Relational or NoSQL database for application - database

I will be working on application which should manage instracompany documentation. It should work like this: User can upload a document with mandatory fields like: description, when document will be accessible for "readers", group of people who should approve the document, group of people who should read the document after successful approval... then history of documents, which decision each user made (aggred x disaggreed), some basic managment of users/groups/documents/roles etc... This application should be for a company (and it should run on local network).
Should I use relational database with ORM or NoSQL database? And why? What would be benefits of relation db or nosql related to description of application above.

If you have a strictly defined schema (seems to be the case) and predictable traffic (which is also very likely in a corporate environment) and want ACID transactions and data recovery guarantees which have been tested and polished for many years (you surely do) then RDBMS is your choice. It doesn't matter what is used on the application side, ORM, plain JDBC or whatever.
One slippery point might be the document storage, however, provided that documents are not huge, relational databases (e.g. PostgreSQL) will do the job just fine.
This assumes that you do not expect hundreds of thousands requests per second and thus don't need any sharding. Even if you do expect such load, RDBMS may be okay.


why wordpress does not use views or stored procedures

I installed a wordpress blog and was tinkering with the database,
I noticed they are not using any sotred procedures or views why is this?
Or is it just not available for users and some premium feature for paid members?
Is it not advisable to use these to improve performance considering wordpress stores almost everything except media files in database.
Are there any resources / attempts to optimize wp database using these ?
The decision regarding where to keep transformations of / operations on data is heavily rooted in the concept of what you consider to be the central interface to the data within the application as a whole.
If you're a database programmer, you're much more likely to consider that central point to be the database. In this view, the data is the center, and the surrounding application can be thought of as just an interface on top of that data. This view makes sense when dealing with anything where data itself is key. I.e., where the data will stay put over time, and the ways in which the data is accessed, or the things which you want to do with the data will change over time. Examples which fit well into this view include: Financial systems, Healthcare records, Customer data, Phone records... pretty much anything that has a lot of ways of looking at the data, and is constantly growing.
If you're an application programmer, the data itself may be almost secondary. In this view, the data is transient. Where and how that data is stored is even less important. The MVC pattern encourages the database to be utterly replaceable, and strongly discourages putting any sort of logic related to anything other than basic data integrity into the the database. There is certainly nothing about the MVC pattern or other application-centric development practices which argue specifically against stored procedures or views, but there is much less room for them to be useful. Examples which fit well into this view inclue: Blogs, Message-boards, Stand-alone Documents... pretty much anything that has a very simple structure, does not have complex relations, and can be divided easily into self-contained units. Anything for which "what you can do" is tied closely in concept to "what you are doing it to".
A summary of the two above-mentioned viewpoints is that there are tools for which examining data is more important (data-centric), and there are tools for which creating data is more important (application-centric).
Another way of looking at it is that Stored Procedures and Views are just interfaces on top of a database. Wordpress is also an interface on top of a database, it's just written in PHP.
Well, I don't know their rationale for a fact but my guess would be that since MySQL actually stores the procedures in the "mysql" database - not the wordpress database where the tables are - that they did it because it can be an access issue. Let's say you have a DB server supporting multiple WP databases. All the procedures get put into the "mysql" database. So when you backup your WP database you don't get any of the procedures. You'd need to back up the mysql (system) database, and its likely the users would not have the rights to do so in such an environment, which is the typical environment for WP installs.
Excellent answers. To add, I think that from a plugin coding side, it is easier to update just the file system and do as little database work on an as needed basis.
Especially if a plugin update doesn't install right the first time and you have to restore the files and try again, a database change would be a lot more difficult to reverse.

Schema-free/flexible ACID database for a SaaS application?

