Access to Multiple tenants on Azure AD using single sign on - azure-active-directory

I have multiple tenants on azure. I want to access them using a single sign-on from my app. e.g I want to get all subscriptions related to all tenants by tenantId with a single hit. I tried the below api and it gives me one tenant information at a time. It requires the access_token for each tenant separately.
I am able to get all tenant's information using (, but after that is there any option to pass the tenantId and get the other information like subscriptions and other detail based on passing tenantId.

You need to provide different access token for different tenants.
So it's impossible to list all the subscriptions for multiple tenants in one call.
PowerShell cmd Get-AzureRmSubscription can list subscriptions for all tenants. But it still needs to get an access token for each tenant and then get it's subscriptions.
See a similar post here.

This is achievable through Azure Lighthouse, but may not scale or be the correct solution depending on the scenario that your app is trying to fulfill.
This is mainly used by managed service providers to manage their Azure resources cross tenant, but you could also use it to manage your own internal Azure resources cross tenant.
The managed services is comprised of two parts the definitions and assignment (you can kind of think of it similar to role assignment). The definition defines the tenant and users that will be able to see the other projections. The assignment gives the users and tenant defined in the definition access to the subscription.
There are some limitations to this:


Linking External Identity Users With Existing Users

I'm adding an external identity provider, Azure multi-tenant, as a login option. I have local accounts right now and they know nothing about Azure AD users.
I want to create an Azure Enterprise App that other tenants can use to set up SSO using OpenID Connect. Also I want the app to support User Provisioning by setting up a SCIM API.
I can't really find any documents on how to handle linking Azure AD users with the existing accounts in my IDP. I've seen examples where users can login using their local account, authenticate with Azure, and then their local account is updated to have the Azure AD User ID. This approach still seems pretty manual. Another thought was to have a step in the login journey, where if no local account has the Azure AD User ID then find a local account with the same email. I don't like this approach either since the emails might not always match. Is there an approach where an admin can automatically link all accounts with a sync or upload?
First it's worth clarifying roles:
Authorization Server (AS)
Your UIs and APIs receive tokens from this. It is where accounts and linked accounts are stored. It is where you use SCIM to update account records. It is where you apply account linking logic.
Identity Provider (IDP)
There can be multiple of these. When your apps call the AS it manages connections to them, and exchanges IDP tokens for AS tokens that are returned to apps. It is not usual to use SCIM against an IDP.
You are using IdentityServer as the AS so your UIs and APIs will continue to use IdentityServer tokens and remain simple. Meanwhile Azure AD will become an alternative IDP. So on the data side of things your architecture is in a good place.
I would aim to solve your problems via custom authentication actions, and to design this in a vendor agnostic way. Not all providers support these concepts, but IdentityServer has some pretty good extensibility features, so hopefully it has what you need.
A bit of code, configuration and technical investigations in IdentityServer feel like the correct direction, with no complexity added to your applications. I will describe techniques in terms of Curity (where I work), but the same principles can apply to any system.
A great way to deal with user specific differences is to make the initial screen prompt only for an email. See this example for how that looks. Later, when authentication has completed, you could set a cookie so that this screen is not shown on subsequent logins.
Then, before asking for credentials, apply some scripted logic, eg to look up existing account attributes, and decide how the user should authenticate. You might decide to route unknown users to Azure AD or do something based on business partner email suffixes.
Something simple that might work in advance of adding Azure AD support is to assign all users a Tenant ID, and perhaps existing users get a Tenant ID of 1. Only those users are allowed to sign in with Identity Server - all others have to use Azure AD.
For a worked example of how this looks, see this Account Linking with Facebook tutorial. In this example the objective is to update the main account with a new linked account. This account linking doc may give you some additional ideas for your scenario. It should be possible to run custom logic before triggering authentication or once your have the Azure IDP attributes.
It may also be useful to present a custom screen to ask the user if they have an existing account when they first login via Azure AD. If not then an Azure AD login can create the primary account in IdentityServer data in addition to a linked account.
How users onboard is interesting, and discussed in this detailed article. I always start by getting a feel for the type of assets involved:
Personal Assets
You allow any user to sign up and they only have access to their own assets
Corporate Assets
Users are provisioned by an administrator, eg a banker is granted access to financial data according to business rules
In your case it feels like users are from the second category, so to enable a user to fully sign up you need data from the partner, either fed in manually or by getting them to call your API, before you can assign the user the correct tenant ID. This might eventually result in TenantID=23, but there is nothing to stop you initially allowing users to onboard and placing them in a default TenantID=0 bucket.
Ultimately this all comes down to data, claims and API authorization. Eg APIs could return certain data to TenantID=0 users but only return privileged data to users whose tenant ID has been asserted by an administrator. Not sure if these thoughts of mine match your scenario but hopefully they provide a useful hint or two.
Reliable account linking is tricky, but it should be solvable via the building blocks of the Authorization Server, using the above techniques. The end result should be deterministic user data, with no duplicate users.

Unexpected issuerAssignedId when trying to configure multi-tenant login using custom policies for Azure B2C

I have an existing IdentityServer4 installation that is used to federate users between things like Google & Microsoft into a single login identity. In my situation, there are no local user credentials/passwords. Just the identity with an associated external provider. I'm trying to migrate to using Azure B2C and am hitting some roadblocks.
I've found that if I use the same ClientId and ClientSecret that IdentityServer is configured with, then I get the same IDs for users when signing in via an external identity provider. Which is great because I need them to be the same in order to try and migrate accounts over by reading them from the existing MSSQL database, and importing into Azure B2C using MS Graph.
I need to allow both Microsoft work accounts, as well as personal ones. So I need to use custom policies to allow for a multi-tenant configuration, since the built in provider doesn't support this.
However as soon as I flip my implementation over from the built in user flows and provider, to using custom policies, I don't get the expected issuerAssignedId anymore. Originally, the IDs looked something like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGFdaj94jfdsgjifdh4ngd (made up, but you get the idea). Now with the custom policies, the issuerAssignedId being recorded in the B2C user looks like a GUID. So not just a different value, but a total different format. Am I missing something here? What would happen if someone has an fully operational AzureB2C install with built in functionality, and later identified a need to move to custom policies. How would users ever be able to look into their existing accounts with an external identity provider?
My TechnicalProfile for the multi-tenant sign is is essentially copy/pasted from their documentation, so I'm not sure what the deal is here?

