Connection timeout with SlashDB and Azure SQL DB - sql-server

I've just installed SlashDB and connected to an Azure SQL DB successfully. Querying works and everything is fine. However, after a while, if I retry my previously working query, I get an error from SlashDB:
500 Internal Server Error (pyodbc.OperationalError) ('08S01', u'[08S01] [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Write to the server failed (20006) (SQLExecDirectW)')
I'm not writing anything to the server, if that matters. But if I retry the query immediately, it works. My deep analysis (=guess) of this all is that the SQL Server terminates the idle connection. Now, I'd like SlashDB to retry when it fails, instead of returning error to the the client. Is this possible?

Apparently Azure SQL DB could be breaking connections due to either their redundancy limitations or the 30 minute idle.
For performance reasons SlashDB does not establish a new connection for every request, but instead maintains a pool of connections.
MySQL, has a similar behavior, which is widely known (60 minutes idle timeout) and SlashDB actually has a logic to attempt reconnect. It should implement the same for all database types, but I need to confirm that with the development team (and fix if not the case).
In the meantime, you could either retry on the client side or send a periodic request for to avoid the timeout.


Openliberty datasource always uses 1 database connection

I have configured openliberty (version 21) with a database (oracle) connection as follows in the server.xml :
<dataSource jndiName="jdbc/myds" transactional="true">
<connectionManager maxPoolSize="20" minPoolSize="5" agedTimeout="120s" connectionTimeout="10s"/>
<jdbcDriver libraryRef="jdbcLib" />
< URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:#..." user="..." password="..."/>
The server starts and I can make queries to the database via my rest api but I have noticed that I only use 1 active database connection and parallel http queries result in queuing databases queries over that 1 connection.
I have verified this by monitoring the active open database connections in combination with slow queries (I make several rest calls in parallel). Only 1 connection is opened and 1 query is processes after the other. How do I open a connection pool with for example 5-20 connections for parallel operation.
Based on your described usage, the connection pool should be creating connections as requests come in if there are no connections available in the free pool.
Your connectionTimeout is configured to be 10 seconds. To ensure that your test really is running in parallel would be to make two requests to the server. The server should create a connection, use it, wait 11 seconds, then close the connection.
If your requests are NOT running in parallel, you will not get any exception since the second request won't start until after the first one finished and that would be an issue with your test procedure.
If your requests are running in parallel, and you do not get any exception output from Liberty. Then Liberty likely is making multiple connections and that can be confirmed by enabling J2C trace.
Enable: J2C=ALL
If your requests are running in parallel, and no more than one connection is being created, then you will get a ConnectionWaitTimeoutException. This could be caused by the driver not being able to create more than one connection, incorrect use of the Oracle Connection Pool (UCP), or a number of other factors. I would need more information to debug that issue.

SQL Server - How to prevent sql server from disconnect the idle connection after period of time?

i am using sql server 2012 with desktop application as client , the application get errors after period of time when no activity on it , i googled about this issue all solutions points me to AUTO_CLOSE option on database but it's already set to false .
i thing is something missing in connection string (ADO Extension)
To be honest, if you have long running connections, you can hit these errors regardless due to firewalls / routers closing connections, etc. The correct solution is to instantiate a connection when you need it, use the connection and release it. With connection pooling, this is not really a performance problem.
If your long-running application is "bursty", it is sometimes convenient to open the connection, do a number of commands -- then when you go idle, release the connection and wait the next burst of activity.

Error 17886 - The server will drop the connection

We are running a website on a vps server with sql server 2008 x64 r2. We are being bombarded with 17886 errors - namely:
The server will drop the connection, because the client driver has
sent multiple requests while the session is in single-user mode. This
error occurs when a client sends a request to reset the connection
while there are batches still running in the session, or when the
client sends a request while the session is resetting a connection.
Please contact the client driver vendor.
This causes sql statements to return corrupt results. I have tried pretty much all of the suggestions I have found on the net, including:
with mars, and without.
with pooling and without
with async=true and without
we only have one database and it is absolutely multi-user.
Everything has been installed recently so it is up to date. They may be correlated with high cpu (though not exclusively according to the monitors I have seen). Also correlated with high request rates from search engines. However, high cpu/requests shouldn't cause sql connections to reset - at worst we should have high response times or iis refusing to send response.
Any suggestions? I am only a developer not dba - do i need a dba to solve this problem?
Not sure but some of your queries might cause deadlocks on the server.
At the point you detect this error again
Open Management Studio (on the server, install it if necessary)
Open a new query window
Run sp_who2
Check the blkby column which is short for Blocked By. If there is any data in that column you have a deadlock problem (Normally it should be like the screenshot I attached, completely empty).
If you have a deadlock then we can continue with next steps. But right now please check that.
To fix the error above, ”MultipleActiveResultSets=True” needs to be added to the connection string.
via Event ID 17886 MSSQLServer – The server will drop the connection
I would create an eventlog task to email you whenever 17886 is thrown. Then go immediately to the db and execute the sp_who2, get the blkby spid and run a dbcc inputbuffer. Hopefully the eventinfo will give you something a bit more tangible to go on.
Use a "Instance Per Request" strategy in your DI-instantiation code and your problem will be solved
Most probably you are using dependency injection. During web development you have to take into account the possibility of concurrent requests. Therefor you have to make sure every request gets new instances during DI, otherwise you will get into concurrency issues. Don't be cheap by using ".SingleInstance" for services and contexts.
Enabling MARS will probably decrease the number of errors, but the errors that are encountered will be less clear. Enabling MARS is always never the solution, do not use this unless you know what you're doing.

Automatic retry of failed connection in NHibernate

Is there a way to ask NHibernate to automatically retry failed connections to a database? Specifically, if my network connection is too unreliable, sometimes NH will fail to connect to my remote SQL Server.
You might (just an idea) be able to get retries by overriding the connection driver's GenerateCommand() method. There you would return a wrapped IDbCommand that retries as necessary.
If you are working with "occasionally connected" requirements, see this question.

FreeTDS Bad token from the server (SQL Server)

Today we had a lot more activity than normal between our Ruby on Rails application and our remote legacy SQL Server 2005 database, and we started getting the error below intermittently. What is is? How can I prevent it (besides avoiding the situation, which we're working on)?
Error Message:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: DBI::DatabaseError: 08S01 (20020) [unixODBC][FreeTDS][SQL Server]
Bad token from the server: Datastream processing out of sync: SELECT * FROM [marketing] WHERE ([marketing].[contact_id] = 832085)
You need to use some sort of connection pooling.
Windows itself (including Windows Server X) will only allow a certain number of socket connections to be created in a given time frame, even if you close them. All others will fail after that.
A connection pool will keep the same sockets open, avoiding the problem. Also, new connections are real slow.
This Microsoft article says:
Often caused by an abruptly terminated network connection, which causes a damaged Tabular Data Stream token to be read by the client.
Was the server network bound? I have no experience with SQL Server, but does it have a limit on the number of connections you can make?
Add the following to your script; the first statement you run:
