UPDATE SET REPLACE function SQL - sql-server

I keep getting errors when using the REPLACE function in SQL and i don't know why?
I execute this query:
UPDATE [ShellPlus].[dbo].[Views]
SET [ShellPlus].[dbo].[Views].SerializedProperties = REPLACE(SerializedProperties,'|EKZ PSG met verkort EEG','|EKZ PSG met verkort EEG|EEG kort op EEG3')
WHERE [ShellPlus].[dbo].[Views].InternalViewID = '3F4C1E8E-DA0C-4829-B447-F6BDAD9CD505'
And I keep getting this message:
Msg 8116, Level 16, State 1, Line 6
Argument data type ntext is invalid for argument 1 of replace function.
At UPDATE I give the correct table
At SET I give the correct column
At REPLACE I give the: (column name, 'old string', 'new string')
What am I doing wrong?

The real solution is fix the data type:
USE ShellPlus;
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Views] ALTER COLUMN SerializedProperties nvarchar(MAX);
Then your existing query will work. But you should also normalise that data.

Try this:
UPDATE [ShellPlus].[dbo].[Views]
SET [ShellPlus].[dbo].[Views].SerializedProperties = CAST(REPLACE(CAST(SerializedPropertiesas NVarchar(MAX)),'|EKZ PSG met verkort EEG','|EKZ PSG met verkort EEG|EEG kort op EEG3') ) AS NText)
WHERE [ShellPlus].[dbo].[Views].InternalViewID = '3F4C1E8E-DA0C-4829-B447-F6BDAD9CD505'

Your doing at least three things wrong:
It seems like you're storing delimited data in your column - which is a mistake. For more information, read Is storing a delimited list in a database column really that bad?, where you will see a lot of reasons why the answer to this question is Absolutely yes!
You're using the Text data type, which is deprecated since SQL Server 2008 introduced varchar(max) to replace it. Given the fact that we're in 2019 and the 2008 version just ended it's extended support this July, its high time to change that Text data type to varchar(max) (and if you're using the 2008 or 2008 r2 version, upgrade your SQL Server).
You're using four-parts identifiers for your column names (Thanks #Larnu for pointing that out in the comments). Best practice is to use two-parts identifiers for column names. Read my answer here for a details explanation.
The solution to your problem involves refactoring the database structure - normalize what needs to be normalized, and replace of all Text, NText and Image with their modern replacement data types: varchar(max), nvarchar(max) and varbinary(max). Also, this would be a good time to figure out if you really need to support values longer than 8000 chars (4000 for unicode values) and if not, use a more appropriate value (max length columns have poor performance compared to "regular" length columns).


Issue with datatype Money in SQL SERVER vs string

I have a spreadsheet that gets all values loaded into SQL Server. One of the fields in the spreadsheet happens to be money. Now in order for everything to be displayed correcctly - i added a field in my tbl with Money as DataType.
When i read the value from spreadsheet I pretty much store it as a String, such as this... "94259.4". When it get's inserted in sql server it looks like this "94259.4000". Is there a way for me to basically get rid of the 0's in the sql server value when I grab it from DB - because the issue I'm running across is that - even though these two values are the same - because they are both compared as Strings - it thinks that there not the same values.
I'm foreseeing another issue when the value might look like this...94,259.40 I think what might work is limiting the numbers to 2 after the period. So as long as I select the value from Server with this format 94,259.40 - I thin I should be okay.
For Column = 1 To 34
Select Case Column
Case 1 'Field 1
If Not ([String].IsNullOrEmpty(CStr(excel.Cells(Row, Column).Value)) Or CStr(excel.Cells(Row, Column).Value) = "") Then
strField1 = CStr(excel.Cells(Row, Column).Value)
End If
Case 2 'Field 2
' and so on
I go through each field and store the value as a string. Then I compare it against the DB and see if there is a record that has the same values. The only field in my way is the Money field.
You can use the Format() to compare strings, or even Float For example:
Declare #YourTable table (value money)
Insert Into #YourTable values
Select Original = value
,AsFloat = cast(value as float)
,Formatted = format(value,'0.####')
From #YourTable
Original AsFloat Formatted
94259.40 94259.4 94259.4
94259.45 94259.45 94259.45
94259.00 94259 94259
I should note that Format() has some great functionality, but it is NOT known for its performance
The core issue is that string data is being used to represent numeric information, hence the problems comparing "123.400" to "123.4" and getting mismatches. They should mismatch. They're strings.
The solution is to store the data in the spreadsheet in its proper form - numeric, and then select a proper format for the database - which is NOT the "Money" datatype (insert shudders and visions of vultures circling overhead). Otherwise, you are going to have an expanding kluge of conversions between types as you go back and forth between two improperly designed solutions, and finding more and more edge cases that "don't quite work," and require more special cases...and so on.