I am looking at rewriting a VB based on-premise (locally installed) application (invoicing+inventory) as a web based Clojure application for small enterprise customers. I am intending this to be offered as a SaaS application for customers in similar trade.
I was looking at database options: My choice was an RDBMS: Postgresql/ MySQL. I might scale up to 400 users in the first year, with typically a 20-40 page views/ per day per user - mostly for transactions not static views. Each view will involve fetch data and update data. ACID compliance is necessary(or so I think). So the transaction volume is not huge.
It would have been a no-brainer to pick either of these based on my preference, but for this one requirement, which I believe is typical of a SaaS app: The Schema will be changing as I add more customers/users and for each customer's changing business requirement (I will be offering some limited flexibility only to start with). As I am not a DB expert, based on what I can think of and has read, I can handle that in a number of ways:
Have a traditional RDBMS schema design in MySQl/Postgresql with a single DB hosting multiple tenants. And add enough "free-floating" columns in each table to allow for future changes as I add more customers or changes for an existing customer. This might have a downside of propagating the changes to the DB every time a small change is made to the Schema. I remember reading that in Postgresql schema updates can be done real time without locking. But not sure, how painful or how practical is it in this use case. And also, as the schema changes might also introduce new/ minor SQL changes as well.
Have an RDBMS, but design the database schema in a flexible manner: with a close to entity-attribute-value or just as a key-value store. (Workday, FriendFeed for example)
Have the entire thing in-memory as objects and store them in log files periodically.(e.g., edval, lmax)
Go for a NoSQL DB like MongoDB or Redis. But based on what I can gather, they are not suitable for this use-case and not fully ACID compliant.
Go for some NewSQL Dbs like VoltDb or JustoneDb(cloud based) which retain the SQL and ACID compliant behaviour and are "new-gen" RDBMS.
I looked at neo4j(graphdb), but not sure if that will fit this use-case
In my use case, more than scalability or distributed computing, I am looking at a better way to achieve "Flexibility in Schema + ACID + some reasonable Performance". Most of the articles I could find on the net speak of flexibility in schema as a cause leading to performance(in the case of NoSQL DBs) and scalability while leaving out the ACID/Transactions side.
Is this an "either or" case of 'Schema flexibility vs ACID' transactions or Is there a better way out?
I think tarantool can help you. That solution have transactions, lua, msgpack, and etc. And also see that video

Should I choose relational or non-relation database for social-network like app

I'm in the process of choosing database for my application. I have been using MySQL for the longest time but for my current application Performance and Scalability is important and I know MySQL has its limitation and I have been hearing a lot about key-value stores, column-based DBs and document-based DBs and others. I have looked into:
They all seem (or claim) to be faster than relational DBs such as MySQL.
I'm using Ruby on Rails and there are clients for all the above so it shouldn't be a problem.
My data model is simple for the most part which is centered on a user object(with rich profile and preferences) related to different items such as photos, videos, posts...etc and each one of these has one tag or more.
The fact that these databases are new there doesn't seem to be a lot of resources for them online. Plus they are in a way structurally different so it will not be trivial to switch from one to another later.
I wish you can give me your input on what DB you think would be most suit my application that will have good performance and scale.
Step 1) Create your design using whatever technology you are strongest with.
Step 2) Release your social network, begin on researching non-relational databases and master whichever you feel most comfortable with.
Step 3) Refactor your data tier so you could potentially replace MySQL quickly and easily with your newly learned DB technology.
Step 4) Wait for your website to become so big that the need to replace MySQL comes around and begin to plug the holes.
I know this seems kind of cheeky, but really my point is just release your software and start to worry about scale etc. when it actually becomes a concern.
The primary benefit of something like a document database, at least for your app, is that you can treat the entire User glob of info as a single document. You don't have to worry about adding table for properties, or new features, or whatever, rather you can keep the bulk of it in the user document and update it dynamically.
For read often, write rarely, this works a treat.
Now you don't need a "document database" to do something like this. MySQL et al will work just fine with a primary key and a CLOB (text) / BLOB field to hold the document.
Where something like CouchDB (the one that I'm most familiar with in this space) can help is that it has well supported replication, and it's straightforward to create views on specific attributes of the documents (for example, you want all "premiere" members, or whatever).
Plus, since CouchDB is HTTP, it works well with the modern caches and such that are available, which can help you in scaling, especially in, again, read heavy operations.
A lot of this is more about overall architecture than actual tools, so make sure you consider that first.
There is also Tokyo Cabinet which is used by some large sites.
I have not yet used on but my understanding is that when site like Twitter need to turn large numbers of messages round very quickly the overhead of the RDBMS is just to great and starts to slow the response times down significantly.
What you would need to do is look at the advantages you get from an RDBMS and weigh that against it's speed then do the same in reverse for a nosql type database.
RDBMS's give you a standard, they give you security, integrity and a general purpose language based on sets to make data manipulation easier. However if you do not need all or any of that structure you are loosing out on speed.
Prior to SQL was CODASYL and network databases. SQL took ove because of portability and transferability of skills etc. But i think the mobile wired world is changing this and it would be worth investigating.

