Did old DOS C compilers implement double as 32-bit? - c

I'm reading Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book which is all about 3D graphics performance, so I was surprised to find that a lot of the C code there uses double instead of float. We're talking about early 90s computers (286, 386, Pentium) and MS-DOS C compilers, so what's the reason for using double in that era? Didn't float exist or was double's and float's precision different than today?
In short, why double was used in performance-critical code in that era?

As far as I know there was no C compiler targeting MS-DOS that used a 32-bit wide double, instead they all used a 64-bit wide double. This was certainly the case by the early 90's. Based on quick read of the "Floating Point for Real-Time 3D" chapter of the book, it appears the Michael Abrash thought that floating-point math of any precision was too slow on anything less than a Pentium CPU. Either the floating-point code you're looking was intended for Pentium CPUs or it was used on a non-critical path where performance doesn't matter. For performance critical code meant for earlier CPUs, Abrash implies that he would've used fixed-point arithmetic instead.
In a lot of cases using float instead of double wouldn't have actually made much difference. There's a few reasons. First, if you don't have an x87 FPU (floating-point unit) installed (a separate chip before the '486), using less precision wouldn't improve performance enough to make software emulated floating-point arithmetic fast enough to be useful for game. The second is that the performance of most x87 FPU operations wasn't actually affected by precision. On a Pentium CPU only division was faster if performed at a narrower precision. For earlier x87 FPUs I'm not sure precision affected division, though it could affect the performance of multiplication on the 80387. On all x87 FPUs addition would've been the same speed regardless of precision.
The third is that the specific C data type used, whether a 32-bit float, the 64-bit double, or even the 80-bit long double that many compilers supported, didn't actually affect the precision the FPU used during calculations. This is because the FPU didn't have different instructions (or encodings) for the three different precisions it supported. There was no way to tell it perform a float addition or a double divide. Instead it performed all arithmetic at a given precision that was set in the FPU's control register. (Or more accurately stated, it performed arithmetic as if using infinite precision and then rounding the result to the set precision.) While it would've been possible to change this register every time a floating-point instruction is used, this would cause massive decrease in performance, so compilers never did this. Instead they just set it to either 80-bit or 64-bit precision at program startup and left it that way.
Now it was actually a common technique for 3D games to set the FPU to single-precision. This meant floating-point arithmetic, whether using double or float types, would be performed using single-precision arithmetic. While this would end up only affecting the performance of floating-point divides, 3D graphics programming tends to do a lot divisions in critical code (eg. perspective divides), so this could have a significant performance improvement.
There is however one way that using float instead of double could improve performance, and that's simply because a float takes up half the space of a double. If you have a lot of floating-point values then having to read and write half as much memory can make a significant difference in performance. However, on Pentium or earlier PCs this wouldn't result in the huge performance difference it would today. The gap between CPU speed and RAM speed wasn't as wide back then, and floating-point performance was a fair bit slower. Still, it would be a worth while optimization if the extra precision isn't needed, as is usually the case in games.
Note that modern x86 C compilers don't normally use x87 FPU instructions for floating-point arithmetic, instead they use scalar SSE instructions, which unlike the x87 instructions, do come in single- and double-precision versions. (But no 80-bit wide extended-precision versions.) Except for division, this doesn't make any performance difference, but does mean that results are always truncated to float or double precision after every operation. When doing math on the x87 FPU this truncation would only happen when the result was written to memory. This means SSE floating-point code has now has predictable results, while x87 FPU code had unpredictable results because it was in general hard to predict when the compiler would need to spill a floating-point register into memory to make room for something else.
So basically using float instead of double wouldn't have made a big performance difference except when storing floating-point values in a big array or other large data structure in memory.


How sqrt() of GCC works after compiled? Which method of root is used? Newton-Raphson?