When to use Azure AD to protect Azure API Management?

I am working on one API which will be exposed to a couple of external clients. And I would like to limit access to my API and let only trusted 3rd parties access my API. I have found that Azure API Management provides subscription keys, which can be used to protect API -
Moreover, I see that I can connect my API to Azure AD -, which might be useful if I want to restrict access based on roles and types of external systems (for example some external systems will have one role that allows using some additional features)
Could you please help me to understand all other cases when I must use Azure AD instead of subscription keys? And can I use them together?
I also would like to understand which approach is the best for me if you want to give access to the client apps (browser, mobile apps and etc.). As I understand, Azure AD B2C can be the best option here
For your requirement, if APIM is not necessary (you do not need to configure the exposed url of your api by APIM), I suggest you to just use Azure AD to protect your api. You can refer to this document.
If APIM is necessary, and your requirements do not need to limit multiple permissions for different role to access the api (in other words, you just want client can/can't access the api). You can implement it just by subscription key as you mentioned in your question.
If APIM is necessary, and your requirements need to provide different permissions for different roles to access the api, you can do it as the second document link you provided. You can validate the roles or other claims of access token to provide different permissions to client.

Can I manage users for all B2C tenant

My requirement is to have Multi-tenant application. I am trying to select the correct AD directory structure. I am under the understanding that a tenant is an AD directory. I need to be able to have group, role, and policy security options as well as user self sign-up. I have started on the journey of using Azure B2C directories but this does not seem to be the correct solution because roles do not seem available. Lastly, I also need the ability to manage authorizations to all tenants which I would like to build an Admin app to do so; I plan to use Microsoft Graph API for that but I am not sure if that will work either. Can someone help me to answer these questions. I have been searching as well as testing many scenarios.
You can assign user roles and group roles through AAD.
You can also manage permissions through roles based access control. You do not need to use b2c to manage user permissions unless you are connecting your outside company to Microsoft AAD, rather than building a custom app within Azure.
The tenant includes your resources that you want managed under that tenant. It is not exactly synonymous with an AAD because it can include more than just your AAD. You can use it solely to manage your AAD if you wish, though (and even include subscriptions in other tenants that are linked to your AAD tenant).
Graph API is useful for managing more complex user data. Whether you need this depends on what you are aiming to accomplish.

Permission Based instead of Role Based

In my application, a User is assigned multiple Roles, and a Role is assigned(granted) multiple Permissions.
So in my code, I never check against a Role, but always against a fine grained Permission.
Here is described why I think Permissions based access is better than Role based:
Within Azure AD, I can assign roles to a user.
But I see no way of creating Permissions and associate them to Roles, so I guess this part must stay in my app ?
Then how should I link the Azure Application Roles to my app's Permissions ?
My assumption is I need to build an UI for doing this, using the Graph API to retrieve the list of roles defined in Azure for the application.
If that is the case, then I don't see much benefits using the built-in roles function in Azure vs keeping the role definition in my app...
Am I missing something ?
The key point of using Azure AD claims is to keep users information in the Active Directory rather than in the application.
In you case, you need to create permissions mapped to roles in your application.
Then theses roles can be mapped to Azure AD AppRoles or Groups.
I suggest you not to map directly users to roles.
If you deals with Group, you don't need to add/remove users to/from applications: Roles and permissions are inherited from groups users belong to.
Mapping directly to Groups
For the moment, it would be my preferred scenario. Users are assigned to groups and your customs roles are mapped to these groups.
When you create a new user, you just need to add it in some groups and there is no action required in your application (same things when you delete the user).
If you are not afraid of preview (and have an Azure AD Premium license), Azure Ad provides a way to dynamically assign users to group.
Just keep in mind that for the moment nested group memberships aren't currently supported.
So if a Group A is in Group B and Group B has some permissions in your application, Users from Group A will not have permission inherited from Group B.
Mapping Groups to application roles
This option seems to be an overkill because it requires one more step: Map Azure Ad Group to Azure Application Roles and Map theses roles to your custom roles.
You need to implement all this logic using the AAD Graph API and your UI will be more complex.
Only reason to use this option in your scenario is if you have a large directory with lots of groups and applications : If a user is in more than 200 groups so the Jwt token returned by the Azure AD will not contain the groups and you will have to query one more time the Azure AD to get the user groups (see).
In this scenario, it could make sense to map groups to application roles because when a user authenticates to an application, Azure Ad will always provides you the roles of the users (or the roles of the group that the user belong to)
you can find interesting code sample here:
At this point in time, Azure Active Directory application roles are meant primarily for the scenario where each user can only have one role and thise roles are mapped to a simple authorization model.
While it is technically possible to support multiple roles per user, that can only be managed via the Graph API and would require you to build a UI for your user admin / users to manage.
As you've noted, your scenario is more complex than this with multiple roles per user and multiple (potentially customizeable and overlapping) set of permissions.
Given these two points, your approach of implementing all of the authorization yourself is a sound one.
Check out this article which outlines in more details the authorization scenarios Azure AD is best suited for:
