

Discord await messages timing out | Discord V12

I am stuck on a problem. When "Player 2" (player[1]) types !yes in the channel then reason it times out. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. player[1] is defined as msg.mentions.members.first();
let answer = true;
if (players[1].user.bot) {
} else {
answer = await msg.channel.awaitMessages((msg) => {
console.log(msg.author.id === players[1].id && msg.content === `!yes`) // returns true
if (msg.author.id === players[1].id && msg.content === `!yes`) {
console.log("Player has accepted") // The console does print "Player has accepted"
return true;
return false;
}, {maxMatches: 1, time: 30000, errors: ['time']})
.catch(() => {
console.log("Timed out!") // The console does print "Timed Out as well"
return false;
// if user refuses to play
if (!answer) {
return channel.send(`${players[1]} preferred to run away.`);
You have incorrect syntax for awaitMessages() - the first argument should be a CollectorFilter (see here), not a callback.
Consider using createMessageCollector() instead. It reads much more nicely than awaitMessages() and makes more sense than forcing async/await into a collector. Should look something like this:
const filter = m => (m.author.id===players[1].id && m.content==="!yes");
const collector = msg.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, {max: 1, time: 30000});
collector.on("collect", (m) => {
// Player has accepted... do whatever
collector.on("end", (reason) => {
if(reason === "time") {
// Ran out of time

How can I determine the time to send the message

How can I set the duration of the message Example:
if (message.content === 'test') {
message.channel.send (`he say test in 22seconds`)
If you're looking for the time it took to the bot to receive the message, use:
if (message.content === 'test') {
const seconds = ((Date.now()-message.createdTimestamp)/1000).toFixed(2);
message.channel.send (`he say test in ${seconds} seconds`)
What you are looking for is setTimeout() function.
if (message.content === 'test') {
message.channel.send (`it took me 22seconds to send this message.`);
}, 22000);
Hmm.. the question is not too clear but I'm guessing you mean once the user types a command, the bot says something and then the user can reply with test and the bot tells you how long it took you to type test? (Give the code a try and if its not what you wanted you can take parts out. :) )
The code:
const prefix = ''; //Put whatever prefix you want in the `(prefix goes here)`
var intervals;
bot.on("message", msg => {
let args = msg.content.substring(prefix.length).split(" ");
switch (args[0]) {
case "test": // You can call the command whatever you want
let timer = 3;
msg.channel.send("Get ready").then(msg => {
intervals = setInterval(function() {
msg.edit(`Type test in the chat in **${timer--}**..`);
}, 1000);
setTimeout(() => {
.send(`Type test in the chat`)
.then(() => {
const time = Date.now();
function(userMsg) {
if (userMsg.content === "test") return true;
max: 1,
time: 10000,
errors: ["time"]
.then(function(collected) {
const endTime = Date.now();
let successMsg = "Congratulations!\n";
let collectedArr = Array.from(collected.values());
for (let msg of collectedArr) {
let timeDiff = (endTime - msg.createdTimestamp) / 100;
successMsg += `You took ${timeDiff} seconds to type test.\n`;
.catch(function(collected) {
msg.channel.send(`You did not answer in time!`);
.catch(function(err) {
}, 5000);
I'm not too sure what you're asking for but hope this is it! Again, give it a try and see if it works.
Im guessing you need the bot to send that message in 22 seconds. If thats the case then do this
if (message.content === 'test') {
setTimeout(() => { // setTimeout function dalays code inside of it for a set period of time
message.channel.send (`he say test in 22seconds`); // Your code
}, 22000); // The amount of time it should be delayed for. 22000 (milliseconds) = 22 seconds

How to make a clearinterval/stop in discord.js?

I cant get it so if I do !stop it stops the interval and it just really annoys me.
client.on('message', msg => {
if (msg.guild && msg.content.startsWith('!messageall')) {
let text = msg.content.slice('!messageall'.length); // cuts off the /private part
msg.guild.members.forEach(member => {
if (member.id != client.user.id && !member.user.bot) member.send("Message Here");
msg.channel.send(`Sent a message to <#${member.id}> `)
}, 60000);
if (msg.guild && msg.content.startsWith('!stopall')) {
I dont know how it will work
You need to have a reference to setInterval(), I also suggest you use client.setInterval() instead, so what you should do is:
const timer = client.setInterval(function(), 60000);
if (msg.guild && msg.content.startsWith('!stopall')) clearInterval(timer)