INSERT Query SQL (Error converting data type nvarchar to (null))

I'm trying to run an INSERT query but it asks me to convert varchar to null. Here's the code:
INSERT Runtime.dbo.History (DateTime, TagName, vValue)
VALUES ('2015-09-10 09:00:00', 'ErrorComment', 'Error1')
Error message:
Error converting data type nvarchar to (null).
The problem is at the vValue column.
column vValue(nvarchar, null)
How it looks in the database:
The values inside vValue are placed by the program I'm using. I'm just trying to manually insert into the database.
Last post was with the wrong column, I apologize.
After contacting Wonderware support i found out that INSERT is not supported on the vValue column by design. It’s a string value and updates are supposed to carry out via the StringHistory table.
What is the type of the column value in the database ?
If it's float, you should insert a number, not string.
Cast "error1" to FLOAT is non-sense.
Float is a number exemple : 1.15, 12.00, 150.15
When you try to CAST "Error1" to float, he tries to transform the text "error1" to number and he can't, it's logic.
You should insert a number in the column.
I think I can help you with your problem since I've got a decent test environment to experiment with.
Runtime.dbo.History is not a table you can interact directly with, it is a View. In our case here the view is defined as:
select * from [INSQL].[Runtime].dbo.History
...Which I believe implies the History data you are viewing is from the Historian flat file storage itself, a Wonderware Proprietary system. You might see some success if you expand the SQL Server Management Studio's
Server Objects -> Linked Servers -> INSQL
...and play with the data there but I really wouldn't recommend it.
With that said, for what reason do you need to insert tag history? There might be other workarounds for the purpose you need.

Concatenate varchar(max) variables SQL Server 2005

Just ran into a major headache when concatenating several #varchar(max) variables together to build an email based on several different queries.
For efficiencies sake, I was using several varchars to build the email at once, rather than going through roughly the same query two or three or more times to build it using only one varchar.
This worked, right up until my varchars got to longer than 8000 characters. Then the concatenation of them all into one varchar (which I could shove into the #body parameter of msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail) returned "", and even LEN() wouldn't actually give me a length.
Anyhow, I've gotten around this by doing roughly the same queries several times and building the email with only one varchar(max).
I'm not happy with the solution. How could I have appended these varchar(max) variables to each other?
One thing I've hit in the past which may or may not help here: SQL seems to "forget" what datatype its working with when you concatenate varchar(max). Instead of maintaining the MAX, it devolves to conventional varcharnitude, meaning truncation at 8000 characters or so. To get around this, we use the following trick:
Start with
SET #MyMaxVarchar = #aVarcharMaxValue + #SomeString + #SomeOtherString + #etc
and revise like so:
SET #MyMaxVarchar = cast(#aVarcharMaxValue as varchar(max)) + #SomeString + #SomeOtherString + #etc
Again, this may not help with your particular problem, but remembering it might save you major headaches down the road some day.
This may not have happened in your case, but there's a "gotcha" embedded in SQL Management Studio involving VARCHAR(MAX): SQL Studio will only output so many characters in the results grid. You can test this:
SELECT #MyLongVar, LEN(#MyLongVar)
You may find that the length of the actual data returned (most text editors can give you this) is less than the length of the data stored in the variable.
The fix is in Tools | Options | Query Results | SQL Server | Results to Grid; increase Maximum Characters Retrieved | Non XML data to some very large number. Unfortunately the maximum is 65,535, which may not be enough.
If your problem does not involve outputting the variable's value in SQL Studio, please disregard.
I have found that MS SQL silently does NOTHING when attempting to concatentate a string to a NULL value. therefore this solution always works for me:
UPDATE myTable
SET isNull(myCol, '') += 'my text'
WHERE myColumnID = 9999

SQL LIKE Operator doesn't work with Asian Languages (SQL Server 2008)

Dear Friends,
I've faced with a problem never thought of ever. My problem seems too simple but I can't find a solution to it.
I have a sql server database column that is of type NVarchar and is filled with standard persian characters. when I'm trying to run a very simple query on it which incorporates the LIKE operator, the resultset becomes empty although I know the query term is present in the table. Here is the very smiple example query which doesn't act corectly:
SELECT * FROM T_Contacts WHERE C_ContactName LIKE '%ف%'
ف is a persian character and the ContactName coulmn contains multiple entries which contain that character.
Please tell me how should I rewrite the expression or what change should I apply. Note that my database's collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
Thank you very much
Also, if those values are stored as NVARCHAR (which I hope they are!!), you should always use the N'..' prefix for any string literals to make sure you don't get any unwanted conversions back to non-Unicode VARCHAR.
So you should be searching:
SELECT * FROM T_Contacts
WHERE C_ContactName COLLATE Persian_100_CI_AS LIKE N'%ف%'
Shouldn't it be:
SELECT * FROM T_Contacts WHERE C_ContactName LIKE N'%ف%'
ie, with the N in front of the comparing string, so it treats it like an nvarchar?

T-SQL - text field to nvarchar

I have a 'text' type in a SQL table (BigNote), and a new nvarchar(2000) field (LittleNote).
I need to save the first 2000 characters from the #BigNote into the LittleNote field within a stored procedure. Can someone share some thoughts?
Do I need to check for:
- nulls?
- the BigNote length and only grab the exact amount?
It is working by just assigning LittleNote = #BigNote, but I want to avoid problems when the text is too big etc...
Once we release an update to the application, we will handle this more elegantly, but in the meantime we need to get a non-Text field with this data in the database.
you could use
LittleNote = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(2000), #BigNote)
LittleNote = SUBSTRING(#BigNote, 1, 2000)