Just curiosity about the standard sqrt() from math.h on GCC works. I coded my own sqrt() using Newton-Raphson to do it!
yeah, I know fsqrt. But how the CPU does it? I can't debug hardware
Typical div/sqrt hardware in modern CPUs uses a power of 2 radix to calculate multiple result bits at once. e.g. http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~alna/pubs/ARITH20.pdf presents details of a design for a Radix-16 div/sqrt ALU, and compares it against the design in Penryn. (They claim lower latency and less power.) I looked at the pictures; looks like the general idea is to do something and feed a result back through a multiplier and adder iteratively, basically like long division. And I think similar to how you'd do bit-at-a-time division in software.
Intel Broadwell introduced a Radix-1024 div/sqrt unit. This discussion on RWT asks about changes between Penryn (Radix-16) and Broadwell. e.g. widening the SIMD vector dividers so 256-bit division was less slow vs. 128-bit, as well as increasing radix.
Maybe also see
The integer division algorithm of Intel's x86 processors - Merom's Radix-2 and Radix-4 dividers was replaced by Penryn's Radix-16. (Core2 65nm vs. 45nm)
But however the hardware works, IEEE requires sqrt (and mul/div/add/sub) to give a correctly rounded result, i.e. error <= 0.5 ulp, so you don't need to know how it works, just the performance. These operations are special, other functions like log and sin do not have this requirement, and real library implementations usually aren't that accurate. (And x87 fsin is definitely not that accurate for inputs near Pi/2 where catastrophic cancellation in range-reduction leads to potentially huge relative errors.)
See https://agner.org/optimize/ for x86 instruction tables including throughput and latency for scalar and SIMD sqrtsd / sqrtss and their wider versions. I collected up the results in Floating point division vs floating point multiplication
For non-x86 hardware sqrt, you'd have to look at data published by other vendors, or results from people who have tested it.
Unlike most instructions, sqrt performance is typically data-dependent. (Usually more significant bits or larger magnitude of the result takes longer).
sqrt is defined by C, so most likely you have to look in glibc.
You did not specify which architecture you are asking for, so I think it's safe to assume x86-64. If that's the case, they are defined in:
tl;dr they are simply implemented by calling the x86-64 square root instructions sqrts{sd}:
Furthermore, and just for the sake of discussion, if you enable fast-math (something you probably should not do if you care about result precision), you will see that most compilers will actually inline the call and directly emit the sqrts{sd} instructions:

How floating point conversion was handled before the invention of FPU and SSE?

