Jest test case for UseEffect hooks in react JS - reactjs

I am trying to write the Jest-enzyme test case for useEffect react hooks, and I am really lost, I want to write test case for 2 react hooks, one making the async call and another sorting the data and setting the data using usestate hooks, my file is here.
export const DatasetTable: React.FC<DatasetTableProps> = ({id, dataset, setDataset, datasetError, setDataSetError}) => {
const [sortedDataset, setSortedDataset] = useState<Dataset[]>();
useEffect(() => {
setData: setDataset,
setError: setDataSetError
}, [id, setDataset, setDataSetError]});
useEffect(() => {
if(dataset) {
const sortedDatasetVal = [...dataset];
sortedDatasetVal.sort(a, b) => {
const dateA: any = new Date(;
const dateA: any = new Date(;
return dataA - dateB;
}, [dataset])
return (

Enzyme isn't the right library for this kind of testing. is what you need.
In your case I would extract all the data fetching to a 'custom hook' and then test this independently from your UI presentation layer.
In doing so you have better separation of concerns and your custom hook can be used in other similar react components.

I managed to get enzyme to work with a data fetching useEffect hook. It does however require that you allow your dataFetching functions to be passed as props to the component.
Here's how I would go about testing your component, considering it now accepts fetchRegistryFunction as a prop:
const someDataSet = DataSet[] // mock your response object here.
describe('DatasetTable', () => {
let fetchRegistryFunction;
let wrapper;
beforeEach(async () => {
fetchRegistryFunction = jest.fn()
.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(someDataSet));
await act(async () => {
wrapper = mount(
// ... other props here
// The wrapper.update call changes everything,
// act seems to not automatically update the wrapper,
// which lets you validate your old rendered state
// before updating it.
afterEach(() => {
it('should display fetched data', () => {
Hope this helps!


Is it necessary to call unmount after each test cases in react testing libarary?

describe('<CustomTooltip />', () => {
it('should show tooltip text', async () => {
const { container, unmount } = render(<CustomTooltip text='Tooltip Text' />)
await screen.findByText('Tooltip Text')
unmount() // ?? is it necessary to call unmount after each test cases?
it('check if there is an mounted component', () => {
Is it necessary to call unmount after each test cases? Because I've added useEffect in the CustomTooltip component, and Unmounted is logged before the second test case. And even the second test case screen.debug output is <body />.
useEffect(() => {
return () => console.log('Unmounted')
}, [])
I asked this because i saw a custom implementation for render in test utils to unmount component after each test cases, and I'm curious to know if this is really important.
let lastMount = null;
const _render = (...args) => {
lastMount = render(...args);
return lastMount;
afterEach(() => {
if (lastMount)
lastMount = null;
It depends on the testing framework that you are using. If you are using jest, for instance, it's not needed.
Here is a reference to this suggestion
For a long time now cleanup happens automatically (supported for most major testing frameworks) and you no longer need to worry about it

Event-driven approach in React?

