How to post array as form data in Angular Typescript - arrays

I am working in Angular 8 and is using web.api in .net core 2.2
I have a form including some "regular" inputs, a file and multi selectable checkboxes.
The problem is the multi selectable checkboxes, that I turn into an array of numbers. Before I post the data to the server, I Convert my FormGroup into FormData and add the file manually and also the array of ints from the multiselectable checkboxes:
new Blob( [ JSON.stringify(this.profilePersonalData.locationsSecondaryIds)], { type : 'application/json' } ) );
if (this.file) {
data.append('document', this.file,;
locationsSecondaryIds is a number[].
I have also tried leaving out the Blob and just send it as [1,1], but when the server gets to the server it can't convert it to a List
Any good suggestions?
Thanks very much in advance :-)

I had the same scenario and here is how I did.
My component.ts File in Angular:
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('Parameter1', "Some String Value");
formData.append('Parameter2', this.currentUserId.toString());
for (const index in this.arrayValues)
// instead of passing this.arrayValues.toString() iterate for each item and append it to form.
for (const file of this.importedFiles)
formData.append('Files', file);
Now post it to core web api and it should work.
My server side C# Class:
public class SomeClass
public string Parameter1 { get; set; }
public int Parameter2 { get; set; }
public string[] ArrayValue { get; set; }
public IFormFile[] Files { get; set; }
Note: Make sure to decorate your parameter with [FromForm]in your action method.
Asp.Net Core Web Api Controller action method:
public async Task<IActionResult> SomeMethod([FromForm] SomeClass someClass)

You can try this for picking multiple checkbox values and appending it in a form data.
On submit button:
let subs = [];
subs = this.skillForm.value.subjects; // here subject refers to multi select dropdown
let subString = subs.toString(); // you can let the values to be int as per your DB
let fd = new FormData();

The answer from fingers10 worked for me. For my code, I had to add an array of objects, to do this I used his answer with the following code.
for (const index in voteData.feedMessageTags) {
// instead of passing this.arrayValues.toString() iterate for each item and append it to form.
formData.append(`feedMessageTags[${index}].key`, voteData.feedMessageTags[index].key);
formData.append(`feedMessageTags[${index}].value`, voteData.feedMessageTags[index].value);


How to especify a current key-node in xamarin with firebase?

I’m working with Xamarin and FireBase, I have the next problem:
I have Users in my database and each one has a list of items. I need to retrieve the list of items of the current user, and the problem is that I don’t know how to replace the key of each user in the tree, (I just hard-wrote it). This is the snippet :
var products = (await client.Child("Users").Child("-MXf6T19md1UOTVvHWRU").Child("Items")
.Select(f => new Item
{ . . .
Here is a picture of the database tree.
How do I replace the Child("-MXf6T19md1UOTVvHWRU") by the current branch where I’m at?, taking into account that I have to access another Child next to that. Of course I have access to the Username value that is stored in preferences.
I would appreciate some enlightenment, thanks in advance.
I need to retrieve the list of items of the current user, and the problem is that I don’t know how to replace the key of each user in the tree, (I just hard-wrote it).
You could use the code below to get all the items first and then get the specific item.
public async Task<List<User>> GetAllUsers()
return (await firebase
.OnceAsync<User>()).Select(item => new User
Name = item.Object.Name,
UserId = item.Object.UserId,
public async Task<User> GetUser(int userId)
var allUsers = await GetAllUsers();
await firebase
return allUsers.Where(a => a.UserId == userId).FirstOrDefault();
public class User
public int UserId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
You could download the similar source code from the GitHub.