I am trying to understand how floating point conversion is handled at the low level. So based on my understanding, this is implemented in hardware. So, for example, SSE provides the instruction cvttss2si which converts a float to an int.
But my question is: was the floating point conversion always handled this way? What about before the invention of FPU and SSE, was the calculation done manually using Assembly code?
It depends on the processor, and there have been a huge number of different processors over the years.
FPU stands for "floating-point unit". It's a more or less generic term that can refer to a floating-point hardware unit for any computer system. Some systems might have floating-point operations built into the CPU. Others might have a separate chip. Yet others might not have hardware floating-point support at all. If you specify a floating-point conversion in your code, the compiler will generate whatever CPU instructions are needed to perform the necessary computation. On some systems, that might be a call to a subroutine that does whatever bit manipulations are needed.
SSE stands for "Streaming SIMD Extensions", and is specific to the x86 family of CPUs. For non-x86 CPUs, there's no "before" or "after" SSE; SSE simply doesn't apply.
The conversion from floating-point to integer is considered a basic enough operation that the 387 instruction set already had such an instruction, FIST—although not useful for compiling the (int)f construct of C programs, as that instruction used the current rounding mode.
Some RISC instruction sets have always considered that a dedicated conversion instruction from floating-point to integer was an unnecessary luxury, and that this could be done with several instructions accessing the IEEE 754 floating-point representation. One basic scheme might look like this blog post, although the blog post is about rounding a float to a
float representing the nearest integer.
Prior to the standardization of IEEE 754 arithmetic, there were many competing vendor-specific ways of doing floating-point arithmetic. These had different ranges, precision, and different behavior with respect to overflow, underflow, signed zeroes, and undefined results such as 0/0 or sqrt(-1).
However, you can divide floating point implementations into two basic groups: hardware and software. In hardware, you would typically see an opcode which performs the conversion, although coprocessor FPUs can complicate things. In software, the conversion would be done by a function.
Today, there are still soft FPUs around, mostly on embedded systems. Not too long ago, this was common for mobile devices, but soft FPUs are still the norm on smaller systems.
Indeed, the floating point operations are a challenge for hardware engineers, as they require much hardware (leading to higher costs of the final product) and consume much power. There are some architectures that do not contain a floating point unit. There are also architectures that do not provide instructions even for basic operations like integer division. The ARM architecture is an example of this, where you have to implement division in software. Also, the floating point unit comes as an optional coprocessor in this architecture. It is worth thinking about this, considering the fact that ARM is the main architecture used in embedded systems.
IEEE 754 (the floating point standard used today in most of the applications) is not the only way of representing real numbers. You can also represent them using a fixed point format. For example, if you have a 32 bit machine, you can assume you have a decimal point between bit 15 and 16 and perform operations keeping this in mind. This is a simple way of representing floating numbers and it can be handled in software easily.
It depends on the implementation of the compiler. You can implement floating point math in just about any language (an example in C: http://www.jhauser.us/arithmetic/SoftFloat.html), and so usually the compiler's runtime library will include a software implementation of things like floating point math (or possibly the target hardware has always supported native instructions for this - again, depends on the hardware) and instructions which target the FPU or use SSE are offered as an optimization.
Before Floating Point Units doesn't really apply, since some of the earliest computers made back in the 1940's supported floating point numbers: wiki - first electro mechanical computers.
On processors without floating point hardware, the floating point operations are implemented in software, or on some computers, in microcode as opposed to being fully hardware implemented: wiki - microcode , or the operations could be handled by separate hardware components such as the Intel x87 series: wiki - x87 .
But my question is: was the floating point conversion always handled this way?
No, there's no x87 or SSE on architectures other than x86 so no cvttss2si either
Everything you can do with software, you can also do in hardware and vice versa.
The same to float conversion. If you don't have the hardware support, just do some bit hacking. There's nothing low level here so you can do it in C or any other languages easily. There is already a lot of solutions on SO
Converting Int to Float/Float to Int using Bitwise
Casting float to int (bitwise) in C
Converting float to an int (float2int) using only bitwise manipulation
Yes. The exponent was changed to 0 by shifting the mantissa, denormalizing the number. If the result was too large for an int an exception was generated. Otherwise the denormalized number (minus the factional part and optionally rounded) is the integer equivalent.

Does any floating point-intensive code produce bit-exact results in any x86-based architecture?