I'd like to "fire an event" in one component, and let other components "subscribe" to that event and do some work in React.
For example, here is a typical React project.
I have a model, fetch data from server and several components are rendered with that data.
interface Model {
id: number;
value: number;
const [data, setData] = useState<Model[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
fetchDataFromServer().then((resp) => setData(;
}, []);
<Text>Model with large value count: {data.filter(m => m.value > 5).length}</Text>
{ model, index: number) => (
<Item key={} itemData={itemData} />
<BottomTab data={data} />
In one child component, a model can be edited and saved.
const [editItem, setEditItem] = useState<Model|null>(null);
<Text>Model with large value count: {data.filter(m => m.value > 5).length}</Text>
{ model, index: number) => (
onClick={() => setEditItem(itemData)}
{!!editItem && (
<EditScreen itemData={editItem} />
<BottomTab data={data} />
Let's assume it's EditScreen:
const [model, setModel] = useState(props.itemData);
onChange={(value) => setModel({...model, Number(value)})}
onClick={() => {
callSaveApi(model).then((resp) => {
// let other components know that this model is updated
App must let TopTab, BottomTab and ListScreen component to update data
without calling API from server again (because EditScreen.updateData already fetched updated data from server) and
not passing updateData function as props (because in most real cases, components structure is too complex to pass all functions as props)
In order to solve above problem effectively, I'd like to fire an event (e.g. "model-update") with an argument (changed model) and let other components subscribe to that event and change their data, e.g.:
// in EditScreen
updateData().then(resp => {
const newModel =;
Event.emit("model-updated", newModel);
// in any other components
useEffect(() => {
// subscribe model change event
Event.on("model-updated", (newModel) => {
// unsubscribe events on destroy
return () => {"model-updated");
}, []);
// in another component
useEffect(() => {
// subscribe model change event
Event.on("model-updated", (newModel) => {
// unsubscribe events on destroy
return () => {"model-updated");
}, []);
Is it possible using React hooks?
How to implement event-driven approach in React hooks?
There cannot be an alternative of event emitter because React hooks and use context is dependent on dom tree depth and have limited scope.
Is using EventEmitter with React (or React Native) considered to be a good practice?
A: Yes it is a good to approach when there is component deep in dom tree
I'm seeking event-driven approach in React. I'm happy with my solution now but can I achieve the same thing with React hooks?
A: If you are referring to component state, then hooks will not help you share it between components. Component state is local to the component. If your state lives in context, then useContext hook would be helpful.
For useContext we have to implement full context API with MyContext.Provider and MyContext.Consumer and have to wrap inside high order (HOC) component
so event emitter is best.
In react native, you can use react-native-event-listeners package
yarn add react-native-event-listeners
import { EventRegister } from 'react-native-event-listeners'
const Sender = (props) => (
onPress={() => {
EventRegister.emit('myCustomEvent', 'it works!!!')
><Text>Send Event</Text></TouchableHighlight>
class Receiver extends PureComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
data: 'no data',
componentWillMount() {
this.listener = EventRegister.addEventListener('myCustomEvent', (data) => {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return <Text>{}</Text>
Not sure why the EventEmitter has been downvoted, but here's my take:
When it comes to state management, I believe using a Flux-based approach is usually the way to go (Context/Redux and friends are all great). That said, I really don't see why an event-based approach would pose any problem - JS is event based and React is just a library after all, not even a framework, and I can't see why we would be forced to stay within its guidelines.
If your UI needs to know about the general state of your app and react to it, use reducers, update your store, then use Context/Redux/Flux/whatever - if you simply need to react to specific events, use an EventEmitter.
Using an EventEmitter will allow you to communicate between React and other libraries, e.g. a canvas (if you're not using React Three Fiber, I dare you to try and talk with ThreeJS/WebGL without events) without all the boilerplate. There are many cases where using Context is a nightmare, and we shouldn't feel restricted by React's API.
If it works for you, and it's scalable, just do it.
EDIT: here's an example using eventemitter3:
import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3';
const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
const Emitter = {
on: (event, fn) => eventEmitter.on(event, fn),
once: (event, fn) => eventEmitter.once(event, fn),
off: (event, fn) =>, fn),
emit: (event, payload) => eventEmitter.emit(event, payload)
export default Emitter;
import Emitter from '.emitter';
export const SomeComponent = () => {
useEffect(() => {
// you can also use `.once()` to only trigger it ... once
Emitter.on('SOME_EVENT', () => do what you want here)
return () => {'SOME_EVENT')
From there you trigger events wherever you want, subscribe to them, and act on it, pass some data around, do whatever you want really.
We had a similar problem and took inspiration from useSWR.
Here is a simplified version of what we implemented:
const events = [];
const callbacks = {};
function useForceUpdate() {
const [, setState] = useState(null);
return useCallback(() => setState({}), []);
function useEvents() {
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
const runCallbacks = (callbackList, data) => {
if (callbackList) {
callbackList.forEach(cb => cb(data));
const dispatch = (event, data) => {
events.push({ event, data, created: });
runCallbacks(callbacks[event], data);
const on = (event, cb) => {
if (callbacks[event]) {
} else {
callbacks[event] = [cb];
// Return a cleanup function to unbind event
return () => callbacks[event] = callbacks[event].filter(i => i !== cb);
return { dispatch, on, events };
In a component we do:
const { dispatch, on, events } = useEvents();
useEffect(() => on('MyEvent', (data) => { something...}));
This works nicely for a few reasons:
Unlike the window Event system, event data can be any kind of object. This saves having to stringify payloads and what not. It also means there is no chance of collision with any built-in browser events
The global cache (idea borrowed from SWR) means we can just useEvents wherever needed without having to pass the event list & dispatch/subscribe functions down component trees, or mess around with react context.
It is trivial to save the events to local storage, or replay/rewind them
The one headache we have is the use of the forceUpdate every time an event is dispatched means every component receiving the event list is re-rendered, even if they are not subscribed to that particular event. This is an issue in complex views.
We are actively looking for solutions to this...
You can create use context in App.js using useContext, and then in you child component you can use values from it and update the context as soon as the context get updated it will update the values being used in other child component, no need to pass props.
You can achieve this with any React's global state management.
In your store, have a useEffect for your event subscription, and a reducer for each of your event.
If you have 2 data sources, the subscription and the query, then initialize your state values with your query, then listen to the subscription.
Something like this
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
return action.payload
return state
Assuming you are using
const asyncActions = {
QUERY: ({ dispatch }) => async(action) => {
const data = await fetch(...)
dispatch({ type: 'query', payload: data })
You can also use middleware in Redux
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialValues, asyncActions)
useEffect(() => {
dispatch({ type: 'QUERY' })
Event.on((data) => {
dispatch({ type: 'SUBSCRIBE', payload: data })
return () =>
}, [])
return <Provider value={state}>{children}</Provider>

Testing hooks with renderHook

I want to test a custom hook which was implemented as an helping function for code reuse with other hooks. It's calling useDispatch and useSelector in its implementation, along with saving data in the session storage:
export function useCustomHook(key, obj)
let myObject = {
somefield: obj.someField
sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(myObject));
const dispatch = useDispatch();
dispatch(actionCreator.addAction(key, myObject));
And the test:
it('should have data in redux and session storage', () =>
const obj = {
somefield: 'my val',
renderHook(() => useCustomHook('some key', obj));
let savedObj= JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('some key'));
expect(savedObj.someField).toBe('my val');
renderHook(() =>
let reduxObj = useSelector(state => state.vals);
console.log("THE OBJECT: " );
expect(reduxObj).toBe(2); //just to see if it fails the test - it's not
No matter what I try, the test only arrives to the "INSIDE" console log and does not print the "THE OBJECT: " console log. The test itself still passes so it's like the useSelector somehow stops the rest of the renderHook execution.
I'm guessing it's related to the fact that the test doesn't have a store connected... What can be done to test redux in this case?
You'd need to provide a wrapper component that add the redux Provider with a store to connect to:
it('should have data in redux and session storage', () =>
const obj = {
somefield: 'my val',
const store = {} // create/mock a store
const wrapper = ({ children }) => <Provider store={store}>{children}</Provider>
renderHook(() => useCustomHook('some key', obj), { wrapper });
let savedObj= JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('some key'));
expect(savedObj.someField).toBe('my val');
renderHook(() => {
let reduxObj = useSelector(state => state.vals);
console.log("THE OBJECT: " );
expect(reduxObj).toBe(2); //just to see if it fails the test - it's not
}, { wrapper });
Just as a side note, the renderHook is catching the errors, which is why you aren't seeing them in your test, if you had tried to access result.current it would have thrown, and you could have seen it represented in result.error, but the usage here of not returning a value from a custom hook to be asserted against is quite unusual.
This will likely also cause you issues by having the assertion inside second renderHook call. You'll probably want to either return the value from the hook and assert outside, or assert the updated value in the redux store instead.