What is couchdb, for what and how should I use it?

I hear a lot about couchdb, but after reading some documents about it, I still don't get why to use it and how.
Could you clarify this mystery for me?
It's a non-relational database, open-source, distributed (incremental, bidirectional replication), schema-free. A CouchDB database is a collection of documents; each document is a bunch of string "keys" and corresponding "values" (which can be numbers, strings, lists, dates, ...). You can have indices, queries, views.
If a relational DB feels confining to you (you find schemas too rigid, can't spread the DB engine work around a very large numbers of servers, etc), CouchDB is worth considering (it's one of the most interesting of the many non-relational DBs that are emerging these days).
But if all of your work happily fits in a relational database, that's what you probably want to continue using for production work (even though "playing around" with some non-relational DB is still well worth your time, just for personal growth and edification, that's quite different from transferring huge production systems over from a relational DB!-).
It sounds like you should be reading Why CouchDB
To quote from wikipedia
It is not a relational database management system. Instead of storing data in rows and columns, the database manages a collection of JSON documents. The documents in a collection need not share a schema, but retain query abilities via views.
CouchDB provides a different model for data storage than a traditional relational database in that it does not represent data as rows within tables, instead it stores data as "documents" in JSON format.
This difference in data storage model is what differenciates CouchDB from products like MySQL and SQL Server.
In terms of programatic access to CouchDB, it exposes a REST API which you can access by sending HTTP requests from your code
I hope this has been somewhat helpful, though I acknowlege it may not be given my minimal familiarity with the product
I'm far from an expert(all I've done is play around with it some...) but here's how I'm thinking of using it:
Usually when I'm designing an app I've got a bunch of app servers behind a load balancer. Often times, I've got sticky sessions so that each user will go back to the same app server during that session. What I'm thinking of doing is have a couchdb instance tied to each app server.
That way you can use that local couchdb to access user preferences, product data...whatever data you've got that doesn't have to be perfectly up to date. you've got data on these local CouchDBs. CouchDB allows replication. So, every fixed time period, merge the data back(every X seconds?) into it's peers to keep them up to date.
As a whole you shouldn't have to worry about conflicts b/c each appserver has it's own CouchDB and users are attached to the appserver, and you've got eventual consistency because you've got replication.
Does that answer your question?
A good example is when you say have to deal with people data in either a website or application. If you set off wishing to design the data and keep the individuals' information seperate, that makes a good case for CouchDB, which stores data in documents rather than relational tables. In a production deployment, my users may end up adding adhoc data about 10% of the people and some other funny details for another selected 5%. In a relational context, this could add up to loads of redundancy but not for CouchDB.
And it's not just about the fact that CouchDB is non-relational: if you're too focus on that, you're missing the point. CouchDB is plugged into the web, all you need to start with is HTTP for creating and making queries (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE...), and it's RESTful, plus the fact that it's portable and great for peer to peer sharing. It can also serve up web applications in what is termed as 'CouchApps', where CouchDB totally holds the images, CSS, markup as data stored under special documents called design documents.
Check out this collection of videos introducing non-relational databases, the one on CouchDB should give you a better idea.

Applications for using couchDB and a RDBMS together

Wondering if there was a scenario where one would use a document-based DB and a relational DB together in a best-of-both-worlds scenario?
In my view, until I see an actual (open source or otherwise transparent) application successfully doing this, I will remain skeptical that it's worthwhile for projects with fewer than a dozen developers.
I suspect that by choosing one database over another and sticking with it--in good times and in bad--developers will reduce both the complexity of the data model and the maintenance cost of the code. Also, by choosing two databases, one runs the risk of a worst-of-both-worlds scenario, with data which is both difficult to manipulate and report on (CouchDB) and also not scalable (RDBMS).
One idea is to use a relational database as the main data store and a document-based db as a data distribution mechanism from the back end to the front end(s).
We use a mix of RDBMS and CouchDB. The RDBMS (IBM DB/2) is used for "exact" data where transactions make things easier. Examples are bookkeeping of money and inventory. CouchDB is used for archival of "finished" records from the RDBMS, digital asserts (JPEGs, scanned documents) and badly structured information, e.g. information acquired via shipping companie's track and trace systems.