I would like to know if any code in C or C++ using floating point arithmetic would produce bit exact results in any x86 based architecture, regardless of the complexity of the code.
To my knowledge, any x86 architecture since the Intel 8087 uses a FPU unit prepared to handle IEEE-754 floating point numbers, and I cannot see any reason why the result would be different in different architectures. However, if they were different (namely due to different compiler or different optimization level), would there be some way to produce bit-exact results by just configuring the compiler?
Table of contents:
Creating real-life software that achieves this.
In C or C++:
No, a fully ISO C11 and IEEE-conforming C implementation does not guarantee bit-identical results to other C implementations, even other implementations on the same hardware.
(And first of all, I'm going to assume we're talking about normal C implementations where double is the IEEE-754 binary64 format, etc., even though it would be legal for a C implementation on x86 to use some other format for double and implement FP math with software emulation, and define the limits in float.h. That might have been plausible when not all x86 CPUs included with an FPU, but in 2016 that's Deathstation 9000 territory.)
related: Bruce Dawson's Floating-Point Determinism blog post is an answer to this question. His opening paragraph is amusing (and is followed by a lot of interesting stuff):
Is IEEE floating-point math deterministic? Will you always get the same results from the same inputs? The answer is an unequivocal “yes”. Unfortunately the answer is also an unequivocal “no”. I’m afraid you will need to clarify your question.
If you're pondering this question, then you will definitely want to have a look at the index to Bruce's series of articles about floating point math, as implemented by C compilers on x86, and also asm, and IEEE FP in general.
First problem: Only "basic operations": + - * / and sqrt are required to return "correctly rounded" results, i.e. <= 0.5ulp of error, correctly-rounded out to the last bit of the mantissa, so the results is the closest representable value to the exact result.
Other math library functions like pow(), log(), and sin() allow implementers to make a tradeoff between speed and accuracy. For example, glibc generally favours accuracy, and is slower than Apple's OS X math libraries for some functions, IIRC. See also glibc's documentation of the error bounds for every libm function across different architectures.
But wait, it gets worse. Even code that only uses the correctly-rounded basic operations doesn't guarantee the same results.
C rules also allow some flexibility in keeping higher precision temporaries. The implementation defines FLT_EVAL_METHOD so code can detect how it works, but you don't get a choice if you don't like what the implementation does. You do get a choice (with #pragma STDC FP_CONTRACT off) to forbid the compiler from e.g. turning a*b + c into an FMA with no rounding of the a*b temporary before the add.
On x86, compilers targeting 32-bit non-SSE code (i.e. using obsolete x87 instructions) typically keep FP temporaries in x87 registers between operations. This produces the FLT_EVAL_METHOD = 2 behaviour of 80-bit precision. (The standard specifies that rounding still happens on every assignment, but real compilers like gcc don't actually do extra store/reloads for rounding unless you use -ffloat-store. See https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/FloatingPointMath. That part of the standard seems to have been written assuming non-optimizing compilers, or hardware that efficiently provides rounding to the type width like non-x86, or like x87 with precision set to round to 64-bit double instead of 80-bit long double. Storing after every statement is exactly what gcc -O0 and most other compilers do, and the standard allows extra precision within evaluation of one expression.)
So when targeting x87, the compiler is allowed to evaluate the sum of three floats with two x87 FADD instructions, without rounding off the sum of the first two to a 32-bit float. In that case, the temporary has 80-bit precision... Or does it? Not always, because the C implementation's startup code (or a Direct3D library!!!) may have changed the precision setting in the x87 control word, so values in x87 registers are rounded to 53 or 24 bit mantissa. (This makes FDIV and FSQRT run a bit faster.) All of this from Bruce Dawson's article about intermediate FP precision).
In assembly:
With rounding mode and precision set the same, I think every x86 CPU should give bit-identical results for the same inputs, even for complex x87 instructions like FSIN.
Intel's manuals don't define exactly what those results are for every case, but I think Intel aims for bit-exact backwards compatibility. I doubt they'll ever add extended-precision range-reduction for FSIN, for example. It uses the 80-bit pi constant you get with fldpi (correctly-rounded 64-bit mantissa, actually 66-bit because the next 2 bits of the exact value are zero). Intel's documentation of the worst-case-error was off by a factor of 1.3 quintillion until they updated it after Bruce Dawson noticed how bad the worst-case actually was. But this can only be fixed with extended-precision range reduction, so it wouldn't be cheap in hardware.
I don't know if AMD implements their FSIN and other micro-coded instructions to always give bit-identical results to Intel, but I wouldn't be surprised. Some software does rely on it, I think.
Since SSE only provides instructions for add/sub/mul/div/sqrt, there's nothing too interesting to say. They implement the IEEE operation exactly, so there's no chance that any x86 implementation will ever give you anything different (unless the rounding mode is set differently, or denormals-are-zero and/or flush-to-zero are different and you have any denormals).
SSE rsqrt (fast approximate reciprocal square root) is not exactly specified, and I think it's possible you might get a different result even after a Newton iteration, but other than that SSE/SSE2 is always bit exact in asm, assuming the MXCSR isn't set weird. So the only question is getting the compiler go generate the same code, or just using the same binaries.
In real life:
So, if you statically link a libm that uses SSE/SSE2 and distribute those binaries, they will run the same everywhere. Unless that library uses run-time CPU detection to choose alternate implementations...
As #Yan Zhou points out, you pretty much need to control every bit of the implementation down to the asm to get bit-exact results.
However, some games really do depend on this for multi-player, but often with detection/correction for clients that get out of sync. Instead of sending the entire game state over the network every frame, every client computes what happens next. If the game engine is carefully implemented to be deterministic, they stay in sync.
In the Spring RTS, clients checksum their gamestate to detect desync. I haven't played it for a while, but I do remember reading something at least 5 years ago about them trying to achieve sync by making sure all their x86 builds used SSE math, even the 32-bit builds.
One possible reason for some games not allowing multi-player between PC and non-x86 console systems is that the engine gives the same results on all PCs, but different results on the different-architecture console with a different compiler.
Further reading: GAFFER ON GAMES: Floating Point Determinism. Some techniques that real game engines use to get deterministic results. e.g. wrap sin/cos/tan in non-optimized function calls to force the compiler to leave them at single-precision.
If the compiler and architecture is compliant to IEEE standards, yes.
For instance, gcc is IEEE compliant if configured properly. If you use the -ffast-math flag, it will not be IEEE compliant.
See http://www.validlab.com/goldberg/paper.pdf page 25.
If you want to know exactly what exactness you can rely on when using a IEEE 754-1985 hardware/compiler pair, you need to purchase the standard paper on IEEE site. Unfortunately, this is not publicly available

SSE ints vs. floats practice

When dealing with both ints and floats in SSE (AVX) is it a good practice to convert all ints to floats and work only with floats?
Because we need only a few SIMD instructions after that, and all we need to use is addition and compare instructions (<, <=, ==) which this conversion, I hope, should retain completely.
Expand my comments into an answer.
Basically you weighing the following trade-off:
Stick with integer:
Integer SSE is low-latency, high throughput. (dual issue on Sandy Bridge)
Limited to 128-bit SIMD width.
Convert to floating-point:
Benefit from 256-bit AVX.
Higher latencies, and only single-issue addition/subtraction (on Sandy Bridge)
Incurs initial conversion overhead.
Restricts input to those that fit into a float without precision loss.
I'd say stick with integer for now. If you don't want to duplicate code with the float versions, then that's your call.
The only times I've seen where emulating integers with floating-point becomes faster are when you have to do divisions.
Note that I've made no mention of readability as diving into manual vectorization probably implies that performance is more important.

64-bit integer implementation for 8-bit microcontroller

I'm working on OKI 431 microcontroller. This is 8-bit microcontroller. We don't like to have any floating point operation to be performed in our project so we've eliminated all floating point operations and converted them into integer operations in some way. But we cannot eliminate one floating point operation because optimizing the calculation for integer operation requires 64-bit integer which the micro doesn't natively support. It has C compiler that supports upto 32-bit integer operation. The calculation takes too long time which is noticeable in a way to user.
I'm wondering if there is any 64-bit integer library that can be easily used in C for microcontoller coding. Or what is the easiest way to write such thing efficiently? Here efficiently implies minimize amount of time required.
Thanks in advance.
Since this is a micro-controller you will probably want to use a simple assembly library. The fewer operations it has to support the simpler and smaller it can be. You may also find that you can get away with smaller than 64 bit numbers (48 bit, perhaps) and reduce the run time and register requirements.
You may have to go into assembly to do this. The obvious things you need are:
2s complement (invert and increment)
left and right arithmetic shift by 1
From those you can build subtraction, multiplication, long division, and longer shifts. Keep in mind that multiplying two 64-bit numbers gives you a 128-bit number, and long division may need to be able to take a 128-bit dividend.
It will seem painfully slow, but the assumption in such a machine is that you need a small footprint, not speed. I assume you are doing these calculations at the lowest frequency you can.
An open-source library may have a slightly faster way to do it,
but it could also be even slower.
Whenever speed is a problem with floating point math in small embedded systems, and when integer math is not enough, fixed point math is a fast replacement.
