How to idetify the phonetic alphabets in MS SQL database tables - sql-server

We have inserted more than 100000 records through Import flat file functionality in sql server management studio. It was inserted successfully.
But some of column values contained characters like é and ö .
It got converted into while storing in sql column for all above characters like(ö,é).
Moreover the below SQL statements is not giving any results.
select * from Temp where column1 like '%%'
The data with these characters in the tables are being displayed with a symbol(question mark in a diamond).
Please help as to how can I insert the data keeping the phoentic symobols intact.

Your data contains some characters like é and ö. But when you see in the database, it's stored "?" instead of that, right?
I think, your database does not support all characters. I would recommend to change it to something like this:
character set: utf8
collation: utf8_general_ci
Hope to help, my friend :))

character set: utf8
collation: utf8_general_ci

strong text


Why can I store an Ukrainian string in a varchar column?

I got a little surprised as I was able to store an Ukrainian string in a varchar column .
My table is:
create table delete_collation
text1 varchar(100) collate SQL_Ukrainian_CP1251_CI_AS
and using this query I am able to insert:
insert into delete_collation
values(N'використовується для вирішення квитки')
but when I am removing 'N' it is showing ?????? in the select statement.
Is it okay or am I missing something in understanding unicode and non-unicode with collate?
From MSDN:
Prefix Unicode character string constants with the letter N. Without
the N prefix, the string is converted to the default code page of the
database. This default code page may not recognize certain characters.
Please see a similar questions::
What is the meaning of the prefix N in T-SQL statements?
Cyrillic symbols in SQL code are not correctly after insert
sql server 2012 express do not understand Russian letters
To expand on MegaTron's answer:
Using collate SQL_Ukrainian_CP1251_CI_AS, SQL server is able to store ukrainian characters in a varchar column by using CodePage 1251.
However, when you specify a string without the N prefix, that string will be converted to the default non-unicode codepage before it is sent to the database, and that is why you see ??????.
So it is completely fine to use varchar and collate as you do, but you must always include the N prefix when sending strings to the database, to avoid the intermediate conversion to default (non-ukrainian) codepage.

'LIKE' keyword is not working in sql server 2008

I have bulk-data in SQL-Server table. One of the fields contains following data :
'(اے انسان!) کیا تو نہیں جانتا)'
SELECT * from Ayyat where Data like '%انسان%' ;
but it is showing no-result.
Plese use N before string if language is not a english:
SELECT * from Ayyat where Data like N'%انسان%' ;
If you're storing urdu, arabic or other language except english in your database first you should convert your database into another format and then also table.
first you've to convert your database charset and also collation alter your database
ALTER DATABASE database_name CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
then convert your table
ALTER TABLE table_name CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
after this execute normal your query
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE Datas LIKE '%انسان%'
Note: if you not convert your database and table other languages and special characters will be changed into question marks.

Inserting Unicode character using mvc

I have a database field with nVarchar(30). I am using MVC. When i insert the record in Unicode, i get ?????.
Any one can tell me how can i convert a string to unicode and insert into database.
I am using SQL Server 2008 R2.
Try to change your database collation to Latin1_General_BIN2.
Make sure:
You Use N' at the start of string literals containing such strings, e.g. N'enović'
If you want to query and ignore accents, then you can add a COLLATE clause to your select. E.g.:
WHERE Name = 'enovic' COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

How to Show Eastern Letter(Chinese Character) on SQL Server/SQL Reporting Services?

I need to insert chinese characters in my database but it always show ???? ..
Insert this record.
Then it became ???
I really Need Help...thanks in regard.
I am using MSSQL Server 2008
Make sure you specify a unicode string with a capital N when you insert like:
INSERT INTO Table1 (Col1) SELECT N'微波室外单元-Apple' AS [Col1]
and that Table1 (Col1) is an NVARCHAR data type.
Make sure the column you're inserting to is nchar, nvarchar, or ntext. If you insert a Unicode string into an ANSI column, you really will get question marks in the data.
Also, be careful to check that when you pull the data back out you're not just seeing a client display problem but are actually getting the question marks back:
SELECT Unicode(YourColumn), YourColumn FROM YourTable
Note that the Unicode function returns the code of only the first character in the string.
Once you've determined whether the column is really storing the data correctly, post back and we'll help you more.
Try adding the appropriate languages to your Windows locale setings. you'll have to make sure your development machine is set to display Non-Unicode characters in the appropriate language.
And ofcourse u need to use NVarchar for foreign language feilds
Make sure that you have set an encoding for the database to one that supports these characters. UTF-8 is the de facto encoding as it's ASCII compatible but supports all 1114111 Unicode code points.
SELECT 'UPDATE table SET msg=UNISTR('''||ASCIISTR(msg)||''') WHERE id='''||id||''' FROM table WHERE id= '123344556' ;

How to convert chinese characters to AL16UTF16 or WE8ISO8859P1?

I have inserted into database some chinese characters. (Column name is NAME, data type is VARCHAR2)
My project name is: 中文版测试 and I need to select project by this name.
In oracle database are inserted 中文版测试 with name : ÖÐÎÄ°æ²âÊÔ (If I understand right my database has a set with the name WE8ISO8859P1)
I want to convert this characters from database (ÖÐÎÄ°æ²âÊÔ) to chinese characters (中文版测试) or to a same values to compare.
I try this:
select DIRNAME from MILLENNIUM.PROJECTINFO where UPPER(convert(NAME, 'AL32UTF8', 'we8iso8859p1')) = UPPER(convert('中文版测试', 'WE8MSWIN1252', 'AL32UTF8'));
I need to compare values from oracle with the name of the project.
Oracle settings:
AS Michael O'Neill already pointed out it is not possible to store Chinese characters in character set WE8ISO8859P1. All unsupported characters are automatically replaced by ¿ (or any other place holder)
BTW, WE8ISO8859P1 is different to WE8MSWIN1252 (see What is the exact difference between Windows-1252(1/3/4) and ISO-8859-1?), so your conversion does not work anyway.
Solution is to change data type of column NAME to NVARCHAR2 or migrate your database to UTF-8, see Character Set Migration and Database Migration Assistant for Unicode Guide. In any case you should consider your data being lost, resp. corrupted.
However, in case your client application was configured wrongly then in certain circumstances it is possible to insert unsupported characters, see If we have US7ASCII characterset why does it let us store non-ascii characters?.
In such case you can try to repair your data as this:
select DIRNAME from MILLENNIUM.PROJECTINFO where NAME = '中文版测试';
but it may not work for all of your data.
Hence a (not recommended) workaround for your problem could be
select DIRNAME
where UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_NCHAR(UTL_I18N.STRING_TO_RAW(NAME), 'ZHS16CGB231280') = '中文版测试';
You cannot take Chinese characters, insert them into a column that is bound by the WE8ISO8859P1 character set and then select them ever again as Chinese characters. You have lost information on your insert. That lost information cannot be reconstituted.
In your case, the NAME column if it were defined as NVARCHAR2, you could do a AL16UTF16 to AL16UTF16 comparison in a subsequent SELECT. Or, even better, not need to convert and compare with AL16UTF16 at all if your client tool is up to the task.