How to test(assert) intermediate states of a React Component which uses hooks

This question is regarding: how to test a component which uses the useEffect hook and the useState hook, using the react-testing-library.
I have the following component:
function MyComponent() {
const [state, setState] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
// 'request' is an async call which takes ~2seconds to complete
request().then(() => {
}, [state]);
return <div>{state}</div>
When I render this application, the behavior I see is as follows:
The app initially renders 0
After ~2seconds, the app renders 1
Now, I want to test and assert this behavior using the react-testing-library and jest.
This is what I have so far:
import {render, act} from '#testing-library/react';
// Ignoring the describe wrapper for the simplicity
test('MyComponent', async () => {
let result;
await act(async () => {
result = render(<MyComponent />);
The test passes. However, I also want to assert the fact that the user initially sees the app rendering 0 (before it renders 1 after 2 seconds).
How do I do that?
Thanks in advance.
As pointed out by Sunil Pai in this blog:
Here's how I managed to solve this:
import {request} from '../request';
test('MyComponent', async () => {
let resolve;
request.mockImplementation(() => new Promise(resolve => {
// Save the resolver to a local variable
// so that we can trigger the resolve action later
resolve = _resolve;
let result;
await act(async () => {
result = render(<MyComponent />);
// Unlike the non-mocked example in the question, we see '0' as the result
// This is because the value is not resolved yet
// Now the setState will be called inside the useEffect hook
await act(async () => resolve());
// So now, the rendered value will be 1

Testing React Functional Component with Hooks using Jest

So I'm moving away from class based components to functional components but am stuck while writing test with jest/enzyme for the methods inside the functional components which explicitly uses hooks. Here is the stripped down version of my code.
function validateEmail(email: string): boolean {
return email.includes('#');
const Login: React.FC<IProps> = (props) => {
const [isLoginDisabled, setIsLoginDisabled] = React.useState<boolean>(true);
const [email, setEmail] = React.useState<string>('');
const [password, setPassword] = React.useState<string>('');
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, [email, password]);
const validateForm = () => {
setIsLoginDisabled(password.length < 8 || !validateEmail(email));
const handleEmailChange = (evt: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
const emailValue = ( as HTMLInputElement).value.trim();
const handlePasswordChange = (evt: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
const passwordValue = ( as HTMLInputElement).value.trim();
const handleSubmit = () => {
// ajax().then(() => { setIsLoginDisabled(false); });
const renderSigninForm = () => (
<Button onClick={handleSubmit} disabled={isLoginDisabled}>Login</Button>
return (
export default Login;
I know I can write tests for validateEmail by exporting it. But what about testing the validateForm or handleSubmit methods. If it were a class based components I could just shallow the component and use it from the instance as
const wrapper = shallow(<Login />);
But this doesn't work with functional components as the internal methods can't be accessed this way. Is there any way to access these methods or should the functional components be treated as a blackbox while testing?
In my opinion, you shouldn't worry about individually testing out methods inside the FC, rather testing it's side effects.
it('should disable submit button on submit click', () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Login />);
const submitButton = wrapper.find(Button);
Since you might be using useEffect which is async, you might want to wrap your expect in a setTimeout:
setTimeout(() => {
Another thing you might want to do, is extract any logic that has nothing to do with interacting with the form intro pure functions.
instead of:
setIsLoginDisabled(password.length < 8 || !validateEmail(email));
You can refactor:
export const isPasswordValid = (password) => password.length > 8;
export const isEmailValid = (email) => {
const regEx = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s#"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s#"]+)*)|(".+"))#((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
return regEx.test(email.trim().toLowerCase())
import { isPasswordValid, isEmailValid } from './Helpers';
const validateForm = () => {
setIsLoginDisabled(!isPasswordValid(password) || !isEmailValid(email));
This way you could individually test isPasswordValid and isEmailValid, and then when testing the Login component, you can mock your imports. And then the only things left to test for your Login component would be that on click, the imported methods get called, and then the behaviour based on those response
- it('should invoke isPasswordValid on submit')
- it('should invoke isEmailValid on submit')
- it('should disable submit button if email is invalid') (isEmailValid mocked to false)
- it('should disable submit button if password is invalid') (isPasswordValid mocked to false)
- it('should enable submit button if email is invalid') (isEmailValid and isPasswordValid mocked to true)
The main advantage with this approach is that the Login component should just handle updating the form and nothing else. And that can be tested pretty straight forward. Any other logic, should be handled separately (separation of concerns).
Cannot write comments but you must note that what Alex Stoicuta said is wrong:
setTimeout(() => {
this assertion will always pass, because ... it's never executed. Count how many assertions are in your test and write the following, because only one assertion is performed instead of two. So check your tests now for false positive)
it('should fail',()=>{
Answering your question, how do you test hooks? I don't know, looking for an answer myself, because for some reason the useLayoutEffect is not being tested for me...
So by taking Alex's answer I was able to formulate the following method to test the component.
describe('<Login /> with no props', () => {
const container = shallow(<Login />);
it('should match the snapshot', () => {
it('should have an email field', () => {
it('should have proper props for email field', () => {
onBlur: expect.any(Function),
isValid: false,
it('should have a password field', () => {
it('should have proper props for password field', () => {
onChange: expect.any(Function),
value: '',
it('should have a submit button', () => {
it('should have proper props for submit button', () => {
disabled: true,
onClick: expect.any(Function),
To test the state updates like Alex mentioned I tested for sideeffects:
it('should set the password value on change event with trim', () => {
container.find('input[type="password"]').simulate('change', {
target: {
value: 'somenewpassword ',
but to test the lifecycle hooks I still use mount instead of shallow as it is not yet supported in shallow rendering.
I did seperate out the methods that aren't updating state into a separate utils file or outside the React Function Component.
And to test uncontrolled components I set a data attribute prop to set the value and checked the value by simulating events. I have also written a blog about testing React Function Components for the above example here:
Currently Enzyme doesn't support React Hooks and Alex's answer is correct, but looks like people (including myself) were struggling with using setTimeout() and plugging it into Jest.
Below is an example of using Enzyme shallow wrapper that calls useEffect() hook with async calls that results in calling useState() hooks.
// This is helper that I'm using to wrap test function calls
const withTimeout = (done, fn) => {
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
describe('when things happened', () => {
let home;
const api = {};
beforeEach(() => {
// This will execute your useEffect() hook on your component
// NOTE: You should use exactly React.useEffect() in your component,
// but not useEffect() with React.useEffect import
jest.spyOn(React, 'useEffect').mockImplementation(f => f());
component = shallow(<Component/>);
// Note that here we wrap test function with withTimeout()
test('should show a button', (done) => withTimeout(done, () => {
Also, if you have nested describes with beforeEach() that interacts with component then you'll have to wrap beforeEach calls into withTimeout() as well. You could use the same helper without any modifications.
Instead of isLoginDisabled state, try using the function directly for disabled.
const renderSigninForm = () => (
<Button onClick={handleSubmit} disabled={(password.length < 8 || !validateEmail(email))}>Login</Button>
When I was trying similar thing and was trying to check state(enabled/disabled) of the button from the test case, I didn't get the expected value for the state. But I removed disabled={isLoginDisabled} and replaced it with (password.length < 8 || !validateEmail(email)), it worked like a charm.
P.S: I am a beginner with react, so have very limited knowledge on react.