JSON object not passing as param to webApi PUT method

I’m using Angularjs and mvc 5 with webApi2.
I’m having some trouble calling a custom PUT method. I’ve done some studying for the past few days, and although I have a decent feel for the situation, I can’t get my JSON object to pass as a parameter for some reason.
Route template:
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
Web api controller and model (shortened for brevity):
public class AttModel
public string dc { get; set; }
public string dt { get; set; }
public IHttpActionResult PutAttendRecord([FromBody]AttModel model)
string dc = model.dc;
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(model.dt);
var record = (from tbl in db.attend_am_y1
where tbl.dc_number == dc && tbl.class_date_am == dt
select tbl).SingleOrDefault();
record.status_am = "z";
Javascript object (angularjs PUT):
$scope.updateRecord = function () {
var stuInfo = {
dc: $scope.student.dc,
dt: $scope.student.dt
$http.put("/api/attendance/PutAttendRecord/" + stuInfo)
.then(function (d) {
I tried using Newtonsoft without the extra AttModel class, and passing the param as jObject, but I still get a null value exception within the iHttpActionResult method. The data just isn’t making it to my method. Routing issue?
If I manually place values within these variables in the iHttpActionResult, the method works fine.
Assuming you are getting into your call alright,
you want to attach your object in the body
$http.put("/api/attendance/PutAttendRecord/", stuInfo)
.then(function (d) {
and I don't think you need [FromBody] as I believe this is only specified if the function finds it unclear.

ASP.Net Web Api, POST multiple objects

I have this AngularJS Http Call
method: "POST",
url: Helper.ApiUrl() + '/Api/Case/SendCase',
data: { obecttype1, obj2, obj3},
}).then(function mySuccess(response) {});
Ant this Web Api method
public int SendCase(object application)
string applicantName = ((Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject)application)["applicant"].ToString();
obecttype1 obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<obecttype1>(((Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject)application)["obecttype1"].ToString());
return ID;
This works pretty well, but I feel it is a bit dirty because I am parsing my objects in my method, so my question is
Is the are way to send multiple objects as params in a POST method, I would prefer to avoid modifying my model, avoid creating a class for this
So my Api Method would look like this
public int SendCase(class1 obecttype1, class2 obj2, class3 obj3)
"Is the are way to send multiple objects as params in a POST method, I would prefer to avoid modifying my model, avoid creating a class for this"
By design HTTP Post can only have one body and web api will try to cast the body to the parameter defined in the method signature. So sending multiple objects in the body and trying to match these against multiple params in the method signature will not work. For that you need to define a class which holds the other classes and match the body signature.
public class postDTO
public class1 class1Data { get; set; }
public class2 class2Data { get; set; }
public class3 class3Data { get; set; }
//The api signature
public int SendCase(postDTO application)
If you still don't want to add the new class then I would use the JObject directly as the parameter as this
public int SendCase(JObject jsonData)
dynamic json = jsonData;
JObject class1DataJson = json.class1Data;
JObject class2DataJson = json.class2Data;
JObject class3DataJson = json.class3Data;
var class1Data = class1DataJson.ToObject<class1>();
var class2Data = class2DataJson.ToObject<class2>();
var class3Data = class3DataJson.ToObject<class3>();
1. Define models for the parameters
public class ClassType1
public int Num1 { get; set; }
public string Str1 { get; set; }
public class ClassType2
public double Test2 { get; set; }
2. Use the models as the parameters on the API controller method
// Sorry this example is setup on .Net Core 2.0 but I think the previous
// versions of Web Api would have similar/same behavior
public class ValuesController : Controller
public void Post(ClassType1 ct1, ClassType2 ct2)
3. When posting, your objects inside the data {} have to have the keys that match the parameter name you defined on the Controller method
jQuery ajax
method: 'post',
url: 'http://localhost:53101/api/values',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
// It takes key value pairs
ct1: {
num1: 1,
str1: 'some random string'
ct2: {
test2: 0.34
To summarize, yes you can post multiple objects back to the server, as long as
You define a key for each object and the key has to match the parameter name you define on the server method.
The object structure has to match.
-- update --
Just as a proof, here is the screenshot:
We have an app that uses DefaultHttpBatchHandler to accept multi-part POST requests. I believe it to be a bit clunky for many reasons but it is the built-in way to accept multiple objects on a single request in a structured fashion.
As for the script to create something, that I don't know about. Our callers that use this API are C# services that can create the multi-part requests using a simple client library we provide to help them do just that.

Nancy testing GetModel<T> throws KeyNotFoundException

I'm trying to test that the model returned from my Nancy application is as expected. I have followed the docs here but whenever I call the GetModel<T> extension method it throws a KeyNotFoundException.
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
I know what the error means but I'm failing to see why it's being thrown.
Here's my module
public class SanityModule : NancyModule
public SanityModule()
Get["sanity-check"] = _ => Negotiate.WithModel(new SanityViewModel { Id = 1 })
my view model
public class SanityViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
and here's my test
public class SanityModuleTests
public void Sanity_Check()
// Arrange
var browser = new Browser(with =>
// Act
var result = browser.Get("/sanity-check", with =>
with.Header("accept", "application/json");
var model = result.GetModel<SanityViewModel>();
// Asset
Debugging this test shows that the module is hit and completes just fine. Running the application shows that the response is as expected.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Thanks to the lovely guys, albertjan and, in the Nancy Jabbr room we've got an explanation as to what's going on here.
TL;DR It makes sense for this to not work but the error message should be more descriptive. There is a workaround below.
The issue here is that I am requesting the response as application/json whilst using TestingViewFactory.
Let's take a look at the implementation of GetModel<T>();
public static TType GetModel<TType>(this BrowserResponse response)
return (TType)response.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.VIEWMODEL];
This is simply grabbing the view model from the NancyContext and casting it to your type. This is where the error is thrown, as there is no view model in NancyContext. This is because the view model is added to NancyContext in the RenderView method of TestingViewFactory.
public Response RenderView(string viewName, dynamic model, ViewLocationContext viewLocationContext)
// Intercept and store interesting stuff
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.VIEWMODEL] = model;
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.VIEWNAME] = viewName;
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.MODULENAME] = viewLocationContext.ModuleName;
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.MODULEPATH] = viewLocationContext.ModulePath;
return this.decoratedViewFactory.RenderView(viewName, model, viewLocationContext);
My test is requesting json so RenderView will not be called. This means you can only use GetModel<T> if you use a html request.
My application is an api so I do not have any views so changing the line
with.Header("accept", "application/json");
with.Header("accept", "text/html");
will throw a ViewNotFoundException. To avoid this I need to implement my own IViewFactory. (this comes from
public class TestViewFactory : IViewFactory
#region IViewFactory Members
public Nancy.Response RenderView(string viewName, dynamic model, ViewLocationContext viewLocationContext)
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[Fixtures.SystemUnderTest.ViewModelKey] = model;
return new HtmlResponse();
Then it is simply a case of updating
Now GetModel<T> should work without needing a view.

Post an Array of Objects via JSON to ASP.Net MVC3

I'm looking for a solution to POSTing an array of objects to MVC3 via JSON.
Example code I'm working off of:
var data = { ItemList: [ {Str: 'hi', Enabled: true} ], X: 1, Y: 2 };
url: '/list/save',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
success: success,
error: error,
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json, charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json'
public class ListViewModel
public List<ItemViewModel> ItemList { get; set; }
public float X { get; set; }
public float Y { get; set; }
public class ItemViewModel
public string Str; // originally posted with: { get; set; }
public bool Enabled; // originally posted with: { get; set; }
public ActionResult Save(ListViewModel list)
// Do something
The result of this POST:
list is set, to a ListViewModel
Its X and Y properties are set
The underlying ItemList property is set
The ItemList contains one item, as it should
The item in that ItemList is uninitialized. Str is null and Enabled is false.
Put another way, this is what I get from MVC3's model binding:
list.X == 1
list.Y == 2
list.ItemList != null
list.ItemList.Count == 1
list.ItemList[0] != null
list.ItemList[0].Str == null
It would appear the MVC3 JsonValueProvider is not working for complex objects. How do I get this to work? Do I need to modify the existing MVC3 JsonValueProvider and fix it? If so, how do I get at it and replace it in an MVC3 project?
Related StackOverflow questions I've already pursued to no avail: Mvc Ajax Json (post Array)
Uses MVC2 and older form-based encoding - that approach fails with an object that contains an array of objects (JQuery fails to encode it properly).
Post an array of complex objects with JSON, JQuery to ASP.NET MVC Controller
Uses a hack I'd like to avoid where the Controller instead receives a plain string which it then manually deserializes itself, rather than leveraging the framework.
MVC3 RC2 JSON Post Binding not working correctly
Didn't have his content-type set - it's set in my code.
How to post an array of complex objects with JSON, jQuery to ASP.NET MVC Controller?
This poor guy had to write a JsonFilter just to parse an array. Another hack I'd prefer to avoid.
So, how do I make this happen?
In addition to { get; set; }, these are some of the conditions for JSON Binding Support:
This is new feature in ASP.NET MVC 3 (See “JavaScript and AJAX Improvements“).
The JSON object’s strings (‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Str’, and ‘Enabled’) must match ViewModel object’s properties.
ViewModel object’s properties must have { get; set; } method.
Must specify Content Type as “application/json” in the request.
If it's still not working, check the JSON string to make sure it's valid one.
Read more at my post.
Hope that helps!
The problem was that the properties in the models that were in the List did not have get/set on their public properties. Put another way, MVC3's automatic JSON binding only works on object properties that have get and set.
This will not bind:
public string Str;
This will bind:
public string Str { get; set; }
That's strange. I am unable to reproduce your behavior. Here's my setup (ASP.NET MVC 3 RTM):
public class ItemViewModel
public string Str { get; set; }
public bool Enabled { get; set; }
public class ListViewModel
public List<ItemViewModel> ItemList { get; set; }
public float X { get; set; }
public float Y { get; set; }
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult Save(ListViewModel list)
return Json(list);
ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var data = { ItemList: [{ Str: 'hi', Enabled: true}], X: 1, Y: 2 };
url: '#Url.Action("save", "home")',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (result) {
Running this alerts "hi" and inside the Save action everything is correctly initialized.
And just for the record what doesn't work are Dictionaries. I've opened a ticket about the issue.
I had a similar issue, and found that for a complex object, the numeric values were getting missed. They were coming in as zeros.
var person = {
Name: "john",
Age: 9
was being received by MVC controller as a Person object where the properties were being populated as Name=John and Age=0.
I then made the Age value in Javascript to be string... i.e.
var person = {
Name: "john",
Age: "9"
And this came through just fine...
Its because the MVC binders kind of suck. However, they do work pretty well if all JSON values come over as a string.
In JS if you do this
var myObject = {thisNumber:1.6};
It will evaluate to 1 not to 1.0
So when you sent it over to the server it will try to bind to a float of that name and it will not find it since it came over as 1 instead of 1.0. Its very lame and crazy that MS engineers did not come up with a default solution to this. I find if you string everything the bindings are smart enough to find things.
So before sending the data over run it though a stringifier that will also convert all values to strings.
All previous answers were great to point me to solution of the similar problem. I had to POST x-www-form-urlencoding instead of application/json (default option if contentType parameter is missing) to be able to pass __RequestVerificationToken and simultaneously faced with problem when object properties being in the array do not bind their values. The way to solve the issue is to understand internal work of MVC model binder.
So, basically when you need to supply verification token you are restricted with validation attribute. And you must provide the token as the parameter not as a part of the JSON-object you are sending. If you would not use ValidateAntiForgeryToken, you could get along with JSON.stringify. But if you would, you could not pass the token.
I sniffed traffic to backend when ContentType was x-www-form-urlencoding and I remarked that my array of complex objects was serialized to something like that: klo[0][Count]=233&klo[0][Blobs]=94. This array initially was a part of root object, let's say some model. It looked like that: model.klo = [{ Count: 233, Blobs: 94}, ...].
At the backend side this klo property was creating by MVC binder with the same elements count that I sent. But these elements itself did not obtain values for their properties.
To deal with this I excluded klo property from the model object at the client side. In the ajax function I wrote this code:
data: $.param(model) + "&" + arrayOfObjectsToFormEncoding("klo", [{ Count: 233, Blobs: 94}, ...])
function arrayOfObjectsToFormEncoding (modelPropertyName, arrayOfObjects) {
var result = "";
if (arrayOfObjects && typeof arrayOfObjects == "object") {
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {
var obj = arrayOfObjects[i];
if (obj) {
for (var p in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
result += encodeURIComponent(modelPropertyName + "[" + i + "]." + p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]) + "&";
if (result[result.length - 1] == "&") {
result = result.substr(0, result.length - 1);
return result;
The function transforms array of complex object into form that is recognized by MVC-binder. The form is klo[0].Count=233&klo[0].Blobs=94.
