How to set a max retry value in App Engine Task Queue? - google-app-engine

I have the following retry parameters:
But when I check the queue, I see retries like 45. I had set the task-retry-limit to 7. So why is it going beyond that? How to set a max retry value? I am using App Engine standard with push based task queue and Java 8 env. Thanks.
private Queue fsQueue = QueueFactory.getQueue(FS_QUEUE_NAME);
// ...
Product fp = new Product();
// ...
TaskOptions opts = TaskOptions.Builder.withUrl("/api/task/fs/product").method(TaskOptions.Method.POST)
.payload(utils.toJSONBytes(fp), "application/json");

I think that your issue is related to the fact of using the queue.xml being deprecated. You should be using the queue.yaml instead.
You should also bear in mind that if you are using the Cloud Tasks API to manage your queue as well this might cause some collisions. In this documentation you'll find information on how to handle the most common problems.


Is there a way limit the members of a camel-cluster (using KubernetesClusterService) using a pod selector (selection)

I am programmatically creating my CamelContext and successfully creating the ClusterServiceProvider using the KubernetesClusterService implementation. When running in my kubernetes cluster, it is electing a leader and responding appropriately to "master:" routes. All good.
However, I would like to limit the Pod/Deployments that are detected in the cluster member negotiation/inspection. It currently has knowledge of (finds) every Pod in the cluster namespace which includes completely unrelated deployments/instances.
The overall question is how to select what Pods/Deployments should be included in the particular camel cluster?
I see in the KubernetesLockConfiguration there is an attribute called clusterLabels however it is unclear to me how or what that is used for. When I do set the clusterLabels to something syntactically common in kubernetes (e.g. app -> my-app), then the cluster finds no members.
I mention that I am doing this programmatically as there is no spring-boot or other commonly documented configuration of camel involved. Running in Play-Framework Scala.
First, I create a CamelContext
val context = new DefaultCamelContext()
val rb = new RouteBuilder() {
def configure() = {
val policy = ClusteredRoutePolicy.forNamespace("default")
.bean(classOf[MasterTimer], "execute()")
.log("Current Leader ${routeId}")
Second, I create a ClusterServiceProvider
import org.apache.camel.component.kubernetes.cluster.KubernetesClusterService
val crc = new ClusteredRouteController()
val service = new KubernetesClusterService
// if I set clusterLabels here, no camel cluster is realize/created.
// assumption is the my syntax for CamelKubernetes is wrong however
// it is unclear from documentation how to make this work.
// if I do not set clusterLabels, every pod in my kubernetes cluster is
// part of a cluster-member (CamelKubernetesLeaderNotifier logs that
// the list of cluster members has changed). So I get completely
// un-related deployments in the context of something that I want
// to specifically related, namely all pods with an "app" label of
// "my-app"
service.setClusterLabels(Map("app" -> "my-app").asJava)

How to schedule JMS consuming in Apache Camel?

I need to consume JMS messages with Camel everyday at 9pm (or from 9pm to 10pm to give it the time to consume all the messages).
I can't see any "scheduler" option for URIs "cMQConnectionFactory:queue:myQueue" while it exists for "file://" or "ftp://" URIs.
If I put a cTimer before it will send an empty message to the queue, not schedule the consumer.
You can use a route policy where you can setup for example a cron expression to tell when the route is started and when its stopped.
Other alternatives is to start/stop the route via the Java API or JMX etc and have some other logic that knows when to do that according to the clock.
This is something that has caused me a significant amount of trouble. There are a number of ways of skinning this cat, and none of them are great as far as I can see.
On is to set the route not to start automatically, and use a schedule to start the route and then stop it again after a short time using the controlbus EIP.
I didn't like this approach because I didn't trust that it would drain the queue completely once and only once per trigger.
Another is to use a pollEnrich to query the queue, but that only seems to pick up one item from the queue, but I wanted to completely drain it (only once).
I wrote a custom bean that uses consumer and producer templates to read all the entries in a queue with a specified time-out.
I found an example on the internet somewhere, but it took me a long time to find, and quickly searching again I can't find it now.
So what I have is:
.beanRef( "myConsumerBean", "pollConsumer" )
And a simple pollConsumer method:
public void pollConsumer() throws Exception {
if ( consumerEndpoint == null ) consumerEndpoint = consumer.getCamelContext().getEndpoint( endpointUri );
while ( true ) {
Exchange exchange = consumer.receive( consumerEndpoint, 1000 );
if ( exchange == null ) break;
producer.send( exchange );
consumer.doneUoW( exchange );
where the producer is a DefaultProducerTemplate, consumer is a DefaultConsumerTemplate, and these are configured in the bean configuration.
This seems to work for me, but if anyone gives you a better answer I'll be very interested to see how it can be done better.

Savepoints without ./bin/flink

Is it possible to run a job from a savepoint having a direct
main() + LocalExecutionEnvironment setup?
Is it possible to do that through Remote*Environment?
Is it possible to do that or trigger a savepoint via ClusterClient?
Is the above possible through the rest api? Web ui (doesn't look like that)?
Finally, Is it possible to perform savepoint operations from local ./bin/flink against a remote cluster (same version but maybe different OS)?
Thank you.
To answer partially (3) you can do that using a ClusterClient by doing something similar to:
final Configuration config = GlobalConfiguration.loadConfiguration("...");
final ClusterClient client = new StandaloneClusterClient(config);
final PackagedProgram packagedProgram = new PackagedProgram(new File(FLINK_JOB_JAR));
packagedProgram.setSavepointRestoreSettings(SavepointRestoreSettings.forPath("...", true));, 1);

Stop Camel after too many retries

I am trying to implement more advanced Apache Camel error handling:
in case if there are too many pending retries then stop processing at all and log all collected exceptions somewhere.
First part (stop on too many retries) is already implemented by following helper method, that gets size of retry queue and I just stop context if queue is over some limit:
static Long getToRetryTaskCount(CamelContext context) {
Long retryTaskCount = null;
ScheduledExecutorService errorHandlerExecutor = context.getErrorHandlerExecutorService();
if (errorHandlerExecutor instanceof SizedScheduledExecutorService)
SizedScheduledExecutorService svc = (SizedScheduledExecutorService) errorHandlerExecutor;
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor = svc.getScheduledThreadPoolExecutor();
BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = executor.getQueue();
retryTaskCount = (long) queue.size();
return retryTaskCount;
But this code smells to me and I don't like it and also I don't see here any way to collect the exceptions caused all this retries.
There is also a new control bus component in camel 2.11 which could do what you want (source)
template.sendBody("controlbus:route?routeId=foo&action=stop", null);
I wouldn't try to shutdown the CamelContext, just the route in question...that way the rest of your app can still function, you can get route stats and view/move messages to alternate queues, etc.

how to manually set a task to run in a gae queue for the second time

I have a task that runs in GAE queue.
according to my logic, I want to determine if the task will run again or not.
I don't want it do be normally executed by the queue and then to put it again in the queue
because I want to have the ability to check the "X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount"
and quit trying after several attempts.
To my understanding it seems that the only case that a task will re-executed is when an internal GAE error will happen (or If my code will take too long in a "DeadlineExceededException" cases..(And I don't want to hold the code "hostage" for that long :) )
How can I re-enter a task to the queue in a manner that GAE will set X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount ++ ??
You can programmatically retry / restart a task using a self.error() in python.
From the docs: App engine retries a task by returning any HTTP status code outside of the range 200–299
And at the beginning of the task you can test for the number of retries using:
retries = int(self.request.headers['X-Appengine-Taskretrycount'])
if retries < 10 :
