Https url data download issue with apache camel - apache-camel

I am facing a unique problem with apache camel https4 call. My case is something like below:
I have to make a post https request to a third party with authentication credentials(request identifiers) in body of request. - This works fine
Example url : https4://< requesturl >?httpClientConfigurer=proxyClientConfigurer
The successful response will give me a download url to request for files download. This url is returned in the format https://< requesturl >?args=< file identifier > which if i invoke through a browser, downloads all the files instantly.
However for invoking it through apache camel i have to use https4 and need to append httpClientConfigurer=proxyClientConfigurer to download request url. So the final url is something like https4://< requesturl >?args=< file identifier>&httpClientConfigurer=proxyClientConfigurer and this is the part its failing.
the server treat it as a new request and looks for the authentication/information which is not present and hence the call fails.
I don't know what i am doing wrong here?

Well i didn't find a solution for this through Camel but i went ahead and used the normal Http Get with the download url.


How to add an trailing slash to the camel http component of camel

Im am trying to call a rest post service from my Camel route.
The rest service is deployed at
Calling the Service from a Rest Client like VS Code works if there is a trailing slash (after verteileauftrag).
In my camel route I have configured the following:
and in then later using the config:
If I execute the code, I get a 404 HTTP Error from the Backend as the URL used is So without a trailing slash.
I have tried to add it like .to("rest:post:verteileauftrag/?")
but no success.
Do you have any idea how to tell the http component in the rest configuration how to add the trailing slash?
Thank you very much.
Using redhat fuse 7_10_2.
Regards Michel
Based on a collegues example I reimplemented the Rest Service call with a normal .to("URL") configuration in the routebuilder with setting the appropriate Headers for HTTP Post and content type json. Would still be interessted in any answer, but not waiting on one.

How to pass active storage images to email

I am using active storage in my Rails application. The frontend is on React. I am uploading an image via react uploader and sending that image to the backend API where I am storing it to S3 bucket using active storage.
This is the API that handles the image:
if image.attached?
opts = ImageUploader.resize_to_fill(blob: image.blob, width: 100)
variation = opts)
variant =, variation)
return rails_representation_url(variant, only_path: true)
This returns the path in the following format:
This works all fine when I use this path inside the application, but I want to send this image in email, there the image breaks as the src attribute can not read this path. If I append http://localhost:3000 manually in the email through dev tools, I am able to see the image then.
Weirldy, in the email, I also see the path appended with http by itself like below:
I did a workaround and gave only_path to false. This way I was able to get back the complete URL but in the email I got duplicate http written somehow.
Desired Result:
Either the email also appends the host_url along the protocol or removes the http also so that I am able to pass the complete valid URL.
If there is a way to alter the api and somehow get the s3 endpoint directly that would really really work but I am not sure how to do so. It would return the url like this: //{bucketName}/uploads/file/id/image.jpeg
Any help please!

How to intercept requests from external handlers using Cypress?

Does anyone know how a request that launches an external handler (such as an email app) can be intercepted to obtain the Request URL?
The in-browser request that launches the external app looks like this:
Request URL:
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
I'm trying to do as follows and it doesn't work:
cy.wait('#mailto').its('request.url').should('contain.text', 'Subject')
It fails on cy.wait('#mailto') and the Routes from Cypress's interface presents the following (that it doesn't catch the request):
Route Matcher
Also, already tried to use different Cypress versions: 6.4.0, 6.9.1 and 8.2.0.
Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.
It turns out that mailto: doesn't seem to be a request, it's more like a link inside an <a> of your HTML...
A request usually has a method (GET, POST, DELETE) and a URL, and then you can intercept using cy.intercept.
It turns out that when you click on the link that contains Mailto a request is not created, this link serves to open your email client, so you need to create an assertion for this link in another way.
cy.intercept('POST', '/createuser*').as('createUser')
This is the way I use to intercept a request, making the test wait for the response before proceeding, it is for requests that your frontend makes to your backend server or third party services.

Jetty converts POST requests into GET requests

My apache camel driven application sends HTTP POST ( with body ) call to a web server. But after I change the web server url to following, camel jetty converts my POST into a GET request ( without body ) and sends to the endpoint where is fails as web server expects a POST requests. How do I prevent this conversion ?
Note : There is a "?" in the url as it is a legacy system
Got it resolved after reading through
createMethod() of file.
I have not set the CamelHttpMethod header in correct location of my code.

c read authentication from url and favicon.ico

I'm working on a C coded server that have to reply to browsers' requests. It have to give authentication when using url like this:
but I really don't know how or where get this information on my server, because what I got when I read the request is the same that I can read when I interact with the server simply using
Second question is that sometime I have this favicon.ico request from browsers.. what can I reply to the browser to say "I have not this fu*** stupid icon"? :D
I'm of course using socket for this
Look for a request header named Authorization: containing the string Basic followed by the BASE64 encoded username and password. This method of authenticating is called HTTP Basic Authentication.
For the favicon, simply respond with a HTTP 404 response if you don't have one.
